instructions and API docs.

This commit is contained in:
fiatjaf 2021-03-07 16:38:23 -03:00
parent 63ae553565
commit 773103f893

View file

@ -6,8 +6,21 @@
<li>Register items.</li>
<li>Print QR codes and paste them on your store, your menu, somewhere, somehow.</li>
<li>Clients scan the QR codes and get information about the items plus the price on their phones directly (they must have internet)</li>
<li>Once they decide to pay, they'll get an invoice on their phones automatically</li>
<li>When the payment is confirmed, a confirmation code will be issued for them.</li>
Sell stuff offline, accept Lightning payments. Powered by LNURL-pay.
The confirmation codes are words from a predefined sequential word list. Each new payment bumps the words sequence by 1. So you can check the confirmation codes manually by just looking at them.
For example, if your wordlist is <code>[apple, banana, coconut]</code> the first purchase will be <code>apple</code>, the second <code>banana</code> and so on. When it gets to the end it starts from the beginning again.
Powered by LNURL-pay.
@ -19,6 +32,31 @@
label="API info"
label="Create item (a shop will be created automatically based on the wallet you use)"
<code><span class="text-blue">POST</span></code>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Headers</h5>
<code>{"X-Api-Key": &lt;invoice_key&gt;}</code><br />
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Body (application/json)</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Returns 201 OK</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Curl example</h5>
>curl -X GET {{ request.url_root
}}/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items -H "Content-Type:
application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: {{ g.user.wallets[0].inkey }}" -d
'{"name": &lt;string&gt;, "description": &lt;string&gt;, "image":
&lt;data-uri string&gt;, "price": &lt;integer&gt;, "unit": &lt;"sat" or
@ -34,7 +72,10 @@
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">
Returns 200 OK (application/json)
<code>[&lt;offlineshop object&gt;, ...]</code>
>{"id": &lt;integer&gt;, "wallet": &lt;string&gt;, "wordlist":
&lt;string&gt;, "items": [{"id": &lt;integer&gt;, "name": &lt;string&gt;, "description": &lt;string&gt;, "image": &lt;string&gt;, "enabled": &lt;boolean&gt;, "price": &lt;integer&gt;, "unit": &lt;string&gt;, "lnurl": &lt;string&gt;}, ...]}&lt;/code
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Curl example</h5>
>curl -X GET {{ request.url_root }}/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop -H
@ -43,4 +84,46 @@
label="Update item (all fields must be sent again)"
<code><span class="text-blue">PUT</span></code>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Headers</h5>
<code>{"X-Api-Key": &lt;invoice_key&gt;}</code><br />
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Body (application/json)</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Returns 200 OK</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Curl example</h5>
>curl -X GET {{ request.url_root
}}/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items/&lt;item_id&gt; -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: {{
g.user.wallets[0].inkey }}" -d '{"name": &lt;string&gt;,
"description": &lt;string&gt;, "image": &lt;data-uri string&gt;,
"price": &lt;integer&gt;, "unit": &lt;"sat" or "USD"&gt;}'
<q-expansion-item group="api" dense expand-separator label="Delete item">
<code><span class="text-blue">DELETE</span></code>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Headers</h5>
<code>{"X-Api-Key": &lt;invoice_key&gt;}</code><br />
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Body (application/json)</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Returns 200 OK</h5>
<h5 class="text-caption q-mt-sm q-mb-none">Curl example</h5>
>curl -X GET {{ request.url_root
}}/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items/&lt;item_id&gt; -H "X-Api-Key:
{{ g.user.wallets[0].inkey }}"