import datetime import json from time import time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional from uuid import UUID, uuid4 import shortuuid from passlib.context import CryptContext from lnbits.core.db import db from lnbits.core.models import WalletType from lnbits.db import DB_TYPE, SQLITE, Connection, Database, Filters, Page from lnbits.extension_manager import InstallableExtension from lnbits.settings import ( AdminSettings, EditableSettings, SuperSettings, WebPushSettings, settings, ) from .models import ( CreateUser, Payment, PaymentFilters, PaymentHistoryPoint, TinyURL, UpdateUserPassword, User, UserConfig, Wallet, WebPushSubscription, ) # accounts # -------- async def create_user( data: CreateUser, user_config: Optional[UserConfig] = None ) -> User: if not settings.new_accounts_allowed: raise ValueError("Account creation is disabled.") if await get_account_by_username(data.username): raise ValueError("Username already exists.") if and await get_account_by_email( raise ValueError("Email already exists.") pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") user_id = uuid4().hex tsph = db.timestamp_placeholder now = int(time()) await db.execute( f""" INSERT INTO accounts (id, email, username, pass, extra, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, {tsph}, {tsph}) """, ( user_id,, data.username, pwd_context.hash(data.password), json.dumps(dict(user_config)) if user_config else "{}", now, now, ), ) new_account = await get_account(user_id=user_id) assert new_account, "Newly created account couldn't be retrieved" return new_account async def create_account( conn: Optional[Connection] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, email: Optional[str] = None, user_config: Optional[UserConfig] = None, ) -> User: if user_id: user_uuid4 = UUID(hex=user_id, version=4) assert user_uuid4.hex == user_id, "User ID is not valid UUID4 hex string" else: user_id = uuid4().hex extra = json.dumps(dict(user_config)) if user_config else "{}" now = int(time()) await (conn or db).execute( f""" INSERT INTO accounts (id, email, extra, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, {db.timestamp_placeholder}, {db.timestamp_placeholder}) """, (user_id, email, extra, now, now), ) new_account = await get_account(user_id=user_id, conn=conn) assert new_account, "Newly created account couldn't be retrieved" return new_account async def update_account( user_id: str, username: Optional[str] = None, email: Optional[str] = None, user_config: Optional[UserConfig] = None, ) -> Optional[User]: user = await get_account(user_id) assert user, "User not found" if email: assert not or email ==, "Cannot change email." account = await get_account_by_email(email) assert not account or == user_id, "Email already in use." if username: assert not user.username or username == user.username, "Cannot change username." account = await get_account_by_username(username) assert not account or == user_id, "Username already in exists." username = user.username or username email = or email extra = user_config or user.config now = int(time()) await db.execute( f""" UPDATE accounts SET (username, email, extra, updated_at) = (?, ?, ?, {db.timestamp_placeholder}) WHERE id = ? """, ( username, email, json.dumps(dict(extra)) if extra else "{}", now, user_id, ), ) user = await get_user(user_id) assert user, "Updated account couldn't be retrieved" return user async def get_account( user_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[User]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT id, email, username, created_at, updated_at, extra FROM accounts WHERE id = ? """, (user_id,), ) user = User(**row) if row else None if user and row["extra"]: user.config = UserConfig(**json.loads(row["extra"])) return user async def delete_accounts_no_wallets( time_delta: int, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM accounts WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM wallets WHERE wallets.user = ) AND updated_at < {db.timestamp_placeholder} """, (int(time()) - time_delta,), ) async def get_user_password(user_id: str) -> Optional[str]: row = await db.fetchone( "SELECT pass FROM accounts WHERE id = ?", (user_id,), ) if not row: return None return row[0] async def verify_user_password(user_id: str, password: str) -> bool: existing_password = await get_user_password(user_id) if not existing_password: return False pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") return pwd_context.verify(password, existing_password) # todo: , conn: Optional[Connection] = None ?? async def update_user_password(data: UpdateUserPassword) -> Optional[User]: assert data.password == data.password_repeat, "Passwords do not match." # old accounts do not have a pasword if await get_user_password(data.user_id): assert data.password_old, "Missing