diff --git a/02-peer-protocol.md b/02-peer-protocol.md
index 2057728..b7c73a4 100644
--- a/02-peer-protocol.md
+++ b/02-peer-protocol.md
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ operation, and closing.
       * [Sharing funding signatures: `tx_signatures`](#sharing-funding-signatures-tx_signatures)
       * [Fee bumping: `tx_init_rbf` and `tx_ack_rbf`](#fee-bumping-tx_init_rbf-and-tx_ack_rbf)
     * [Channel Quiescence](#channel-quiescence)
+    * [Channel Splicing](#channel-splicing)
+      * [The `splice_init` Message](#the-splice_init-message)
+      * [The `splice_ack` Message](#the-splice_ack-message)
+      * [Splice Transaction Construction](#splice-transaction-construction)
+      * [Splice Completion](#splice-completion)
     * [Channel Close](#channel-close)
       * [Closing Initiation: `shutdown`](#closing-initiation-shutdown)
       * [Closing Negotiation: `closing_signed`](#closing-negotiation-closing_signed)
@@ -200,6 +205,13 @@ This message contains a transaction input.
     * [`prevtx_len*byte`:`prevtx`]
     * [`u32`:`prevtx_vout`]
     * [`u32`:`sequence`]
+    * [`tx_add_input_tlvs`:`tlvs`]
+1. `tlv_stream`: `tx_add_input_tlvs`
+2. types:
+   1. type: 0 (`shared_input_txid`)
+   2. data:
+     * [`sha256`:`funding_txid`]
 #### Requirements
@@ -393,12 +405,19 @@ the byte size of the input and output counts on the transaction to one (1).
     * [`sha256`:`txid`]
     * [`u16`:`num_witnesses`]
     * [`num_witnesses*witness`:`witnesses`]
+    * [`tx_signatures_tlvs`:`tlvs`]
 1. subtype: `witness`
 2. data:
     * [`u16`:`len`]
     * [`len*byte`:`witness_data`]
+1. `tlv_stream`: `tx_signatures_tlvs`
+2. types:
+   1. type: 0 (`shared_input_signature`)
+   2. data:
+     * [`signature`:`signature`]
 #### Requirements
 The sending node:
@@ -1498,6 +1517,444 @@ channel state significantly more complex to maintain. This introduces the
 derivative property that it is impossible to batch multiple downstream protocols
 in the same quiescence session.
+## Channel Splicing
+Splicing is the term given for replacing the funding transaction with
+a new one. For simplicity, splicing takes place once a channel is
+Operation returns to normal once the splice transaction has been signed
+(while waiting for one of the splice transactions to confirm), at which
+point the channel isn't quiescent anymore.
+The splice is finally terminated when both sides send `splice_locked`
+to indicate that one of the splice transactions reached acceptable depth.
+        +-------+                               +-------+
+        |       |--- splice_init -------------->|       |
+        |   A   |<--------------- splice_ack ---|   B   |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_input ------------->|       |
+        |       |<------------- tx_add_input ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_input ------------->|       |
+        |       |<------------ tx_add_output ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_output ------------>|       |
+        |       |<-------------- tx_complete ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_output ------------>|       |
+        |       |<-------------- tx_complete ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_complete -------------->|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_signatures ------------>|       |
+        |       |<------------ tx_signatures ---|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |       <RESUME CHANNEL>        |       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- update_add_htlc ---------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |<----------- revoke_and_ack ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |--- revoke_and_ack ----------->|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |             <RBF>             |       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |<-------------- tx_init_rbf ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_ack_rbf --------------->|       |
+        |       |<------------- tx_add_input ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_input ------------->|       |
+        |       |<------------- tx_add_input ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_add_output ------------>|       |
+        |       |<------------ tx_add_output ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_complete -------------->|       |
+        |       |<------------ tx_add_output ---|       |
+        |       |--- tx_complete -------------->|       |
+        |       |<-------------- tx_complete ---|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |--- tx_signatures ------------>|       |
+        |       |<------------ tx_signatures ---|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |       <RESUME CHANNEL>        |       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- update_add_htlc ---------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |<----------- revoke_and_ack ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |--- revoke_and_ack ----------->|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |      <SPLICE COMPLETION>      |       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- splice_locked ------------>|       |
+        |       |<------------ splice_locked ---|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |       <RESUME CHANNEL>        |       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        |       |--- update_add_htlc ---------->|       |
+        |       |--- commit_sig --------------->|       |
+        |       |<----------- revoke_and_ack ---|       |
+        |       |<--------------- commit_sig ---|       |
+        |       |--- revoke_and_ack ----------->|       |
+        |       |                               |       |
+        +-------+                               +-------+
+### The `splice_init` Message
+1. type: 80 (`splice_init`)
+2. data:
+    * [`channel_id`:`channel_id`]
+    * [`s64`:`funding_contribution_satoshis`]
+    * [`u32`:`funding_feerate_perkw`]
+    * [`u32`:`locktime`]
+    * [`point`:`funding_pubkey`]
+    * [`splice_init_tlvs`:`tlvs`]
+1. `tlv_stream`: `splice_init_tlvs`
+2. types:
+   1. type: 2 (`require_confirmed_inputs`)
+`funding_contribution_satoshis` is the amount the sender is adding to their
+channel balance (splice-in) or removing from their channel balance (splice-out).
+#### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` if the channel is not quiescent.
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` if it is not the quiescence initiator.
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` before sending and receiving `channel_ready`.
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` while another splice is being negotiated.
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` if another splice has been negotiated but
+    `splice_locked` has not been sent and received.
+  - MUST NOT send `splice_init` if it has previously sent `shutdown`.
