import asyncio import hashlib import json import uuid from http import HTTPStatus from io import BytesIO from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union from urllib.parse import ParseResult, parse_qs, urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse import httpx import pyqrcode from fastapi import ( Body, Depends, Header, Request, Response, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect, ) from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from loguru import logger from sse_starlette.sse import EventSourceResponse from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse, StreamingResponse from lnbits import bolt11, lnurl from lnbits.core.helpers import ( migrate_extension_database, stop_extension_background_work, ) from lnbits.core.models import ( ConversionData, CreateInvoice, CreateLnurl, CreateLnurlAuth, DecodePayment, Payment, PaymentFilters, User, Wallet, WalletType, ) from lnbits.db import Filters, Page from lnbits.decorators import ( WalletTypeInfo, check_admin, get_key_type, parse_filters, require_admin_key, require_invoice_key, ) from lnbits.extension_manager import ( CreateExtension, Extension, ExtensionRelease, InstallableExtension, fetch_github_release_config, get_valid_extensions, ) from lnbits.helpers import generate_filter_params_openapi, url_for from lnbits.settings import settings from lnbits.utils.exchange_rates import ( currencies, fiat_amount_as_satoshis, satoshis_amount_as_fiat, ) from .. import core_app, core_app_extra, db from ..crud import ( add_installed_extension, create_tinyurl, delete_dbversion, delete_installed_extension, delete_tinyurl, drop_extension_db, get_dbversions, get_payments, get_payments_paginated, get_standalone_payment, get_tinyurl, get_tinyurl_by_url, get_wallet_for_key, save_balance_check, update_wallet, ) from import ( InvoiceFailure, PaymentFailure, check_transaction_status, create_invoice, pay_invoice, perform_lnurlauth, websocketManager, websocketUpdater, ) from ..tasks import api_invoice_listeners @core_app.get("/api/v1/health", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def health(): return @core_app.get("/api/v1/wallet") async def api_wallet(wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): if wallet.wallet_type == WalletType.admin: return { "id":, "name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat, } else: return {"name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat} @core_app.put("/api/v1/wallet/{new_name}") async def api_update_wallet( new_name: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): await update_wallet(, new_name) return { "id":, "name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat, } @core_app.get( "/api/v1/payments", name="Payment List", summary="get list of payments", response_description="list of payments", response_model=List[Payment], openapi_extra=generate_filter_params_openapi(PaymentFilters), ) async def api_payments( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), filters: Filters = Depends(parse_filters(PaymentFilters)), ): pending_payments = await get_payments(, pending=True, exclude_uncheckable=True, filters=filters, ) for payment in pending_payments: await check_transaction_status( wallet_id=payment.wallet_id, payment_hash=payment.payment_hash ) return await get_payments(, pending=True, complete=True, filters=filters, ) @core_app.get( "/api/v1/payments/paginated", name="Payment List", summary="get paginated list of payments", response_description="list of payments", response_model=Page[Payment], openapi_extra=generate_filter_params_openapi(PaymentFilters), ) async def api_payments_paginated( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), filters: Filters = Depends(parse_filters(PaymentFilters)), ): pending = await get_payments_paginated(, pending=True, exclude_uncheckable=True, filters=filters, ) for payment in await check_transaction_status( wallet_id=payment.wallet_id, payment_hash=payment.payment_hash ) page = await get_payments_paginated(, pending=True, complete=True, filters=filters, ) return page async def api_payments_create_invoice(data: CreateInvoice, wallet: Wallet): extra = data.extra or {} if data.description_hash or data.unhashed_description: try: description_hash = ( bytes.fromhex(data.description_hash) if data.description_hash else b"" ) unhashed_description = ( bytes.fromhex(data.unhashed_description) if data.unhashed_description else b"" ) except ValueError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( "'description_hash' and 'unhashed_description' " "must be a valid hex strings" ), ) memo = "" else: description_hash = b"" unhashed_description = b"" memo = data.memo or settings.lnbits_site_title if data.unit == "sat": amount = int(data.amount) else: assert data.unit is not None, "unit not set" price_in_sats = await fiat_amount_as_satoshis(data.amount, data.unit) amount = price_in_sats extra.update({"fiat_amount": data.amount, "fiat_currency": data.unit}) async