import pytest import pytest_asyncio from lnbits.core.crud import get_wallet from ...helpers import get_random_invoice_data # check if the client is working @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_core_views_generic(client): response = await client.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200 # check GET /api/v1/wallet: wallet info @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_wallet(client, inkey_headers_to): response = await client.get("/api/v1/wallet", headers=inkey_headers_to) assert response.status_code < 300 # check POST /api/v1/payments: invoice creation @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_create_invoice(client, inkey_headers_to): data = await get_random_invoice_data() response = await "/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to ) assert response.status_code < 300 assert "payment_hash" in response.json() assert len(response.json()["payment_hash"]) == 64 assert "payment_request" in response.json() assert "checking_id" in response.json() assert len(response.json()["checking_id"]) return response.json() # check POST /api/v1/payments: make payment @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_pay_invoice(client, invoice, adminkey_headers_from): data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]} response = await "/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=adminkey_headers_from ) assert response.status_code < 300 assert len(response.json()["payment_hash"]) == 64 assert len(response.json()["checking_id"]) > 0 # check GET /api/v1/payments/: payment status @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_check_payment_without_key(client, invoice): # check the payment status response = await client.get(f"/api/v1/payments/{invoice['payment_hash']}") assert response.status_code < 300 assert response.json()["paid"] == True assert invoice # not key, that's why no "details" assert "details" not in response.json() # check GET /api/v1/payments/: payment status # NOTE: this test is sensitive to which db is used. # If postgres: it will succeed only with inkey_headers_from # If sqlite: it will succeed only with adminkey_headers_to # TODO: fix this @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_check_payment_with_key(client, invoice, inkey_headers_from): # check the payment status response = await client.get( f"/api/v1/payments/{invoice['payment_hash']}", headers=inkey_headers_from ) assert response.status_code < 300 assert response.json()["paid"] == True assert invoice # with key, that's why with "details" assert "details" in response.json() # check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with wrong key type @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_pay_invoice_wrong_key(client, invoice, adminkey_headers_from): data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]} # try payment with wrong key wrong_adminkey_headers = adminkey_headers_from.copy() wrong_adminkey_headers["X-Api-Key"] = "wrong_key" response = await "/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=wrong_adminkey_headers ) assert response.status_code >= 300 # should fail # check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with invoice key [should fail] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_pay_invoice_invoicekey(client, invoice, inkey_headers_from): data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]} # try payment with invoice key response = await "/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_from ) assert response.status_code >= 300 # should fail # check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with admin key [should pass] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_pay_invoice_adminkey(client, invoice, adminkey_headers_from): data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]} # try payment with admin key response = await "/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=adminkey_headers_from ) assert response.status_code < 300 # should pass # check POST /api/v1/payments/decode @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_decode_invoice(client, invoice): data = {"data": invoice["payment_request"]} response = await "/api/v1/payments/decode", json=data, ) assert response.status_code < 300 assert response.json()["payment_hash"] == invoice["payment_hash"]