from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import json import os import re import time from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from datetime import datetime, timezone from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Generic, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union, get_origin from loguru import logger from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, root_validator from sqlalchemy import event from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncConnection, AsyncEngine, create_async_engine from sqlalchemy.sql import text from lnbits.settings import settings POSTGRES = "POSTGRES" COCKROACH = "COCKROACH" SQLITE = "SQLITE" if settings.lnbits_database_url: database_uri = settings.lnbits_database_url if database_uri.startswith("cockroachdb://"): DB_TYPE = COCKROACH else: if not database_uri.startswith("postgres://"): raise ValueError( "Please use the 'postgres://...' " "format for the database URL." ) DB_TYPE = POSTGRES else: if not os.path.isdir(settings.lnbits_data_folder): os.mkdir(settings.lnbits_data_folder)"Created {settings.lnbits_data_folder}") DB_TYPE = SQLITE def compat_timestamp_placeholder(key: str): if DB_TYPE == POSTGRES: return f"to_timestamp(:{key})" elif DB_TYPE == COCKROACH: return f"cast(:{key} AS timestamp)" else: return f":{key}" def get_placeholder(model: Any, field: str) -> str: type_ = model.__fields__[field].type_ if type_ == datetime: return compat_timestamp_placeholder(field) else: return f":{field}" class Compat: type: Optional[str] = "" schema: Optional[str] = "" def interval_seconds(self, seconds: int) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return f"interval '{seconds} seconds'" elif self.type == SQLITE: return f"{seconds}" return "" def datetime_to_timestamp(self, date: datetime): if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif self.type == SQLITE: return time.mktime(date.timetuple()) return "" @property def timestamp_now(self) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return "now()" elif self.type == SQLITE: return "(strftime('%s', 'now'))" return "" @property def timestamp_column_default(self) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return self.timestamp_now return "NULL" @property def serial_primary_key(self) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY" elif self.type == SQLITE: return "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" return "" @property def references_schema(self) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: return f"{self.schema}." elif self.type == SQLITE: return "" return "" @property def big_int(self) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES}: return "BIGINT" return "INT" def timestamp_placeholder(self, key: str) -> str: return compat_timestamp_placeholder(key) class Connection(Compat): def __init__(self, conn: AsyncConnection, typ, name, schema): self.conn = conn self.type = typ = name self.schema = schema def rewrite_query(self, query) -> str: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: query = query.replace("%", "%%") query = query.replace("?", "%s") return query def rewrite_values(self, values: dict) -> dict: # strip html clean_regex = re.compile("<.*?>|&([a-z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,6}|#x[0-9a-f]{1,6});") clean_values: dict = {} for key, raw_value in values.items(): if isinstance(raw_value, str): clean_values[key] = re.sub(clean_regex, "", raw_value) elif isinstance(raw_value, datetime): ts = raw_value.timestamp() if self.type == SQLITE: clean_values[key] = int(ts) else: clean_values[key] = ts else: clean_values[key] = raw_value return clean_values async def fetchall( self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, ) -> list[TModel]: params = self.rewrite_values(values) if values else {} result = await self.conn.execute(text(self.rewrite_query(query)), params) row = result.mappings().all() result.close() if not row: return [] if model: return [dict_to_model(r, model) for r in row] return row async def fetchone( self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, ) -> TModel: params = self.rewrite_values(values) if values else {} result = await self.conn.execute(text(self.rewrite_query(query)), params) row = result.mappings().first() result.close() if model and row: return dict_to_model(row, model) return row async def update( self, table_name: str, model: BaseModel, where: str = "WHERE id = :id" ): await self.conn.execute( text(update_query(table_name, model, where)), model_to_dict(model) ) await self.conn.commit() async def insert(self, table_name: str, model: BaseModel): await self.conn.execute( text(insert_query(table_name, model)), model_to_dict(model) ) await self.conn.commit() async def fetch_page( self, query: str, where: Optional[list[str]] = None, values: Optional[dict] = None, filters: Optional[Filters] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, group_by: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> Page[TModel]: if not filters: filters = Filters() clause = filters.where(where) parsed_values = filters.values(values) group_by_string = "" if group_by: for field in group_by: if not re.fullmatch( r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?", field ): raise ValueError("Value for GROUP BY is invalid") group_by_string = f"GROUP BY {', '.join(group_by)}" rows = await self.fetchall( f""" {query} {clause} {group_by_string} {filters.order_by()} {filters.pagination()} """, self.rewrite_values(parsed_values), model, ) if rows: # no need for extra query if no pagination is specified if filters.offset or filters.limit: result = await self.execute( f""" SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ( {query} {clause} {group_by_string} ) as