# BOLT #7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery This specification describes simple node discovery, channel discovery, and channel update mechanisms that do not rely on a third-party to disseminate the information. Node and channel discovery serve two different purposes: - Channel discovery allows the creation and maintenance of a local view of the network's topology, so that a node can discover routes to desired destinations. - Node discovery allows nodes to broadcast their ID, host, and port, so that other nodes can open connections and establish payment channels with them. To support channel discovery, three *gossip messages* are supported. Peers in the network exchange `channel_announcement` messages containing information regarding new channels between the two nodes. They can also exchange `channel_update` messages, which update information about a channel. There can only be one valid `channel_announcement` for any channel, but at least two `channel_update` messages are expected. To support node discovery, peers exchange `node_announcement` messages, which supply additional information about the nodes. There may be multiple `node_announcement` messages, in order to update the node information. # Table of Contents * [Definition of `short_channel_id`](#definition-of-short-channel-id) * [The `announcement_signatures` Message](#the-announcement_signatures-message) * [The `channel_announcement` Message](#the-channel_announcement-message) * [The `node_announcement` Message](#the-node_announcement-message) * [The `channel_update` Message](#the-channel_update-message) * [Query Messages](#query-messages) * [Initial Sync](#initial-sync) * [Rebroadcasting](#rebroadcasting) * [HTLC Fees](#htlc-fees) * [Pruning the Network View](#pruning-the-network-view) * [Recommendations for Routing](#recommendations-for-routing) * [References](#references) ## Definition of `short_channel_id` The `short_channel_id` is the unique description of the funding transaction. It is constructed as follows: 1. the most significant 3 bytes: indicating the block height 2. the next 3 bytes: indicating the transaction index within the block 3. the least significant 2 bytes: indicating the output index that pays to the channel. The standard human readable format for `short_channel_id` is created by printing the above components, in the order: block height, transaction index, and output index. Each component is printed as a decimal number, and separated from each other by the small letter `x`. For example, a `short_channel_id` might be written as `539268x845x1`, indicating a channel on the output 1 of the transaction at index 845 of the block at height 539268. ### Rationale The `short_channel_id` human readable format is designed so that double-clicking or double-tapping it will select the entire ID on most systems. Humans prefer decimal when reading numbers, so the ID components are written in decimal. The small letter `x` is used since on most fonts, the `x` is visibly smaller than decimal digits, making it easy to visibly group each component of the ID. ## The `announcement_signatures` Message This is a direct message between the two endpoints of a channel and serves as an opt-in mechanism to allow the announcement of the channel to the rest of the network. It contains the necessary signatures, by the sender, to construct the `channel_announcement` message. 1. type: 259 (`announcement_signatures`) 2. data: * [`channel_id`:`channel_id`] * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * [`signature`:`node_signature`] * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature`] The willingness of the initiating node to announce the channel is signaled during channel opening by setting the `announce_channel` bit in `channel_flags` (see [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#the-open_channel-message)). ### Requirements The `announcement_signatures` message is created by constructing a `channel_announcement` message, corresponding to the newly established channel, and signing it with the secrets matching an endpoint's `node_id` and `bitcoin_key`. After it's signed, the `announcement_signatures` message may be sent. A node: - if the `open_channel` message has the `announce_channel` bit set AND a `shutdown` message has not been sent: - MUST send the `announcement_signatures` message. - MUST NOT send `announcement_signatures` messages until `funding_locked` has been sent and received AND the funding transaction has at least six confirmations. - otherwise: - MUST NOT send the `announcement_signatures` message. - upon reconnection (once the above timing requirements have been met): - MUST respond to the first `announcement_signatures` message with its own `announcement_signatures` message. - if it has NOT received an `announcement_signatures` message: - SHOULD retransmit the `announcement_signatures` message. A recipient node: - if the `node_signature` OR the `bitcoin_signature` is NOT correct: - MAY fail the channel. - if it has sent AND received a valid `announcement_signatures` message: - SHOULD queue the `channel_announcement` message for its peers. - if it has not sent funding_locked: - MAY defer handling the announcement_signatures until after it has sent funding_locked - otherwise: - MUST ignore it. ### Rationale The reason for allowing deferring of a premature announcement_signatures is that an earlier version of the spec did not require waiting for receipt of funding locked: deferring rather than ignoring it