mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 12:20:21 +01:00
migrate from flask to quart.
also remove all flaskiness from static file serving. and reference all vendored scripts on the base tempĺate for simplicity.
This commit is contained in:
72 changed files with 473 additions and 582 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
all: format check
all: format check lnbits/static/css/base.css requirements.txt
format: prettier black
@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ checkprettier: $(shell find lnbits -name "*.js" -name ".html")
checkblack: $(shell find lnbits -name "*.py")
./venv/bin/black --check lnbits
lnbits/static/css/base.css: lnbits/static/scss/base.scss
./venv/bin/pyscss -o lnbits/static/css/base.css lnbits/static/scss/base.scss
requirements.txt: Pipfile.lock
cat Pipfile.lock | jq -r '.default | map_values(.version) | to_entries | map("\(.key)\(.value)") | join("\n")' > requirements.txt
@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ bitstring = "*"
cerberus = "*"
ecdsa = "*"
environs = "*"
flask = "*"
flask-assets = "*"
flask-compress = "*"
flask-cors = "*"
flask-talisman = "*"
lnurl = "*"
pyscss = "*"
requests = "*"
shortuuid = "*"
quart = "*"
quart-cors = "*"
quart-compress = "*"
secure = "*"
typing-extensions = "*"
black = "==20.8b1"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"_meta": {
"hash": {
"sha256": "2270f2525e54e976b09491e458033d25ec5bbdea9e74d417e787df33031c6948"
"sha256": "2c716474f9f263d8e1310ca44c2f50996f3516273b483a40e2b2ad68b8071dd6"
"pipfile-spec": 6,
"requires": {
@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
"default": {
"aiofiles": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==0.5.0"
"bech32": {
"hashes": [
@ -31,6 +38,12 @@
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==3.1.7"
"blinker": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==1.4"
"brotli": {
"hashes": [
@ -108,44 +121,41 @@
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==8.0.0"
"flask": {
"h11": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==1.1.2"
"version": "==0.10.0"
"flask-assets": {
"h2": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==2.0"
"version": "==3.2.0"
"flask-compress": {
"hpack": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==1.5.0"
"version": "==3.0.0"
"flask-cors": {
"hypercorn": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==3.0.9"
"markers": "python_version >= '3.7'",
"version": "==0.10.2"
"flask-talisman": {
"hyperframe": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.7.0"
"version": "==5.2.0"
"idna": {
"hashes": [
@ -225,6 +235,13 @@
"markers": "python_version >= '3.5'",
"version": "==3.7.1"
"priority": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==1.3.0"
"pydantic": {
"hashes": [
@ -262,6 +279,30 @@
"version": "==0.14.0"
"quart": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.13.1"
"quart-compress": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.2.1"
"quart-cors": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.3.0"
"requests": {
"hashes": [
@ -270,6 +311,14 @@
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==2.24.0"
"secure": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.2.1"
"shortuuid": {
"hashes": [
@ -286,13 +335,20 @@
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3'",
"version": "==1.15.0"
"toml": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==0.10.1"
"typing-extensions": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version < '3.8'",
"index": "pypi",
"version": "=="
"urllib3": {
@ -303,13 +359,6 @@
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' and python_version < '4'",
"version": "==1.25.10"
"webassets": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==2.0"
"werkzeug": {
"hashes": [
@ -317,6 +366,14 @@
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'",
"version": "==1.0.1"
"wsproto": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_full_version >= '3.6.1'",
"version": "==0.15.0"
"develop": {
@ -329,11 +386,11 @@
"attrs": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3'",
"version": "==20.1.0"
"version": "==20.2.0"
"black": {
"hashes": [
@ -353,43 +410,43 @@
"coverage": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' and python_version < '4'",
"version": "==5.2.1"
"version": "==5.3"
"flake8": {
"hashes": [
@ -407,14 +464,6 @@
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==17.8.0"
"importlib-metadata": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version < '3.8'",
"version": "==1.7.0"
"iniconfig": {
"hashes": [
@ -521,11 +570,11 @@
"pytest": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==6.0.1"
"version": "==6.0.2"
"pytest-cov": {
"hashes": [
@ -608,16 +657,8 @@
"markers": "python_version < '3.8'",
"index": "pypi",
"version": "=="
"zipp": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '3.6'",
"version": "==3.1.0"
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
"scripts": {
"dokku": {
"predeploy": "flask migrate"
"dokku": {}
@ -42,23 +42,19 @@ Take a look at [Polar][polar] for an excellent way of spinning up a Lightning Ne
Running the server
LNbits uses [Flask][flask] as an application server.
LNbits uses [Quart][quart] as an application server.
$ pipenv run python -m lnbits
There is an environment variable called `FLASK_ENV` that has to be set to `development`
if you want to run Flask in debug mode with autoreload
The frontend uses [Vue.js and Quasar][quasar].
[flask]: http://flask.pocoo.org/
[quart]: https://pgjones.gitlab.io/
[pipenv]: https://pipenv.pypa.io/
[polar]: https://lightningpolar.com/
[quasar]: https://quasar.dev/start/how-to-use-vue
@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
import importlib
from flask import Flask, g
from flask_assets import Bundle # type: ignore
from flask_cors import CORS # type: ignore
from flask_talisman import Talisman # type: ignore
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
from quart import Quart, g
from quart_cors import cors # type: ignore
from quart_compress import Compress # type: ignore
from secure import SecureHeaders # type: ignore
from .commands import flask_migrate
from .commands import db_migrate
from .core import core_app
from .db import open_db
from .ext import assets, compress
from .helpers import get_valid_extensions
secure_headers = SecureHeaders(hsts=False)
def create_app(config_object="lnbits.settings") -> Flask:
"""Create application factory, as explained here: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/appfactories/.
def create_app(config_object="lnbits.settings") -> Quart:
"""Create application factory.