count """, parsed_values, ) row = result.mappings().first() result.close() count = int(row.get("count", 0)) else: count = len(rows) else: count = 0 return Page( data=rows, total=count, ) async def execute(self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None): params = self.rewrite_values(values) if values else {} result = await self.conn.execute(text(self.rewrite_query(query)), params) await self.conn.commit() return result class Database(Compat): def __init__(self, db_name: str): = db_name self.schema = self.type = DB_TYPE if DB_TYPE == SQLITE: self.path = os.path.join( settings.lnbits_data_folder, f"{}.sqlite3" ) database_uri = f"sqlite+aiosqlite:///{self.path}" else: database_uri = settings.lnbits_database_url.replace( "postgres://", "postgresql+asyncpg://" ) if"ext_"): self.schema =[4:] else: self.schema = None self.engine: AsyncEngine = create_async_engine( database_uri, echo=settings.debug_database ) if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: @event.listens_for(self.engine.sync_engine, "connect") def register_custom_types(dbapi_connection, *_): def _parse_date(value) -> datetime: if value is None: value = "1970-01-01 00:00:00" f = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" if "." not in value: f = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" return datetime.strptime(value, f) dbapi_connection.run_async( lambda connection: connection.set_type_codec( "TIMESTAMP", encoder=datetime, decoder=_parse_date, schema="pg_catalog", ) ) self.lock = asyncio.Lock() logger.trace(f"database {self.type} added for {}") @asynccontextmanager async def connect(self): await self.lock.acquire() try: async with self.engine.connect() as conn: if not conn: raise Exception("Could not connect to the database") wconn = Connection(conn, self.type,, self.schema) if self.schema: if self.type in {POSTGRES, COCKROACH}: await wconn.execute( f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {self.schema}" ) elif self.type == SQLITE: await wconn.execute(f"ATTACH '{self.path}' AS {self.schema}") yield wconn finally: self.lock.release() async def fetchall( self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, ) -> list[TModel]: async with self.connect() as conn: return await conn.fetchall(query, values, model) async def fetchone( self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, ) -> TModel: async with self.connect() as conn: return await conn.fetchone(query, values, model) async def insert(self, table_name: str, model: BaseModel) -> None: async with self.connect() as conn: await conn.insert(table_name, model) async def update( self, table_name: str, model: BaseModel, where: str = "WHERE id = :id" ) -> None: async with self.connect() as conn: await conn.update(table_name, model, where) async def fetch_page( self, query: str, where: Optional[list[str]] = None, values: Optional[dict] = None, filters: Optional[Filters] = None, model: Optional[type[TModel]] = None, group_by: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> Page[TModel]: async with self.connect() as conn: return await conn.fetch_page(query, where, values, filters, model, group_by) async def execute(self, query: str, values: Optional[dict] = None): async with self.connect() as conn: return await conn.execute(query, values) @asynccontextmanager async def reuse_conn(self, conn: Connection): yield conn @classmethod async def clean_ext_db_files(cls, ext_id: str) -> bool: """ If the extension DB is stored directly on the filesystem (like SQLite) then delete the files and return True. Otherwise do nothing and return False. """ if DB_TYPE == SQLITE: db_file = os.path.join(settings.lnbits_data_folder, f"ext_{ext_id}.sqlite3") if os.path.isfile(db_file): os.remove(db_file) return True return False class Operator(Enum): GT = "gt" LT = "lt" EQ = "eq" NE = "ne" GE = "ge" LE = "le" INCLUDE = "in" EXCLUDE = "ex" @property def as_sql(self): if self == Operator.EQ: return "=" elif self == Operator.NE: return "!=" elif self == Operator.INCLUDE: return "IN" elif self == Operator.EXCLUDE: return "NOT IN" elif self == Operator.GT: return ">" elif self == Operator.LT: return "<" elif self == Operator.GE: return ">=" elif self == Operator.LE: return "<=" else: raise ValueError("Unknown SQL Operator") class FilterModel(BaseModel): __search_fields__: list[str] = [] __sort_fields__: Optional[list[str]] = None T = TypeVar("T") TModel = TypeVar("TModel", bound=BaseModel) TFilterModel = TypeVar("TFilterModel", bound=FilterModel) class Page(BaseModel, Generic[T]): data: list[T] total: int class Filter(BaseModel, Generic[TFilterModel]): field: str op: Operator = Operator.EQ model: Optional[type[TFilterModel]] values: Optional[dict] = None @classmethod def parse_query( cls, key: str, raw_values: list[Any], model: type[TFilterModel], i: int = 0 ): # Key format: # key[operator] # e.g. name[eq] if key.endswith("]"): split = key[:-1].split("[") if len(split) != 2: raise ValueError("Invalid key") field = split[0] op = Operator(split[1]) else: field = key op = Operator("eq") if field in model.__fields__: compare_field = model.__fields__[field] values: dict = {} for raw_value in raw_values: validated, errors = compare_field.validate(raw_value, {}, loc="none") if errors: raise ValidationError(errors=[errors], model=model) values[f"{field}__{i}"] = validated else: raise ValueError("Unknown filter field") return cls(field=field, op=op, values=values, model=model) @property def statement(self): stmt = [] for key in self.values.keys() if self.values else []: clean_key = key.split("__")[0] if self.model and self.model.