Vue.component('lnbits-funding-sources', { mixins: [windowMixin], props: ['form-data', 'allowed-funding-sources'], methods: { getFundingSourceLabel(item) { const fundingSource = this.rawFundingSources.find( fundingSource => fundingSource[0] === item ) return fundingSource ? fundingSource[1] : item } }, computed: { fundingSources() { let tmp = [] for (const [key, _, obj] of this.rawFundingSources) { const tmpObj = {} if (obj !== null) { for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) { tmpObj[k] = {label: v, value: null} } } tmp.push([key, tmpObj]) } return new Map(tmp) }, sortedAllowedFundingSources() { return this.allowedFundingSources.sort() } }, data() { return { rawFundingSources: [ ['VoidWallet', 'Void Wallet', null], [ 'FakeWallet', 'Fake Wallet', { fake_wallet_secret: 'Secret' } ], [ 'CoreLightningWallet', 'Core Lightning', { corelightning_rpc: 'Endpoint', corelightning_pay_command: 'Custom Pay Command' } ], [ 'CoreLightningRestWallet', 'Core Lightning Rest', { corelightning_rest_url: 'Endpoint', corelightning_rest_cert: 'Certificate', corelightning_rest_macaroon: 'Macaroon' } ], [ 'LndRestWallet', 'Lightning Network Daemon (LND Rest)', { lnd_rest_endpoint: 'Endpoint', lnd_rest_cert: 'Certificate', lnd_rest_macaroon: 'Macaroon', lnd_rest_macaroon_encrypted: 'Encrypted Macaroon', lnd_rest_route_hints: 'Enable Route Hints' } ], [ 'LndWallet', 'Lightning Network Daemon (LND)', { lnd_grpc_endpoint: 'Endpoint', lnd_grpc_cert: 'Certificate', lnd_grpc_port: 'Port', lnd_grpc_admin_macaroon: 'Admin Macaroon', lnd_grpc_macaroon_encrypted: 'Encrypted Macaroon' } ], [ 'LnTipsWallet', 'LN.Tips', { lntips_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', lntips_api_key: 'API Key' } ], [ 'LNPayWallet', 'LN Pay', { lnpay_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', lnpay_api_key: 'API Key', lnpay_wallet_key: 'Wallet Key' } ], [ 'EclairWallet', 'Eclair (ACINQ)', { eclair_url: 'URL', eclair_pass: 'Password' } ], [ 'LNbitsWallet', 'LNbits', { lnbits_endpoint: 'Endpoint', lnbits_key: 'Admin Key' } ], [ 'BlinkWallet', 'Blink', { blink_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', blink_ws_endpoint: 'WebSocket', blink_token: 'Key' } ], [ 'AlbyWallet', 'Alby', { alby_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', alby_access_token: 'Key' } ], [ 'ZBDWallet', 'ZBD', { zbd_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', zbd_api_key: 'Key' } ], [ 'PhoenixdWallet', 'Phoenixd', { phoenixd_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', phoenixd_api_password: 'Key' } ], [ 'OpenNodeWallet', 'OpenNode', { opennode_api_endpoint: 'Endpoint', opennode_key: 'Key' } ], [ 'ClicheWallet', 'Cliche (NBD)', { cliche_endpoint: 'Endpoint' } ], [ 'SparkWallet', 'Spark', { spark_url: 'Endpoint', spark_token: 'Token' } ], [ 'NWCWallet', 'Nostr Wallet Connect', { nwc_pairing_url: 'Pairing URL' } ], [ 'BreezSdkWallet', 'Breez SDK', { breez_api_key: 'Breez API Key', breez_greenlight_seed: 'Greenlight Seed', breez_greenlight_device_key: 'Greenlight Device Key', breez_greenlight_device_cert: 'Greenlight Device Cert', breez_greenlight_invite_code: 'Greenlight Invite Code' } ] ] } }, template: `
Active Funding (Requires server restart)