Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair.git synced 2025-03-13 19:37:35 +01:00

Merge branch 'master' into android

This commit is contained in:
pm47 2020-07-23 17:45:58 +02:00
commit e0f99f9714
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: E434ED292E85643A
52 changed files with 1928 additions and 462 deletions

View file

@ -26,19 +26,58 @@ where OPTIONS can be:
-h Show this help
-s Some commands can print a trimmed JSON
and COMMAND is one of:
getinfo, connect, disconnect, open, close, forceclose, updaterelayfee,
peers, channels, channel, allnodes, allchannels, allupdates
findroute, findroutetonode, parseinvoice, payinvoice, sendtonode,
sendtoroute, getsentinfo, createinvoice, getinvoice, listinvoices,
listpendinginvoices, getreceivedinfo, audit, networkfees,
channelstats, usablebalances
and COMMAND is one of the available commands:
=== Node ===
- getinfo
- connect
- disconnect
- peers
- allnodes
- audit
=== Channel ===
- open
- close
- forceclose
- channel
- channels
- allchannels
- allupdates
- channelstats
- networkfees
- updaterelayfee
=== Path-finding ===
- findroute
- findroutetonode
- networkstats
=== Invoice ===
- createinvoice
- getinvoice
- listinvoices
- listpendinginvoices
- parseinvoice
=== Payment ===
- getnewaddress
- usablebalances
- onchainbalance
- payinvoice
- sendtonode
- sendtoroute
- sendonchain
- getsentinfo
- getreceivedinfo
- onchaintransactions
eclair-cli -a localhost:1234 peers list the peers of a node hosted on localhost:1234
eclair-cli close --channelId=006fb... closes the channel with id 006fb...
eclair-cli -a localhost:1234 peers list the peers of a node hosted on localhost:1234
eclair-cli connect --nodeId=03864e... connect to node with id 03864e...
eclair-cli open --nodeId=... --fundingSatoshis=... open a channel to a given node
eclair-cli close --channelId=006fb... closes the channel with id 006fb...
Full documentation here: <https://acinq.github.io/eclair>" 1>&2;
exit 1;

View file

@ -66,11 +66,13 @@ eclair {
max-to-local-delay-blocks = 2016 // maximum number of blocks that we are ready to accept for our own delayed outputs (2016 ~ 2 weeks)
mindepth-blocks = 3
expiry-delta-blocks = 144
// When we receive the pre-image for an HTLC and want to fulfill it but the upstream peer stops responding, we want to
// When we receive the preimage for an HTLC and want to fulfill it but the upstream peer stops responding, we want to
// avoid letting its HTLC-timeout transaction become enforceable on-chain (otherwise there is a race condition between
// our HTLC-success and their HTLC-timeout).
// We will close the channel when the HTLC-timeout will happen in less than this number.
fulfill-safety-before-timeout-blocks = 6
// NB: this number effectively reduces the expiry-delta-blocks, so you may want to take that into account and increase
// expiry-delta-blocks.
fulfill-safety-before-timeout-blocks = 24
fee-base-msat = 1000
fee-proportional-millionths = 100 // fee charged per transferred satoshi in millionths of a satoshi (100 = 0.01%)
@ -150,6 +152,11 @@ eclair {
ratio-cltv = 0.15 // when computing the weight for a channel, consider its CLTV delta in this proportion
ratio-channel-age = 0.35 // when computing the weight for a channel, consider its AGE in this proportion
ratio-channel-capacity = 0.5 // when computing the weight for a channel, consider its CAPACITY in this proportion
mpp {
min-amount-satoshis = 15000 // minimum amount sent via partial HTLCs
max-parts = 6 // maximum number of HTLCs sent per payment: increasing this value will impact performance

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class CheckElectrumSetup(datadir: File,
val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("eclair")
val chain = config.getString("chain")
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(randomBytes(32), NodeParams.makeChainHash(chain))
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(randomBytes(32), NodeParams.hashFromChain(chain))
val database = db match {
case Some(d) => d
case None => Databases.sqliteJDBC(new File(datadir, chain))

View file

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ case class CltvExpiryDelta(private val underlying: Int) extends Ordered[CltvExpi
def +(other: Int): CltvExpiryDelta = CltvExpiryDelta(underlying + other)
def +(other: CltvExpiryDelta): CltvExpiryDelta = CltvExpiryDelta(underlying + other.underlying)
def -(other: CltvExpiryDelta): CltvExpiryDelta = CltvExpiryDelta(underlying - other.underlying)
def *(m: Int): CltvExpiryDelta = CltvExpiryDelta(underlying * m)
def compare(other: CltvExpiryDelta): Int = underlying.compareTo(other.underlying)
def toInt: Int = underlying
// @formatter:on

View file

@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ import akka.util.Timeout
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Satoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.TimestampQueryFilters._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.OnChainBalance
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.BitcoinCoreWallet
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.BitcoinCoreWallet.WalletTransaction
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.Register.{Forward, ForwardShortId}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel._
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.{IncomingPayment, NetworkFee, OutgoingPayment, Stats}
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
case class GetInfoResponse(version: String, nodeId: PublicKey, alias: String, color: String, features: Features, chainHash: ByteVector32, blockHeight: Int, publicAddresses: Seq[NodeAddress])
case class GetInfoResponse(version: String, nodeId: PublicKey, alias: String, color: String, features: Features, chainHash: ByteVector32, network: String, blockHeight: Int, publicAddresses: Seq[NodeAddress])
case class AuditResponse(sent: Seq[PaymentSent], received: Seq[PaymentReceived], relayed: Seq[PaymentRelayed])
@ -95,6 +98,8 @@ trait Eclair {
def sentInfo(id: Either[UUID, ByteVector32])(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[Seq[OutgoingPayment]]
def sendOnChain(address: String, amount: Satoshi, confirmationTarget: Long): Future[ByteVector32]
def findRoute(targetNodeId: PublicKey, amount: MilliSatoshi, assistedRoutes: Seq[Seq[PaymentRequest.ExtraHop]] = Seq.empty)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[RouteResponse]
def sendToRoute(amount: MilliSatoshi, recipientAmount_opt: Option[MilliSatoshi], externalId_opt: Option[String], parentId_opt: Option[UUID], invoice: PaymentRequest, finalCltvExpiryDelta: CltvExpiryDelta, route: Seq[PublicKey], trampolineSecret_opt: Option[ByteVector32] = None, trampolineFees_opt: Option[MilliSatoshi] = None, trampolineExpiryDelta_opt: Option[CltvExpiryDelta] = None, trampolineNodes_opt: Seq[PublicKey] = Nil)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[SendPaymentToRouteResponse]
@ -119,9 +124,14 @@ trait Eclair {
def allUpdates(nodeId_opt: Option[PublicKey])(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[Iterable[ChannelUpdate]]
def getInfoResponse()(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[GetInfoResponse]
def getInfo()(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[GetInfoResponse]
def usableBalances()(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[Iterable[UsableBalance]]
def onChainBalance(): Future[OnChainBalance]
def onChainTransactions(count: Int, skip: Int): Future[Iterable[WalletTransaction]]
class EclairImpl(appKit: Kit) extends Eclair {
@ -208,6 +218,27 @@ class EclairImpl(appKit: Kit) extends Eclair {
override def newAddress(): Future[String] = Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("this call is only available with a bitcoin core backend"))
override def onChainBalance(): Future[OnChainBalance] = {
appKit.wallet match {
case w: BitcoinCoreWallet => w.getBalance
case _ => Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("this call is only available with a bitcoin core backend"))
override def onChainTransactions(count: Int, skip: Int): Future[Iterable[WalletTransaction]] = {
appKit.wallet match {
case w: BitcoinCoreWallet => w.listTransactions(count, skip)
case _ => Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("this call is only available with a bitcoin core backend"))
override def sendOnChain(address: String, amount: Satoshi, confirmationTarget: Long): Future[ByteVector32] = {
appKit.wallet match {
case w: BitcoinCoreWallet => w.sendToAddress(address, amount, confirmationTarget)
case _ => Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("this call is only available with a bitcoin core backend"))
override def findRoute(targetNodeId: PublicKey, amount: MilliSatoshi, assistedRoutes: Seq[Seq[PaymentRequest.ExtraHop]] = Seq.empty)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[RouteResponse] = {
val maxFee = RouteCalculation.getDefaultRouteParams(appKit.nodeParams.routerConf).getMaxFee(amount)
(appKit.router ? RouteRequest(appKit.nodeParams.nodeId, targetNodeId, amount, maxFee, assistedRoutes)).mapTo[RouteResponse]
@ -319,7 +350,7 @@ class EclairImpl(appKit: Kit) extends Eclair {
Future.fold(commands)(Map.empty[ApiTypes.ChannelIdentifier, Either[Throwable, T]])(_ + _)
override def getInfoResponse()(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[GetInfoResponse] = Future.successful(
override def getInfo()(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[GetInfoResponse] = Future.successful(
version = Kit.getVersionLong,
color = appKit.nodeParams.color.toString,
@ -327,6 +358,7 @@ class EclairImpl(appKit: Kit) extends Eclair {
nodeId = appKit.nodeParams.nodeId,
alias = appKit.nodeParams.alias,
chainHash = appKit.nodeParams.chainHash,
network = NodeParams.chainFromHash(appKit.nodeParams.chainHash),
blockHeight = appKit.nodeParams.currentBlockHeight.toInt,
publicAddresses = appKit.nodeParams.publicAddresses)