old password" old_pwd_ok = await verify_user_password(data.user_id, data.password_old) assert old_pwd_ok, "Invalid credentials." pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") now = int(time()) await db.execute( f""" UPDATE accounts SET pass = ?, updated_at = {db.timestamp_placeholder} WHERE id = ? """, ( pwd_context.hash(data.password), now, data.user_id, ), ) user = await get_user(data.user_id) assert user, "Updated account couldn't be retrieved" return user async def get_account_by_username( username: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[User]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT id, username, email, created_at, updated_at FROM accounts WHERE username = ? """, (username,), ) return User(**row) if row else None async def get_account_by_email( email: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[User]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT id, username, email, created_at, updated_at FROM accounts WHERE email = ? """, (email,), ) return User(**row) if row else None async def get_account_by_username_or_email( username_or_email: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[User]: user = await get_account_by_username(username_or_email, conn) if not user: user = await get_account_by_email(username_or_email, conn) return user async def get_user(user_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> Optional[User]: user = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT id, email, username, pass, extra, created_at, updated_at FROM accounts WHERE id = ? """, (user_id,), ) if user: extensions = await (conn or db).fetchall( """SELECT extension FROM extensions WHERE "user" = ? AND active""", (user_id,), ) wallets = await (conn or db).fetchall( """ SELECT *, COALESCE(( SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet = ), 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE "user" = ? and wallets.deleted = false """, (user_id,), ) else: return None return User( id=user["id"], email=user["email"], username=user["username"], extensions=[ e[0] for e in extensions if User.is_extension_for_user(e[0], user["id"]) ], wallets=[Wallet(**w) for w in wallets], admin=user["id"] == settings.super_user or user["id"] in settings.lnbits_admin_users, super_user=user["id"] == settings.super_user, has_password=True if user["pass"] else False, config=UserConfig(**json.loads(user["extra"])) if user["extra"] else None, ) # extensions # ------- async def add_installed_extension( ext: InstallableExtension, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: meta = { "installed_release": ( dict(ext.installed_release) if ext.installed_release else None ), "dependencies": ext.dependencies, "payments": [dict(p) for p in ext.payments] if ext.payments else None, } version = ext.installed_release.version if ext.installed_release else "" await (conn or db).execute( """ INSERT INTO installed_extensions (id, version, name, short_description, icon, stars, meta) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET (version, name, active, short_description, icon, stars, meta) = (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (, version,, ext.short_description, ext.icon, ext.stars, json.dumps(meta), version,, False, ext.short_description, ext.icon, ext.stars, json.dumps(meta), ), ) async def update_installed_extension_state( *, ext_id: str, active: bool, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( """ UPDATE installed_extensions SET active = ? WHERE id = ? """, (active, ext_id), ) async def delete_installed_extension( *, ext_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( """ DELETE from installed_extensions WHERE id = ? """, (ext_id,), ) async def drop_extension_db(*, ext_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> None: db_version = await (conn or db).fetchone( "SELECT * FROM dbversions WHERE db = ?", (ext_id,) ) # Check that 'ext_id' is a valid extension id and not a malicious string assert db_version, f"Extension '{ext_id}' db version cannot be found" is_file_based_db = await Database.clean_ext_db_files(ext_id) if is_file_based_db: return # String formatting is required, params are not accepted for 'DROP SCHEMA'. # The `ext_id` value is verified above. await (conn or db).execute( f"DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS {ext_id} CASCADE", (), ) async def get_installed_extension( ext_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[InstallableExtension]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( "SELECT * FROM installed_extensions WHERE id = ?", (ext_id,), ) return InstallableExtension.