+  - If it is splicing funds out of the channel:
+    - MUST set `funding_contribution_satoshis` to a negative value matching
+      the amount that will be subtracted from its current channel balance.
+  - If it is splicing funds into the channel:
+    - MUST set `funding_contribution_satoshis` to a positive value matching
+      the amount that will be added to its current channel balance.
+  - If it requires the receiving node to only use confirmed inputs:
+    - MUST set `require_confirmed_inputs`.
+  - SHOULD use a different `funding_pubkey` than the one used for the
+    previous funding transaction.
+The receiving node:
+  - If the channel is not quiescent:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If the sending node is not the quiescence initiator:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If another splice is already being negotiated:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If another splice has been negotiated but isn't locked yet:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If it has received `shutdown`:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If `funding_contribution_satoshis` is negative and its absolute value is
+    greater than the sending node's current channel balance:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If it accepts the splice attempt:
+    - MUST respond with `splice_ack`.
+  - Otherwise (it rejects the splice):
+    - MUST respond with `tx_abort`.
+### The `splice_ack` Message
+1. type: 81 (`splice_ack`)
+2. data:
+    * [`channel_id`:`channel_id`]
+    * [`s64`:`funding_contribution_satoshis`]
+    * [`point`:`funding_pubkey`]
+    * [`splice_ack_tlvs`:`tlvs`]
+1. `tlv_stream`: `splice_ack_tlvs`
+2. types:
+   1. type: 2 (`require_confirmed_inputs`)
+#### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - SHOULD use a different `funding_pubkey` than the one used for the
+    previous funding transaction.
+  - MAY set `funding_contribution_satoshis` to `0` if they don't want
+    to contribute to the splice.
+  - If it requires the receiving node to only use confirmed inputs:
+    - MUST set `require_confirmed_inputs`.
+The receiving node:
+  - If it has sent `splice_init`:
+    - If `funding_contribution_satoshis` is negative and its absolute value is
+      greater than the sending node's current channel balance:
+      - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+        and fail the channel.
+    - If it accepts the splice attempt:
+      - MUST start an `interactive-tx` session to create the splice transaction.
+    - Otherwise:
+      - MUST reject the splice attempt by sending `tx_abort`.
+  - Otherwise (it has not sent `splice_init`):
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+### Splice Transaction Construction
+The splice transaction is created using the
+[Interactive Transaction Construction](#interactive-transaction-construction)
+protocol, with the following additional requirements.
+#### The `tx_add_input` Message
+##### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - If it is the splice initiator:
+    - MUST add the current channel input to the splice transaction by
+      sending `tx_add_input` with `shared_input_txid` containing the
+      `txid` of the latest funding transaction.
+      - MUST NOT include `prevtx` for that shared input.
+  - If the receiver set `require_confirmed_inputs` in `splice_init`,
+    `splice_ack`, `tx_init_rbf` or `tx_ack_rbf`:
+    - MUST NOT send a `tx_add_input` that contains an unconfirmed input.
+The receiving node:
+  - If `shared_input_txid` is set:
+    - If it doesn't match the `txid` of the latest funding transaction:
+      - MUST fail the negotiation by sending `tx_abort`.
+##### Rationale
+The splice transaction must spend the current channel funding output. The
+splice initiator is responsible for adding that input to the transaction,
+and pay the fees for its weight. Since both peers already have access to
+the funding transaction, it is wasteful to transmit it in the `prevtx`
+field. It may also exceed 65kB, which makes it impossible to include it
+in `tx_add_input` anyway, so we only transmit its `txid`.
+#### The `tx_add_output` Message
+##### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - If it is the splice initiator:
+    - MUST send at least one `tx_add_output`, which contains the new 
+      channel's funding output based on the `funding_pubkey`s from
+      `splice_init` and `splice_ack`.
+      - MUST set the amount of that `tx_add_output` to the previous
+        channel capacity with the `funding_contribution_satoshis`s from
+        `splice_init` and `splice_ack` applied.
+##### Rationale
+The splice initiator is responsible for adding the new channel funding
+output to the transaction and paying the fees for its weight.
+#### The `tx_complete` Message
+##### Requirements
+The receiving node:
+  - MUST compute the channel balance for each side by adding their respective
+    `funding_contribution_satoshis` to their previous channel balance.
+  - MUST fail the negotiation by sending `tx_abort` if:
+    - There is not exactly one input spending the current funding transaction.
+    - There is not exactly one channel funding output using the funding public
+      keys and funding contributions from `splice_init` and `splice_ack`.
+    - This is an RBF attempt and the transaction's total fees is less than
+      the last successfully negotiated splice transaction's fees.
+    - Either side has added an output other than the channel funding output
+      and the balance for that side is less than the channel reserve that
+      matches the new channel capacity.
+##### Rationale
+If a side does not meet the reserve requirements, that's OK: but if they take
+funds out of the channel, they must ensure that they do meet them. If your peer
+adds a massive amount to the channel, then you only have to add more reserve if
+you want to contribute to the splice (and you can use `tx_remove_output` and/or
+`tx_remove_input` part-way through if this happens).
+### The `commitment_signed` Message
+After exchanging `tx_complete`, both peers send `commitment_signed` to commit
+to the splice transaction by creating a commitment transaction spending the
+new channel funding output.
+The usual [`commitment_signed`](#committing-updates-so-far-commitment_signed)
+requirements apply with the following additions.
+#### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - MUST create a commitment transaction that spends the splice funding output and:
+    - Adds `funding_contribution_satoshis` from `splice_init` and `splice_ack`
+      to the main balance of their respective sender.
+    - Uses the same feerate as the existing commitment transaction.
+    - Uses the same `commitment_number` as the existing commitment transaction.