allows compatibility with this behavior. ## The `channel_announcement` Message This gossip message contains ownership information regarding a channel. It ties each on-chain Bitcoin key to the associated Lightning node key, and vice-versa. The channel is not practically usable until at least one side has announced its fee levels and expiry, using `channel_update`. Proving the existence of a channel between `node_1` and `node_2` requires: 1. proving that the funding transaction pays to `bitcoin_key_1` and `bitcoin_key_2` 2. proving that `node_1` owns `bitcoin_key_1` 3. proving that `node_2` owns `bitcoin_key_2` Assuming that all nodes know the unspent transaction outputs, the first proof is accomplished by a node finding the output given by the `short_channel_id` and verifying that it is indeed a P2WSH funding transaction output for those keys specified in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#funding-transaction-output). The last two proofs are accomplished through explicit signatures: `bitcoin_signature_1` and `bitcoin_signature_2` are generated for each `bitcoin_key` and each of the corresponding `node_id`s are signed. It's also necessary to prove that `node_1` and `node_2` both agree on the announcement message: this is accomplished by having a signature from each `node_id` (`node_signature_1` and `node_signature_2`) signing the message. 1. type: 256 (`channel_announcement`) 2. data: * [`signature`:`node_signature_1`] * [`signature`:`node_signature_2`] * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_1`] * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_2`] * [`u16`:`len`] * [`len*byte`:`features`] * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * [`point`:`node_id_1`] * [`point`:`node_id_2`] * [`point`:`bitcoin_key_1`] * [`point`:`bitcoin_key_2`] ### Requirements The origin node: - MUST set `chain_hash` to the 32-byte hash that uniquely identifies the chain that the channel was opened within: - for the _Bitcoin blockchain_: - MUST set `chain_hash` value (encoded in hex) equal to `6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000`. - MUST set `short_channel_id` to refer to the confirmed funding transaction, as specified in [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#the-funding_locked-message). - Note: the corresponding output MUST be a P2WSH, as described in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#funding-transaction-output). - MUST set `node_id_1` and `node_id_2` to the public keys of the two nodes operating the channel, such that `node_id_1` is the numerically-lesser of the two DER-encoded keys sorted in ascending numerical order. - MUST set `bitcoin_key_1` and `bitcoin_key_2` to `node_id_1` and `node_id_2`'s respective `funding_pubkey`s. - MUST compute the double-SHA256 hash `h` of the message, beginning at offset 256, up to the end of the message. - Note: the hash skips the 4 signatures but hashes the rest of the message, including any future fields appended to the end. - MUST set `node_signature_1` and `node_signature_2` to valid signatures of the hash `h` (using `node_id_1` and `node_id_2`'s respective secrets). - MUST set `bitcoin_signature_1` and `bitcoin_signature_2` to valid signatures of the hash `h` (using `bitcoin_key_1` and `bitcoin_key_2`'s respective secrets). - SHOULD set `len` to the minimum length required to hold the `features` bits it sets. The receiving node: - MUST verify the integrity AND authenticity of the message by verifying the signatures. - if there is an unknown even bit in the `features` field: - MUST NOT parse the remainder of the message. - MUST NOT add the channel to its local network view. - SHOULD NOT forward the announcement. - if the `short_channel_id`'s output does NOT correspond to a P2WSH (using `bitcoin_key_1` and `bitcoin_key_2`, as specified in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#funding-transaction-output)) OR the output is spent: - MUST ignore the message. - if the specified `chain_hash` is unknown to the receiver: - MUST ignore the message. - otherwise: - if `bitcoin_signature_1`, `bitcoin_signature_2`, `node_signature_1` OR `node_signature_2` are invalid OR NOT correct: - SHOULD fail the connection. - otherwise: - if `node_id_1` OR `node_id_2` are blacklisted: - SHOULD ignore the message. - otherwise: - if the transaction referred to was NOT previously announced as a channel: - SHOULD queue the message for rebroadcasting. - MAY choose NOT to for messages longer than the minimum expected length. - if it has previously received a valid `channel_announcement`, for the same transaction, in the same block, but for a different `node_id_1` or `node_id_2`: - SHOULD blacklist the previous message's `node_id_1` and `node_id_2`, as well as this `node_id_1` and `node_id_2` AND forget any channels connected to them. - otherwise: - SHOULD store this `channel_announcement`. - once its funding output has been spent OR reorganized out: - SHOULD forget a channel. ### Rationale Both nodes are required to sign to indicate they are willing to route other payments via this channel (i.e. be part of the public network); requiring their Bitcoin signatures proves that they control the channel. The blacklisting of conflicting nodes disallows multiple different announcements. Such conflicting announcements should never be broadcast by any node, as this implies that keys have leaked. While channels should not be advertised before they are sufficiently deep, the requirement against rebroadcasting only applies if