with db.connect() as conn: try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice(, amount=amount, memo=memo, description_hash=description_hash, unhashed_description=unhashed_description, expiry=data.expiry, extra=data.extra, webhook=data.webhook, internal=data.internal, conn=conn, ) # NOTE: we get the checking_id with a seperate query because create_invoice # does not return it and it would be a big hustle to change its return type # (used across extensions) payment_db = await get_standalone_payment(payment_hash, conn=conn) assert payment_db is not None, "payment not found" checking_id = payment_db.checking_id except InvoiceFailure as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=520, detail=str(e)) except Exception as exc: raise exc invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_request) lnurl_response: Union[None, bool, str] = None if data.lnurl_callback: if data.lnurl_balance_check is not None: await save_balance_check(, data.lnurl_balance_check) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await client.get( data.lnurl_callback, params={ "pr": payment_request, "balanceNotify": url_for( f"/withdraw/notify/{urlparse(data.lnurl_callback).netloc}", external=True,, ), }, timeout=10, ) if r.is_error: lnurl_response = r.text else: resp = json.loads(r.text) if resp["status"] != "OK": lnurl_response = resp["reason"] else: lnurl_response = True except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError) as ex: logger.error(ex) lnurl_response = False return { "payment_hash": invoice.payment_hash, "payment_request": payment_request, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": checking_id, "lnurl_response": lnurl_response, } async def api_payments_pay_invoice(bolt11: str, wallet: Wallet): try: payment_hash = await pay_invoice(, payment_request=bolt11) except ValueError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=str(e)) except PermissionError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail=str(e)) except PaymentFailure as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=520, detail=str(e)) except Exception as exc: raise exc return { "payment_hash": payment_hash, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": payment_hash, } "/api/v1/payments", summary="Create or pay an invoice", description=""" This endpoint can be used both to generate and pay a BOLT11 invoice. To generate a new invoice for receiving funds into the authorized account, specify at least the first four fields in the POST body: `out: false`, `amount`, `unit`, and `memo`. To pay an arbitrary invoice from the funds already in the authorized account, specify `out: true` and use the `bolt11` field to supply the BOLT11 invoice to be paid. """, status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED, ) async def api_payments_create( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_invoice_key), invoiceData: CreateInvoice = Body(...), ): if invoiceData.out is True and wallet.wallet_type == WalletType.admin: if not invoiceData.bolt11: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="BOLT11 string is invalid or not given", ) return await api_payments_pay_invoice( invoiceData.bolt11, wallet.wallet ) # admin key elif not invoiceData.out: # invoice key return await api_payments_create_invoice(invoiceData, wallet.wallet) else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invoice (or Admin) key required.", )"/api/v1/payments/lnurl") async def api_payments_pay_lnurl( data: CreateLnurl, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): domain = urlparse(data.callback).netloc async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await client.get( data.callback, params={"amount": data.amount, "comment": data.comment}, timeout=40, ) if r.is_error: raise httpx.ConnectError("LNURL callback connection error") except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Failed to connect to {domain}.", ) params = json.loads(r.text) if params.get("status") == "ERROR": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"{domain} said: '{params.get('reason', '')}'", ) if not params.get("pr"): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"{domain} did not return a payment request.", ) invoice = bolt11.decode(params["pr"]) if invoice.amount_msat != data.amount: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( ( f"{domain} returned an invalid invoice. Expected" f" {data.amount} msat, got {invoice.amount_msat}." ), ), ) if invoice.description_hash != data.description_hash: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( ( f"{domain} returned an invalid invoice. Expected description_hash" f" == {data.description_hash}, got {invoice.description_hash}." ), ), ) extra = {} if params.get("successAction"): extra["success_action"] = params["successAction"] if data.comment: extra["comment"] = data.comment assert data.description is not None, "description is required" payment_hash = await