From scalatest's `ParallelTestExecution` doc:
> ScalaTest's normal approach for running suites of tests in parallel is to run different suites in parallel, but the tests of any one suite sequentially.
> [...]
> To make it easier for users to write tests that run in parallel, this trait runs each test in its own instance of the class. Running each test in its own instance enables tests to use the same instance vars and mutable objects referenced from instance variables without needing to synchronize. Although ScalaTest provides functional approaches to factoring out common test code that can help avoid such issues, running each test in its own instance is an insurance policy that makes running tests in parallel easier and less error prone.
This means that for each single test of the `channel.states` package, we instantiate one actor system, which contains two thread pools. With default settings, that's a minimum of 2*8 threads per individual test.
That's already pretty bad, and with 65cf238 (#2270) we add a factor of 3 on top of that, which makes us go past the OS limits on github CI.
setup | peak thread count | run time
baseline | 5447 | 5m 44s
sequential | 1927 | 5m 9s (*)
(*) It's actually so bad, that tests run actually faster without parallelization!
Created new files for pages that were in the wiki, but not already in the docs directory. Also made following fixes to and existing files in the docs directory:
* update bolt links to avoid redirect
* link to logging guide from logging section (
* fixed typo in Backup section and capitalization of Bitcoin Core (
* Alice does not need trampoline feature enabled (
* link to 2021 edition of Trampoline PR (
* fixed API examples and removed quotes from password (
* use --nodeIds for sendtoroute examples ( and
* update CLI example 3 to use jq (
* fix typo in docs/
* updated to point to all pages that are guides
It's useful to have the release notes directly inside the repository
instead of relying on Github: that lets for example users read them offline.
It also lets us fill the release notes every time we add relevant features
on `master` instead of having to do them all at once when we decide to make
a release.