the transaction has not moved to a different block. In order to avoid storing excessively large messages, yet still allow for reasonable future expansion, nodes are permitted to restrict rebroadcasting (perhaps statistically). New channel features are possible in the future: backwards compatible (or optional) features will have _odd_ feature bits, while incompatible features will have _even_ feature bits (["It's OK to be odd!"](00-introduction.md#glossary-and-terminology-guide)). Incompatible features will result in the announcement not being forwarded by nodes that do not understand them. ## The `node_announcement` Message This gossip message allows a node to indicate extra data associated with it, in addition to its public key. To avoid trivial denial of service attacks, nodes not associated with an already known channel are ignored. 1. type: 257 (`node_announcement`) 2. data: * [`signature`:`signature`] * [`u16`:`flen`] * [`flen*byte`:`features`] * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * [`point`:`node_id`] * [`3*byte`:`rgb_color`] * [`32*byte`:`alias`] * [`u16`:`addrlen`] * [`addrlen*byte`:`addresses`] `timestamp` allows for the ordering of messages, in the case of multiple announcements. `rgb_color` and `alias` allow intelligence services to assign nodes colors like black and cool monikers like 'IRATEMONK' and 'WISTFULTOLL'. `addresses` allows a node to announce its willingness to accept incoming network connections: it contains a series of `address descriptor`s for connecting to the node. The first byte describes the address type and is followed by the appropriate number of bytes for that type. The following `address descriptor` types are defined: * `1`: ipv4; data = `[4:ipv4_addr][2:port]` (length 6) * `2`: ipv6; data = `[16:ipv6_addr][2:port]` (length 18) * `3`: Tor v2 onion service; data = `[10:onion_addr][2:port]` (length 12) * version 2 onion service addresses; Encodes an 80-bit, truncated `SHA-1` hash of a 1024-bit `RSA` public key for the onion service (a.k.a. Tor hidden service). * `4`: Tor v3 onion service; data = `[35:onion_addr][2:port]` (length 37) * version 3 ([prop224](https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt)) onion service addresses; Encodes: `[32:32_byte_ed25519_pubkey] || [2:checksum] || [1:version]`, where `checksum = sha3(".onion checksum" | pubkey || version)[:2]`. ### Requirements The origin node: - MUST set `timestamp` to be greater than that of any previous `node_announcement` it has previously created. - MAY base it on a UNIX timestamp. - MUST set `signature` to the signature of the double-SHA256 of the entire remaining packet after `signature` (using the key given by `node_id`). - MAY set `alias` AND `rgb_color` to customize its appearance in maps and graphs. - Note: the first byte of `rgb_color` is the red value, the second byte is the green value, and the last byte is the blue value. - MUST set `alias` to a valid UTF-8 string, with any `alias` trailing-bytes equal to 0. - SHOULD fill `addresses` with an address descriptor for each public network address that expects incoming connections. - MUST set `addrlen` to the number of bytes in `addresses`. - MUST place address descriptors in ascending order. - SHOULD NOT place any zero-typed address descriptors anywhere. - SHOULD use placement only for aligning fields that follow `addresses`. - MUST NOT create a `type 1` OR `type 2` address descriptor with `port` equal to 0. - SHOULD ensure `ipv4_addr` AND `ipv6_addr` are routable addresses. - MUST NOT include more than one `address descriptor` of the same type. - SHOULD set `flen` to the minimum length required to hold the `features` bits it sets. The receiving node: - if `node_id` is NOT a valid compressed public key: - SHOULD fail the connection. - MUST NOT process the message further. - if `signature` is NOT a valid signature (using `node_id` of the double-SHA256 of the entire message following the `signature` field, including any future fields appended to the end): - SHOULD fail the connection. - MUST NOT process the message further. - if `features` field contains _unknown even bits_: - MUST NOT parse the remainder of the message. - MAY discard the message altogether. - SHOULD NOT connect to the node. - MAY forward `node_announcement`s that contain an _unknown_ `features` _bit_, regardless of if it has parsed the announcement or not. - SHOULD ignore the first `address descriptor` that does NOT match the types defined above. - if `addrlen` is insufficient to hold the address descriptors of the known types: - SHOULD fail the connection. - if `port` is equal to 0: - SHOULD ignore `ipv6_addr` OR `ipv4_addr`. - if `node_id` is NOT previously known from a `channel_announcement` message, OR if `timestamp` is NOT greater than the last-received `node_announcement` from this `node_id`: - SHOULD ignore the message. - otherwise: - if `timestamp` is greater than the last-received `node_announcement` from this `node_id`: - SHOULD queue the message for rebroadcasting. - MAY choose NOT to queue messages longer than the minimum expected length. - MAY use `rgb_color` AND `alias` to reference nodes in interfaces. - SHOULD insinuate their self-signed origins. ### Rationale New node features are possible in the future: backwards compatible (or optional) ones will have _odd_ `feature` _bits_, incompatible ones will have _even_ `feature` _bits_. These may be propagated by nodes even if they cannot process the announcements themselves. New address types may be added in the