# Discord Bot ## Provide LNbits wallets for all your Discord users _This extension is a modifed version of LNbits [User Manager](../usermanager/README.md)_ The intended usage of this extension is to connect it to a specifically designed [Discord Bot](https://github.com/chrislennon/lnbits-discord-bot) leveraging LNbits as a community based lightning node. ## Setup This bot can target [lnbits.com](https://lnbits.com) or a self hosted instance. To setup and run the bot instructions are located [here](https://github.com/chrislennon/lnbits-discord-bot#installation) ## Usage This bot will allow users to interact with it in the following ways [full command list](https://github.com/chrislennon/lnbits-discord-bot#commands): `/create` Will create a wallet for the Discord user - (currently limiting 1 Discord user == 1 LNbits user == 1 user wallet) ![create](https://imgur.com/CWdDusE.png) `/balance` Will show the balance of the users wallet. ![balance](https://imgur.com/tKeReCp.png) `/tip @user [amount]` Will sent money from one user to another - If the recieving user does not have a wallet, one will be created for them - The receiving user will receive a direct message from the bot with a link to their wallet ![tip](https://imgur.com/K3tnChK.png) `/payme [amount] [description]` Will open an invoice that can be paid by any user ![payme](https://imgur.com/dFvAqL3.png)