:param config_object: The configuration object to use.
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder="static")
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_proto=1, x_host=1) # type: ignore
app = Quart(__name__, static_folder="static")
@ -44,35 +45,11 @@ def register_blueprints(app) -> None:
def register_commands(app):
"""Register Click commands."""
def register_flask_extensions(app):
"""Register Flask extensions."""
"""If possible we use the .init_app() option so that Blueprints can also use extensions."""
"default-src": [
assets.register("base_css", Bundle("scss/base.scss", filters="pyscss", output="css/base.css"))
def register_filters(app):
"""Jinja filters."""
app.jinja_env.globals["DEBUG"] = app.config["DEBUG"]
app.jinja_env.globals["EXTENSIONS"] = get_valid_extensions()
app.jinja_env.globals["SITE_TITLE"] = app.config["LNBITS_SITE_TITLE"]
@ -81,9 +58,14 @@ def register_request_hooks(app):
"""Open the core db for each request so everything happens in a big transaction"""
def before_request():
async def before_request():
g.db = open_db()
async def set_secure_headers(response):
return response
def after_request(exc):
async def after_request(exc):
g.db.__exit__(type(exc), exc, None)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from .helpers import get_valid_extensions
def flask_migrate():
def db_migrate():
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
core_app: Blueprint = Blueprint("core", __name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static")
core_app: Blueprint = Blueprint(
"core", __name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static", static_url_path="/core/static"
from .views.api import * # noqa
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import json
import datetime
from uuid import uuid4
from typing import List, Optional, Dict
from flask import g
from quart import g
from lnbits import bolt11
from lnbits.settings import DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict
from flask import g
from quart import g
from typing import TypedDict # type: ignore
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
{% extends "base.html" %} {% from "macros.jinja" import window_vars with context
%} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user) }} {% assets filters='rjsmin',
output='__bundle__/core/extensions.js', 'core/js/extensions.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% endblock %} {% block page %}
%} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user) }}
<script src="/static/core/js/extensions.js"></script>
{% endblock %} {% block page %}
<div class="row q-col-gutter-md">
class="col-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3"
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{% extends "public.html" %} {% block scripts %} {% assets filters='rjsmin',
output='__bundle__/core/index.js', 'core/js/index.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% endblock %} {% block page %}
{% extends "public.html" %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="/core/static/js/index.js"></script>
{% endblock %} {% block page %}
<div class="row q-col-gutter-md justify-center">
<div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6 q-gutter-y-md">
@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
{% extends "base.html" %} {% from "macros.jinja" import window_vars with context
%} {% block styles %}
href="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode-reader@2.2.0/vue-qrcode-reader.min.css') }}"
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user, wallet) }}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
{% assets filters='rjsmin', output='__bundle__/core/chart.js',
'vendor/moment@2.27.0/moment.min.js', 'vendor/chart.js@2.9.3/chart.min.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% assets filters='rjsmin', output='__bundle__/core/wallet.js',
'vendor/bolt11/utils.js', 'vendor/bolt11/decoder.js',
'vendor/vue-qrcode-reader@2.2.0/vue-qrcode-reader.min.js', 'core/js/wallet.js'
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% endblock %} {% block page %}
%} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user, wallet) }}
<script src="/core/static/js/wallet.js"></script>
{% endblock %} {% block page %}
<div class="row q-col-gutter-md">
<div class="col-12 col-md-7 q-gutter-y-md">
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from binascii import unhexlify
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from lnbits.settings import WALLET
@core_app.route("/api/v1/payments", methods=["GET"])
def api_payments():
async def api_payments():
if "check_pending" in request.args:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def api_payments():
"description_hash": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True, "excludes": "memo"},
def api_payments_create_invoice():
async def api_payments_create_invoice():
if "description_hash" in g.data:
description_hash = unhexlify(g.data["description_hash"])
memo = ""
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def api_payments_create_invoice():
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"bolt11": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}})
def api_payments_pay_invoice():
async def api_payments_pay_invoice():
payment_hash = pay_invoice(wallet_id=g.wallet.id, payment_request=g.data["bolt11"])
except ValueError as e:
@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ def api_payments_pay_invoice():
@core_app.route("/api/v1/payments", methods=["POST"])
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"out": {"type": "boolean", "required": True}})
def api_payments_create():
async def api_payments_create():
if g.data["out"] is True:
return api_payments_pay_invoice()
return api_payments_create_invoice()
return await api_payments_pay_invoice()
return await api_payments_create_invoice()
@core_app.route("/api/v1/payments/<payment_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_payment(payment_hash):
async def api_payment(payment_hash):
payment = g.wallet.get_payment(payment_hash)
if not payment:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, redirect, request, render_template, send_from_directory, url_for
from quart import g, abort, redirect, request, render_template, send_from_directory, url_for
from http import HTTPStatus
from os import path
@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ from ..crud import (
def favicon():
return send_from_directory(path.join(core_app.root_path, "static"), "favicon.ico")
async def favicon():
return await send_from_directory(path.join(core_app.root_path, "static"), "favicon.ico")
def home():
return render_template("core/index.html", lnurl=request.args.get("lightning", None))
async def home():
return await render_template("core/index.html", lnurl=request.args.get("lightning", None))
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def extensions():
async def extensions():
extension_to_enable = request.args.get("enable", type=str)
extension_to_disable = request.args.get("disable", type=str)
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ def extensions():
elif extension_to_disable:
update_user_extension(user_id=g.user.id, extension=extension_to_disable, active=0)
return render_template("core/extensions.html", user=get_user(g.user.id))
return await render_template("core/extensions.html", user=get_user(g.user.id))
@validate_uuids(["usr", "wal"])
def wallet():
async def wallet():
user_id = request.args.get("usr", type=str)
wallet_id = request.args.get("wal", type=str)
wallet_name = request.args.get("nme", type=str)
@ -76,13 +76,15 @@ def wallet():
if wallet_id not in user.wallet_ids:
abort(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, "Not your wallet.")