future; as address descriptors have to be ordered in ascending order, unknown ones can be safely ignored. Additional fields beyond `addresses` may also be added in the future—with optional padding within `addresses`, if they require certain alignment. ### Security Considerations for Node Aliases Node aliases are user-defined and provide a potential avenue for injection attacks, both during the process of rendering and during persistence. Node aliases should always be sanitized before being displayed in HTML/Javascript contexts or any other dynamically interpreted rendering frameworks. Similarly, consider using prepared statements, input validation, and escaping to protect against injection vulnerabilities and persistence engines that support SQL or other dynamically interpreted querying languages. * [Stored and Reflected XSS Prevention](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet) * [DOM-based XSS Prevention](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/DOM_based_XSS_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet) * [SQL Injection Prevention](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet) Don't be like the school of [Little Bobby Tables](https://xkcd.com/327/). ## The `channel_update` Message After a channel has been initially announced, each side independently announces the fees and minimum expiry delta it requires to relay HTLCs through this channel. Each uses the 8-byte channel shortid that matches the `channel_announcement` and the 1-bit `channel_flags` field to indicate which end of the channel it's on (origin or final). A node can do this multiple times, in order to change fees. Note that the `channel_update` gossip message is only useful in the context of *relaying* payments, not *sending* payments. When making a payment `A` -> `B` -> `C` -> `D`, only the `channel_update`s related to channels `B` -> `C` (announced by `B`) and `C` -> `D` (announced by `C`) will come into play. When building the route, amounts and expiries for HTLCs need to be calculated backward from the destination to the source. The exact initial value for `amount_msat` and the minimal value for `cltv_expiry`, to be used for the last HTLC in the route, are provided in the payment request (see [BOLT #11](11-payment-encoding.md#tagged-fields)). 1. type: 258 (`channel_update`) 2. data: * [`signature`:`signature`] * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * [`byte`:`message_flags`] * [`byte`:`channel_flags`] * [`u16`:`cltv_expiry_delta`] * [`u64`:`htlc_minimum_msat`] * [`u32`:`fee_base_msat`] * [`u32`:`fee_proportional_millionths`] * [`u64`:`htlc_maximum_msat`] (option_channel_htlc_max) The `channel_flags` bitfield is used to indicate the direction of the channel: it identifies the node that this update originated from and signals various options concerning the channel. The following table specifies the meaning of its individual bits: | Bit Position | Name | Meaning | | ------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------- | | 0 | `direction` | Direction this update refers to. | | 1 | `disable` | Disable the channel. | The `message_flags` bitfield is used to indicate the presence of optional fields in the `channel_update` message: | Bit Position | Name | Field | | ------------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------------- | | 0 | `option_channel_htlc_max` | `htlc_maximum_msat` | Note that the `htlc_maximum_msat` field is static in the current protocol over the life of the channel: it is *not* designed to be indicative of real-time channel capacity in each direction, which would be both a massive data leak and uselessly spam the network (it takes an average of 30 seconds for gossip to propagate each hop). The `node_id` for the signature verification is taken from the corresponding `channel_announcement`: `node_id_1` if the least-significant bit of flags is 0 or `node_id_2` otherwise. ### Requirements The origin node: - MAY create a `channel_update` to communicate the channel parameters to the channel peer, even though the channel has not yet been announced (i.e. the `announce_channel` bit was not set). - MUST NOT forward such a `channel_update` to other peers, for privacy reasons. - Note: such a `channel_update`, one not preceded by a `channel_announcement`, is invalid to any other peer and would be discarded. - MUST set `signature` to the signature of the double-SHA256 of the entire remaining packet after `signature`, using its own `node_id`. - MUST set `chain_hash` AND `short_channel_id` to match the 32-byte hash AND 8-byte channel ID that uniquely identifies the channel specified in the `channel_announcement` message. - if the origin node is `node_id_1` in the message: - MUST set the `direction` bit of `channel_flags` to 0. - otherwise: - MUST set the `direction` bit of `channel_flags` to 1. - if the `htlc_maximum_msat` field is present: - MUST set the `option_channel_htlc_max` bit of `message_flags` to 1. - MUST set `htlc_maximum_msat` to the maximum value it will send through this channel for a single HTLC. - MUST set this to less than or equal to the channel capacity. - MUST set this to less than or equal to `max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat` it received from the peer. - for channels with `chain_hash` identifying the Bitcoin blockchain: - MUST set this to less than 2^32. - otherwise: - MUST set the `option_channel_htlc_max` bit of `message_flags` to 0. - MUST set bits in `channel_flags` and `message_flags `that are not assigned a