View file

@ -124,14 +124,15 @@ object NodeParams {
def makeChainHash(chain: String): ByteVector32 = {
chain match {
case "regtest" => Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash
case "testnet" => Block.TestnetGenesisBlock.hash
case "mainnet" => Block.LivenetGenesisBlock.hash
case invalid => throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid chain '$invalid'")
private val chain2Hash: Map[String, ByteVector32] = Map(
"regtest" -> Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash,
"testnet" -> Block.TestnetGenesisBlock.hash,
"mainnet" -> Block.LivenetGenesisBlock.hash
def hashFromChain(chain: String): ByteVector32 = chain2Hash.getOrElse(chain, throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid chain '$chain'"))
def chainFromHash(chainHash: ByteVector32): String = chain2Hash.map(_.swap).getOrElse(chainHash, throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid chainHash '$chainHash'"))
def makeNodeParams(config: Config, keyManager: KeyManager, torAddress_opt: Option[NodeAddress], database: Databases, blockCount: AtomicLong, feeEstimator: FeeEstimator): NodeParams = {
// check configuration for keys that have been renamed
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ object NodeParams {
require(!isFeatureByteVector, "configuration key 'features' have moved from bytevector to human readable (ex: 'feature-name' = optional/mandatory)")
val chain = config.getString("chain")
val chainHash = makeChainHash(chain)
val chainHash = hashFromChain(chain)
val color = ByteVector.fromValidHex(config.getString("node-color"))
require(color.size == 3, "color should be a 3-bytes hex buffer")
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ object NodeParams {
val expiryDeltaBlocks = CltvExpiryDelta(config.getInt("expiry-delta-blocks"))
val fulfillSafetyBeforeTimeoutBlocks = CltvExpiryDelta(config.getInt("fulfill-safety-before-timeout-blocks"))
require(fulfillSafetyBeforeTimeoutBlocks < expiryDeltaBlocks, "fulfill-safety-before-timeout-blocks must be smaller than expiry-delta-blocks")
require(fulfillSafetyBeforeTimeoutBlocks * 2 < expiryDeltaBlocks, "fulfill-safety-before-timeout-blocks must be smaller than expiry-delta-blocks / 2 because it effectively reduces that delta; if you want to increase this value, you may want to increase expiry-delta-blocks as well")
val nodeAlias = config.getString("node-alias")
require(nodeAlias.getBytes("UTF-8").length <= 32, "invalid alias, too long (max allowed 32 bytes)")
@ -294,7 +295,9 @@ object NodeParams {
searchHeuristicsEnabled = config.getBoolean("router.path-finding.heuristics-enable"),
searchRatioCltv = config.getDouble("router.path-finding.ratio-cltv"),
searchRatioChannelAge = config.getDouble("router.path-finding.ratio-channel-age"),
searchRatioChannelCapacity = config.getDouble("router.path-finding.ratio-channel-capacity")
searchRatioChannelCapacity = config.getDouble("router.path-finding.ratio-channel-capacity"),
mppMinPartAmount = Satoshi(config.getLong("router.path-finding.mpp.min-amount-satoshis")).toMilliSatoshi,
mppMaxParts = config.getInt("router.path-finding.mpp.max-parts")
socksProxy_opt = socksProxy_opt,
maxPaymentAttempts = config.getInt("max-payment-attempts"),

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Setup(datadir: File,
val seed = seed_opt.getOrElse(NodeParams.getSeed(datadir))
val chain = config.getString("chain")
val chaindir = new File(datadir, chain)
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(seed, NodeParams.makeChainHash(chain))
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(seed, NodeParams.hashFromChain(chain))
val database = db match {
case Some(d) => d
@ -188,8 +188,9 @@ class Setup(datadir: File,
case feerates: FeeratesPerKB =>
logger.info(s"current feeratesPerKB=${feeratesPerKB.get()} feeratesPerKw=${feeratesPerKw.get()}")
logger.info(s"current feeratesPerKB=${feeratesPerKB.get} feeratesPerKw=${feeratesPerKw.get}")
_ <- feeratesRetrieved.future

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class SyncLiteSetup(datadir: File,
val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("eclair")
val chain = config.getString("chain")
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(randomBytes32, NodeParams.makeChainHash(chain))
val keyManager = new LocalKeyManager(randomBytes32, NodeParams.hashFromChain(chain))
val database = db match {
case Some(d) => d
case None => Databases.sqliteJDBC(new File(datadir, chain))

View file

@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{PrivateKey, PublicKey}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Satoshi, Transaction}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.concurrent.Future
* Created by PM on 06/07/2017.
* Created by PM on 06/07/2017.
trait EclairWallet {
def getBalance: Future[Satoshi]
def getBalance: Future[OnChainBalance]
def getReceiveAddress: Future[String]
@ -36,37 +36,31 @@ trait EclairWallet {
def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: Long): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse]
* Committing *must* include publishing the transaction on the network.
* We need to be very careful here, we don't want to consider a commit 'failed' if we are not absolutely sure that the
* funding tx won't end up on the blockchain: if that happens and we have cancelled the channel, then we would lose our
* funds!
* @param tx
* @return true if success
* false IF AND ONLY IF *HAS NOT BEEN PUBLISHED* otherwise funds are at risk!!!
* Committing *must* include publishing the transaction on the network.
* We need to be very careful here, we don't want to consider a commit 'failed' if we are not absolutely sure that the
* funding tx won't end up on the blockchain: if that happens and we have cancelled the channel, then we would lose our
* funds!
* @return true if success
* false IF AND ONLY IF *HAS NOT BEEN PUBLISHED* otherwise funds are at risk!!!
def commit(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean]
* Cancels this transaction: this probably translates to "release locks on utxos".
* @param tx
* @return
* Cancels this transaction: this probably translates to "release locks on utxos".
def rollback(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean]
* Tests whether the inputs of the provided transaction have been spent by another transaction.
* Implementations may always return false if they don't want to implement it
* @param tx
* @return
* Tests whether the inputs of the provided transaction have been spent by another transaction.
* Implementations may always return false if they don't want to implement it
def doubleSpent(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean]
final case class OnChainBalance(confirmed: Satoshi, unconfirmed: Satoshi)
final case class MakeFundingTxResponse(fundingTx: Transaction, fundingTxOutputIndex: Int, fee: Satoshi)

