# GitHub Copilot Prompts Make sure to: - select the code that you want to test. The prompt specifies the name of the file and the function to be tested (this redundancy is needed) - open tabs with relevant files for the tests, for example: `conftest.py`, `test_auth.py`. This helps Copilot with context. ## Examples ### Create Comprehensive suite of unit tests _Sample 1_ @workspace /tests Develop a comprehensive suite of unit tests for the selected code (only the function (only the function api_create_user_api_token in auth_api.py file) in auth_api.py file). Requirements: - use register endpoint to obtain the access token (see example in test_register_ok) - write multiple test functions that cover a wide range of scenarios, including the succes flow, edge cases, exception handling, and data validation - for the success case create a new ACL before creating the token _Sample 2_ @workspace /tests Develop a comprehensive suite of unit tests for the selected code (only the function check_user_exists in decorators.py file) . Requirements: - write multiple test functions that cover a wide range of scenarios, including the succes flow, edge cases, security vulnerabilities, exception handling, and data validation - use the login endpoint to obtain a valid access token. Use the `user_alan: User` fixture for the login params. Check the `test_login_alan_username_password_ok` function in the `test_auth.py` file as an example for login. - do not use mocks. For the request parameter initialize the fastapi.Request class. - make sure to cover all if-then-else branches ### Create tests for a particular usecase _Sample 1_ @workspace /tests Develop a test for the selected code (only the function api_get_user_acls in auth_api.py file). Requirements: - use register endpoint to obtain the access token (see example in test_register_ok) - the test should only check that the ACLs are sorted alphabeticaly by name _Sample 1_ @workspace /tests Develop a test for the selected code (only the function check_user_exists in decorators.py file). Requirements: - use register endpoint to obtain the access token (see example in the file test_auth.py the function test_register_ok()) - the test should register a new user, obtain the access token then delete the user. Then check that check_user_exists() fails as expected @workspace /tests Develop a test for the selected code (only the function check_user_exists in decorators.py file). Requirements: - check only the branch where user_id_only login is allowed