* Update kamon and kanela-agent
Previous version was not compatible with JDK21, see https://github.com/kamon-io/kanela/issues/150.
* Add and configure maven wrapper to use maven 3.9.9
This will make it easier to control which version of maven is used to build eclair, which in turns makes deterministic builds easier, as well as using recent compiler options (to target newer JDKs for example).
For example, even recent versions of Github runner images use an old version of maven and there is no easy way to upgrade.
* Update Dockerfile
We now use multiarch (amd64/arm64) base images.
* Run CI tests with JDK21
* Update doc to recommend Adoptium OpenJDK21
* Target Java 21
Eclair now targets Java 21 and will require a compatible Java Runtime Environment.
It will no longer work on JRE 11 and JRE 17.
This version of logback fixes the following CVE:
"a potential denial of service attack on a centralized logback receiver
when a third party controlling a remote appender connects to said
receiver and could shut down or slow down logging of events."
Eclair isn't affected since we don't use logback receivers, but if there
are applications or plugins that depend on eclair and use logback
receivers, it's better to use the logback version containing the fix.
* Update code dependencies
I also wanted to update logback, but I'm hitting issues because of our
custom logger in `FixtureSpec` (`LoggingEventAware` not found).
* Update build dependencies
We're now using mvn 3.9.2 to build eclair, which reports warnings in some
of the build plugins we use. Updating plugins fixes most of the warnings,
and the remaining warnings have to be fixed by the plugins themselves
to support mvn 4.x.
This PR does two main things:
- introduce a new `FixtureSpec` base class for tests that involve a fixture. See the scaladoc for more info.
- add new simple integration tests in package `integration.basic`. They are based on `MinimalNodeFixture`, which is a full setup for a node with real actors, except the bitcoin part (watcher/wallet) which is mocked. They are much lighter than our previous integration tests, which allow us to keep each test individual, as opposed to having all tests of the same suite depend on each other. We can define more complex fixtures with any number of nodes.
Other minor improvements:
- update scalatest version
- simplify `ChannelStateTestsHelperMethods`
- replace all === by ==
Triple equals allows customizing the equality method, but we never use
Detailed errors (which is what we were looking for) are provided by
mixing in scalatest's `Assertions` and using the regular `assert(x==y)`
syntax. The `Assertions` trait is already mixed in by default in all
scalatest suites.
We now use a regular release zip, and use it in the awseb bundle.
The default logback configuration now logs to a file, like
`eclair-node`, and we use a dedicated logback configuration for AWS
By default the front reads the node secret key from the node seed in
the standard `.eclair` directory.
This is almost a drop-in replacement. I had to relaxed compiler
parameters to allow deprecated features though.
Main changes:
- relaxed compiler parameters to minimize impact (e.g. allow
deprecated features)
- `scala.collection.JavaConverters` -> `scala.jdk.CollectionConverters`
- `MultiMap` -> `MultiDict`
Compilation is 25% faster on my machine, compiler is a bit more strict
(it found an "invalid comparison" bug).
Do all the changes that will be required and are already possible to
minimize the diff:
- update dependencies
- `'something` -> `Symbol("something")`
- `BigDecimal.xValue()` -> `BigDecimal.xValue`
- `Map.filterKeys` -> `Map.filterKeys.toMap` (same for `Map.mapValues`)
- `def myMethod(...)` -> `def myMethod(...): Unit`
* Rework plugin loading:
We now require the plugin to supply a manifest entry for the "Main-Class" attribute, this is used to load the plugin without doing illegal reflection operations. We also get rid of the dependency org.clapper.classutil
For now:
- we only track some tasks (especially in the router, but not even
`node_announcement` and `channel_update`
- all db calls are monitored
- kamon is disabled by default