+    - Does not set the `batch` field.
+  - MUST send signatures for pending HTLCs.
+  - MUST remember the details of this splice transaction.
+The receiving node:
+  - MUST NOT respond with `revoke_and_ack`.
+  - If it has not already transmitted its `commitment_signed`:
+    - MUST send `commitment_signed`.
+  - If it should sign first, as specified in the [`tx_signatures` requirements](#the-tx_signatures-message):
+    - MUST send `tx_signatures`.
+On reconnection:
+  - If `next_funding_txid` matches the splice transaction:
+    - MUST retransmit `commitment_signed`.
+#### Rationale
+Once peers are ready to exchange commitment signatures, they must remember
+the details of the splice transaction to allow resuming the signatures
+exchange if a disconnection happens.
+#### The `tx_signatures` Message
+##### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - MUST set `shared_input_signature` to a valid ECDSA signature for the
+    `tx_add_input` spending the previous channel funding output using the
+    `funding_pubkey` that matches this input.
+The receiving node:
+  - If `shared_input_signature` is not set:
+    - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
+  - If `shared_input_signature` is not valid or non-compliant with the
+    LOW-S-standard rule<sup>[LOWS](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6769)</sup>:
+    - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
+  - MUST consider the channel no longer quiescent.
+On reconnection:
+  - If `next_funding_txid` matches the splice transaction:
+    - MUST retransmit `tx_signatures`.
+##### Rationale
+Spending the channel funding output requires a signature from both peers.
+Each peer transmits its own signature, which allows creating a valid
+witness for the shared input without adding an additional message.
+Once `tx_signatures` have been exchanged, the splice transaction can be
+broadcast. The channel is no longer quiescent: normal operation can resume
+while waiting for the transaction to confirm and `splice_locked` messages
+to be exchanged.
+#### The `tx_init_rbf` Message
+##### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - MUST NOT send `tx_init_rbf` if the channel is not quiescent.
+  - MUST NOT send `tx_init_rbf` if it is not the quiescence initiator.
+  - MAY send `tx_init_rbf` even if it is not the splice initiator.
+  - MUST NOT send `tx_init_rbf` if it has previously sent `splice_locked`.
+  - MAY set `funding_output_contribution` to a different value than the
+    `funding_contribution_satoshis` used in `splice_init` or `splice_ack`,
+    or in previous RBF attempts.
+The receiving node:
+  - If the channel is not quiescent:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If the sending node is not the quiescence initiator:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If the sender previously sent `splice_locked`:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+  - If `funding_output_contribution` is negative and its absolute value is
+    greater than the sending node's current channel balance:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+##### Rationale
+Splice transactions can be RBF-ed to react to changes in the mempool feerate.
+We allow both nodes to initiate RBF, because any one of them may want to take
+this opportunity to splice additional funds into or out of the channel without
+waiting for the initial splice transaction to confirm.
+Since splice transactions always spend the current channel funding output, the
+RBF attempts automatically double-spend each other.
+#### The `tx_ack_rbf` Message
+##### Requirements
+The sending node:
+  - MAY set `funding_output_contribution` to a different value than the
+    `funding_contribution_satoshis` used in `splice_init` or `splice_ack`,
+    or in previous RBF attempts.
+The receiving node:
+  - If `funding_output_contribution` is negative and its absolute value is
+    greater than the sending node's current channel balance:
+    - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection or send an `error`
+      and fail the channel.
+### Splice Completion
+Once splice transactions have been signed but haven't reached acceptable
+depth, channel operations go back to normal and HTLCs can be exchanged,
+with the caveat that payments must be valid for all splice transactions.
+Nodes keep track of multiple commitment transactions (one for the current
+funding transaction and one for each splice transaction) and exchange
+signatures for each of these commitment transactions.
++------------+        +-----------+
+| Funding Tx |---+--->| Commit Tx |
++------------+   |    +-----------+
+                 |    +-----------+            +-----------+
+                 +--->| Splice Tx |----------->| Commit Tx |
+                 |    +-----------+            +-----------+
+                 |    +---------------+        +-----------+
+                 +--->| Splice RBF #1 |------->| Commit Tx |
+                 |    +---------------+        +-----------+
+                 |    +---------------+        +-----------+
+                 +--->| Splice RBF #2 |------->| Commit Tx |
+                      +---------------+        +-----------+
+The splice completes by exchanging `splice_locked` messages, at which point
+the locked transaction replaces the previous funding transaction.
+#### The `splice_locked` Message
+1. type: 77 (`splice_locked`)
+2. data:
+   * [`channel_id`:`channel_id`]
+   * [`sha256`:`splice_txid`]
+##### Requirements
+Each node:
+  - If any splice transaction reaches acceptable depth:
+    - MUST send `splice_locked` with the `txid` of that transaction.
+Once a node has sent and received `splice_locked`:
+  - MUST consider the locked splice transaction to be the new funding
+    transaction for all future `commitment_signed` messages and splice
+    negotiations.
+  - SHOULD discard the previous funding transaction and RBF attempts.
+  - MUST send `announcement_signatures` with `short_channel_id` matching
+    the locked splice transaction.
 ## Channel Close
 Nodes can negotiate a mutual close of the connection, which unlike a
@@ -1608,6 +2065,7 @@ A sending node:
   - if there are updates pending on the receiving node's commitment transaction:
     - MUST NOT send a `shutdown`.
   - MUST NOT send multiple `shutdown` messages.
+  - MUST NOT send `shutdown` if there is a splice transaction that isn't locked yet.
   - MUST NOT send an `update_add_htlc` after a `shutdown`.