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_installed_extensions( conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> List["InstallableExtension"]: rows = await (conn or db).fetchall( "SELECT * FROM installed_extensions", (), ) return [InstallableExtension.from_row(row) for row in rows] async def get_inactive_extensions(*, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> List[str]: inactive_extensions = await (conn or db).fetchall( """SELECT id FROM installed_extensions WHERE NOT active""", (), ) return [ext[0] for ext in inactive_extensions] async def update_user_extension( *, user_id: str, extension: str, active: bool, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( """ INSERT INTO extensions ("user", extension, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT ("user", extension) DO UPDATE SET active = ? """, (user_id, extension, active, active), ) # wallets # ------- async def create_wallet( *, user_id: str, wallet_name: Optional[str] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Wallet: wallet_id = uuid4().hex now = int(time()) await (conn or db).execute( f""" INSERT INTO wallets (id, name, "user", adminkey, inkey, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, {db.timestamp_placeholder}, {db.timestamp_placeholder}) """, ( wallet_id, wallet_name or settings.lnbits_default_wallet_name, user_id, uuid4().hex, uuid4().hex, now, now, ), ) new_wallet = await get_wallet(wallet_id=wallet_id, conn=conn) assert new_wallet, "Newly created wallet couldn't be retrieved" return new_wallet async def update_wallet( wallet_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, currency: Optional[str] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Optional[Wallet]: set_clause = [] values: list = [] set_clause.append(f"updated_at = {db.timestamp_placeholder}") now = int(time()) values.append(now) if name: set_clause.append("name = ?") values.append(name) if currency is not None: set_clause.append("currency = ?") values.append(currency) values.append(wallet_id) await (conn or db).execute( f""" UPDATE wallets SET {', '.join(set_clause)} WHERE id = ? """, tuple(values), ) wallet = await get_wallet(wallet_id=wallet_id, conn=conn) assert wallet, "updated created wallet couldn't be retrieved" return wallet async def delete_wallet( *, user_id: str, wallet_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: now = int(time()) await (conn or db).execute( f""" UPDATE wallets SET deleted = true, updated_at = {db.timestamp_placeholder} WHERE id = ? AND "user" = ? """, (now, wallet_id, user_id), ) async def delete_wallet_by_id( *, wallet_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[int]: now = int(time()) result = await (conn or db).execute( f""" UPDATE wallets SET deleted = true, updated_at = {db.timestamp_placeholder} WHERE id = ? """, (now, wallet_id), ) return result.rowcount async def remove_deleted_wallets(conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> None: await (conn or db).execute("DELETE FROM wallets WHERE deleted = true") async def delete_unused_wallets( time_delta: int, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM wallets WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM apipayments WHERE wallet = ) = 0 AND updated_at < {db.timestamp_placeholder} """, (int(time()) - time_delta,), ) async def get_wallet( wallet_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[Wallet]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet =, 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE id = ? """, (wallet_id,), ) return Wallet(**row) if row else None async def get_wallet_for_key( key: str, key_type: WalletType = WalletType.invoice, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Optional[Wallet]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet =, 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE (adminkey = ? OR inkey = ?) AND deleted = false """, (key, key), ) if not row: return None if key_type == WalletType.admin and row["adminkey"] != key: return None return Wallet(**row) async def get_total_balance(conn: Optional[Connection] = None): row = await (conn or db).fetchone("SELECT SUM(balance) FROM balances") return 0 if row[0] is None else row[0] async def get_active_wallet_total_balance(conn: Optional[Connection] = None): row = await (conn or db).fetchone("SELECT SUM(balance) FROM balances") return 0 if row[0] is None else row[0] # wallet payments # --------------- async def get_standalone_payment( checking_id_or_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, incoming: Optional[bool] = False, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Payment]: clause: str = "checking_id = ? OR hash = ?" values = [checking_id_or_hash, checking_id_or_hash] if incoming: clause = f"({clause}) AND amount > 0" if wallet_id: clause = f"({clause}) AND wallet = ?" values.append(wallet_id) row = await (conn or db).fetchone( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE {clause} ORDER BY amount LIMIT 1 """, tuple(values), ) return Payment.