* Update kamon and kanela-agent
Previous version was not compatible with JDK21, see https://github.com/kamon-io/kanela/issues/150.
* Add and configure maven wrapper to use maven 3.9.9
This will make it easier to control which version of maven is used to build eclair, which in turns makes deterministic builds easier, as well as using recent compiler options (to target newer JDKs for example).
For example, even recent versions of Github runner images use an old version of maven and there is no easy way to upgrade.
* Update Dockerfile
We now use multiarch (amd64/arm64) base images.
* Run CI tests with JDK21
* Update doc to recommend Adoptium OpenJDK21
* Target Java 21
Eclair now targets Java 21 and will require a compatible Java Runtime Environment.
It will no longer work on JRE 11 and JRE 17.
When providing on-the-fly funding with the `from_future_htlc` payment
type, the liquidity provider is paying mining fees for the funding
transaction while trusting that the remote node will accept the HTLCs
afterwards and thus pay a liquidity fees. If the remote node fails the
HTLCs, the liquidity provider doesn't get paid. At that point it can
disable the channel and try to actively double-spend it. When we detect
such behavior, we immediately disable `from_future_htlc` to limit the
exposure to liquidity griefing: it can then be re-enabled by using the
`enableFromFutureHtlc` RPC, or will be automatically re-enabled if the
remote node fulfills the HTLCs after a retry.
Node operators may disable automatic fee-bumping on their local commit if
they don't have anything at stake (no pending HTLCs), which saves fees in
most cases. A drawback in that case is that if the commitment doesn't
confirm quickly enough, the remote's funds are also locked.
This can be an issue for LSPs, where the remote peer doesn't have a good
ability to fee-bump commit txs. We give more control to the node operator
by letting them fee-bump local commit txs explicitly through the RPC to
unblock wallet users funds.
The previous repository we used removed the binaries for mvn 3.9.2, which
broke our docker build. It looks like `archive.apache.org` keeps artifacts
longer and hopefully won't break our docker build again soon.
This RPC allows to access the historic channel data without
relying on third party services like LN explorers.
Note that when the `remoteNodeId` filter is not provided, this
query may be expensive on nodes with a lot of closed channels.
We add a `cpfpbumpfees` API that lets node operators bump the fees
of a package of unconfirmed transactions.
Node operators can for example ensure their funding txs confirm before
they hit the `2016` funding timeout. It's also very useful when you have
a long chain of unconfirmed funding transactions and/or mutual close
transactions and want to bump them all at once.
NB: the node operator needs to figure out which outpoints belong to him
(which should be fairly easy using existing APIs).
Port the existing API functionalities over a new structure of HTTP endpoints, with the biggest difference being the usage of **named parameters** for the requests (responses are unchanged). RPC methods have become endpoints and the parameters for each are now passed via form-params (clients must use the header "Content-Type" : "multipart/form-data"), this allows for a clearer interpretation of the parameters and results in more elegant parsing code on the server side. It is possible to still use the old API version via a configuration key.
Old API can be used by setting `eclair.api.use-old-api=true`.