   - if no HTLCs remain in either commitment transaction (including dust HTLCs)
     and neither side has a pending `revoke_and_ack` to send:
@@ -2271,6 +2729,8 @@ A sending node:
   - MUST increase the value of `id` by 1 for each successive offer.
   - if it is relaying a payment inside a blinded route:
     - MUST set `path_key` (see [Route Blinding](04-onion-routing.md#route-blinding))
+  - if a splice is pending:
+    - MUST ensure that requirements are met for all commmitment transactions.
 `id` MUST NOT be reset to 0 after the update is complete (i.e. after `revoke_and_ack` has
 been received). It MUST continue incrementing instead.
@@ -2302,6 +2762,8 @@ A receiving node:
     - MUST respond with an error as detailed in [Failure Messages](04-onion-routing.md#failure-messages)
   - Otherwise:
     - MUST follow the requirements for the reader of `payload` in [Payload Format](04-onion-routing.md#payload-format)
+  - If a splice is pending:
+    - MUST ensure that requirements are met for all commmitment transactions.
 The `onion_routing_packet` contains an obfuscated list of hops and instructions for each hop along the path.
 It commits to the HTLC by setting the `payment_hash` as associated data, i.e. includes the `payment_hash` in the computation of HMACs.
@@ -2337,6 +2799,9 @@ maintaining its channel reserve (because of the increased weight of the
 commitment transaction), resulting in a degraded channel. See [#728](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/issues/728)
 for more details.
+If splicing is supported, there can be more than one commitment transaction
+at a time: proposed changes must be valid for all of them.
 ### Removing an HTLC: `update_fulfill_htlc`, `update_fail_htlc`, and `update_fail_malformed_htlc`
 For simplicity, a node can only remove HTLCs added by the other node.
@@ -2451,6 +2916,14 @@ sign the resulting transaction (as defined in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md)), an
    * [`signature`:`signature`]
    * [`u16`:`num_htlcs`]
    * [`num_htlcs*signature`:`htlc_signature`]
+   * [`commitment_signed_tlvs`:`tlvs`]
+1. `tlv_stream`: `commitment_signed_tlvs`
+2. types:
+   1. type: 0 (`batch`)
+   2. data:
+     * [`u16`:`batch_size`]
+     * [`sha256`:`funding_txid`]
 #### Requirements
@@ -2467,6 +2940,13 @@ fee changes).
     to the ordering of the commitment transaction (see [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#transaction-input-and-output-ordering)).
   - if it has not recently received a message from the remote node:
       - SHOULD use `ping` and await the reply `pong` before sending `commitment_signed`.
+  - If there are `N` pending splice transactions:
+    - MUST send `commitment_signed` for the current channel funding output.
+    - MUST send `commitment_signed` for each of the splice transactions.
+    - MUST set `batch_size` to `N + 1` in every `commitment_signed` message.
+    - MUST set `funding_txid` to the funding transaction spent by that commitment.
+  - Otherwise:
+    - MUST NOT include the `batch` field.      
 A receiving node:
   - once all pending updates are applied:
@@ -2480,7 +2960,25 @@ A receiving node:
   - if any `htlc_signature` is not valid for the corresponding HTLC transaction OR non-compliant with LOW-S-standard rule <sup>[LOWS](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6769)</sup>:
     - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection, or send an
       `error` and fail the channel.
-  - MUST respond with a `revoke_and_ack` message.
+  - If there are pending splice transactions and `batch` is not set:
+    - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
+  - If `batch` is set:
+    - MUST wait until it has received `batch_size` messages.
+    - If there are pending splice transactions:
+      - MUST validate each `commitment_signed` based on `funding_txid`.
+      - If `commitment_signed` is missing for a funding transaction:
+        - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
+      - Otherwise:
+        - MUST respond with a `revoke_and_ack` message.
+    - Otherwise (no pending splice transactions):
+      - MUST ignore `commitment_signed` where `funding_txid` does not match
+        the current funding transaction.
+      - If `commitment_signed` is missing for the current funding transaction:
+        - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
+      - Otherwise:
+        - MUST respond with a `revoke_and_ack` message.
+  - Otherwise:
+    - MUST respond with a `revoke_and_ack` message.
 #### Rationale
@@ -2503,6 +3001,13 @@ stating time-locks on HTLC outputs.
 The `option_anchors` allows HTLC transactions to "bring their own fees" by
 attaching other inputs and outputs, hence the modified signature flags.
+Splicing requires us to send and receive additional signatures, as we don't
+know which (if any) of the splice transactions will end up being the new
+channel funding transaction. We send `commitment_signed` for each of the
+pending splice transactions and for the current funding transaction. When
+sending `splice_locked`, we may receive obsolete `commitment_signed` from
+our peer: we can safely ignore them by filtering on `funding_txid`.
 ### Completing the Transition to the Updated State: `revoke_and_ack`
 Once the recipient of `commitment_signed` checks the signature and knows
@@ -2530,6 +3035,8 @@ A sending node:
   the previous commitment transaction.
   - MUST set `next_per_commitment_point` to the values for its next commitment
+  - MUST send a single `revoke_and_ack` message, even if it is responding to
+  a `batch` of `commitment_signed` messages.
 A receiving node:
   - if `per_commitment_secret` is not a valid secret key or does not generate the previous `per_commitment_point`:
@@ -2585,6 +3092,8 @@ A sending node:
       - if the dust balance of the local transaction at the updated `feerate_per_kw` is greater than `max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat`:
         - MAY NOT send `update_fee`
         - MAY fail the channel
+  - if a splice is pending:
+    - MUST ensure that requirements are met for all commmitment transactions.
