import asyncio import hashlib import random from datetime import datetime from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict, Optional from loguru import logger from lnbits.settings import settings from ..bolt11 import Invoice, decode, encode from .base import ( InvoiceResponse, PaymentResponse, PaymentStatus, StatusResponse, Wallet, ) class FakeWallet(Wallet): queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue(0) secret: str = settings.fake_wallet_secret privkey: str = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( "sha256", secret.encode(), ("FakeWallet").encode(), 2048, 32, ).hex() async def status(self) -> StatusResponse: "FakeWallet funding source is for using LNbits as a centralised, stand-alone payment system with brrrrrr." ) return StatusResponse(None, 1000000000) async def create_invoice( self, amount: int, memo: Optional[str] = None, description_hash: Optional[bytes] = None, unhashed_description: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> InvoiceResponse: data: Dict = { "out": False, "amount": amount, "currency": "bc", "privkey": self.privkey, "memo": None, "description_hash": None, "description": "", "fallback": None, "expires": None, "route": None, } data["amount"] = amount * 1000 data["timestamp"] = if description_hash: data["tags_set"] = ["h"] data["description_hash"] = description_hash elif unhashed_description: data["tags_set"] = ["d"] data["description_hash"] = hashlib.sha256(unhashed_description).digest() else: data["tags_set"] = ["d"] data["memo"] = memo data["description"] = memo randomHash = ( data["privkey"][:6] + hashlib.sha256(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode()).hexdigest()[6:] ) data["paymenthash"] = randomHash payment_request = encode(data) checking_id = randomHash return InvoiceResponse(True, checking_id, payment_request) async def pay_invoice(self, bolt11: str, fee_limit_msat: int) -> PaymentResponse: invoice = decode(bolt11) if ( hasattr(invoice, "checking_id") and invoice.checking_id[:6] == self.privkey[:6] # type: ignore ): await self.queue.put(invoice) return PaymentResponse(True, invoice.payment_hash, 0) else: return PaymentResponse( ok=False, error_message="Only internal invoices can be used!" ) async def get_invoice_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus: return PaymentStatus(None) async def get_payment_status(self, checking_id: str) -> PaymentStatus: return PaymentStatus(None) async def paid_invoices_stream(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]: while True: value: Invoice = await self.queue.get() yield value.payment_hash