__fields__[clean_key].type_ == datetime: placeholder = compat_timestamp_placeholder(key) else: placeholder = f":{key}" stmt.append(f"{clean_key} {self.op.as_sql} {placeholder}") return " OR ".join(stmt) class Filters(BaseModel, Generic[TFilterModel]): """ Generic helper class for filtering and sorting data. For usage in an api endpoint, use the `parse_filters` dependency. When constructing this class manually always make sure to pass a model so that the values can be validated. Otherwise, make sure to validate the inputs manually. """ filters: list[Filter[TFilterModel]] = [] search: Optional[str] = None offset: Optional[int] = None limit: Optional[int] = None sortby: Optional[str] = None direction: Optional[Literal["asc", "desc"]] = None model: Optional[type[TFilterModel]] = None @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_sortby(cls, values): sortby = values.get("sortby") model = values.get("model") if sortby and model: model = values["model"] # if no sort fields are specified explicitly all fields are allowed allowed = model.__sort_fields__ or model.__fields__ if sortby not in allowed: raise ValueError("Invalid sort field") return values def pagination(self) -> str: stmt = "" if self.limit: stmt += f"LIMIT {self.limit} " if self.offset: stmt += f"OFFSET {self.offset}" return stmt def where(self, where_stmts: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> str: if not where_stmts: where_stmts = [] if self.filters: for page_filter in self.filters: where_stmts.append(page_filter.statement) if and self.model: fields = self.model.__search_fields__ if DB_TYPE == POSTGRES: where_stmts.append(f"lower(concat({', '.join(fields)})) LIKE :search") elif DB_TYPE == SQLITE: where_stmts.append(f"lower({'||'.join(fields)}) LIKE :search") if where_stmts: return "WHERE " + " AND ".join(where_stmts) return "" def order_by(self) -> str: if self.sortby: return f"ORDER BY {self.sortby} {self.direction or 'asc'}" return "" def values(self, values: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: if not values: values = {} if self.filters: for page_filter in self.filters: if page_filter.values: for key, value in page_filter.values.items(): values[key] = value if and self.model: values["search"] = f"%{}%" return values def insert_query(table_name: str, model: BaseModel) -> str: """ Generate an insert query with placeholders for a given table and model :param table_name: Name of the table :param model: Pydantic model """ placeholders = [] keys = model_to_dict(model).keys() for field in keys: placeholders.append(get_placeholder(model, field)) # add quotes to keys to avoid SQL conflicts (e.g. `user` is a reserved keyword) fields = ", ".join([f'"{key}"' for key in keys]) values = ", ".join(placeholders) return f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({fields}) VALUES ({values})" def update_query( table_name: str, model: BaseModel, where: str = "WHERE id = :id" ) -> str: """ Generate an update query with placeholders for a given table and model :param table_name: Name of the table :param model: Pydantic model :param where: Where string, default to `WHERE id = :id` """ fields = [] for field in model_to_dict(model).keys(): placeholder = get_placeholder(model, field) # add quotes to keys to avoid SQL conflicts (e.g. `user` is a reserved keyword) fields.append(f'"{field}" = {placeholder}') query = ", ".join(fields) return f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {query} {where}" def model_to_dict(model: BaseModel) -> dict: """ Convert a Pydantic model to a dictionary with JSON-encoded nested models private fields starting with _ are ignored :param model: Pydantic model """ _dict: dict = {} for key, value in model.dict().items(): type_ = model.__fields__[key].type_ outertype_ = model.__fields__[key].outer_type_ if model.__fields__[key].field_info.extra.get("no_database", False): continue if isinstance(value, datetime): _dict[key] = value.timestamp() continue if ( type(type_) is type(BaseModel) or type_ is dict or get_origin(outertype_) is list ): _dict[key] = json.dumps(value) continue _dict[key] = value return _dict def dict_to_submodel(model: type[TModel], value: Union[dict, str]) -> Optional[TModel]: """convert a dictionary or JSON string to a Pydantic model""" if isinstance(value, str): if value == "null": return None _subdict = json.loads(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): _subdict = value # recursively convert nested models return dict_to_model(_subdict, model) def dict_to_model(_row: dict, model: type[TModel]) -> TModel: """ Convert a dictionary with JSON-encoded nested models to a Pydantic model :param _dict: Dictionary from database :param model: Pydantic model """ _dict: dict = {} for key, value in _row.items(): if value is None: continue if key not in model.__fields__: # Somethimes an SQL JOIN will create additional column continue type_ = model.__fields__[key].type_ outertype_ = model.__fields__[key].outer_type_ if get_origin(outertype_) is list: _items = json.loads(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value _dict[key] = [ dict_to_submodel(type_, v) if issubclass(type_, BaseModel) else v for v in _items ] continue if issubclass(type_, bool): _dict[key] = bool(value) continue if issubclass(type_, datetime): if DB_TYPE == SQLITE: _dict[key] = datetime.fromtimestamp(value, timezone.utc) else: _dict[key] = value continue if issubclass(type_, BaseModel): _dict[key] = dict_to_submodel(type_, value) continue # TODO: remove this when all sub models are migrated to Pydantic # NOTE: this is for type dict on BaseModel, (used in Payment class) if type_ is dict and value: _dict[key] = json.loads(value) continue _dict[key] = value continue _model = model.construct(**_dict) if isinstance(_model, BaseModel): _model.__init__(**_dict) # type: ignore return _model