 A receiving node:
   - if the `update_fee` is too low for timely processing, OR is unreasonably large:
@@ -2604,6 +3113,8 @@ A receiving node:
           - MAY fail the channel
       - if the dust balance of the local transaction at the updated `feerate_per_kw` is greater than `max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat`:
           - MAY fail the channel
+  - if a splice is pending:
+    - MUST ensure that requirements are met for all commmitment transactions.
 #### Rationale
@@ -2632,6 +3143,9 @@ be trimmed at the updated feerate, this could overflow the configured
 `max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat`. Whether to close the channel preemptively
 or not is left as a matter of node policy.
+If splicing is supported, there can be more than one commitment transaction
+at a time: proposed changes must be valid for all of them.
 ## Message Retransmission
 Because communication transports are unreliable, and may need to be
@@ -2667,6 +3181,11 @@ messages are), they are independent of requirements here.
     1. type: 0 (`next_funding`)
     2. data:
         * [`sha256`:`next_funding_txid`]
+    1. type: 1 (`your_last_funding_locked`)
+    2. data:
+        * [`sha256`:`your_last_funding_locked_txid`]
+    1. type: 3 (`my_current_funding_locked`)
+        * [`sha256`:`my_current_funding_locked_txid`]
 `next_commitment_number`: A commitment number is a 48-bit
 incrementing counter for each commitment transaction; counters
@@ -2721,12 +3240,39 @@ The sending node:
   - if it has sent `commitment_signed` for an interactive transaction construction but
     it has not received `tx_signatures`:
     - MUST set `next_funding_txid` to the txid of that interactive transaction.
+    - if it has not received `commitment_signed` for that interactive transaction:
+      - MUST set `next_commitment_number` to the commitment number of the `commitment_signed` it sent.
   - otherwise:
     - MUST NOT set `next_funding_txid`.
+  - if `option_splice` was negotiated:
+    - MUST set `your_last_funding_locked` to the txid of the last `splice_locked` it received.
+    - if it never received `splice_locked` for any transaction, but it received `channel_ready`:
+      - MUST set `your_last_funding_locked` to the txid of the channel funding transaction.
+    - otherwise (it has never received `channel_ready` or `splice_locked`):
+      - MUST NOT set `your_last_funding_locked`.
+    - if a splice transaction reached acceptable depth while disconnected:
+      - MUST set `my_current_funding_locked` to the txid of the latest such transaction.
+      - MUST send `splice_locked` for that transaction after `channel_reestablish`.
+    - otherwise:
+      - MUST set `my_current_funding_locked` to the txid of the last `splice_locked` it sent.
+      - if it never sent `splice_locked` for any transaction, but it sent `channel_ready`:
+        - MUST set `my_current_funding_locked` to the txid of the channel funding transaction.
+      - otherwise (it has never sent `channel_ready` or `splice_locked`):
+        - MUST NOT set `my_current_funding_locked`.
+      - if `my_current_funding_locked` is included and `announce_channel` is set for this channel:
+        - if it has not received `announcement_signatures` for that transaction:
+          - MUST retransmit `channel_ready` or `splice_locked` after `channel_reestablish`.
+        - if it receives `channel_ready` for that transaction after `channel_reestablish`:
+          - MUST retransmit `channel_ready` in response, if not already sent.
+        - if it receives `splice_locked` for that transaction after `channel_reestablish`:
+          - MUST retransmit `splice_locked` in response, if not already sent.
 A node:
   - if `next_commitment_number` is 1 in both the `channel_reestablish` it
-  sent and received:
+    sent and received and `option_splice` was NOT negotiated:
+    - MUST retransmit `channel_ready`.
+  - if `option_splice` was negotiated and `your_last_funding_locked` is not
+    set in the `channel_reestablish` it received:
     - MUST retransmit `channel_ready`.
   - otherwise:
     - MUST NOT retransmit `channel_ready`, but MAY send `channel_ready` with
@@ -2773,18 +3319,33 @@ A node:
 A receiving node:
   - if `next_funding_txid` is set:
-    - if `next_funding_txid` matches the latest interactive funding transaction:
-      - if it has not received `tx_signatures` for that funding transaction:
+    - if `next_funding_txid` matches the latest interactive funding transaction
+      or the current channel funding transaction:
+      - if `next_commitment_number` is equal to the commitment number of the
+        `commitment_signed` message it sent for this funding transaction:
         - MUST retransmit its `commitment_signed` for that funding transaction.
-        - if it has already received `commitment_signed` and it should sign first,
-          as specified in the [`tx_signatures` requirements](#the-tx_signatures-message):
-          - MUST send its `tx_signatures` for that funding transaction.
+      - if it has already received `commitment_signed` and it should sign first,
+        as specified in the [`tx_signatures` requirements](#the-tx_signatures-message):
+        - MUST send its `tx_signatures` for that funding transaction.
       - if it has already received `tx_signatures` for that funding transaction:
         - MUST send its `tx_signatures` for that funding transaction.
+    - if it also sets `next_funding_txid` in its own `channel_reestablish`, but the
+      values don't match:
+      - MUST send an `error` and fail the channel.
     - otherwise:
       - MUST send `tx_abort` to let the sending node know that they can forget
         this funding transaction.
+A receiving node:
+  - if `my_current_funding_locked` does not match the most recent `splice_locked`
+    it has received:
+    - MUST process `my_current_funding_locked` as if it was receiving `splice_locked`
+      for this `txid`, and thus discard the previous funding transaction and RBF
+      attempts if it has previously sent its own `splice_locked` for that `txid`.
+  - if `your_last_funding_locked` is not set, or if it does not match the most recent
+    `splice_locked` it has sent:
+    - MUST retransmit `splice_locked`.