View file

@ -16,19 +16,16 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{PrivateKey, PublicKey}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.{BitcoinJsonRPCClient, Error, ExtendedBitcoinClient, JsonRPCError}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.compat.Platform
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JInt(changepos) = json \ "changepos"
val JDecimal(fee) = json \ "fee"
FundTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), changepos.intValue, Satoshi(fee.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue))
FundTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), changepos.intValue, toSatoshi(fee))
@ -67,13 +64,74 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC
def publishTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = bitcoinClient.publishTransaction(tx)
def publishTransaction(hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = rpcClient.invoke("sendrawtransaction", hex) collect { case JString(txid) => txid }
def listTransactions(count: Int, skip: Int): Future[List[WalletTransaction]] = rpcClient.invoke("listtransactions", "*", count, skip).map {
case JArray(txs) => txs.map(tx => {
val JString(address) = tx \ "address"
val JDecimal(amount) = tx \ "amount"
// fee is optional and only included for sent transactions
val fee = tx \ "fee" match {
case JDecimal(fee) => toSatoshi(fee)
case _ => Satoshi(0)
val JInt(confirmations) = tx \ "confirmations"
// while transactions are still in the mempool, block hash will no be included
val blockHash = tx \ "blockhash" match {
case JString(blockHash) => ByteVector32.fromValidHex(blockHash)
case _ => ByteVector32.Zeroes
val JString(txid) = tx \ "txid"
val JInt(timestamp) = tx \ "time"
WalletTransaction(address, toSatoshi(amount), fee, blockHash, confirmations.toLong, ByteVector32.fromValidHex(txid), timestamp.toLong)
case _ => Nil
def unlockOutpoints(outPoints: Seq[OutPoint])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = rpcClient.invoke("lockunspent", true, outPoints.toList.map(outPoint => Utxo(outPoint.txid.toString, outPoint.index))) collect { case JBool(result) => result }
def sendToAddress(address: String, amount: Satoshi, confirmationTarget: Long): Future[ByteVector32] = {
"sent via eclair",
false, // subtractfeefromamount
true, // replaceable
confirmationTarget).collect {
case JString(txid) => ByteVector32.fromValidHex(txid)
def isTransactionOutputSpendable(txId: String, outputIndex: Int, includeMempool: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = rpcClient.invoke("gettxout", txId, outputIndex, includeMempool) collect { case j => j != JNull }
* @param outPoints outpoints to unlock
* @return true if all outpoints were successfully unlocked, false otherwise
def unlockOutpoints(outPoints: Seq[OutPoint])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
// we unlock utxos one by one and not as a list as it would fail at the first utxo that is not actually lock and the rest would not be processed
val futures = outPoints
.map(outPoint => Utxo(outPoint.txid, outPoint.index))
.map(utxo => rpcClient
.invoke("lockunspent", true, List(utxo))
.map {
case JBool(result) => result
.recover {
case JsonRPCError(error) if error.message.contains("expected locked output") =>
true // we consider that the outpoint was successfully unlocked (since it was not locked to begin with)
case t =>
logger.warn(s"Cannot unlock utxo=$utxo", t)
val future = Future.sequence(futures)
// return true if all outpoints were unlocked false otherwise
future.map(_.forall(b => b))
override def getBalance: Future[Satoshi] = rpcClient.invoke("getbalance") collect { case JDecimal(balance) => Satoshi(balance.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue()) }
override def getBalance: Future[OnChainBalance] = rpcClient.invoke("getbalances").map(json => {
val JDecimal(confirmed) = json \ "mine" \ "trusted"
val JDecimal(unconfirmed) = json \ "mine" \ "untrusted_pending"
OnChainBalance(toSatoshi(confirmed), toSatoshi(unconfirmed))
override def getReceiveAddress: Future[String] = for {
JString(address) <- rpcClient.invoke("getnewaddress")
@ -118,35 +176,41 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC
override def commit(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] = publishTransaction(tx)
.map(_ => true) // if bitcoind says OK, then we consider the tx successfully published
.recoverWith { case JsonRPCError(e) =>
logger.warn(s"txid=${tx.txid} error=$e")
bitcoinClient.getTransaction(tx.txid).map(_ => true).recover { case _ => false } // if we get a parseable error from bitcoind AND the tx is NOT in the mempool/blockchain, then we consider that the tx was not published
.recoverWith {
case e =>
logger.warn(s"txid=${tx.txid} error=$e")
.map(_ => true) // tx is in the mempool, we consider that it was published
.recoverWith {
case _ =>
rollback(tx).map { _ => false }.recover { case _ => false } // we use transform here because we want to return false in all cases even if rollback fails
.recover { case _ => true } // in all other cases we consider that the tx has been published
override def rollback(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] = unlockOutpoints(tx.txIn.map(_.outPoint)) // we unlock all utxos used by the tx
override def doubleSpent(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] =
for {
exists <- bitcoinClient.getTransaction(tx.txid)
.map(_ => true) // we have found the transaction
.recover {
case JsonRPCError(Error(_, message)) if message.contains("indexing") =>
sys.error("Fatal error: bitcoind is indexing!!")
System.exit(1) // bitcoind is indexing, that's a fatal error!!
false // won't be reached
case _ => false
doublespent <- if (exists) {
// if the tx is in the blockchain, it can't have been double-spent
} else {
// if the tx wasn't in the blockchain and one of it's input has been spent, it is double-spent
// NB: we don't look in the mempool, so it means that we will only consider that the tx has been double-spent if
// the overriding transaction has been confirmed at least once
Future.sequence(tx.txIn.map(txIn => isTransactionOutputSpendable(txIn.outPoint.txid.toHex, txIn.outPoint.index.toInt, includeMempool = false))).map(_.exists(_ == false))
} yield doublespent
for {
exists <- bitcoinClient.getTransaction(tx.txid)
.map(_ => true) // we have found the transaction
.recover {
case JsonRPCError(Error(_, message)) if message.contains("index") =>
sys.error("Fatal error: bitcoind is indexing!!")
System.exit(1) // bitcoind is indexing, that's a fatal error!!
false // won't be reached
case _ => false
doublespent <- if (exists) {
// if the tx is in the blockchain, it can't have been double-spent
} else {
// if the tx wasn't in the blockchain and one of it's input has been spent, it is double-spent
// NB: we don't look in the mempool, so it means that we will only consider that the tx has been double-spent if
// the overriding transaction has been confirmed at least once
Future.sequence(tx.txIn.map(txIn => bitcoinClient.isTransactionOutputSpendable(txIn.outPoint.txid, txIn.outPoint.index.toInt, includeMempool = false))).map(_.exists(_ == false))
} yield doublespent
@ -154,9 +218,12 @@ object BitcoinCoreWallet {
// @formatter:off
case class Options(lockUnspents: Boolean, feeRate: BigDecimal)
case class Utxo(txid: String, vout: Long)
case class Utxo(txid: ByteVector32, vout: Long)
case class WalletTransaction(address: String, amount: Satoshi, fees: Satoshi, blockHash: ByteVector32, confirmations: Long, txid: ByteVector32, timestamp: Long)
case class FundTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, changepos: Int, fee: Satoshi)
case class SignTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, complete: Boolean)
// @formatter:on
private def toSatoshi(amount: BigDecimal): Satoshi = Satoshi(amount.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue)

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Crypto, Satoshi, Script, Transaction, TxO
import fr.acinq.eclair.addressToPublicKeyScript
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.ElectrumClient.BroadcastTransaction
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.ElectrumWallet._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{EclairWallet, MakeFundingTxResponse}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{EclairWallet, MakeFundingTxResponse, OnChainBalance}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
class ElectrumEclairWallet(val wallet: ActorRef, chainHash: ByteVector32)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext, timeout: akka.util.Timeout) extends EclairWallet with Logging {
override def getBalance = (wallet ? GetBalance).mapTo[GetBalanceResponse].map(balance => balance.confirmed + balance.unconfirmed)
override def getBalance: Future[OnChainBalance] = (wallet ? GetBalance).mapTo[GetBalanceResponse].map(balance => OnChainBalance(balance.confirmed, balance.unconfirmed))
override def getReceiveAddress = (wallet ? GetCurrentReceiveAddress).mapTo[GetCurrentReceiveAddressResponse].map(_.address)
override def getReceiveAddress: Future[String] = (wallet ? GetCurrentReceiveAddress).mapTo[GetCurrentReceiveAddressResponse].map(_.address)
override def getReceivePubkey(receiveAddress: Option[String] = None): Future[Crypto.PublicKey] = Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Not implemented"))
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ class ElectrumEclairWallet(val wallet: ActorRef, chainHash: ByteVector32)(implic
override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: Long): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] = {
val tx = Transaction(version = 2, txIn = Nil, txOut = TxOut(amount, pubkeyScript) :: Nil, lockTime = 0)
(wallet ? CompleteTransaction(tx, feeRatePerKw)).mapTo[CompleteTransactionResponse].map(response => response match {
(wallet ? CompleteTransaction(tx, feeRatePerKw)).mapTo[CompleteTransactionResponse].map {
case CompleteTransactionResponse(tx1, fee1, None) => MakeFundingTxResponse(tx1, 0, fee1)
case CompleteTransactionResponse(_, _, Some(error)) => throw error
override def commit(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] =
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ class ElectrumEclairWallet(val wallet: ActorRef, chainHash: ByteVector32)(implic
def sendPayment(amount: Satoshi, address: String, feeRatePerKw: Long): Future[String] = {
val publicKeyScript = Script.write(addressToPublicKeyScript(address, chainHash))
val tx = Transaction(version = 2, txIn = Nil, txOut = TxOut(amount, publicKeyScript) :: Nil, lockTime = 0)
(wallet ? CompleteTransaction(tx, feeRatePerKw))
.flatMap {
@ -96,4 +95,5 @@ class ElectrumEclairWallet(val wallet: ActorRef, chainHash: ByteVector32)(implic
override def doubleSpent(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] = {
(wallet ? IsDoubleSpent(tx)).mapTo[IsDoubleSpentResponse].map(_.isDoubleSpent)

View file

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class BitgoFeeProvider(chainHash: ByteVector32, readTimeOut: Duration)(implicit
feeRanges = parseFeeRanges(res.unsafeBody)
} yield extractFeerates(feeRanges)
object BitgoFeeProvider {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright 2020 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.FeeratesDb
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
class DbFeeProvider(db: FeeratesDb, provider: FeeProvider)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends FeeProvider {
/** This method retrieves feerates from the provider, and store results in the database */
override def getFeerates: Future[FeeratesPerKB] =
provider.getFeerates map { feerates =>