meaning to 0. - MAY create and send a `channel_update` with the `disable` bit set to 1, to signal a channel's temporary unavailability (e.g. due to a loss of connectivity) OR permanent unavailability (e.g. prior to an on-chain settlement). - MAY sent a subsequent `channel_update` with the `disable` bit set to 0 to re-enable the channel. - MUST set `timestamp` to greater than 0, AND to greater than any previously-sent `channel_update` for this `short_channel_id`. - SHOULD base `timestamp` on a UNIX timestamp. - MUST set `cltv_expiry_delta` to the number of blocks it will subtract from an incoming HTLC's `cltv_expiry`. - MUST set `htlc_minimum_msat` to the minimum HTLC value (in millisatoshi) that the channel peer will accept. - MUST set `fee_base_msat` to the base fee (in millisatoshi) it will charge for any HTLC. - MUST set `fee_proportional_millionths` to the amount (in millionths of a satoshi) it will charge per transferred satoshi. - SHOULD NOT create redundant `channel_update`s The receiving node: - if the `short_channel_id` does NOT match a previous `channel_announcement`, OR if the channel has been closed in the meantime: - MUST ignore `channel_update`s that do NOT correspond to one of its own channels. - SHOULD accept `channel_update`s for its own channels (even if non-public), in order to learn the associated origin nodes' forwarding parameters. - if `signature` is not a valid signature, using `node_id` of the double-SHA256 of the entire message following the `signature` field (including unknown fields following `fee_proportional_millionths`): - MUST NOT process the message further. - SHOULD fail the connection. - if the specified `chain_hash` value is unknown (meaning it isn't active on the specified chain): - MUST ignore the channel update. - if `timestamp` is NOT greater than that of the last-received `channel_update` for this `short_channel_id` AND for `node_id`: - SHOULD ignore the message. - otherwise: - if the `timestamp` is equal to the last-received `channel_update` AND the fields (other than `signature`) differ: - MAY blacklist this `node_id`. - MAY forget all channels associated with it. - if the `timestamp` is unreasonably far in the future: - MAY discard the `channel_update`. - otherwise: - SHOULD queue the message for rebroadcasting. - MAY choose NOT to for messages longer than the minimum expected length. - if the `option_channel_htlc_max` bit of `message_flags` is 0: - MUST consider `htlc_maximum_msat` not to be present. - otherwise: - if `htlc_maximum_msat` is not present or greater than channel capacity: - MAY blacklist this `node_id` - SHOULD ignore this channel during route considerations. - otherwise: - SHOULD consider the `htlc_maximum_msat` when routing. ### Rationale The `timestamp` field is used by nodes for pruning `channel_update`s that are either too far in the future or have not been updated in two weeks; so it makes sense to have it be a UNIX timestamp (i.e. seconds since UTC 1970-01-01). This cannot be a hard requirement, however, given the possible case of two `channel_update`s within a single second. The explicit `option_channel_htlc_max` flag to indicate the presence of `htlc_maximum_msat` (rather than having `htlc_maximum_msat` implied by the message length) allows us to extend the `channel_update` with different fields in future. Since channels are limited to 2^32-1 millisatoshis in Bitcoin, the `htlc_maximum_msat` has the same restriction. The recommendation against redundant `channel_update`s minimizes spamming the network, however it is sometimes inevitable. For example, a channel with a peer which is unreachable will eventually cause a `channel_update` to indicate that the channel is disabled, with another update re-enabling the channel when the peer reestablishes contact. Because gossip messages are batched and replace previous ones, the result may be a single seemingly-redundant update. ## Query Messages Negotiating the `gossip_queries` option via `init` enables a number of extended queries for gossip synchronization. These explicitly request what gossip should be received. There are several messages which contain a long array of `short_channel_id`s (called `encoded_short_ids`) so we utilize a simple compression scheme: the first byte indicates the encoding, the rest contains the data. Encoding types: * `0`: uncompressed array of `short_channel_id` types, in ascending order. * `1`: array of `short_channel_id` types, in ascending order, compressed with zlib deflate[1](#reference-1) Note that a 65535-byte zlib message can decompress into 67632120 bytes[2](#reference-2), but since the only valid contents are unique 8-byte values, no more than 14 bytes can be duplicated across the stream: as each duplicate takes at least 2 bits, no valid contents could decompress to more then 3669960 bytes. ### The `query_short_channel_ids`/`reply_short_channel_ids_end` Messages 1. type: 261 (`query_short_channel_ids`) (`gossip_queries`) 2. data: * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`u16`:`len`] * [`len*byte`:`encoded_short_ids`] 1. type: 262 (`reply_short_channel_ids_end`) (`gossip_queries`) 2. data: * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`byte`:`complete`] This is a general mechanism which lets a node query for the `channel_announcement` and `channel_update` messages for specific channels (identified via `short_channel_id`s). This is usually used either because a node sees a `channel_update` for which it has no `channel_announcement` or because it has