 A node:
   - MUST NOT assume that previously-transmitted messages were lost,
     - if it has sent a previous `commitment_signed` message:
@@ -2844,16 +3405,6 @@ operation, which is known to have begun after a `commitment_signed` has been
 received — hence, the test for a `next_commitment_number` greater
 than 1.
-A previous draft insisted that the funder "MUST remember ...if it has
-broadcast the funding transaction, otherwise it MUST NOT": this was in
-fact an impossible requirement. A node must either firstly commit to
-disk and secondly broadcast the transaction or vice versa. The new
-language reflects this reality: it's surely better to remember a
-channel which hasn't been broadcast than to forget one which has!
-Similarly, for the fundee's `funding_signed` message: it's better to
-remember a channel that never opens (and times out) than to let the
-funder open it while the fundee has forgotten it.
 A node, which has somehow fallen
 behind (e.g. has been restored from old backup), can detect that it has fallen
 behind. A fallen-behind node must know it cannot broadcast its current
@@ -2869,6 +3420,15 @@ interactive transaction construction, or safely abort that transaction
 if it was not signed by one of the peers, who has thus already removed
 it from its state.
+`your_last_funding_locked` allows peers to detect that their `splice_locked`
+was lost during the disconnection and must be retransmitted. When a splice
+transaction reaches acceptable depth while peers are disconnected, it also
+allows locking that splice transaction immediately after `channel_reestablish`
+instead of waiting for the `splice_locked` message, which could otherwise
+create a race condition with channel updates. For more details about this
+race condition, see [this example](./bolt02/splicing-test.md#disconnection-with-concurrent-splice_locked).
+Redundant `splice_locked` messages are harmless and can be safely ignored.
 # Authors
 [ FIXME: Insert Author List ]
diff --git a/07-routing-gossip.md b/07-routing-gossip.md
index e306b67..cc41ec2 100644
--- a/07-routing-gossip.md
+++ b/07-routing-gossip.md
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ A node:
   - If the `open_channel` message has the `announce_channel` bit set AND a `shutdown` message has not been sent:
     - After `channel_ready` has been sent and received AND the funding transaction has enough confirmations to ensure that it won't be reorganized:
       - MUST send `announcement_signatures` for the funding transaction.
+    - After `splice_locked` has been sent and received AND the splice transaction has enough confirmations to ensure that it won't be reorganized:
+      - MUST send `announcement_signatures` for the matching splice transaction.
   - Otherwise:
     - MUST NOT send the `announcement_signatures` message.
   - Upon reconnection (once the above timing requirements have been met):
@@ -93,19 +95,23 @@ A node:
       - MUST send its own `announcement_signatures` message.
     - If it receives `announcement_signatures` for the funding transaction:
       - MUST respond with its own `announcement_signatures` message.
+    - If it has NOT previously received `announcement_signatures` for a splice transaction:
+      - MUST retransmit `splice_locked` for that splice transaction.
+      - After receiving the remote `splice_locked`:
+        - MUST send its `announcement_signatures` message.
 A recipient node:
-  - If the `short_channel_id` is NOT correct:
-    - SHOULD send a `warning` and close the connection, or send an
-      `error` and fail the channel.
+  - If the `short_channel_id` doesn't match one of its funding transactions:
+    - SHOULD send a `warning`.
   - If the `node_signature` OR the `bitcoin_signature` is NOT correct:
-    - MAY send a `warning` and close the connection, or send an
-      `error` and fail the channel.
+    - MAY send a `warning` and close the connection, or send an `error` and fail the channel.
   - If it has sent AND received a valid `announcement_signatures` message:
     - If the funding transaction has at least 6 confirmations:
       - SHOULD queue the `channel_announcement` message for its peers.
   - If it has not sent `channel_ready`:
     - SHOULD defer handling the `announcement_signatures` until after it has sent `channel_ready`.
+  - If it has not sent `splice_locked` for the transaction matching this `short_channel_id`:
+    - SHOULD defer handling the `announcement_signatures` until after it has sent `splice_locked`.
 ### Rationale
@@ -113,6 +119,12 @@ Channels must not be announced before the funding transaction has enough
 confirmations, because a blockchain reorganization would otherwise invalidate
 the `short_channel_id`.
+When splicing is used, a `channel_announcement` is generated for every splice
+transaction once both sides have sent `splice_locked`. This lets the network
+know that the transaction spending a currently active channel is a splice and
+not a closing transaction, and this channel can still be used with its updated
 ## The `channel_announcement` Message
 This gossip message contains ownership information regarding a channel. It ties
@@ -162,9 +174,18 @@ The origin node:
   that the channel was opened within:
     - for the _Bitcoin blockchain_:
       - MUST set `chain_hash` value (encoded in hex) equal to `6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000`.
-  - MUST set `short_channel_id` to refer to the confirmed funding transaction,
-  as specified in [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#the-channel_ready-message).
-    - Note: the corresponding output MUST be a P2WSH, as described in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#funding-transaction-output).
+  - When announcing a channel creation:
+    - MUST set `short_channel_id` to refer to the confirmed funding transaction,
+      as specified in [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#the-channel_ready-message).
+  - When announcing a splice transaction:
+    - MUST set `short_channel_id` to refer to the confirmed splice transaction
+      for which `splice_locked` has been sent and received, as specified in
+      [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#the-splice_locked-message).
+    - SHOULD keep relaying payments that use the `short_channel_id`s of its
+      previous `channel_announcement`s.
+    - SHOULD send a new `channel_update` using the `short_channel_id` that
+      matches the latest `channel_announcement`.
+  - Note: the corresponding output MUST be a P2WSH, as described in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#funding-transaction-output).
   - MUST set `node_id_1` and `node_id_2` to the public keys of the two nodes
   operating the channel, such that `node_id_1` is the lexicographically-lesser of the
   two compressed keys sorted in ascending lexicographic order.