return render_template("core/wallet.html", user=user, wallet=user.get_wallet(wallet_id), service_fee=service_fee)
return await render_template(
"core/wallet.html", user=user, wallet=user.get_wallet(wallet_id), service_fee=service_fee
@validate_uuids(["usr", "wal"], required=True)
def deletewallet():
async def deletewallet():
wallet_id = request.args.get("wal", type=str)
user_wallet_ids = g.user.wallet_ids
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import requests
from flask import abort, redirect, request, url_for
from quart import abort, redirect, request, url_for
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnurl import LnurlWithdrawResponse, handle as handle_lnurl # type: ignore
from lnurl.exceptions import LnurlException # type: ignore
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from ..crud import create_account, get_user, create_wallet, create_payment
def lnurlwallet():
async def lnurlwallet():
memo = "LNbits LNURL funding"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from cerberus import Validator # type: ignore
from flask import g, abort, jsonify, request
from quart import g, abort, jsonify, request
from functools import wraps
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import List, Union
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from lnbits.settings import LNBITS_ALLOWED_USERS
def api_check_wallet_key(key_type: str = "invoice"):
def wrap(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
async def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
g.wallet = get_wallet_for_key(request.headers["X-Api-Key"], key_type)
except KeyError:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def api_check_wallet_key(key_type: str = "invoice"):
if not g.wallet:
return jsonify({"message": "Wrong keys."}), HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
return view(**kwargs)
return await view(**kwargs)
return wrapped_view
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def api_check_wallet_key(key_type: str = "invoice"):
def api_validate_post_request(*, schema: dict):
def wrap(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
async def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
if "application/json" not in request.headers["Content-Type"]:
return (
jsonify({"message": "Content-Type must be `application/json`."}),
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ def api_validate_post_request(*, schema: dict):
v = Validator(schema)
g.data = {key: request.json[key] for key in schema.keys() if key in request.json}
data = await request.get_json()
g.data = {key: data[key] for key in schema.keys() if key in data}
if not v.validate(g.data):
return (
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ def api_validate_post_request(*, schema: dict):
return view(**kwargs)
return await view(**kwargs)
return wrapped_view
@ -60,13 +61,13 @@ def api_validate_post_request(*, schema: dict):
def check_user_exists(param: str = "usr"):
def wrap(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
async def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
g.user = get_user(request.args.get(param, type=str)) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "User does not exist.")
abort(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "User not authorized.")
return view(**kwargs)
return await view(**kwargs)
return wrapped_view
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ def check_user_exists(param: str = "usr"):
def validate_uuids(params: List[str], *, required: Union[bool, List[str]] = False, version: int = 4):
def wrap(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
async def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
query_params = {param: request.args.get(param, type=str) for param in params}
for param, value in query_params.items():
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ def validate_uuids(params: List[str], *, required: Union[bool, List[str]] = Fals
except ValueError:
abort(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, f"`{param}` is not a valid UUID.")
return view(**kwargs)
return await view(**kwargs)
return wrapped_view
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
from flask_assets import Environment # type: ignore
from flask_compress import Compress # type: ignore
assets = Environment()
compress = Compress()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
amilk_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("amilk", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ from .crud import get_amilk
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("amilk/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("amilk/index.html", user=g.user)
def wall(amilk_id):
async def wall(amilk_id):
amilk = get_amilk(amilk_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "AMilk does not exist.")
return render_template("amilk/wall.html", amilk=amilk)
return await render_template("amilk/wall.html", amilk=amilk)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import requests
from flask import g, jsonify, request, abort
from quart import g, jsonify, request, abort
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnurl import LnurlWithdrawResponse, handle as handle_lnurl
from lnurl.exceptions import LnurlException
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from .crud import create_amilk, get_amilk, get_amilks, delete_amilk
@amilk_ext.route("/api/v1/amilk", methods=["GET"])
def api_amilks():
async def api_amilks():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def api_amilks():
@amilk_ext.route("/api/v1/amilk/milk/<amilk_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_amilkit(amilk_id):
async def api_amilkit(amilk_id):
milk = get_amilk(amilk_id)
memo = milk.id
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def api_amilkit(amilk_id):
"amount": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True},
def api_amilk_create():
async def api_amilk_create():
amilk = create_amilk(wallet_id=g.wallet.id, lnurl=g.data["lnurl"], atime=g.data["atime"], amount=g.data["amount"])
return jsonify(amilk._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def api_amilk_create():
@amilk_ext.route("/api/v1/amilk/<amilk_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_amilk_delete(amilk_id):
async def api_amilk_delete(amilk_id):
amilk = get_amilk(amilk_id)
if not amilk:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
diagonalley_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("diagonalley", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
import json
from flask import g, abort, render_template, jsonify
from quart import g, render_template
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
from lnbits.extensions.diagonalley import diagonalley_ext
from lnbits.db import open_ext_db
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("diagonalley/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("diagonalley/index.html", user=g.user)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user
@ -18,19 +18,19 @@ from .crud import (
from lnbits.core.services import create_invoice
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from uuid import uuid4
from lnbits.db import open_ext_db
### Products
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/products", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalley_products():