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_wallet_payment( wallet_id: str, payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[Payment]: row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE wallet = ? AND hash = ? """, (wallet_id, payment_hash), ) return Payment.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_latest_payments_by_extension(ext_name: str, ext_id: str, limit: int = 5): rows = await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE pending = false AND extra LIKE ? AND extra LIKE ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT {limit} """, ( f"%{ext_name}%", f"%{ext_id}%", ), ) return rows async def get_payments_paginated( *, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, complete: bool = False, pending: bool = False, outgoing: bool = False, incoming: bool = False, since: Optional[int] = None, exclude_uncheckable: bool = False, filters: Optional[Filters[PaymentFilters]] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Page[Payment]: """ Filters payments to be returned by complete | pending | outgoing | incoming. """ values: List[Any] = [] clause: List[str] = [] if since is not None: clause.append(f"time > {db.timestamp_placeholder}") values.append(since) if wallet_id: clause.append("wallet = ?") values.append(wallet_id) if complete and pending: pass elif complete: clause.append("((amount > 0 AND pending = false) OR amount < 0)") elif pending: clause.append("pending = true") else: pass if outgoing and incoming: pass elif outgoing: clause.append("amount < 0") elif incoming: clause.append("amount > 0") else: pass if exclude_uncheckable: # checkable means it has a checking_id that isn't internal clause.append("checking_id NOT LIKE 'temp_%'") clause.append("checking_id NOT LIKE 'internal_%'") return await (conn or db).fetch_page( "SELECT * FROM apipayments", clause, values, filters=filters, model=Payment, ) async def get_payments( *, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, complete: bool = False, pending: bool = False, outgoing: bool = False, incoming: bool = False, since: Optional[int] = None, exclude_uncheckable: bool = False, filters: Optional[Filters[PaymentFilters]] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, ) -> list[Payment]: """ Filters payments to be returned by complete | pending | outgoing | incoming. """ filters = filters or Filters() filters.sortby = filters.sortby or "time" filters.direction = filters.direction or "desc" filters.limit = limit or filters.limit filters.offset = offset or filters.offset page = await get_payments_paginated( wallet_id=wallet_id, complete=complete, pending=pending, outgoing=outgoing, incoming=incoming, since=since, exclude_uncheckable=exclude_uncheckable, filters=filters, conn=conn, ) return async def delete_expired_invoices( conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: # first we delete all invoices older than one month await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE pending = true AND amount > 0 AND time < {db.timestamp_now} - {db.interval_seconds(2592000)} """ ) # then we delete all invoices whose expiry date is in the past await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE pending = true AND amount > 0 AND expiry < {db.timestamp_now} """ ) # payments # -------- async def create_payment( *, wallet_id: str, checking_id: str, payment_request: str, payment_hash: str, amount: int, memo: str, fee: int = 0, preimage: Optional[str] = None, expiry: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, pending: bool = True, extra: Optional[Dict] = None, webhook: Optional[str] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Payment: # we don't allow the creation of the same invoice twice # note: this can be removed if the db uniquess constarints are set appropriately previous_payment = await get_standalone_payment(checking_id, conn=conn) assert previous_payment is None, "Payment already exists" await (conn or db).execute( """ INSERT INTO apipayments (wallet, checking_id, bolt11, hash, preimage, amount, pending, memo, fee, extra, webhook, expiry) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( wallet_id, checking_id, payment_request, payment_hash, preimage, amount, pending, memo, fee, ( json.dumps(extra) if extra and extra != {} and isinstance(extra, dict) else None ), webhook, db.datetime_to_timestamp(expiry) if expiry else None, ), ) new_payment = await get_wallet_payment(wallet_id, payment_hash, conn=conn) assert new_payment, "Newly created payment couldn't be retrieved" return new_payment async def update_payment_status( checking_id: str, pending: bool, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( "UPDATE apipayments SET pending = ? WHERE checking_id = ?", (pending, checking_id), ) async def update_payment_details( checking_id: str, pending: Optional[bool] = None, fee: Optional[int] = None, preimage: Optional[str] = None, new_checking_id: Optional[str] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: set_clause: List[str] = [] set_variables: List[Any] = [] if new_checking_id is not None: set_clause.append("checking_id = ?") set_variables.append(new_checking_id) if pending is not None: set_clause.append("pending = ?") set_variables.append(pending) if fee is not None: set_clause.append("fee = ?") set_variables.append(fee) if preimage is not None: set_clause.append("preimage = ?") set_variables.append(preimage) set_variables.append(checking_id) await (conn or db).execute( f"UPDATE apipayments SET {', '.join(set_clause)} WHERE checking_id = ?", tuple(set_variables), ) return async def update_payment_extra( payment_hash: str, extra: dict, outgoing: bool = False, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: """ Only update the `extra` field for the payment. Old values in the `extra` JSON object will be kept unless the new `extra` overwrites them. """ amount_clause = "AND amount < 0" if outgoing else "AND amount > 0" row = await (conn or db).fetchone( f"SELECT hash, extra from apipayments WHERE hash = ? {amount_clause}", (payment_hash,), ) if not row: return db_extra = json.loads(row["extra"] if row["extra"] else "{}") db_extra.update(extra) await (conn or db).execute( f"UPDATE apipayments SET extra = ? WHERE hash = ? {amount_clause} ", (json.dumps(db_extra), payment_hash), ) async def update_pending_payments(wallet_id: str): pending_payments = await get_payments( wallet_id=wallet_id, pending=True, exclude_uncheckable=True, ) for payment in pending_payments: await payment.check_status() DateTrunc = Literal["hour", "day", "month"] sqlite_formats = { "hour": "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00", "day": "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", "month": "%Y-%m-01 00:00:00", } async def get_payments_history( wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, group: DateTrunc = "day", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, ) -> List[PaymentHistoryPoint]: if not filters: filters = Filters() where = ["(pending = False OR amount < 0)"] values = [] if wallet_id: where.append("wallet = ?") values.append(wallet_id) if DB_TYPE == SQLITE and group in sqlite_formats: date_trunc = f"strftime('{sqlite_formats[group]}', time, 'unixepoch')" elif group in ("day", "hour", "month"): date_trunc = f"date_trunc('{group}', time)" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid group value: {group}") transactions = await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT {date_trunc} date, SUM(CASE WHEN amount > 0 THEN amount ELSE 0 END) income, SUM(CASE WHEN amount < 0 THEN abs(amount) + abs(fee) ELSE 0 END) spending FROM apipayments {filters.where(where)} GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC """, filters.values(values), ) if wallet_id: wallet = await get_wallet(wallet_id) if wallet: balance = wallet.balance_msat else: raise ValueError("Unknown wallet") else: balance = await get_total_balance() # since we dont know the balance at the starting point, # we take the current balance and walk backwards results: list[PaymentHistoryPoint] = [] for row in transactions: results.insert( 0, PaymentHistoryPoint( balance=balance, date=row[0], income=row[1], spending=row[2] ), ) balance -= row.income - row.spending return results async def delete_wallet_payment( checking_id: str, wallet_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( "DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE checking_id = ? AND wallet = ?", (checking_id, wallet_id), ) async def check_internal( payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the checking_id of the internal payment if it exists, otherwise None """ row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT checking_id FROM apipayments WHERE hash = ? AND pending AND amount > 0 """, (payment_hash,), ) if not row: return None else: return row["checking_id"] async def check_internal_pending( payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> bool: """ Returns False if the internal payment is not pending anymore (and thus paid), otherwise True """ row = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT pending FROM apipayments WHERE hash = ? AND amount > 0 """, (payment_hash,), ) if not row: return True else: return row["pending"] async def mark_webhook_sent(payment_hash: str, status: int) -> None: await db.execute( """ UPDATE apipayments SET webhook_status = ? WHERE hash = ? """, (status, payment_hash), ) # admin # -------- async def get_super_settings() -> Optional[SuperSettings]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM settings") if not row: return None editable_settings = json.loads(row["editable_settings"]) return