View file

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class EarnDotComFeeProvider(readTimeOut: Duration)(implicit http: SttpBackend[Fu
feeRanges = parseFeeRanges(json.unsafeBody)
} yield extractFeerates(feeRanges)
object EarnDotComFeeProvider {

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class SmoothFeeProvider(provider: FeeProvider, windowSize: Int)(implicit ec: Exe
_ = append(rate)
} yield SmoothFeeProvider.smooth(queue)
object SmoothFeeProvider {

View file

@ -185,10 +185,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
maxAcceptedHtlcs = localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs,
fundingPubkey = fundingPubKey,
revocationBasepoint = keyManager.revocationPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
paymentBasepoint = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get
case _ => keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey
paymentBasepoint = localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.getOrElse(keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey),
delayedPaymentBasepoint = keyManager.delayedPaymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
htlcBasepoint = keyManager.htlcPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
firstPerCommitmentPoint = keyManager.commitmentPoint(channelKeyPath, 0),
@ -319,10 +316,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
maxAcceptedHtlcs = localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs,
fundingPubkey = fundingPubkey,
revocationBasepoint = keyManager.revocationPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
paymentBasepoint = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get
case _ => keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey
paymentBasepoint = localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.getOrElse(keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey),
delayedPaymentBasepoint = keyManager.delayedPaymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
htlcBasepoint = keyManager.htlcPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey,
firstPerCommitmentPoint = keyManager.commitmentPoint(channelKeyPath, 0),
@ -1946,7 +1940,8 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
// Downstream timed out.
handleLocalError(HtlcsTimedoutDownstream(d.channelId, timedOutOutgoing), d, Some(c))
} else if (almostTimedOutIncoming.nonEmpty) {
// Upstream is close to timing out.
// Upstream is close to timing out, we need to test if we have funds at risk: htlcs for which we know the preimage
// that are still in our commitment (upstream will try to timeout on-chain).
val relayedFulfills = d.commitments.localChanges.all.collect { case u: UpdateFulfillHtlc => u.id }.toSet
val offendingRelayedHtlcs = almostTimedOutIncoming.filter(htlc => relayedFulfills.contains(htlc.id))
if (offendingRelayedHtlcs.nonEmpty) {
@ -2114,7 +2109,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
def handleRemoteSpentFuture(commitTx: Transaction, d: DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT) = {
log.warning(s"they published their future commit (because we asked them to) in txid=${commitTx.txid}")
d.commitments.channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) =>
case v if v.hasStaticRemotekey =>
val remoteCommitPublished = RemoteCommitPublished(commitTx, None, List.empty, List.empty, Map.empty)
val nextData = DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = now, Nil, futureRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() // we don't need to claim our main output in the remote commit because it already spends to our wallet address

View file

@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ final case class DATA_CLOSING(commitments: Commitments,
nextRemoteCommitPublished: Option[RemoteCommitPublished] = None,
futureRemoteCommitPublished: Option[RemoteCommitPublished] = None,
revokedCommitPublished: List[RevokedCommitPublished] = Nil) extends Data with HasCommitments {
def spendingTxes = mutualClosePublished ::: localCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: remoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: nextRemoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: futureRemoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: revokedCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx)
val spendingTxes = mutualClosePublished ::: localCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: remoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: nextRemoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: futureRemoteCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx).toList ::: revokedCommitPublished.map(_.commitTx)
require(spendingTxes.nonEmpty, "there must be at least one tx published in this state")
final case class DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT(commitments: Commitments, remoteChannelReestablish: ChannelReestablish) extends Data with HasCommitments
@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ final case class LocalParams(nodeId: PublicKey,
maxAcceptedHtlcs: Int,
isFunder: Boolean,
defaultFinalScriptPubKey: ByteVector,
localPaymentBasepoint: Option[PublicKey],
staticPaymentBasepoint: Option[PublicKey],
features: Features)
final case class RemoteParams(nodeId: PublicKey,
@ -252,27 +253,33 @@ object ChannelFlags {
case class ChannelVersion(bits: BitVector) {
import ChannelVersion._
require(bits.size == ChannelVersion.LENGTH_BITS, "channel version takes 4 bytes")
def |(other: ChannelVersion) = ChannelVersion(bits | other.bits)
def &(other: ChannelVersion) = ChannelVersion(bits & other.bits)
def ^(other: ChannelVersion) = ChannelVersion(bits ^ other.bits)
def isSet(bit: Int) = bits.reverse.get(bit)
private def isSet(bit: Int) = bits.reverse.get(bit)
// formatter:off
def hasPubkeyKeyPath: Boolean = isSet(USE_PUBKEY_KEYPATH_BIT)
def hasStaticRemotekey: Boolean = isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT)
// formatter:on
object ChannelVersion {
import scodec.bits._
val LENGTH_BITS = 4 * 8
val LENGTH_BITS: Int = 4 * 8
private val USE_PUBKEY_KEYPATH_BIT = 0 // bit numbers start at 0
private def setBit(bit: Int) = ChannelVersion(BitVector.low(LENGTH_BITS).set(bit).reverse)
val ZEROES = ChannelVersion(bin"00000000000000000000000000000000")
val USE_PUBKEY_KEYPATH_BIT = 0 // bit numbers start at 0
def fromBit(bit: Int) = ChannelVersion(BitVector.low(LENGTH_BITS).set(bit).reverse)
// @formatter:on

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.ChannelVersion._
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{PrivateKey, PublicKey, sha256}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, ByteVector64, Crypto}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.{FeeEstimator, FeeTargets}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.Monitoring.Metrics
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.{Generators, KeyManager, ShaChain, Sphinx}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.{Origin, Relayer}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.DirectedHtlc._
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ case class Commitments(channelVersion: ChannelVersion,
commitInput: InputInfo,
remotePerCommitmentSecrets: ShaChain, channelId: ByteVector32) {
require(!channelVersion.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) || (channelVersion.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) && localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.isDefined), s"localParams.localPaymentBasepoint must be defined for commitments with version=$channelVersion")
require(!channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey || (channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey && localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.isDefined), s"localParams.localPaymentBasepoint must be defined for commitments with version=$channelVersion")
def hasNoPendingHtlcs: Boolean = localCommit.spec.htlcs.isEmpty && remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.isEmpty && remoteNextCommitInfo.isRight
@ -76,8 +77,8 @@ case class Commitments(channelVersion: ChannelVersion,
* HTLCs that are close to timing out upstream are potentially dangerous. If we received the pre-image for those
* HTLCs, we need to get a remote signed updated commitment that removes this HTLC.
* HTLCs that are close to timing out upstream are potentially dangerous. If we received the preimage for those HTLCs,
* we need to get a remote signed updated commitment that removes those HTLCs.
* Otherwise when we get close to the upstream timeout, we risk an on-chain race condition between their HTLC timeout
* and our HTLC success in case of a force-close.
@ -389,13 +390,15 @@ object Commitments {
def receiveFee(commitments: Commitments, feeEstimator: FeeEstimator, feeTargets: FeeTargets, fee: UpdateFee, maxFeerateMismatch: Double): Try[Commitments] = {
def receiveFee(commitments: Commitments, feeEstimator: FeeEstimator, feeTargets: FeeTargets, fee: UpdateFee, maxFeerateMismatch: Double)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter): Try[Commitments] = {
if (commitments.localParams.isFunder) {
} else if (fee.feeratePerKw < fr.acinq.eclair.MinimumFeeratePerKw) {
Failure(FeerateTooSmall(commitments.channelId, remoteFeeratePerKw = fee.feeratePerKw))
} else {
val localFeeratePerKw = feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = feeTargets.commitmentBlockTarget)
log.info("remote feeratePerKw={}, local feeratePerKw={}, ratio={}", fee.feeratePerKw, localFeeratePerKw, fee.feeratePerKw.toDouble / localFeeratePerKw)
if (Helpers.isFeeDiffTooHigh(fee.feeratePerKw, localFeeratePerKw, maxFeerateMismatch)) {
Failure(FeerateTooDifferent(commitments.channelId, localFeeratePerKw = localFeeratePerKw, remoteFeeratePerKw = fee.feeratePerKw))
} else {
@ -601,16 +604,10 @@ object Commitments {
val channelKeyPath = keyManager.channelKeyPath(localParams, channelVersion)
val localDelayedPaymentPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(keyManager.delayedPaymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val localHtlcPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(keyManager.htlcPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val remotePaymentPubkey = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => remoteParams.paymentBasepoint
case _ => Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val remotePaymentPubkey = if (channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey) remoteParams.paymentBasepoint else Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val remoteHtlcPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.htlcBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val localRevocationPubkey = Generators.revocationPubKey(remoteParams.revocationBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val localPaymentBasepoint = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get
case _ => keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey
val localPaymentBasepoint = localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.getOrElse(keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey)
val outputs = makeCommitTxOutputs(localParams.isFunder, localParams.dustLimit, localRevocationPubkey, remoteParams.toSelfDelay, localDelayedPaymentPubkey, remotePaymentPubkey, localHtlcPubkey, remoteHtlcPubkey, spec)
val commitTx = Transactions.makeCommitTx(commitmentInput, commitTxNumber, localPaymentBasepoint, remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localParams.isFunder, outputs)
val (htlcTimeoutTxs, htlcSuccessTxs) = Transactions.makeHtlcTxs(commitTx.tx, localParams.dustLimit, localRevocationPubkey, remoteParams.toSelfDelay, localDelayedPaymentPubkey, spec.feeratePerKw, outputs)
@ -624,14 +621,8 @@ object Commitments {
remotePerCommitmentPoint: PublicKey,
spec: CommitmentSpec): (CommitTx, Seq[HtlcTimeoutTx], Seq[HtlcSuccessTx]) = {
val channelKeyPath = keyManager.channelKeyPath(localParams, channelVersion)
val localPaymentBasepoint = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get
case _ => keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey
val localPaymentPubkey = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localPaymentBasepoint
case _ => Generators.derivePubKey(localPaymentBasepoint, remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val localPaymentBasepoint = localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.getOrElse(keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey)
val localPaymentPubkey = if (channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey) localPaymentBasepoint else Generators.derivePubKey(localPaymentBasepoint, remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val localHtlcPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(keyManager.htlcPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey, remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val remoteDelayedPaymentPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.delayedPaymentBasepoint, remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val remoteHtlcPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.htlcBasepoint, remotePerCommitmentPoint)