async def api_diagonalley_products():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_products():
"quantity": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True},
def api_diagonalley_product_create(product_id=None):
async def api_diagonalley_product_create(product_id=None):
if product_id:
product = get_diagonalleys_indexer(product_id)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_product_create(product_id=None):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/products/<product_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_diagonalley_products_delete(product_id):
async def api_diagonalley_products_delete(product_id):
product = get_diagonalleys_product(product_id)
if not product:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_products_delete(product_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/indexers", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalley_indexers():
async def api_diagonalley_indexers():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_indexers():
"zone2cost": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True},
def api_diagonalley_indexer_create(indexer_id=None):
async def api_diagonalley_indexer_create(indexer_id=None):
if indexer_id:
indexer = get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_indexer_create(indexer_id=None):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/indexers/<indexer_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_diagonalley_indexer_delete(indexer_id):
async def api_diagonalley_indexer_delete(indexer_id):
indexer = get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id)
if not indexer:
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_indexer_delete(indexer_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/orders", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalley_orders():
async def api_diagonalley_orders():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ def api_diagonalley_orders():
"shippingzone": {"type": "integer", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_diagonalley_order_create():
async def api_diagonalley_order_create():
order = create_diagonalleys_order(wallet_id=g.wallet.id, **g.data)
return jsonify(order._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/orders/<order_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_diagonalley_order_delete(order_id):
async def api_diagonalley_order_delete(order_id):
order = get_diagonalleys_order(order_id)
if not order:
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ def api_diagonalley_order_delete(order_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/orders/paid/<order_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalleys_order_paid(order_id):
async def api_diagonalleys_order_paid(order_id):
with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db:
"UPDATE orders SET paid = ? WHERE id = ?",
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def api_diagonalleys_order_paid(order_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/orders/shipped/<order_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalleys_order_shipped(order_id):
async def api_diagonalleys_order_shipped(order_id):
with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db:
"UPDATE orders SET shipped = ? WHERE id = ?",
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ def api_diagonalleys_order_shipped(order_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/stall/products/<indexer_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalleys_stall_products(indexer_id):
async def api_diagonalleys_stall_products(indexer_id):
with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db:
rows = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE id = ?", (indexer_id,))
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ def api_diagonalleys_stall_products(indexer_id):
@diagonalley_ext.route("/api/v1/diagonalley/stall/checkshipped/<checking_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_diagonalleys_stall_checkshipped(checking_id):
async def api_diagonalleys_stall_checkshipped(checking_id):
with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db:
rows = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE invoiceid = ?", (checking_id,))
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def api_diagonalleys_stall_checkshipped(checking_id):
"shippingzone": {"type": "integer", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_diagonalley_stall_order(indexer_id):
async def api_diagonalley_stall_order(indexer_id):
product = get_diagonalleys_product(g.data["id"])
shipping = get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
events_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("events", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
console.log('{{ form_costpword }}')
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -78,24 +78,7 @@
{% endblock %} {% block styles %}
href="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode-reader@2.2.0/vue-qrcode-reader.min.css') }}"
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
{% assets filters='rjsmin', output='__bundle__/core/chart.js',
'vendor/moment@2.27.0/moment.min.js', 'vendor/chart.js@2.9.3/chart.min.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% assets filters='rjsmin', output='__bundle__/core/wallet.js',
'vendor/bolt11/utils.js', 'vendor/bolt11/decoder.js',
'vendor/vue-qrcode-reader@2.2.0/vue-qrcode-reader.min.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %}
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
new Vue({
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from datetime import date, datetime
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -11,22 +11,24 @@ from .crud import get_ticket, get_event
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("events/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("events/index.html", user=g.user)
def display(event_id):
async def display(event_id):
event = get_event(event_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Event does not exist.")
if event.amount_tickets < 1:
return render_template("events/error.html", event_name=event.name, event_error="Sorry, tickets are sold out :(")
return await render_template(
"events/error.html", event_name=event.name, event_error="Sorry, tickets are sold out :("
datetime_object = datetime.strptime(event.closing_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
if date.today() > datetime_object:
return render_template(
return await render_template(
"events/error.html", event_name=event.name, event_error="Sorry, ticket closing date has passed :("
return render_template(
return await render_template(
@ -36,14 +38,18 @@ def display(event_id):
def ticket(ticket_id):
async def ticket(ticket_id):
ticket = get_ticket(ticket_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Ticket does not exist.")
event = get_event(ticket.event) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Event does not exist.")
return render_template("events/ticket.html", ticket_id=ticket_id, ticket_name=event.name, ticket_info=event.info)
return await render_template(
"events/ticket.html", ticket_id=ticket_id, ticket_name=event.name, ticket_info=event.info
def register(event_id):
async def register(event_id):
event = get_event(event_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Event does not exist.")