obtained previously unknown `short_channel_id`s from `reply_channel_range`. #### Requirements The sender: - MUST NOT send `query_short_channel_ids` if it has sent a previous `query_short_channel_ids` to this peer and not received `reply_short_channel_ids_end`. - MUST set `chain_hash` to the 32-byte hash that uniquely identifies the chain that the `short_channel_id`s refer to. - MUST set the first byte of `encoded_short_ids` to the encoding type. - MUST encode a whole number of `short_channel_id`s to `encoded_short_ids` - MAY send this if it receives a `channel_update` for a `short_channel_id` for which it has no `channel_announcement`. - SHOULD NOT send this if the channel referred to is not an unspent output. The receiver: - if the first byte of `encoded_short_ids` is not a known encoding type: - MAY fail the connection - if `encoded_short_ids` does not decode into a whole number of `short_channel_id`: - MAY fail the connection. - if it has not sent `reply_short_channel_ids_end` to a previously received `query_short_channel_ids` from this sender: - MAY fail the connection. - MUST respond to each known `short_channel_id` with a `channel_announcement` and the latest `channel_update` for each end - SHOULD NOT wait for the next outgoing gossip flush to send these. - MUST follow with any `node_announcement`s for each `channel_announcement` - SHOULD avoid sending duplicate `node_announcements` in response to a single `query_short_channel_ids`. - MUST follow these responses with `reply_short_channel_ids_end`. - if does not maintain up-to-date channel information for `chain_hash`: - MUST set `complete` to 0. - otherwise: - SHOULD set `complete` to 1. #### Rationale Future nodes may not have complete information; they certainly won't have complete information on unknown `chain_hash` chains. While this `complete` field cannot be trusted, a 0 does indicate that the sender should search elsewhere for additional data. The explicit `reply_short_channel_ids_end` message means that the receiver can indicate it doesn't know anything, and the sender doesn't need to rely on timeouts. It also causes a natural ratelimiting of queries. ### The `query_channel_range` and `reply_channel_range` Messages 1. type: 263 (`query_channel_range`) (`gossip_queries`) 2. data: * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`u32`:`first_blocknum`] * [`u32`:`number_of_blocks`] 1. type: 264 (`reply_channel_range`) (`gossip_queries`) 2. data: * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`u32`:`first_blocknum`] * [`u32`:`number_of_blocks`] * [`byte`:`complete`] * [`u16`:`len`] * [`len*byte`:`encoded_short_ids`] This allows a query for channels within specific blocks. #### Requirements The sender of `query_channel_range`: - MUST NOT send this if it has sent a previous `query_channel_range` to this peer and not received all `reply_channel_range` replies. - MUST set `chain_hash` to the 32-byte hash that uniquely identifies the chain that it wants the `reply_channel_range` to refer to - MUST set `first_blocknum` to the first block it wants to know channels for - MUST set `number_of_blocks` to 1 or greater. The receiver of `query_channel_range`: - if it has not sent all `reply_channel_range` to a previously received `query_channel_range` from this sender: - MAY fail the connection. - MUST respond with one or more `reply_channel_range` whose combined range cover the requested `first_blocknum` to `first_blocknum` plus `number_of_blocks` minus one. - For each `reply_channel_range`: - MUST set with `chain_hash` equal to that of `query_channel_range`, - MUST encode a `short_channel_id` for every open channel it knows in blocks `first_blocknum` to `first_blocknum` plus `number_of_blocks` minus one. - MUST limit `number_of_blocks` to the maximum number of blocks whose results could fit in `encoded_short_ids` - if does not maintain up-to-date channel information for `chain_hash`: - MUST set `complete` to 0. - otherwise: - SHOULD set `complete` to 1. #### Rationale A single response might be too large for a single packet, and also a peer can store canned results for (say) 1000-block ranges, and simply offer each reply which overlaps the ranges of the request. ### The `gossip_timestamp_filter` Message 1. type: 265 (`gossip_timestamp_filter`) (`gossip_queries`) 2. data: * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * [`u32`:`first_timestamp`] * [`u32`:`timestamp_range`] This message allows a node to constrain future gossip messages to a specific range. A node which wants any gossip messages would have to send this, otherwise `gossip_queries` negotiation means no gossip messages would be received. Note that this filter replaces any previous one, so it can be used multiple times to change the gossip from a peer. #### Requirements The sender: - MUST set `chain_hash` to the 32-byte hash that uniquely identifies the chain that it wants the gossip to refer to. The receiver: - SHOULD send all gossip messages whose `timestamp` is greater or equal to `first_timestamp`, and less than `first_timestamp` plus `timestamp_range`. - MAY wait for the next outgoing gossip flush to send these. - SHOULD restrict future gossip messages to those whose `timestamp` is greater or equal to `first_timestamp`, and less than `first_timestamp` plus `timestamp_range`. - If a `channel_announcement` has no corresponding `channel_update`s: - MUST NOT send the `channel_announcement`. - Otherwise: - MUST consider the `timestamp` of the `channel_announcement` to be the `timestamp` of