## How to perform circular rebalancing Circular rebalancing is a popular tool for managing liquidity between channels. This document describes an approach to rebalancing using Eclair. In this example we assume that there are 4 participants in the Lighting Network: `Alice`, `Bob`, `Carol`, and `Diana`. ``` 1x1x1 Alice --------> Bob ^ | 4x4x4 | | 2x2x2 | v Diana <------- Carol 3x3x3 ``` `Alice` has two channels `1x1x1` with outbound liquidity of 5M sats, and `4x4x4` with inbound liquidity of 5M sats. Now `Alice` wants to send some sats from channel `1x1x1` to channel `4x4x4` to be able to receive and forward payments via both channels. First, `Alice` creates an invoice for the desired amount (eg. 1M sats): ```shell eclair-cli createinvoice --description='circular rebalancing from 1x1x1 ro 4x4x4' \ --amountMsat=1000000000 ``` Eclair cannot send payments to self using `payinvoice` CLI command. Fortunately, `Alice` can use `sendtoroute` CLI command to do so. However, in this case `Alice` should provide a valid route from `1x1x1` to `4x4x4`. It's pretty straightforward to build a route for our example network: `1x1x1` `->` `2x2x2` `->` `3x3x3` `->` `4x4x4`. `Alice` specifies the route using `--shortChannelIds` parameter as a comma separated list of short channel IDs. ```shell eclair-cli sendtoroute --shortChannelIds=1x1x1,2x2x2,3x3x3,4x4x4 \ --amountMsat=1000000000 \ --invoice= ``` This command will send 1M sats from channel `1x1x1` to channel `4x4x4`. In real life its not always easy to find the most economically viable route manually, but Eclair is here to help. Similarly to `payinvoice`, `findroute` CLI command cannot find routes to self, but `Alice` can use a little trick with `findroutebetweennodes`, which allows finding routes between arbitrary nodes. To rebalance channels `1x1x1` and `4x4x4`, `Alice` wants to find a route from `Bob` (as a source node) to `Diana` (as a target node). In our example there's at least one route from `Bob` to `Diana` via `Alice`. In real life there can be many more such routes, because `Alice` can have way more than two channels, so `Alice`'s node should be excluded from path-finding using `--ignoreNodeIds` parameter: ```shell eclair-cli findroutebetweennodes --sourceNodeId= \ --targetNodeId= \ --ignoreNodeIds= \ --format=shortChannelId ``` Then `Alice` simply appends the outgoing channel ID to the beginning of the found route and the incoming channel ID to the end: `1x1x1,,4x4x4`. In our example, the found route is `2x2x2,3x3x3`, so the full route will be `1x1x1,2x2x2,3x3x3,4x4x4`. `Alice` can use this route with `sendtoroute` command to perform rebalancing.