return render_template("events/register.html", event_id=event_id, event_name=event.name, wallet_id=event.wallet)
return await render_template(
"events/register.html", event_id=event_id, event_name=event.name, wallet_id=event.wallet
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user, get_wallet
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from .crud import (
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/events", methods=["GET"])
def api_events():
async def api_events():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def api_events():
"price_per_ticket": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True},
def api_event_create(event_id=None):
async def api_event_create(event_id=None):
if event_id:
event = get_event(event_id)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def api_event_create(event_id=None):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/events/<event_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_form_delete(event_id):
async def api_form_delete(event_id):
event = get_event(event_id)
if not event:
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def api_form_delete(event_id):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets", methods=["GET"])
def api_tickets():
async def api_tickets():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def api_tickets():
"email": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_ticket_make_ticket(event_id, sats):
async def api_ticket_make_ticket(event_id, sats):
event = get_event(event_id)
if not event:
return jsonify({"message": "Event does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def api_ticket_make_ticket(event_id, sats):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets/<payment_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
async def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
ticket = get_ticket(payment_hash)
is_paid = not check_invoice_status(ticket.wallet, payment_hash).pending
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets/<ticket_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_ticket_delete(ticket_id):
async def api_ticket_delete(ticket_id):
ticket = get_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def api_ticket_delete(ticket_id):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/eventtickets/<wallet_id>/<event_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_event_tickets(wallet_id, event_id):
async def api_event_tickets(wallet_id, event_id):
return (
jsonify([ticket._asdict() for ticket in get_event_tickets(wallet_id=wallet_id, event_id=event_id)]),
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def api_event_tickets(wallet_id, event_id):
@events_ext.route("/api/v1/register/ticket/<ticket_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_event_register_ticket(ticket_id):
async def api_event_register_ticket(ticket_id):
ticket = get_ticket(ticket_id)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
example_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("example", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, render_template
from quart import g, render_template
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
from lnbits.extensions.example import example_ext
@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ from lnbits.extensions.example import example_ext
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("example/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("example/index.html", user=g.user)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# import json
# import requests
from flask import jsonify
from quart import jsonify
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.extensions.example import example_ext
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from lnbits.extensions.example import example_ext
@example_ext.route("/api/v1/tools", methods=["GET"])
def api_example():
async def api_example():
"""Try to add descriptions for others."""
tools = [
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
lndhub_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("lndhub", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from base64 import b64decode
from flask import jsonify, g, request
from quart import jsonify, g, request
from functools import wraps
from lnbits.core.crud import get_wallet_for_key
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from lnbits.core.crud import get_wallet_for_key
def check_wallet(requires_admin=False):
def wrap(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
async def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
token = request.headers["Authorization"].split("Bearer ")[1]
key_type, key = b64decode(token).decode("utf-8").split(":")
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def check_wallet(requires_admin=False):
g.wallet = get_wallet_for_key(key, key_type)
if not g.wallet:
return jsonify({"error": True, "code": 2, "message": "insufficient permissions"})
return view(**kwargs)
return await view(**kwargs)
return wrapped_view
@ -67,25 +67,26 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user) }}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
new Vue({
el: '#vue',
mixins: [windowMixin],
data: function () {
var wallets = ({{ g.user.wallets | tojson }}).map(LNbits.map.wallet).map(wallet => ({
label: wallet.name,
admin: `lndhub://admin:${wallet.adminkey}@${location.protocol}//${location.host}/lndhub/ext/`,
invoice: `lndhub://invoice:${wallet.inkey}@${location.protocol}//${location.host}/lndhub/ext/`
new Vue({
el: '#vue',
mixins: [windowMixin],
data: function () {
var wallets = JSON.parse('{{ g.user.wallets | tojson }}')
.map(wallet => ({
label: wallet.name,
admin: `lndhub://admin:${wallet.adminkey}@${location.protocol}//${location.host}/lndhub/ext/`,
invoice: `lndhub://invoice:${wallet.inkey}@${location.protocol}//${location.host}/lndhub/ext/`
return {
wallets: wallets,
selectedWallet: wallets[0]
return {
wallets: wallets,
selectedWallet: wallets[0]
{% endblock %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import render_template, g
from quart import render_template, g
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
from lnbits.extensions.lndhub import lndhub_ext
@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ from lnbits.extensions.lndhub import lndhub_ext
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def lndhub_index():
return render_template("lndhub/index.html", user=g.user)
async def lndhub_index():
return await render_template("lndhub/index.html", user=g.user)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import time
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from flask import jsonify, g, request
from quart import jsonify, g, request
from lnbits.core.services import pay_invoice, create_invoice
from lnbits.core.crud import delete_expired_invoices
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from .utils import to_buffer, decoded_as_lndhub
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/getinfo", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_getinfo():
async def lndhub_getinfo():
return jsonify({"error": True, "code": 1, "message": "bad auth"})
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def lndhub_getinfo():
"refresh_token": {"type": "string", "required": True, "excludes": ["login", "password"]},
def lndhub_auth():
async def lndhub_auth():
token = (
if "token" in g.data and g.data["token"]
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def lndhub_auth():
"preimage": {"type": "string", "required": False},
def lndhub_addinvoice():
async def lndhub_addinvoice():
_, pr = create_invoice(
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def lndhub_addinvoice():
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/payinvoice", methods=["POST"])
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"invoice": {"type": "string", "required": True}})
def lndhub_payinvoice():
async def lndhub_payinvoice():
@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ def lndhub_payinvoice():
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/balance", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_balance():
async def lndhub_balance():
return jsonify({"BTC": {"AvailableBalance": g.wallet.balance}})
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/gettxs", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_gettxs():
async def lndhub_gettxs():
for payment in g.wallet.get_payments(
complete=False, pending=True, outgoing=True, incoming=False, exclude_uncheckable=True
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def lndhub_gettxs():
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/getuserinvoices", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_getuserinvoices():
async def lndhub_getuserinvoices():
for invoice in g.wallet.get_payments(
complete=False, pending=True, outgoing=False, incoming=True, exclude_uncheckable=True
@ -177,26 +177,26 @@ def lndhub_getuserinvoices():
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/getbtc", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_getbtc():
async def lndhub_getbtc():
"load an address for incoming onchain btc"
return jsonify([])
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/getpending", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_getpending():
async def lndhub_getpending():
"pending onchain transactions"
return jsonify([])
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/decodeinvoice", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_decodeinvoice():
async def lndhub_decodeinvoice():
invoice = request.args.get("invoice")
inv = bolt11.decode(invoice)
return jsonify(decoded_as_lndhub(inv))
@lndhub_ext.route("/ext/checkrouteinvoice", methods=["GET"])
def lndhub_checkrouteinvoice():
async def lndhub_checkrouteinvoice():
"not implemented on canonical lndhub"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
lnticket_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("lnticket", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
console.log('{{ form_costpword }}')
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
from http import HTTPStatus
@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ from .crud import get_form
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("lnticket/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("lnticket/index.html", user=g.user)
def display(form_id):
async def display(form_id):
form = get_form(form_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "LNTicket does not exist.")