pay_invoice(, payment_request=params["pr"], description=data.description, extra=extra, ) return { "success_action": params.get("successAction"), "payment_hash": payment_hash, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": payment_hash, } async def subscribe_wallet_invoices(request: Request, wallet: Wallet): """ Subscribe to new invoices for a wallet. Can be wrapped in EventSourceResponse. Listenes invoming payments for a wallet and yields jsons with payment details. """ this_wallet_id = payment_queue: asyncio.Queue[Payment] = asyncio.Queue(0) uid = f"{this_wallet_id}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}" logger.debug(f"adding sse listener for wallet: {uid}") api_invoice_listeners[uid] = payment_queue try: while True: if await request.is_disconnected(): await request.close() break payment: Payment = await payment_queue.get() if payment.wallet_id == this_wallet_id: logger.debug("sse listener: payment received", payment) yield dict(data=payment.json(), event="payment-received") except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.debug(f"removing listener for wallet {uid}") api_invoice_listeners.pop(uid) return @core_app.get("/api/v1/payments/sse") async def api_payments_sse( request: Request, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): return EventSourceResponse( subscribe_wallet_invoices(request, wallet.wallet), ping=20, media_type="text/event-stream", ) # TODO: refactor this route into a public and admin one @core_app.get("/api/v1/payments/{payment_hash}") async def api_payment(payment_hash, X_Api_Key: Optional[str] = Header(None)): # We use X_Api_Key here because we want this call to work with and without keys # If a valid key is given, we also return the field "details", otherwise not wallet = await get_wallet_for_key(X_Api_Key) if isinstance(X_Api_Key, str) else None # we have to specify the wallet id here, because postgres and sqlite return # internal payments in different order and get_standalone_payment otherwise # just fetches the first one, causing unpredictable results payment = await get_standalone_payment( payment_hash, if wallet else None ) if payment is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Payment does not exist." ) await check_transaction_status(payment.wallet_id, payment_hash) payment = await get_standalone_payment( payment_hash, if wallet else None ) if not payment: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Payment does not exist." ) elif not payment.pending: if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return {"paid": True, "preimage": payment.preimage, "details": payment} return {"paid": True, "preimage": payment.preimage} try: await payment.check_status() except Exception: if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return {"paid": False, "details": payment} return {"paid": False} if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return { "paid": not payment.pending, "preimage": payment.preimage, "details": payment, } return {"paid": not payment.pending, "preimage": payment.preimage} @core_app.get("/api/v1/lnurlscan/{code}") async def api_lnurlscan(code: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): try: url = lnurl.decode(code) domain = urlparse(url).netloc except Exception: # parse internet identifier ( name_domain = code.split("@") if len(name_domain) == 2 and len(name_domain[1].split(".")) >= 2: name, domain = name_domain url = ( ("http://" if domain.endswith(".onion") else "https://") + domain + "/.well-known/lnurlp/" + name ) # will proceed with these values else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="invalid lnurl" ) # params is what will be returned to the client params: Dict = {"domain": domain} if "tag=login" in url: params.update(kind="auth") params.update(callback=url) # with k1 already in it lnurlauth_key = wallet.wallet.lnurlauth_key(domain) assert lnurlauth_key.verifying_key params.update(pubkey=lnurlauth_key.verifying_key.to_string("compressed").hex()) else: async with httpx.AsyncClient(follow_redirects=True) as client: r = await client.get(url, timeout=5) r.raise_for_status() if r.is_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={"domain": domain, "message": "failed to get parameters"}, ) try: data = json.loads(r.text) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={ "domain": domain, "message": f"got invalid response '{r.text[:200]}'", }, ) try: tag: str = data.get("tag") params.update(**data) if tag == "channelRequest": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail={ "domain": domain, "kind": "channel", "message": "unsupported", }, ) elif tag == "withdrawRequest": params.update(kind="withdraw") params.update(fixed=data["minWithdrawable"] == data["maxWithdrawable"]) # callback with k1 already in it parsed_callback: ParseResult = urlparse(data["callback"]) qs: Dict = parse_qs(parsed_callback.query) qs["k1"] = data["k1"] # balanceCheck/balanceNotify if "balanceCheck" in data: params.update(balanceCheck=data["balanceCheck"]) # format