@@ -252,9 +273,11 @@ optional) features will have _odd_ feature bits, while incompatible features
 will have _even_ feature bits
 (["It's OK to be odd!"](00-introduction.md#glossary-and-terminology-guide)).
-A delay of 12 blocks is used when forgetting a channel on funding output spend
-as to permit a new `channel_announcement` to propagate which indicates this
-channel was spliced.
+A delay of 12 blocks is used when forgetting a channel after detecting that it
+has been spent: this can allow a new `channel_announcement` to propagate to
+indicate that this channel was spliced and not closed. Thanks to this delay,
+payments can still be relayed on the channel while the splice transaction is
+waiting for enough confirmations.
 ## The `node_announcement` Message
diff --git a/09-features.md b/09-features.md
index 5aa651b..23187bc 100644
--- a/09-features.md
+++ b/09-features.md
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ The Context column decodes as follows:
 | 48/49 | `option_payment_metadata`         | Payment metadata in tlv record                            | 9        |                             | [BOLT #11](11-payment-encoding.md#tagged-fields)                      |
 | 50/51 | `option_zeroconf`                 | Understands zeroconf channel types                        | IN       | `option_scid_alias`         | [BOLT #2][bolt02-channel-ready]                                       |
 | 60/61 | `option_simple_close`             | Simplified closing negotiation                            | IN       | `option_shutdown_anysegwit` | [BOLT #2][bolt02-simple-close]                                        |
+| 62/63 | `option_splice`                   | Allows replacing the funding transaction with a new one   | IN       |                             | [BOLT #2](02-peer-protocol.md#channel-splicing)                       |
 ## Requirements
diff --git a/bolt02/splicing-test.md b/bolt02/splicing-test.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db5748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt02/splicing-test.md
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+# Splicing Tests
+This file details various [splicing](../02-peer-protocol.md#channel-splicing) protocol flows.
+We detail the exact flow of messages for each scenario, and highlight several edge cases that must be correctly handled by implementations.
+## Table of Contents
+* [Terminology](#terminology)
+* [Test Vectors](#test-vectors)
+  * [Successful single splice](#successful-single-splice)
+  * [Multiple splices with concurrent `splice_locked`](#multiple-splices-with-concurrent-splice_locked)
+  * [Disconnection with one side sending `commit_sig`](#disconnection-with-one-side-sending-commit_sig)
+  * [Disconnection with both sides sending `commit_sig`](#disconnection-with-both-sides-sending-commit_sig)
+  * [Disconnection with one side sending `tx_signatures`](#disconnection-with-one-side-sending-tx_signatures)
+  * [Disconnection with both sides sending `tx_signatures`](#disconnection-with-both-sides-sending-tx_signatures)
+  * [Disconnection with both sides sending `tx_signatures` and channel updates](#disconnection-with-both-sides-sending-tx_signatures-and-channel-updates)
+  * [Disconnection with concurrent `splice_locked`](#disconnection-with-concurrent-splice_locked)
+## Terminology
+We call "active commitments" the set of valid commitment transactions to which updates (`update_add_htlc`, `update_fulfill_htlc`, `update_fail_htlc`, `update_fail_malformed_htlc`, `update_fee`) must be applied.
+While a funding transaction is not locked (ie `splice_locked` hasn't been exchanged), updates must be valid for all active commitments.
+When representing active commitments, we will only draw the corresponding funding transactions for simplicity.
+The related commitment transaction simply spends that funding transaction.
+For example, the following diagram displays the active commitments when we have an unconfirmed splice (`FundingTx2a`) and 2 RBF attempts for that splice (`FundingTx2b` and `FundingTx2c`).
+We thus have 4 active commitments:
+* the commitment spending `FundingTx1`
+* the commitments spending each splice transaction (`FundingTx2a`, `FundingTx2b` and `FundingTx2c`)
++------------+                +-------------+
+| FundingTx1 |--------+------>| FundingTx2a |
++------------+        |       +-------------+
+                      |
+                      |       +-------------+
+                      +------>| FundingTx2b |
+                      |       +-------------+
+                      |
+                      |       +-------------+
+                      +------>| FundingTx2c |
+                              +-------------+
+**Peers must always agree on the set of active commitments**, otherwise one side will expect signatures that the other side will not send, which will lead to force-closing the channel.
+## Test Vectors
+In the protocol flows below, we omit the `interactive-tx` messages that build the transaction.
+The only `interactive-tx` messages we explicitly list are the consecutive `tx_complete` that mark the end of the `interactive-tx` construction.
+We also assume that both peers use the same `commitment_number` for simplicity.
+### Successful single splice
+Let's warm up with the simplest possible flow: a splice transaction that confirms without any disconnection.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | The channel is no longer quiescent at that point.
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |       update_add_htlc        | Alice and Bob use the channel while the splice transaction is unconfirmed.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx2, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx2, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 11
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |        splice_locked         | The splice transaction confirms.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        splice_locked         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 11
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              | 
+     |       update_add_htlc        | Alice and Bob can use the channel and forget the previous FundingTx1.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 12
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+### Multiple splices with concurrent `splice_locked`
+Since nodes have different views of the blockchain, they may send `splice_locked` at slightly different times.
+Moreover, nodes may send `splice_locked` concurrently with other channel updates, in which case they will receive some `commit_sig` messages for obsolete commitments.