View file

@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ object Helpers {
channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) =>
case v if v.hasStaticRemotekey =>
commitTx = tx,
claimMainOutputTx = None,
@ -696,10 +696,7 @@ object Helpers {
require(tx.txIn.size == 1, "commitment tx should have 1 input")
val channelKeyPath = keyManager.channelKeyPath(localParams, channelVersion)
val obscuredTxNumber = Transactions.decodeTxNumber(tx.txIn.head.sequence, tx.lockTime)
val localPaymentPoint = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) => localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get
case _ => keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey
val localPaymentPoint = localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.getOrElse(keyManager.paymentPoint(channelKeyPath).publicKey)
// this tx has been published by remote, so we need to invert local/remote params
val txnumber = Transactions.obscuredCommitTxNumber(obscuredTxNumber, !localParams.isFunder, remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localPaymentPoint)
require(txnumber <= 0xffffffffffffL, "txnumber must be lesser than 48 bits long")
@ -721,7 +718,7 @@ object Helpers {
// first we will claim our main output right away
val mainTx = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) =>
case v if v.hasStaticRemotekey =>
log.info(s"channel uses option_static_remotekey, not claiming our p2wpkh output")
case _ => generateTx("claim-p2wpkh-output") {

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ object Monitoring {
val ChannelsCount = Kamon.gauge("channels.count")
val ChannelErrors = Kamon.counter("channels.errors")
val ChannelLifecycleEvents = Kamon.counter("channels.lifecycle")
val LocalFeeratePerKw = Kamon.gauge("channels.local-feerate-per-kw")
val RemoteFeeratePerKw = Kamon.histogram("channels.remote-feerate-per-kw")
object Tags {

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ trait KeyManager {
def commitmentPoint(channelKeyPath: DeterministicWallet.KeyPath, index: Long): Crypto.PublicKey
def channelKeyPath(localParams: LocalParams, channelVersion: ChannelVersion): DeterministicWallet.KeyPath = if (channelVersion.isSet(ChannelVersion.USE_PUBKEY_KEYPATH_BIT)) {
def channelKeyPath(localParams: LocalParams, channelVersion: ChannelVersion): DeterministicWallet.KeyPath = if (channelVersion.hasPubkeyKeyPath) {
// deterministic mode: use the funding pubkey to compute the channel key path
} else {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Copyright 2020 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.db
import java.io.Closeable
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeratesPerKB
* This database stores the fee rates retrieved by a [[fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeProvider]].
trait FeeratesDb extends Closeable {
/** Insert or update the feerates into the feerates database. */
def addOrUpdateFeerates(feeratesPerKB: FeeratesPerKB): Unit
/** Return the (optional) feerates from the feerates database. */
def getFeerates(): Option[FeeratesPerKB]

View file

@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Satoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{ChannelErrorOccurred, LocalError, NetworkFeePaid, RemoteError}
import fr.acinq.eclair.db._
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelCodecs
import fr.acinq.eclair.{LongToBtcAmount, MilliSatoshi}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.compat.Platform
class SqliteAuditDb(sqlite: Connection) extends AuditDb with Logging {
@ -44,7 +42,8 @@ class SqliteAuditDb(sqlite: Connection) extends AuditDb with Logging {
using(sqlite.createStatement(), inTransaction = true) { statement =>
def migration12(statement: Statement): Int = {
statement.executeUpdate(s"ALTER TABLE sent ADD id BLOB DEFAULT '${ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID.toString}' NOT NULL")
val ZERO_UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
statement.executeUpdate(s"ALTER TABLE sent ADD id BLOB DEFAULT '${ZERO_UUID.toString}' NOT NULL")
def migration23(statement: Statement): Int = {
@ -311,21 +310,23 @@ class SqliteAuditDb(sqlite: Connection) extends AuditDb with Logging {
val updated = relayedTo.map(channelId => (channelId, relayedByChannelId.getOrElse(channelId, Nil) :+ e)).toMap
relayedByChannelId ++ updated
networkFees.map {
case (channelId, networkFee) =>
val r = relayed.getOrElse(channelId, Nil)
val paymentCount = r.length
if (paymentCount == 0) {
Stats(channelId, 0 sat, 0, 0 sat, networkFee)
} else {
val avgPaymentAmount = r.map(_.amountOut).sum / paymentCount
val relayFee = r.map {
case c: ChannelPaymentRelayed => c.amountIn - c.amountOut
case t: TrampolinePaymentRelayed => (t.amountIn - t.amountOut) * t.outgoing.count(_.channelId == channelId) / t.outgoing.length
Stats(channelId, avgPaymentAmount.truncateToSatoshi, paymentCount, relayFee.truncateToSatoshi, networkFee)
// Channels opened by our peers won't have any entry in the network_fees table, but we still want to compute stats for them.
val allChannels = networkFees.keySet ++ relayed.keySet
allChannels.map(channelId => {
val networkFee = networkFees.getOrElse(channelId, 0 sat)
val r = relayed.getOrElse(channelId, Nil)
val paymentCount = r.length
if (paymentCount == 0) {
Stats(channelId, 0 sat, 0, 0 sat, networkFee)
} else {
val avgPaymentAmount = r.map(_.amountOut).sum / paymentCount
val relayFee = r.map {
case c: ChannelPaymentRelayed => c.amountIn - c.amountOut
case t: TrampolinePaymentRelayed => (t.amountIn - t.amountOut) * t.outgoing.count(_.channelId == channelId) / t.outgoing.length
Stats(channelId, avgPaymentAmount.truncateToSatoshi, paymentCount, relayFee.truncateToSatoshi, networkFee)
// used by mobile apps