return render_template(
return await render_template(
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import re
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user, get_wallet
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from .crud import (
@lnticket_ext.route("/api/v1/forms", methods=["GET"])
def api_forms():
async def api_forms():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def api_forms():
"costpword": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True},
def api_form_create(form_id=None):
async def api_form_create(form_id=None):
if form_id:
form = get_form(form_id)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def api_form_create(form_id=None):
@lnticket_ext.route("/api/v1/forms/<form_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_form_delete(form_id):
async def api_form_delete(form_id):
form = get_form(form_id)
if not form:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def api_form_delete(form_id):
@lnticket_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets", methods=["GET"])
def api_tickets():
async def api_tickets():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def api_tickets():
"ltext": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_ticket_make_ticket(form_id):
async def api_ticket_make_ticket(form_id):
form = get_form(form_id)
if not form:
return jsonify({"message": "LNTicket does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def api_ticket_make_ticket(form_id):
@lnticket_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets/<payment_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
async def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
ticket = get_ticket(payment_hash)
is_paid = not check_invoice_status(ticket.wallet, payment_hash).pending
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def api_ticket_send_ticket(payment_hash):
@lnticket_ext.route("/api/v1/tickets/<ticket_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_ticket_delete(ticket_id):
async def api_ticket_delete(ticket_id):
ticket = get_ticket(ticket_id)
if not ticket:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
lnurlp_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("lnurlp", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import json
from flask import url_for
from quart import url_for
from lnurl import Lnurl, encode as lnurl_encode
from lnurl.types import LnurlPayMetadata
from sqlite3 import Row
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user) }}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -10,19 +10,17 @@ from .crud import get_pay_link
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("lnurlp/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("lnurlp/index.html", user=g.user)
def display(link_id):
async def display(link_id):
link = get_pay_link(link_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Pay link does not exist.")
return render_template("lnurlp/display.html", link=link)
return await render_template("lnurlp/display.html", link=link)
def print_qr(link_id):
async def print_qr(link_id):
link = get_pay_link(link_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Pay link does not exist.")
return render_template("lnurlp/print_qr.html", link=link)
return await render_template("lnurlp/print_qr.html", link=link)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import hashlib
from flask import g, jsonify, request, url_for
from quart import g, jsonify, request, url_for
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnurl import LnurlPayResponse, LnurlPayActionResponse
from lnurl.exceptions import InvalidUrl as LnurlInvalidUrl
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from .crud import (
@lnurlp_ext.route("/api/v1/links", methods=["GET"])
def api_links():
async def api_links():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def api_links():
@lnurlp_ext.route("/api/v1/links/<link_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
async def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
link = get_pay_link(link_id)
if not link:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
"amount": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True},
def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
async def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
if link_id:
link = get_pay_link(link_id)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
@lnurlp_ext.route("/api/v1/links/<link_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_link_delete(link_id):
async def api_link_delete(link_id):
link = get_pay_link(link_id)
if not link:
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def api_link_delete(link_id):
@lnurlp_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/<link_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_lnurl_response(link_id):
async def api_lnurl_response(link_id):
link = increment_pay_link(link_id, served_meta=1)
if not link:
return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-pay not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def api_lnurl_response(link_id):
@lnurlp_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/cb/<link_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_lnurl_callback(link_id):
async def api_lnurl_callback(link_id):
link = increment_pay_link(link_id, served_pr=1)
if not link:
return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-pay not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
paywall_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("paywall", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ from .crud import get_paywall
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("paywall/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("paywall/index.html", user=g.user)
def display(paywall_id):
async def display(paywall_id):
paywall = get_paywall(paywall_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Paywall does not exist.")
return render_template("paywall/display.html", paywall=paywall)
return await render_template("paywall/display.html", paywall=paywall)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user, get_wallet
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from .crud import create_paywall, get_paywall, get_paywalls, delete_paywall
@paywall_ext.route("/api/v1/paywalls", methods=["GET"])
def api_paywalls():
async def api_paywalls():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def api_paywalls():
"remembers": {"type": "boolean", "required": True},
def api_paywall_create():
async def api_paywall_create():
paywall = create_paywall(wallet_id=g.wallet.id, **g.data)
return jsonify(paywall._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def api_paywall_create():
@paywall_ext.route("/api/v1/paywalls/<paywall_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_paywall_delete(paywall_id):
async def api_paywall_delete(paywall_id):
paywall = get_paywall(paywall_id)
if not paywall:
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def api_paywall_delete(paywall_id):
@paywall_ext.route("/api/v1/paywalls/<paywall_id>/invoice", methods=["POST"])
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"amount": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}})
def api_paywall_create_invoice(paywall_id):
async def api_paywall_create_invoice(paywall_id):
paywall = get_paywall(paywall_id)
if g.data["amount"] < paywall.amount:
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def api_paywall_create_invoice(paywall_id):
@paywall_ext.route("/api/v1/paywalls/<paywall_id>/check_invoice", methods=["POST"])
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"payment_hash": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}})
def api_paywal_check_invoice(paywall_id):
async def api_paywal_check_invoice(paywall_id):
paywall = get_paywall(paywall_id)
if not paywall:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
tpos_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("tpos", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ from .crud import get_tpos
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("tpos/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("tpos/index.html", user=g.user)
def tpos(tpos_id):
async def tpos(tpos_id):
tpos = get_tpos(tpos_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "TPoS does not exist.")
