To use this extension you need a Spotify client ID and client secret. You get these by creating an app in the Spotify developers dashboard here

Select the playlists you want people to be able to pay for, share the frontend page, profit :)

Made by, benarc. Inspired by, pirosb3.
GET /jukebox/api/v1/jukebox
{"X-Api-Key": <admin_key>}
Body (application/json)
Returns 200 OK (application/json)
[<jukebox_object>, ...]
Curl example
curl -X GET {{ request.base_url }}jukebox/api/v1/jukebox -H "X-Api-Key: {{ user.wallets[0].adminkey }}"
GET /jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/<juke_id>
{"X-Api-Key": <admin_key>}
Body (application/json)
Returns 200 OK (application/json)
Curl example
curl -X GET {{ request.base_url }}jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/<juke_id> -H "X-Api-Key: {{ user.wallets[0].adminkey }}"
POST/PUT /jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/
{"X-Api-Key": <admin_key>}
Body (application/json)
Returns 200 OK (application/json)
Curl example
curl -X POST {{ request.base_url }}jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/ -d '{"user": <string, user_id>, "title": <string>, "wallet":<string>, "sp_user": <string, spotify_user_account>, "sp_secret": <string, spotify_user_secret>, "sp_access_token": <string, not_required>, "sp_refresh_token": <string, not_required>, "sp_device": <string, spotify_user_secret>, "sp_playlists": <string, not_required>, "price": <integer, not_required>}' -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: {{user.wallets[0].adminkey }}"
DELETE /jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/<juke_id>
{"X-Api-Key": <admin_key>}
Body (application/json)
Returns 200 OK (application/json)
Curl example
curl -X DELETE {{ request.base_url }}jukebox/api/v1/jukebox/<juke_id> -H "X-Api-Key: {{ user.wallets[0].adminkey }}"