View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* Copyright 2020 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite
import java.sql.Connection
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeratesPerKB
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.FeeratesDb
class SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite: Connection) extends FeeratesDb {
import SqliteUtils._
val DB_NAME = "feerates"
using(sqlite.createStatement(), inTransaction = true) { statement =>
getVersion(statement, DB_NAME, CURRENT_VERSION) match {
// Create feerates table. Rates are in kb.
|CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feerates_per_kb (
|rate_block_1 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_2 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_6 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_12 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_36 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_72 INTEGER NOT NULL, rate_blocks_144 INTEGER NOT NULL,
|timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL)""".stripMargin)
case unknownVersion => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown version of DB $DB_NAME found, version=$unknownVersion")
override def addOrUpdateFeerates(feeratesPerKB: FeeratesPerKB): Unit = {
using(sqlite.prepareStatement("UPDATE feerates_per_kb SET rate_block_1=?, rate_blocks_2=?, rate_blocks_6=?, rate_blocks_12=?, rate_blocks_36=?, rate_blocks_72=?, rate_blocks_144=?, timestamp=?")) { update =>
update.setLong(1, feeratesPerKB.block_1)
update.setLong(2, feeratesPerKB.blocks_2)
update.setLong(3, feeratesPerKB.blocks_6)
update.setLong(4, feeratesPerKB.blocks_12)
update.setLong(5, feeratesPerKB.blocks_36)
update.setLong(6, feeratesPerKB.blocks_72)
update.setLong(7, feeratesPerKB.blocks_144)
update.setLong(8, System.currentTimeMillis())
if (update.executeUpdate() == 0) {
using(sqlite.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO feerates_per_kb VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) { insert =>
insert.setLong(1, feeratesPerKB.block_1)
insert.setLong(2, feeratesPerKB.blocks_2)
insert.setLong(3, feeratesPerKB.blocks_6)
insert.setLong(4, feeratesPerKB.blocks_12)
insert.setLong(5, feeratesPerKB.blocks_36)
insert.setLong(6, feeratesPerKB.blocks_72)
insert.setLong(7, feeratesPerKB.blocks_144)
insert.setLong(8, System.currentTimeMillis())
override def getFeerates(): Option[FeeratesPerKB] = {
using(sqlite.prepareStatement("SELECT rate_block_1, rate_blocks_2, rate_blocks_6, rate_blocks_12, rate_blocks_36, rate_blocks_72, rate_blocks_144 FROM feerates_per_kb")) { statement =>
val rs = statement.executeQuery()
if (rs.next()) {
block_1 = rs.getLong("rate_block_1"),
blocks_2 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_2"),
blocks_6 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_6"),
blocks_12 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_12"),
blocks_36 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_36"),
blocks_72 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_72"),
blocks_144 = rs.getLong("rate_blocks_144")))
} else {
// used by mobile apps
override def close(): Unit = sqlite.close()

View file

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class Peer(val nodeParams: NodeParams, remoteNodeId: PublicKey, watcher: ActorRe
def createNewChannel(nodeParams: NodeParams, funder: Boolean, fundingAmount: Satoshi, origin_opt: Option[ActorRef], channelVersion: ChannelVersion): (ActorRef, LocalParams) = {
val (finalScript, localPaymentBasepoint) = channelVersion match {
case v if v.isSet(ChannelVersion.USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) =>
case v if v.hasStaticRemotekey =>
val walletKey = Helpers.getWalletPaymentBasepoint(wallet)
(Script.write(Script.pay2wpkh(walletKey)), Some(walletKey))
case _ =>
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ object Peer {
makeChannelParams(nodeParams, defaultFinalScriptPubkey, localPaymentBasepoint, isFunder, fundingAmount, fundingKeyPath)
def makeChannelParams(nodeParams: NodeParams, defaultFinalScriptPubkey: ByteVector, localPaymentBasepoint: Option[PublicKey], isFunder: Boolean, fundingAmount: Satoshi, fundingKeyPath: DeterministicWallet.KeyPath): LocalParams = {
def makeChannelParams(nodeParams: NodeParams, defaultFinalScriptPubkey: ByteVector, staticPaymentBasepoint: Option[PublicKey], isFunder: Boolean, fundingAmount: Satoshi, fundingKeyPath: DeterministicWallet.KeyPath): LocalParams = {
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ object Peer {
maxAcceptedHtlcs = nodeParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs,
isFunder = isFunder,
defaultFinalScriptPubKey = defaultFinalScriptPubkey,
localPaymentBasepoint = localPaymentBasepoint,
staticPaymentBasepoint = staticPaymentBasepoint,
features = nodeParams.features)

View file

@ -378,7 +378,17 @@ object Graph {
* @param capacity channel capacity
* @param balance_opt (optional) available balance that can be sent through this edge
case class GraphEdge(desc: ChannelDesc, update: ChannelUpdate, capacity: Satoshi, balance_opt: Option[MilliSatoshi])
case class GraphEdge(desc: ChannelDesc, update: ChannelUpdate, capacity: Satoshi, balance_opt: Option[MilliSatoshi]) {
def maxHtlcAmount(reservedCapacity: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = Seq(
balance_opt.map(balance => balance - reservedCapacity),
Some(capacity.toMilliSatoshi - reservedCapacity)
).flatten.min.max(0 msat)
def fee(amount: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = nodeFee(update.feeBaseMsat, update.feeProportionalMillionths, amount)
/** A graph data structure that uses an adjacency list, stores the incoming edges of the neighbors */
case class DirectedGraph(private val vertices: Map[PublicKey, List[GraphEdge]]) {

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelUpdate
import fr.acinq.eclair.{ShortChannelId, _}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success, Try}
@ -144,22 +145,24 @@ object RouteCalculation {
ageFactor = routerConf.searchRatioChannelAge,
capacityFactor = routerConf.searchRatioChannelCapacity
mpp = MultiPartParams(routerConf.mppMinPartAmount, routerConf.mppMaxParts)
* Find a route in the graph between localNodeId and targetNodeId, returns the route.
* Will perform a k-shortest path selection given the @param numRoutes and randomly select one of the result.
* @param g graph of the whole network
* @param localNodeId sender node (payer)
* @param targetNodeId target node (final recipient)
* @param amount the amount that the target node should receive
* @param maxFee the maximum fee of a resulting route
* @param numRoutes the number of routes to find
* @param extraEdges a set of extra edges we want to CONSIDER during the search
* @param ignoredEdges a set of extra edges we want to IGNORE during the search
* @param routeParams a set of parameters that can restrict the route search
* @param g graph of the whole network
* @param localNodeId sender node (payer)
* @param targetNodeId target node (final recipient)
* @param amount the amount that the target node should receive
* @param maxFee the maximum fee of a resulting route
* @param numRoutes the number of routes to find
* @param extraEdges a set of extra edges we want to CONSIDER during the search
* @param ignoredEdges a set of extra edges we want to IGNORE during the search
* @param ignoredVertices a set of extra vertices we want to IGNORE during the search
* @param routeParams a set of parameters that can restrict the route search
* @return the computed routes to the destination @param targetNodeId
def findRoute(g: DirectedGraph,
@ -219,4 +222,139 @@ object RouteCalculation {
* Find a multi-part route in the graph between localNodeId and targetNodeId.
* @param g graph of the whole network
* @param localNodeId sender node (payer)
* @param targetNodeId target node (final recipient)
* @param amount the amount that the target node should receive
* @param maxFee the maximum fee of a resulting route
* @param extraEdges a set of extra edges we want to CONSIDER during the search
* @param ignoredEdges a set of extra edges we want to IGNORE during the search
* @param ignoredVertices a set of extra vertices we want to IGNORE during the search
* @param pendingHtlcs a list of htlcs that have already been sent for that multi-part payment (used to avoid finding conflicting HTLCs)
* @param routeParams a set of parameters that can restrict the route search
* @return a set of disjoint routes to the destination @param targetNodeId with the payment amount split between them
def findMultiPartRoute(g: DirectedGraph,
localNodeId: PublicKey,
targetNodeId: PublicKey,
amount: MilliSatoshi,
maxFee: MilliSatoshi,
extraEdges: Set[GraphEdge] = Set.empty,
ignoredEdges: Set[ChannelDesc] = Set.empty,
ignoredVertices: Set[PublicKey] = Set.empty,
pendingHtlcs: Seq[Route] = Nil,
routeParams: RouteParams,
currentBlockHeight: Long): Try[Seq[Route]] = Try {
val result = findMultiPartRouteInternal(g, localNodeId, targetNodeId, amount, maxFee, extraEdges, ignoredEdges, ignoredVertices, pendingHtlcs, routeParams, currentBlockHeight) match {
case Right(routes) => Right(routes)
case Left(RouteNotFound) if routeParams.randomize =>
// If we couldn't find a randomized solution, fallback to a deterministic one.
findMultiPartRouteInternal(g, localNodeId, targetNodeId, amount, maxFee, extraEdges, ignoredEdges, ignoredVertices, pendingHtlcs, routeParams.copy(randomize = false), currentBlockHeight)
case Left(ex) => Left(ex)
result match {
case Right(routes) => routes
case Left(ex) => return Failure(ex)
private def findMultiPartRouteInternal(g: DirectedGraph,
localNodeId: PublicKey,
targetNodeId: PublicKey,
amount: MilliSatoshi,
maxFee: MilliSatoshi,
extraEdges: Set[GraphEdge] = Set.empty,
ignoredEdges: Set[ChannelDesc] = Set.empty,
ignoredVertices: Set[PublicKey] = Set.empty,
pendingHtlcs: Seq[Route] = Nil,
routeParams: RouteParams,
currentBlockHeight: Long): Either[RouterException, Seq[Route]] = {
// We use Yen's k-shortest paths to find many paths for chunks of the total amount.
val numRoutes = {
val directChannelsCount = g.getEdgesBetween(localNodeId, targetNodeId).length
routeParams.mpp.maxParts.max(directChannelsCount) // if we have direct channels to the target, we can use them all
val routeAmount = routeParams.mpp.minPartAmount.min(amount)
findRouteInternal(g, localNodeId, targetNodeId, routeAmount, maxFee, numRoutes, extraEdges, ignoredEdges, ignoredVertices, routeParams, currentBlockHeight) match {
case Right(routes) =>
// We use these shortest paths to find a set of non-conflicting HTLCs that send the total amount.
split(amount, mutable.Queue(routes: _*), initializeUsedCapacity(pendingHtlcs), routeParams) match {
case Right(routes) if validateMultiPartRoute(amount, maxFee, routes) => Right(routes)
case _ => Left(RouteNotFound)
case Left(ex) => Left(ex)
private def split(amount: MilliSatoshi, paths: mutable.Queue[Graph.WeightedPath], usedCapacity: mutable.Map[ShortChannelId, MilliSatoshi], routeParams: RouteParams, selectedRoutes: Seq[Route] = Nil): Either[RouterException, Seq[Route]] = {
if (amount == 0.msat) {
} else if (paths.isEmpty) {
} else {
val current = paths.dequeue()
val candidate = computeRouteMaxAmount(current.path, usedCapacity)
if (candidate.amount < routeParams.mpp.minPartAmount.min(amount)) {
// this route doesn't have enough capacity left: we remove it and continue.
split(amount, paths, usedCapacity, routeParams, selectedRoutes)
} else {
val route = if (routeParams.randomize) {
// randomly choose the amount to be between 20% and 100% of the available capacity.
val randomizedAmount = candidate.amount * ((20d + Random.nextInt(81)) / 100)
if (randomizedAmount < routeParams.mpp.minPartAmount) {
candidate.copy(amount = routeParams.mpp.minPartAmount.min(amount))
} else {
candidate.copy(amount = randomizedAmount.min(amount))
} else {
candidate.copy(amount = candidate.amount.min(amount))
updateUsedCapacity(route, usedCapacity)
// NB: we re-enqueue the current path, it may still have capacity for a second HTLC.
split(amount - route.amount, paths, usedCapacity, routeParams, route +: selectedRoutes)
/** Compute the maximum amount that we can send through the given route. */
private def computeRouteMaxAmount(route: Seq[GraphEdge], usedCapacity: mutable.Map[ShortChannelId, MilliSatoshi]): Route = {
val firstHopMaxAmount = route.head.maxHtlcAmount(usedCapacity.getOrElse(route.head.update.shortChannelId, 0 msat))
val amount = route.drop(1).foldLeft(firstHopMaxAmount) { case (amount, edge) =>
// We compute fees going forward instead of backwards. That means we will slightly overestimate the fees of some
// edges, but we will always stay inside the capacity bounds we computed.
val amountMinusFees = amount - edge.fee(amount)
val edgeMaxAmount = edge.maxHtlcAmount(usedCapacity.getOrElse(edge.update.shortChannelId, 0 msat))
Route(amount.max(0 msat), route.map(graphEdgeToHop))
/** Initialize known used capacity based on pending HTLCs. */
private def initializeUsedCapacity(pendingHtlcs: Seq[Route]): mutable.Map[ShortChannelId, MilliSatoshi] = {
val usedCapacity = mutable.Map.empty[ShortChannelId, MilliSatoshi]
// We always skip the first hop: since they are local channels, we already take into account those sent HTLCs in the
// channel balance (which overrides the channel capacity in route calculation).
pendingHtlcs.filter(_.hops.length > 1).foreach(route => updateUsedCapacity(route.copy(hops = route.hops.tail), usedCapacity))
/** Update used capacity by taking into account an HTLC sent to the given route. */
private def updateUsedCapacity(route: Route, usedCapacity: mutable.Map[ShortChannelId, MilliSatoshi]): Unit = {
route.hops.reverse.foldLeft(route.amount) { case (amount, hop) =>
usedCapacity.update(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, usedCapacity.getOrElse(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, 0 msat) + amount)
amount + hop.fee(amount)
private def validateMultiPartRoute(amount: MilliSatoshi, maxFee: MilliSatoshi, routes: Seq[Route]): Boolean = {
val amountOk = routes.map(_.amount).sum == amount
val feeOk = routes.map(_.fee).sum <= maxFee
amountOk && feeOk