a corresponding `channel_update`. - MUST consider whether to send the `channel_announcement` after receiving the first corresponding `channel_update`. - If a `channel_announcement` is sent: - MUST send the `channel_announcement` prior to any corresponding `channel_update`s and `node_announcement`s. #### Rationale Since `channel_announcement` doesn't have a timestamp, we generate a likely one. If there's no `channel_update` then it is not sent at all, which is most likely in the case of pruned channels. Otherwise the `channel_announcement` is usually followed immediately by a `channel_update`. Ideally we would specify that the first (oldest) `channel_update`'s timestamp is to be used as the time of the `channel_announcement`, but new nodes on the network will not have this, and further would require the first `channel_update` timestamp to be stored. Instead, we allow any update to be used, which is simple to implement. In the case where the `channel_announcement` is nonetheless missed, `query_short_channel_ids` can be used to retrieve it. ## Initial Sync If a node requires an initial sync of gossip messages, it will be flagged in the `init` message, via a feature flag ([BOLT #9](09-features.md#assigned-localfeatures-flags)). Note that the `initial_routing_sync` feature is overridden (and should be considered equal to 0) by the `gossip_queries` feature if the latter is negotiated via `init`. Note that `gossip_queries` does not work with older nodes, so the value of `initial_routing_sync` is still important to control interactions with them. ### Requirements A node: - if the `gossip_queries` feature is negotiated: - MUST NOT relay any gossip messages unless explicitly requested. - otherwise: - if it requires a full copy of the peer's routing state: - SHOULD set the `initial_routing_sync` flag to 1. - upon receiving an `init` message with the `initial_routing_sync` flag set to 1: - SHOULD send gossip messages for all known channels and nodes, as if they were just received. - if the `initial_routing_sync` flag is set to 0, OR if the initial sync was completed: - SHOULD resume normal operation, as specified in the following [Rebroadcasting](#rebroadcasting) section. ## Rebroadcasting ### Requirements A receiving node: - upon receiving a new `channel_announcement` or a `channel_update` or `node_announcement` with an updated `timestamp`: - SHOULD update its local view of the network's topology accordingly. - after applying the changes from the announcement: - if there are no channels associated with the corresponding origin node: - MAY purge the origin node from its set of known nodes. - otherwise: - SHOULD update the appropriate metadata AND store the signature associated with the announcement. - Note: this will later allow the node to rebuild the announcement for its peers. A node: - if the `gossip_queries` feature is negotiated: - MUST not send gossip until it receives `gossip_timestamp_range`. - SHOULD flush outgoing gossip messages once every 60 seconds, independently of the arrival times of the messages. - Note: this results in staggered announcements that are unique (not duplicated). - MAY re-announce its channels regularly. - Note: this is discouraged, in order to keep the resource requirements low. - upon connection establishment: - SHOULD send all `channel_announcement` messages, followed by the latest `node_announcement` AND `channel_update` messages. ### Rationale Once the gossip message has been processed, it's added to a list of outgoing messages, destined for the processing node's peers, replacing any older updates from the origin node. This list of gossip messages will be flushed at regular intervals; such a store-and-delayed-forward broadcast is called a _staggered broadcast_. Also, such batching forms a natural rate limit with low overhead. The sending of all gossip on reconnection is naive, but simple, and allows bootstrapping for new nodes as well as updating for nodes that have been offline for some time. The `gossip_queries` option allows for more refined synchronization. ## HTLC Fees ### Requirements The origin node: - SHOULD accept HTLCs that pay a fee equal to or greater than: - fee_base_msat + ( amount_to_forward * fee_proportional_millionths / 1000000 ) - SHOULD accept HTLCs that pay an older fee, for some reasonable time after sending `channel_update`. - Note: this allows for any propagation delay. ## Pruning the Network View ### Requirements A node: - SHOULD monitor the funding transactions in the blockchain, to identify channels that are being closed. - if the funding output of a channel is being spent: - SHOULD be removed from the local network view AND be considered closed. - if the announced node no longer has any associated open channels: - MAY prune nodes added through `node_announcement` messages from their local view. - Note: this is a direct result of the dependency of a `node_announcement` being preceded by a `channel_announcement`. ### Recommendation on Pruning Stale Entries #### Requirements A node: - if a channel's latest `channel_update`s `timestamp` is older than two weeks (1209600 seconds): - MAY prune the channel. - MAY ignore the channel. - Note: this is an individual node policy and MUST NOT be enforced by forwarding peers, e.g. by closing channels when receiving outdated gossip messages. #### Rationale Several scenarios may result in channels becoming unusable and its endpoints becoming unable to send updates for these channels. For example, this occurs if both endpoints