return render_template("tpos/tpos.html", tpos=tpos)
return await render_template("tpos/tpos.html", tpos=tpos)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user, get_wallet
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from .crud import create_tpos, get_tpos, get_tposs, delete_tpos
@tpos_ext.route("/api/v1/tposs", methods=["GET"])
def api_tposs():
async def api_tposs():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def api_tposs():
"currency": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_tpos_create():
async def api_tpos_create():
tpos = create_tpos(wallet_id=g.wallet.id, **g.data)
return jsonify(tpos._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def api_tpos_create():
@tpos_ext.route("/api/v1/tposs/<tpos_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_tpos_delete(tpos_id):
async def api_tpos_delete(tpos_id):
tpos = get_tpos(tpos_id)
if not tpos:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def api_tpos_delete(tpos_id):
@tpos_ext.route("/api/v1/tposs/<tpos_id>/invoices/", methods=["POST"])
@api_validate_post_request(schema={"amount": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}})
def api_tpos_create_invoice(tpos_id):
async def api_tpos_create_invoice(tpos_id):
tpos = get_tpos(tpos_id)
if not tpos:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def api_tpos_create_invoice(tpos_id):
@tpos_ext.route("/api/v1/tposs/<tpos_id>/invoices/<payment_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_tpos_check_invoice(tpos_id, payment_hash):
async def api_tpos_check_invoice(tpos_id, payment_hash):
tpos = get_tpos(tpos_id)
if not tpos:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
usermanager_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("usermanager", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template, jsonify
import json
from quart import g, render_template
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
from lnbits.extensions.usermanager import usermanager_ext
from lnbits.db import open_ext_db
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("usermanager/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("usermanager/index.html", user=g.user)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.core.crud import get_user
@ -17,20 +17,15 @@ from .crud import (
from lnbits.core.services import create_invoice
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from uuid import uuid4
from lnbits.db import open_ext_db
from ...core import update_user_extension
from lnbits.core import update_user_extension
### Users
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/users", methods=["GET"])
def api_usermanager_users():
async def api_usermanager_users():
user_id = g.wallet.user
return jsonify([user._asdict() for user in get_usermanager_users(user_id)]), HTTPStatus.OK
@ -44,14 +39,14 @@ def api_usermanager_users():
"wallet_name": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_usermanager_users_create():
async def api_usermanager_users_create():
user = create_usermanager_user(g.data["user_name"], g.data["wallet_name"], g.data["admin_id"])
return jsonify(user._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/users/<user_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_usermanager_users_delete(user_id):
async def api_usermanager_users_delete(user_id):
user = get_usermanager_user(user_id)
if not user:
return jsonify({"message": "User does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ def api_usermanager_users_delete(user_id):
"active": {"type": "boolean", "required": True},
def api_usermanager_activate_extension():
async def api_usermanager_activate_extension():
user = get_user(g.data["userid"])
if not user:
return jsonify({"error": "no such user"}), HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
@ -84,7 +79,7 @@ def api_usermanager_activate_extension():
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/wallets", methods=["GET"])
def api_usermanager_wallets():
async def api_usermanager_wallets():
user_id = g.wallet.user
return jsonify([wallet._asdict() for wallet in get_usermanager_wallets(user_id)]), HTTPStatus.OK
@ -98,27 +93,27 @@ def api_usermanager_wallets():
"admin_id": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True},
def api_usermanager_wallets_create():
async def api_usermanager_wallets_create():
user = create_usermanager_wallet(g.data["user_id"], g.data["wallet_name"], g.data["admin_id"])
return jsonify(user._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/wallets<wallet_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_usermanager_wallet_transactions(wallet_id):
async def api_usermanager_wallet_transactions(wallet_id):
return jsonify(get_usermanager_wallet_transactions(wallet_id)), HTTPStatus.OK
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/wallets/<user_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_usermanager_wallet_balances(user_id):
async def api_usermanager_wallet_balances(user_id):
return jsonify(get_usermanager_wallet_balances(user_id)), HTTPStatus.OK
@usermanager_ext.route("/api/v1/wallets/<wallet_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_usermanager_wallets_delete(wallet_id):
async def api_usermanager_wallets_delete(wallet_id):
wallet = get_usermanager_wallet(wallet_id)
if not wallet:
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from flask import Blueprint
from quart import Blueprint
withdraw_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint("withdraw", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates")
withdraw_ext: Blueprint = Blueprint(
"withdraw", __name__, static_folder="static", template_folder="templates", static_url_path="/static"
from .views_api import * # noqa
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import url_for
from quart import url_for
from lnurl import Lnurl, LnurlWithdrawResponse, encode as lnurl_encode
from sqlite3 import Row
from typing import NamedTuple
@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
{% extends "base.html" %} {% from "macros.jinja" import window_vars with context
%} {% block scripts %} {{ window_vars(user) }}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
{% assets filters='rjsmin', output='__bundle__/withdraw/index.js',
'withdraw/js/index.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% endblock %} {% block page %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/withdraw/static/js/index.js"></script>
{% endblock %} {% block page %}
<div class="row q-col-gutter-md">
<div class="col-12 col-md-7 q-gutter-y-md">
@ -273,7 +270,7 @@
simpleformDialog.data.wallet == null ||
simpleformDialog.data.max_withdrawable == null ||
simpleformDialog.data.max_withdrawable < 1 ||
simpleformDialog.data.uses == null"
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% block page %}
{% extends "print.html" %} {% block page %}
<div class="row justify-center">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-8 col-lg-6 text-center" id="vue">
@ -50,15 +49,6 @@
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue@2.6.12/vue.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vuex@3.5.1/vuex.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-router@3.4.3/vue-router.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/quasar@1.13.2/quasar.umd.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-qrcode@1.0.2/vue-qrcode.min.js') }}"></script>
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from flask import g, abort, render_template
from quart import g, abort, render_template
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnbits.decorators import check_user_exists, validate_uuids
@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ from .crud import get_withdraw_link, chunks
@validate_uuids(["usr"], required=True)
def index():
return render_template("withdraw/index.html", user=g.user)
async def index():
return await render_template("withdraw/index.html", user=g.user)
def display(link_id):
async def display(link_id):
link = get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Withdraw link does not exist.")