+This is fine: nodes know how many `commit_sig` messages to expect thanks to the `batch_size` field, and they can simply ignore `commit_sig` messages for which the `funding_txid` cannot be found in the active commitments.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +-------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2a |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +-------------+
+     |                              |
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          tx_init_rbf         | Alice RBFs the splice attempt.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          tx_ack_rbf          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +-------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |---+--->| FundingTx2a |
+     |                              |    +------------+   |    +-------------+
+     |                              |                     |
+     |                              |                     |    +-------------+
+     |                              |                     +--->| FundingTx2b |
+     |                              |                          +-------------+
+     |                              |
+     |       update_add_htlc        | Alice and Bob use the channel while the splice transactions are unconfirmed.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2a, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2b, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2a, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2b, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 11
+     |                              |    +------------+        +-------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |---+--->| FundingTx2a |
+     |                              |    +------------+   |    +-------------+
+     |                              |                     |
+     |                              |                     |    +-------------+
+     |                              |                     +--->| FundingTx2b |
+     |                              |                          +-------------+
+     |                              |
+     |        splice_locked         | splice_txid = FundingTx2a
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 12 -> this message will be ignored by Bob since FundingTx2a will be locked before the end of the batch
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        splice_locked         | splice_txid = FundingTx2a
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2a, commitment_number = 12
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 3, funding_txid = FundingTx2b, commitment_number = 12 -> this message can be ignored by Bob since FundingTx2a has been locked
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 12
+     |                              |    +-------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx2b |
+     |                              |    +-------------+
+### Disconnection with one side sending `commit_sig`
+In this scenario, a disconnection happens when one side has sent `commit_sig` but not the other.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnects before receiving Bob's tx_complete:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |       X----------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |       X----------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments for Alice:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              | 
+     |                              | Active commitments for Bob:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 10, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |           tx_abort           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |           tx_abort           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | Bob can safely forget the splice attempt because he hasn't sent tx_signatures.
+     |                              | Active commitments for Alice and Bob:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+### Disconnection with both sides sending `commit_sig`
+In this scenario, a disconnection happens when both sides have sent `commit_sig`.
+They are able to resume the signatures exchange on reconnection.
+In this example, Bob is supposed to send `tx_signatures` first.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnects before receiving Bob's commit_sig:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |--------------------X         |
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |       X----------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 10, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 10, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+### Disconnection with one side sending `tx_signatures`
+In this scenario, a disconnection happens when one side has sent `tx_signatures` but not the other.
+They are able to resume the signatures exchange on reconnection.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnects before receiving Bob's tx_signatures:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |       X----------------------|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+### Disconnection with both sides sending `tx_signatures`
+In this scenario, a disconnection happens when both sides have sent `tx_signatures`, but one side has not received it.
+They are able to resume the signatures exchange on reconnection.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnects before Bob receives her tx_signatures:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------X       |
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+### Disconnection with both sides sending `tx_signatures` and channel updates
+In this scenario, a disconnection happens when both sides have sent `tx_signatures`, but one side has not received it.
+The second signer also sent a new signature for additional changes to apply after their `tx_signatures`.
+They are able to resume the signatures exchange on reconnection and retransmit new updates.
+Initial active commitments:
+   commitment_number = 10
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnects before Bob receives her tx_signatures and new updates:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------X       |
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------X       |
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------X       |
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx2, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------X       |
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 10
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = FundingTx2, next_commitment_number = 11, next_revocation_number = 10
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx2, commitment_number = 11
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx1, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           | batch_size = 2, funding_txid = FundingTx2, commitment_number = 11
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    commitment_number = 11
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+### Disconnection with concurrent `splice_locked`
+In this scenario, disconnections happen while nodes are exchanging `splice_locked`.
+The `splice_locked` message must be retransmitted on reconnection if it wasn't previously received.
+When `last_funding_locked` is set, this lets nodes immediately lock the latest splice transaction.
+Initial active commitments:
+   +------------+
+   | FundingTx1 |
+   +------------+
+Alice initiates a splice, but disconnections happen when exchanging splice_locked:
+   Alice                           Bob
+     |             stfu             |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |             stfu             |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |          splice_init         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |          splice_ack          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |       <interactive-tx>       |
+     |<---------------------------->|
+     |                              |
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         tx_complete          |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        tx_signatures         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        splice_locked         |
+     |---------------------X        |
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              | 
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx1 |------->| FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+        +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, your_last_funding_locked = funding_tx1, my_current_funding_locked = funding_tx2
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, your_last_funding_locked = funding_tx1, my_current_funding_locked = funding_tx1
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |        splice_locked         |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        splice_locked         | At that point, Bob has locked funding_tx2, but Alice doesn't know it because she hasn't received splice_locked yet.
+     |       X----------------------|
+     |                              |
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, your_last_funding_locked = funding_tx1, my_current_funding_locked = funding_tx2
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |      channel_reestablish     | next_funding_txid = null, your_last_funding_locked = funding_tx2, my_current_funding_locked = funding_tx2
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |                              | Alice doesn't need to retransmit splice_locked, since Bob's your_last_funding_locked indicates that he received it.
+     |                              | Bob's my_current_funding_locked lets Alice know that Bob has locked funding_tx2 while they were disconnected and will send his splice_locked.
+     |                              | She can thus immediately lock it as well even though she hasn't received yet Bob's splice_locked.
+     |                              |
+     |                              | Active commitments:
+     |                              |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |    | FundingTx2 |
+     |                              |    +------------+
+     |                              |
+     |       update_add_htlc        |
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |         commit_sig           | Alice doesn't need to sent commit_sig for funding_tx1 since funding_tx2 was locked.
+     |----------------------------->|
+     |        splice_locked         | Bob's splice_locked is sent concurrently with Alice's update_add_htlc and commit_sig: this is fine.
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |         commit_sig           |
+     |<-----------------------------|
+     |       revoke_and_ack         |
+     |----------------------------->|