callback url and send to client parsed_callback = parsed_callback._replace( query=urlencode(qs, doseq=True) ) params.update(callback=urlunparse(parsed_callback)) elif tag == "payRequest": params.update(kind="pay") params.update(fixed=data["minSendable"] == data["maxSendable"]) params.update( description_hash=hashlib.sha256( data["metadata"].encode() ).hexdigest() ) metadata = json.loads(data["metadata"]) for [k, v] in metadata: if k == "text/plain": params.update(description=v) if k in ("image/jpeg;base64", "image/png;base64"): data_uri = f"data:{k},{v}" params.update(image=data_uri) if k in ("text/email", "text/identifier"): params.update(targetUser=v) params.update(commentAllowed=data.get("commentAllowed", 0)) except KeyError as exc: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={ "domain": domain, "message": f"lnurl JSON response invalid: {exc}", }, ) return params"/api/v1/payments/decode", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_payments_decode(data: DecodePayment, response: Response): payment_str = try: if payment_str[:5] == "LNURL": url = lnurl.decode(payment_str) return {"domain": url} else: invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_str) return { "payment_hash": invoice.payment_hash, "amount_msat": invoice.amount_msat, "description": invoice.description, "description_hash": invoice.description_hash, "payee": invoice.payee, "date":, "expiry": invoice.expiry, "secret": invoice.secret, "route_hints": invoice.route_hints, "min_final_cltv_expiry": invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry, } except Exception: response.status_code = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST return {"message": "Failed to decode"}"/api/v1/lnurlauth") async def api_perform_lnurlauth( data: CreateLnurlAuth, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): err = await perform_lnurlauth(data.callback, wallet=wallet) if err: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail=err.reason ) return "" @core_app.get("/api/v1/currencies") async def api_list_currencies_available(): if len(settings.lnbits_allowed_currencies) > 0: return [ item for item in currencies.keys() if item.upper() in settings.lnbits_allowed_currencies ] return list(currencies.keys())"/api/v1/conversion") async def api_fiat_as_sats(data: ConversionData): output = {} if data.from_ == "sat": output["BTC"] = data.amount / 100000000 output["sats"] = int(data.amount) for currency in","): output[currency.strip().upper()] = await satoshis_amount_as_fiat( data.amount, currency.strip() ) return output else: output[data.from_.upper()] = data.amount output["sats"] = await fiat_amount_as_satoshis(data.amount, data.from_) output["BTC"] = output["sats"] / 100000000 return output @core_app.get("/api/v1/qrcode/{data}", response_class=StreamingResponse) async def img(data): qr = pyqrcode.create(data) stream = BytesIO() qr.svg(stream, scale=3) async def _generator(stream: BytesIO): yield stream.getvalue() return StreamingResponse( _generator(stream), headers={ "Content-Type": "image/svg+xml", "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0", }, ) @core_app.websocket("/api/v1/ws/{item_id}") async def websocket_connect(websocket: WebSocket, item_id: str): await websocketManager.connect(websocket, item_id) try: while True: await websocket.receive_text() except WebSocketDisconnect: websocketManager.disconnect(websocket)"/api/v1/ws/{item_id}") async def websocket_update_post(item_id: str, data: str): try: await websocketUpdater(item_id, data) return {"sent": True, "data": data} except Exception: return {"sent": False, "data": data} @core_app.get("/api/v1/ws/{item_id}/{data}") async def websocket_update_get(item_id: str, data: str): try: await websocketUpdater(item_id, data) return {"sent": True, "data": data} except Exception: return {"sent": False, "data": data}"/api/v1/extension") async def api_install_extension( data: CreateExtension, user: User = Depends(check_admin) ): release = await InstallableExtension.get_extension_release( data.ext_id, data.source_repo, data.archive ) if not release: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Release not found" ) if not release.is_version_compatible: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Incompatible extension version" ) ext_info = InstallableExtension( id=data.ext_id, name=data.ext_id, installed_release=release, icon=release.icon ) ext_info.download_archive() try: ext_info.extract_archive() extension = Extension.from_installable_ext(ext_info) db_version = (await get_dbversions()).get(data.ext_id, 0) await migrate_extension_database(extension, db_version) await add_installed_extension(ext_info) # call stop while the old routes are still active await stop_extension_background_work(data.ext_id, if data.ext_id not in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions: settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions += [data.ext_id] # mount routes for the new version