* The repository contains some security hardening out-of-the-box - separate users for services, use of [btc-rpc-proxy](https://github.com/Kixunil/btc-rpc-proxy), etc.
* It's currently not trivial to independently verify the built packages, so you may need to trust the author of the repository.
The build is now deterministic but nobody verified it independently yet.
* The repository is considered beta.
electrs seems to work well so far but was not tested heavily.
The author of the repository is also a contributor to `electrs` and appreciates [bug reports](https://github.com/Kixunil/cryptoanarchy-deb-repo-builder/issues),
[test reports](https://github.com/Kixunil/cryptoanarchy-deb-repo-builder/issues/61), and other contributions.