lose access to their private keys and can neither sign `channel_update`s nor close the channel on-chain. In this case, the channels are unlikely to be part of a computed route, since they would be partitioned off from the rest of the network; however, they would remain in the local network view would be forwarded to other peers indefinitely. ## Recommendations for Routing When calculating a route for an HTLC, both the `cltv_expiry_delta` and the fee need to be considered: the `cltv_expiry_delta` contributes to the time that funds will be unavailable in the event of a worst-case failure. The relationship between these two attributes is unclear, as it depends on the reliability of the nodes involved. If a route is computed by simply routing to the intended recipient and summing the `cltv_expiry_delta`s, then it's possible for intermediate nodes to guess their position in the route. Knowing the CLTV of the HTLC, the surrounding network topology, and the `cltv_expiry_delta`s gives an attacker a way to guess the intended recipient. Therefore, it's highly desirable to add a random offset to the CLTV that the intended recipient will receive, which bumps all CLTVs along the route. In order to create a plausible offset, the origin node MAY start a limited random walk on the graph, starting from the intended recipient and summing the `cltv_expiry_delta`s, and use the resulting sum as the offset. This effectively creates a _shadow route extension_ to the actual route and provides better protection against this attack vector than simply picking a random offset would. Other more advanced considerations involve diversification of route selection, to avoid single points of failure and detection, and balancing of local channels. ### Routing Example Consider four nodes: ``` B / \ / \ A C \ / \ / D ``` Each advertises the following `cltv_expiry_delta` on its end of every channel: 1. A: 10 blocks 2. B: 20 blocks 3. C: 30 blocks 4. D: 40 blocks C also uses a `min_final_cltv_expiry` of 9 (the default) when requesting payments. Also, each node has a set fee scheme that it uses for each of its channels: 1. A: 100 base + 1000 millionths 2. B: 200 base + 2000 millionths 3. C: 300 base + 3000 millionths 4. D: 400 base + 4000 millionths The network will see eight `channel_update` messages: 1. A->B: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 10, `fee_base_msat` = 100, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 1000 1. A->D: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 10, `fee_base_msat` = 100, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 1000 1. B->A: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 20, `fee_base_msat` = 200, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 2000 1. D->A: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 40, `fee_base_msat` = 400, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 4000 1. B->C: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 20, `fee_base_msat` = 200, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 2000 1. D->C: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 40, `fee_base_msat` = 400, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 4000 1. C->B: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 30, `fee_base_msat` = 300, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 3000 1. C->D: `cltv_expiry_delta` = 30, `fee_base_msat` = 300, `fee_proportional_millionths` = 3000 **B->C.** If B were to send 4,999,999 millisatoshi directly to C, it would neither charge itself a fee nor add its own `cltv_expiry_delta`, so it would use C's requested `min_final_cltv_expiry` of 9. Presumably it would also add a _shadow route_ to give an extra CLTV of 42. Additionally, it could add extra CLTV deltas at other hops, as these values represent a minimum, but chooses not to do so here, for the sake of simplicity: * `amount_msat`: 4999999 * `cltv_expiry`: current-block-height + 9 + 42 * `onion_routing_packet`: * `amt_to_forward` = 4999999 * `outgoing_cltv_value` = current-block-height + 9 + 42 **A->B->C.** If A were to send 4,999,999 millisatoshi to C via B, it needs to pay B the fee it specified in the B->C `channel_update`, calculated as per [HTLC Fees](#htlc-fees): fee_base_msat + ( amount_to_forward * fee_proportional_millionths / 1000000 ) 200 + ( 4999999 * 2000 / 1000000 ) = 10199 Similarly, it would need to add B->C's `channel_update` `cltv_expiry` (20), C's requested `min_final_cltv_expiry` (9), and the cost for the _shadow route_ (42). Thus, A->B's `update_add_htlc` message would be: * `amount_msat`: 5010198 * `cltv_expiry`: current-block-height + 20 + 9 + 42 * `onion_routing_packet`: * `amt_to_forward` = 4999999 * `outgoing_cltv_value` = current-block-height + 9 + 42 B->C's `update_add_htlc` would be the same as B->C's direct payment above. **A->D->C.** Finally, if for some reason A chose the more expensive route via D, A->D's `update_add_htlc` message would be: * `amount_msat`: 5020398 * `cltv_expiry`: current-block-height + 40 + 9 + 42 * `onion_routing_packet`: * `amt_to_forward` = 4999999 * `outgoing_cltv_value` = current-block-height + 9 + 42 And D->C's `update_add_htlc` would again be the same as B->C's direct payment above. ## References 1. [RFC 1950 "ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt) 2. [Maximum Compression Factor](https://zlib.net/zlib_tech.html) ![Creative Commons License](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png "License CC-BY")
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).