View file

@ -241,7 +241,9 @@ object Router {
searchHeuristicsEnabled: Boolean,
searchRatioCltv: Double,
searchRatioChannelAge: Double,
searchRatioChannelCapacity: Double)
searchRatioChannelCapacity: Double,
mppMinPartAmount: MilliSatoshi,
mppMaxParts: Int)
// @formatter:off
case class ChannelDesc(shortChannelId: ShortChannelId, a: PublicKey, b: PublicKey)
@ -330,7 +332,9 @@ object Router {
override def fee(amount: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = fee
case class RouteParams(randomize: Boolean, maxFeeBase: MilliSatoshi, maxFeePct: Double, routeMaxLength: Int, routeMaxCltv: CltvExpiryDelta, ratios: Option[WeightRatios]) {
case class MultiPartParams(minPartAmount: MilliSatoshi, maxParts: Int)
case class RouteParams(randomize: Boolean, maxFeeBase: MilliSatoshi, maxFeePct: Double, routeMaxLength: Int, routeMaxCltv: CltvExpiryDelta, ratios: Option[WeightRatios], mpp: MultiPartParams) {
def getMaxFee(amount: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = {
// The payment fee must satisfy either the flat fee or the percentage fee, not necessarily both.
maxFeeBase.max(amount * maxFeePct)
@ -351,6 +355,10 @@ object Router {
case class Route(amount: MilliSatoshi, hops: Seq[ChannelHop], allowEmpty: Boolean = false) {
require(allowEmpty || hops.nonEmpty, "route cannot be empty")
val length = hops.length
lazy val fee: MilliSatoshi = {
val amountToSend = hops.drop(1).reverse.foldLeft(amount) { case (amount1, hop) => amount1 + hop.fee(amount1) }
amountToSend - amount
/** This method retrieves the channel update that we used when we built the route. */
def getChannelUpdateForNode(nodeId: PublicKey): Option[ChannelUpdate] = hops.find(_.nodeId == nodeId).map(_.lastUpdate)