return render_template("withdraw/display.html", link=link, unique=True)
return await render_template("withdraw/display.html", link=link, unique=True)
def print_qr(link_id):
async def print_qr(link_id):
link = get_withdraw_link(link_id) or abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "Withdraw link does not exist.")
if link.uses == 0:
return render_template("withdraw/print_qr.html", link=link, unique=False)
return await render_template("withdraw/print_qr.html", link=link, unique=False)
links = []
count = 0
for x in link.usescsv.split(","):
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ def print_qr(link_id):
count = count + 1
page_link = list(chunks(links, 2))
linked = list(chunks(page_link, 5))
return render_template("withdraw/print_qr.html", link=linked, unique=True)
return await render_template("withdraw/print_qr.html", link=linked, unique=True)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from datetime import datetime
from flask import g, jsonify, request
from quart import g, jsonify, request
from http import HTTPStatus
from lnurl.exceptions import InvalidUrl as LnurlInvalidUrl
import shortuuid # type: ignore
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from .crud import (
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links", methods=["GET"])
def api_links():
async def api_links():
wallet_ids = [g.wallet.id]
if "all_wallets" in request.args:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def api_links():
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links/<link_id>", methods=["GET"])
def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
async def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
link = get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0)
if not link:
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def api_link_retrieve(link_id):
"is_unique": {"type": "boolean", "required": True},
def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
async def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
if g.data["max_withdrawable"] < g.data["min_withdrawable"]:
return (
jsonify({"message": "`max_withdrawable` needs to be at least `min_withdrawable`."}),
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None):
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links/<link_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
def api_link_delete(link_id):
async def api_link_delete(link_id):
link = get_withdraw_link(link_id)
if not link:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def api_link_delete(link_id):
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/<unique_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_lnurl_response(unique_hash):
async def api_lnurl_response(unique_hash):
link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash)
if not link:
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def api_lnurl_response(unique_hash):
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/<unique_hash>/<id_unique_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_lnurl_multi_response(unique_hash, id_unique_hash):
async def api_lnurl_multi_response(unique_hash, id_unique_hash):
link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash)
if not link:
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def api_lnurl_multi_response(unique_hash, id_unique_hash):
@withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/cb/<unique_hash>", methods=["GET"])
def api_lnurl_callback(unique_hash):
async def api_lnurl_callback(unique_hash):
link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash)
k1 = request.args.get("k1", type=str)
payment_request = request.args.get("pr", type=str)
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ env.read_env()
wallets_module = importlib.import_module("lnbits.wallets")
wallet_class = getattr(wallets_module, env.str("LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS", default="VoidWallet"))
ENV = env.str("FLASK_ENV", default="production")
DEBUG = ENV == "development"
LNBITS_PATH = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER = env.str("LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER", default=path.join(LNBITS_PATH, "data"))
LNBITS_ALLOWED_USERS: List[str] = env.list("LNBITS_ALLOWED_USERS", default=[], subcast=str)
@ -1,77 +1 @@
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@ -5,11 +5,15 @@
href="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/quasar@1.13.2/quasar.min.css') }}"
{% assets 'base_css' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" />
{% endassets %} {% block styles %}{% endblock %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/base.css" />
{% block styles %}{% endblock %}
{% block title %} {% if SITE_TITLE != 'LNbits' %}{{ SITE_TITLE }}{% else
%}LNbits{% endif %} {% endblock %}
@ -108,21 +112,21 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block vue_templates %}{% endblock %} {% if DEBUG %}
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<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vuex@3.5.1/vuex.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/vue-router@3.4.3/vue-router.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='vendor/quasar@1.13.2/quasar.umd.js') }}"></script>
{% else %} {% assets output='__bundle__/vue.js',
'vendor/vue@2.6.12/vue.min.js', 'vendor/vue-router@3.4.3/vue-router.min.js',
'vendor/vuex@3.5.1/vuex.min.js', 'vendor/quasar@1.13.2/quasar.umd.min.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
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output='__bundle__/base.js', 'vendor/axios@0.20.0/axios.min.js',
'vendor/underscore@1.10.2/underscore.min.js', 'js/base.js',
'js/components.js' %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
{% endassets %} {% block scripts %}{% endblock %}
{% block vue_templates %}{% endblock %}
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bech32==1.2.0; python_version >= '3.5'
click==7.1.2; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'
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jinja2==2.11.2; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'
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six==1.15.0; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3'
typing-extensions==; python_version < '3.8'
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werkzeug==1.0.1; python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'
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