#!/bin/bash # Check if jq is installed. If not, display instructions and abort program command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e "This tool requires jq.\nFor installation instructions, visit https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/.\n\nAborting..."; exit 1; } FULL_OUTPUT='false' URL='http://localhost:8080' PASSWORD='' # -------------------- METHODS displayhelp() { echo -e "Usage: eclair-cli [OPTION]... [COMMAND] Client for an eclair node. With COMMAND is one of the command listed by \e[01;33meclair-cli help\e[0m. -p api's password -a
Override the api URL with
-v Outputs full json returned by the API Examples: eclair-cli -a localhost:1234 peers list the peers eclair-cli close 006fb... closes the channel with id 006fb... Note: Uses the json-rpc api exposed by the node on localhost:8080. Make sure the api is enabled. Full documentation at: " } # Executes a JSON RPC call to a node listening on ${URL} call() { jqexp='if .error == null then .result else .error.message end' # override default jq parsing expression if [ $# -ge 3 ] && [ ${FULL_OUTPUT} == "false" ]; then jqexp=${3}; fi # set password if [ -z ${PASSWORD} ]; then auth="eclair-cli"; else auth="eclair-cli:"${PASSWORD}; fi eval curl "--user ${auth} --silent --show-error -X POST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '{ \"method\": \"'${1}'\", \"params\": '${2}' }' ${URL}" | jq -r "$jqexp" } # get script options while getopts 'vu:p:a:' flag; do case "${flag}" in p) PASSWORD="${OPTARG}" ;; a) URL="${OPTARG}" ;; v) FULL_OUTPUT="true" ;; *) echo -e "\nAborting..."; exit 1; ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # assigning JSON RPC method and params values from arguments METHOD=${1} shift 1 # Create a JSON Array containing the remaining program args as QUOTED STRINGS, separated with a `,` character PARAMS="" i=1 for arg in "${@}"; do if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then PARAMS=$(printf '"%s"' "$arg"); else PARAMS=$(printf '%s,"%s"' "$PARAMS" "$arg"); fi let "i++" done; PARAMS="[${PARAMS}]" # Whatever the arguments provided to eclair-cli, a call to the API will be sent. Let it fail! case ${METHOD}_${#} in ""_*) displayhelp ;; "help"*) displayhelp echo -e "\nAvailable commands:\n" call "help" [] ;; "connect_3") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '["%s","%s",%s]' "${1}" "${2}" "${3}")'" ;; # ${3} is numeric "open_4") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '["%s",%s,%s,%s]' "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}")'" ;; # ${2} ${3} ${4} are numeric (funding, push, flags) "open_3") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '["%s",%s,%s]' "${1}" "${2}" "${3}")'" ;; # ${2} ${3} are numeric (funding, push) "open_2") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '["%s",%s]' "${1}" "${2}")'" ;; # ${2} is numeric (funding) "receive_2") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '[%s,"%s"]' "${1}" "${2}")'" ;; # ${1} is numeric (amount to receive) "receive_3") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '[%s,"%s",%s]' "${1}" "${2}" "${3}")'" ;; # ${1} is numeric (amount to receive) as is ${2} for expiry in seconds "channel_"*) call ${METHOD} "'${PARAMS}'" "if .error != null then .error.message else .result | { nodeId, shortChannelId: .data.shortChannelId, channelId, state, balanceMsat: .data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocalMsat, capacitySat: .data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.amount.amount } end" ;; "channels_"*) call ${METHOD} "'${PARAMS}'" "if .error != null then .error.message else .result | map( { nodeId, shortChannelId: .data.shortChannelId, channelId, state, balanceMsat: .data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocalMsat, capacitySat: .data.commitments.commitInput.txOut.amount.amount } ) end" ;; "send_3") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '[%s,"%s","%s"]' "${1}" "${2}" "${3}")'" ;; # ${1} is numeric (amount of the payment) "send_2") call ${METHOD} "'$(printf '["%s",%s]' "${1}" "${2}")'" ;; # ${2} is numeric (amount overriding the payment request) *) # Default case. # Sends the method and, for parameters, use the JSON table containing the remaining args. # # NOTE: Arguments will be sent as QUOTED STRING so if this particular API call requires an INT param, # this call will fail. In that case, a specific rule for that method MUST be set and the ${PARAMS} JSON array can not be used. call ${METHOD} "'${PARAMS}'" ;; esac