core_app_extra.register_new_ext_routes(extension) if extension.upgrade_hash: ext_info.nofiy_upgrade() return extension except Exception as ex: logger.warning(ex) ext_info.clean_extension_files() raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=( f"Failed to install extension {} " f"({ext_info.installed_version})." ), ) @core_app.delete("/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}") async def api_uninstall_extension(ext_id: str, user: User = Depends(check_admin)): installable_extensions = await InstallableExtension.get_installable_extensions() extensions = [e for e in installable_extensions if == ext_id] if len(extensions) == 0: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Unknown extension id: {ext_id}", ) # check that other extensions do not depend on this one for valid_ext_id in list(map(lambda e: e.code, get_valid_extensions())): installed_ext = next( (ext for ext in installable_extensions if == valid_ext_id), None ) if installed_ext and ext_id in installed_ext.dependencies: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( f"Cannot uninstall. Extension '{}' " "depends on this one." ), ) try: # call stop while the old routes are still active await stop_extension_background_work(ext_id, if ext_id not in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions: settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions += [ext_id] for ext_info in extensions: ext_info.clean_extension_files() await delete_installed_extension( logger.success(f"Extension '{ext_id}' uninstalled.") except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @core_app.get( "/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}/releases", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)] ) async def get_extension_releases(ext_id: str): try: extension_releases: List[ ExtensionRelease ] = await InstallableExtension.get_extension_releases(ext_id) return extension_releases except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @core_app.get( "/api/v1/extension/release/{org}/{repo}/{tag_name}", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)], ) async def get_extension_release(org: str, repo: str, tag_name: str): try: config = await fetch_github_release_config(org, repo, tag_name) if not config: return {} return { "min_lnbits_version": config.min_lnbits_version, "is_version_compatible": config.is_version_compatible(), "warning": config.warning, } except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @core_app.delete( "/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}/db", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)], ) async def delete_extension_db(ext_id: str): try: db_version = (await get_dbversions()).get(ext_id, None) if not db_version: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Unknown extension id: {ext_id}", ) await drop_extension_db(ext_id=ext_id) await delete_dbversion(ext_id=ext_id) logger.success(f"Database removed for extension '{ext_id}'") except HTTPException as ex: logger.error(ex) raise ex except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=f"Cannot delete data for extension '{ext_id}'", ) # TINYURL "/api/v1/tinyurl", name="Tinyurl", description="creates a tinyurl", ) async def api_create_tinyurl( url: str, endless: bool = False, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): tinyurls = await get_tinyurl_by_url(url) try: for tinyurl in tinyurls: if tinyurl: if tinyurl.wallet == wallet.wallet.inkey: return tinyurl return await create_tinyurl(url, endless, wallet.wallet.inkey) except Exception: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Unable to create tinyurl" ) @core_app.get( "/api/v1/tinyurl/{tinyurl_id}", name="Tinyurl", description="get a tinyurl by id", ) async def api_get_tinyurl( tinyurl_id: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): try: tinyurl = await get_tinyurl(tinyurl_id) if tinyurl: if tinyurl.wallet == wallet.wallet.inkey: return tinyurl raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Wrong key provided." ) except Exception: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Unable to fetch tinyurl" ) @core_app.delete( "/api/v1/tinyurl/{tinyurl_id}", name="Tinyurl", description="delete a tinyurl by id", ) async def api_delete_tinyurl( tinyurl_id: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): try: tinyurl = await get_tinyurl(tinyurl_id) if tinyurl: if tinyurl.wallet == wallet.wallet.inkey: await delete_tinyurl(tinyurl_id) return {"deleted": True} raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Wrong key provided." ) except Exception: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Unable to delete" ) @core_app.get( "/t/{tinyurl_id}", name="Tinyurl", description="redirects a tinyurl by id", ) async def api_tinyurl(tinyurl_id: str): tinyurl = await get_tinyurl(tinyurl_id) if tinyurl: response = RedirectResponse(url=tinyurl.url) return response else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="unable to find tinyurl" )