SuperSettings(**{"super_user": row["super_user"], **editable_settings}) async def get_admin_settings(is_super_user: bool = False) -> Optional[AdminSettings]: sets = await get_super_settings() if not sets: return None row_dict = dict(sets) row_dict.pop("super_user") row_dict.pop("auth_all_methods") admin_settings = AdminSettings( is_super_user=is_super_user, lnbits_allowed_funding_sources=settings.lnbits_allowed_funding_sources, **row_dict, ) return admin_settings async def delete_admin_settings() -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM settings") async def update_admin_settings(data: EditableSettings) -> None: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT editable_settings FROM settings") editable_settings = json.loads(row["editable_settings"]) if row else {} editable_settings.update(data.dict(exclude_unset=True)) await db.execute( "UPDATE settings SET editable_settings = ?", (json.dumps(editable_settings),) ) async def update_super_user(super_user: str) -> SuperSettings: await db.execute("UPDATE settings SET super_user = ?", (super_user,)) settings = await get_super_settings() assert settings, "updated super_user settings could not be retrieved" return settings async def create_admin_settings(super_user: str, new_settings: dict): sql = "INSERT INTO settings (super_user, editable_settings) VALUES (?, ?)" await db.execute(sql, (super_user, json.dumps(new_settings))) settings = await get_super_settings() assert settings, "created admin settings could not be retrieved" return settings # db versions # -------------- async def get_dbversions(conn: Optional[Connection] = None): rows = await (conn or db).fetchall("SELECT * FROM dbversions") return {row["db"]: row["version"] for row in rows} async def update_migration_version(conn, db_name, version): await (conn or db).execute( """ INSERT INTO dbversions (db, version) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT (db) DO UPDATE SET version = ? """, (db_name, version, version), ) async def delete_dbversion(*, ext_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( """ DELETE FROM dbversions WHERE db = ? """, (ext_id,), ) # tinyurl # ------- async def create_tinyurl(domain: str, endless: bool, wallet: str): tinyurl_id = shortuuid.uuid()[:8] await db.execute( "INSERT INTO tiny_url (id, url, endless, wallet) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ( tinyurl_id, domain, endless, wallet, ), ) return await get_tinyurl(tinyurl_id) async def get_tinyurl(tinyurl_id: str) -> Optional[TinyURL]: row = await db.fetchone( "SELECT * FROM tiny_url WHERE id = ?", (tinyurl_id,), ) return TinyURL.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_tinyurl_by_url(url: str) -> List[TinyURL]: rows = await db.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM tiny_url WHERE url = ?", (url,), ) return [TinyURL.from_row(row) for row in rows] async def delete_tinyurl(tinyurl_id: str): await db.execute( "DELETE FROM tiny_url WHERE id = ?", (tinyurl_id,), ) # push_notification # ----------------- async def get_webpush_settings() -> Optional[WebPushSettings]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM webpush_settings") if not row: return None vapid_keypair = json.loads(row["vapid_keypair"]) return WebPushSettings(**vapid_keypair) async def create_webpush_settings(webpush_settings: dict): await db.execute( "INSERT INTO webpush_settings (vapid_keypair) VALUES (?)", (json.dumps(webpush_settings),), ) return await get_webpush_settings() async def get_webpush_subscription( endpoint: str, user: str ) -> Optional[WebPushSubscription]: row = await db.fetchone( "SELECT * FROM webpush_subscriptions WHERE endpoint = ? AND user = ?", ( endpoint, user, ), ) return WebPushSubscription(**dict(row)) if row else None async def get_webpush_subscriptions_for_user( user: str, ) -> List[WebPushSubscription]: rows = await db.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM webpush_subscriptions WHERE user = ?", (user,), ) return [WebPushSubscription(**dict(row)) for row in rows] async def create_webpush_subscription( endpoint: str, user: str, data: str, host: str ) -> WebPushSubscription: await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO webpush_subscriptions (endpoint, user, data, host) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( endpoint, user, data, host, ), ) subscription = await get_webpush_subscription(endpoint, user) assert subscription, "Newly created webpush subscription couldn't be retrieved" return subscription async def delete_webpush_subscription(endpoint: str, user: str) -> None: await db.execute( "DELETE FROM webpush_subscriptions WHERE endpoint = ? AND user = ?", ( endpoint, user, ), ) async def delete_webpush_subscriptions(endpoint: str) -> None: await db.execute( "DELETE FROM webpush_subscriptions WHERE endpoint = ?", (endpoint,) )