View file

@ -16,11 +16,9 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.wire
import java.util.UUID
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.DeterministicWallet.{ExtendedPrivateKey, KeyPath}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, ByteVector64, Crypto, OutPoint, Transaction, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, OutPoint, Transaction, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel._
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.ShaChain
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.Origin
@ -29,19 +27,19 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.LightningMessageCodecs._
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec}
import shapeless.{HNil, ::}
import scala.compat.Platform
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Created by PM on 02/06/2017.
object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
* All LN protocol message must be stored as length-delimited, because they may have arbitrary trailing data
def lengthDelimited[T](codec: Codec[T]): Codec[T] = variableSizeBytesLong(varintoverflow, codec)
val keyPathCodec: Codec[KeyPath] = ("path" | listOfN(uint16, uint32)).xmap[KeyPath](l => new KeyPath(l), keyPath => keyPath.path.toList).as[KeyPath]
val extendedPrivateKeyCodec: Codec[ExtendedPrivateKey] = (
@ -51,14 +49,12 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("path" | keyPathCodec) ::
("parent" | int64)).as[ExtendedPrivateKey]
val channelVersionCodec: Codec[ChannelVersion] = discriminatorWithDefault[ChannelVersion](
discriminator = discriminated[ChannelVersion].by(byte)
.typecase(0x01, bits(ChannelVersion.LENGTH_BITS).as[ChannelVersion])
// NB: 0x02 and 0x03 are *reserved* for backward compatibility reasons
fallback = provide(ChannelVersion.ZEROES) // README: DO NOT CHANGE THIS !! old channels don't have a channel version
// field and don't support additional features which is why all bits are set to 0.
val channelVersionCodec: Codec[ChannelVersion] = bits(ChannelVersion.LENGTH_BITS).as[ChannelVersion]
* byte-aligned boolean codec
val bool8: Codec[Boolean] = bool(8)
def localParamsCodec(channelVersion: ChannelVersion): Codec[LocalParams] = (
("nodeId" | publicKey) ::
@ -69,9 +65,9 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("htlcMinimum" | millisatoshi) ::
("toSelfDelay" | cltvExpiryDelta) ::
("maxAcceptedHtlcs" | uint16) ::
("isFunder" | bool) ::
("defaultFinalScriptPubKey" | varsizebinarydata) ::
("localPaymentBasepoint" | optional(provide(channelVersion.isSet(ChannelVersion.USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT)), publicKey)) ::
("isFunder" | bool8) ::
("defaultFinalScriptPubKey" | lengthDelimited(bytes)) ::
("localPaymentBasepoint" | optional(provide(channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey), publicKey)) ::
("features" | combinedFeaturesCodec)).as[LocalParams]
val remoteParamsCodec: Codec[RemoteParams] = (
@ -89,14 +85,9 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("htlcBasepoint" | publicKey) ::
("features" | combinedFeaturesCodec)).as[RemoteParams]
val htlcCodec: Codec[DirectedHtlc] = discriminated[DirectedHtlc].by(bool)
.typecase(true, updateAddHtlcCodec.as[IncomingHtlc])
.typecase(false, updateAddHtlcCodec.as[OutgoingHtlc])
def setCodec[T](codec: Codec[T]): Codec[Set[T]] = Codec[Set[T]](
(elems: Set[T]) => listOfN(uint16, codec).encode(elems.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => listOfN(uint16, codec).decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toSet))
val htlcCodec: Codec[DirectedHtlc] = discriminated[DirectedHtlc].by(bool8)
.typecase(true, lengthDelimited(updateAddHtlcCodec).as[IncomingHtlc])
.typecase(false, lengthDelimited(updateAddHtlcCodec).as[OutgoingHtlc])
val commitmentSpecCodec: Codec[CommitmentSpec] = (
("htlcs" | setCodec(htlcCodec)) ::
@ -104,16 +95,16 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("toLocal" | millisatoshi) ::
("toRemote" | millisatoshi)).as[CommitmentSpec]
val outPointCodec: Codec[OutPoint] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => OutPoint.read(d.toArray), d => OutPoint.write(d)))
val outPointCodec: Codec[OutPoint] = lengthDelimited(bytes.xmap(d => OutPoint.read(d.toArray), d => OutPoint.write(d)))
val txOutCodec: Codec[TxOut] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => TxOut.read(d.toArray), d => TxOut.write(d)))
val txOutCodec: Codec[TxOut] = lengthDelimited(bytes.xmap(d => TxOut.read(d.toArray), d => TxOut.write(d)))
val txCodec: Codec[Transaction] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => Transaction.read(d.toArray), d => Transaction.write(d)))
val txCodec: Codec[Transaction] = lengthDelimited(bytes.xmap(d => Transaction.read(d.toArray), d => Transaction.write(d)))
val inputInfoCodec: Codec[InputInfo] = (
("outPoint" | outPointCodec) ::
("txOut" | txOutCodec) ::
("redeemScript" | varsizebinarydata)).as[InputInfo]
("redeemScript" | lengthDelimited(bytes))).as[InputInfo]
val txWithInputInfoCodec: Codec[TransactionWithInputInfo] = discriminated[TransactionWithInputInfo].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x01, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[CommitTx])
@ -127,19 +118,10 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
.typecase(0x09, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[HtlcPenaltyTx])
.typecase(0x10, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClosingTx])
// this is a backward compatible codec (we used to store the sig as DER encoded), now we store it as 64-bytes
val sig64OrDERCodec: Codec[ByteVector64] = Codec[ByteVector64](
(value: ByteVector64) => bytes(64).encode(value),
(wire: BitVector) => bytes.decode(wire).map(_.map {
case bin64 if bin64.size == 64 => ByteVector64(bin64)
case der => Crypto.der2compact(der)
val htlcTxAndSigsCodec: Codec[HtlcTxAndSigs] = (
("txinfo" | txWithInputInfoCodec) ::
("localSig" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, sig64OrDERCodec)) :: // we store as variable length for historical purposes (we used to store as DER encoded)
("remoteSig" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, sig64OrDERCodec))).as[HtlcTxAndSigs]
("localSig" | lengthDelimited(bytes64)) :: // we store as variable length for historical purposes (we used to store as DER encoded)
("remoteSig" | lengthDelimited(bytes64))).as[HtlcTxAndSigs]
val publishableTxsCodec: Codec[PublishableTxs] = (
("commitTx" | (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[CommitTx]) ::
@ -156,7 +138,7 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("txid" | bytes32) ::
("remotePerCommitmentPoint" | publicKey)).as[RemoteCommit]
val updateMessageCodec: Codec[UpdateMessage] = lightningMessageCodec.narrow(f => Attempt.successful(f.asInstanceOf[UpdateMessage]), g => g)
val updateMessageCodec: Codec[UpdateMessage] = lengthDelimited(lightningMessageCodec.narrow[UpdateMessage](f => Attempt.successful(f.asInstanceOf[UpdateMessage]), g => g))
val localChangesCodec: Codec[LocalChanges] = (
("proposed" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec)) ::
@ -170,9 +152,9 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
val waitingForRevocationCodec: Codec[WaitingForRevocation] = (
("nextRemoteCommit" | remoteCommitCodec) ::
("sent" | commitSigCodec) ::
("sent" | lengthDelimited(commitSigCodec)) ::
("sentAfterLocalCommitIndex" | uint64overflow) ::
("reSignAsap" | bool)).as[WaitingForRevocation]
("reSignAsap" | bool8)).as[WaitingForRevocation]
val localCodec: Codec[Origin.Local] = (
("id" | uuid) ::
@ -185,33 +167,19 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("amountIn" | millisatoshi) ::
("amountOut" | millisatoshi)).as[Origin.Relayed]
// this is for backward compatibility to handle legacy payments that didn't have identifiers
val UNKNOWN_UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
val trampolineRelayedCodec: Codec[Origin.TrampolineRelayed] = (
listOfN(uint16, bytes32 ~ int64) ::
("sender" | provide(Option.empty[ActorRef]))
val originCodec: Codec[Origin] = discriminated[Origin].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x03, localCodec) // backward compatible
.typecase(0x01, provide(Origin.Local(UNKNOWN_UUID, None)))
.typecase(0x02, relayedCodec)
.typecase(0x03, localCodec)
.typecase(0x04, trampolineRelayedCodec)
val originsListCodec: Codec[List[(Long, Origin)]] = listOfN(uint16, int64 ~ originCodec)
val originsMapCodec: Codec[Map[Long, Origin]] = mapCodec(int64, originCodec)
val originsMapCodec: Codec[Map[Long, Origin]] = Codec[Map[Long, Origin]](
(map: Map[Long, Origin]) => originsListCodec.encode(map.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => originsListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
val spentListCodec: Codec[List[(OutPoint, ByteVector32)]] = listOfN(uint16, outPointCodec ~ bytes32)
val spentMapCodec: Codec[Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]] = Codec[Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]](
(map: Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]) => spentListCodec.encode(map.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => spentListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
val spentMapCodec: Codec[Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]] = mapCodec(outPointCodec, bytes32)
val commitmentsCodec: Codec[Commitments] = (
("channelVersion" | channelVersionCodec) >>:~ { channelVersion =>
@ -225,19 +193,19 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
("localNextHtlcId" | uint64overflow) ::
("remoteNextHtlcId" | uint64overflow) ::
("originChannels" | originsMapCodec) ::
("remoteNextCommitInfo" | either(bool, waitingForRevocationCodec, publicKey)) ::
("remoteNextCommitInfo" | either(bool8, waitingForRevocationCodec, publicKey)) ::
("commitInput" | inputInfoCodec) ::
("remotePerCommitmentSecrets" | ShaChain.shaChainCodec) ::
("remotePerCommitmentSecrets" | byteAligned(ShaChain.shaChainCodec)) ::
("channelId" | bytes32)
val closingTxProposedCodec: Codec[ClosingTxProposed] = (
("unsignedTx" | txCodec) ::
("localClosingSigned" | closingSignedCodec)).as[ClosingTxProposed]
("localClosingSigned" | lengthDelimited(closingSignedCodec))).as[ClosingTxProposed]
val localCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[LocalCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainDelayedOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("claimMainDelayedOutputTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("htlcSuccessTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("htlcTimeoutTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcDelayedTx" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
@ -245,115 +213,68 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
val remoteCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[RemoteCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcSuccessTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcTimeoutTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("spent" | spentMapCodec)).as[RemoteCommitPublished]
val revokedCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[RevokedCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("mainPenaltyTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("mainPenaltyTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("htlcPenaltyTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcDelayedPenaltyTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("spent" | spentMapCodec)).as[RevokedCommitPublished]
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 997acee and below, with placeholders for new fields
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | provide[Option[Transaction]](None)) ::
("waitingSince" | provide(System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds)) ::
("deferred" | optional(bool, fundingLockedCodec)) ::
("lastSent" | either(bool, fundingCreatedCodec, fundingSignedCodec))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("waitingSince" | int64) ::
("deferred" | optional(bool, fundingLockedCodec)) ::
("lastSent" | either(bool, fundingCreatedCodec, fundingSignedCodec))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED]
("deferred" | optional(bool8, lengthDelimited(fundingLockedCodec))) ::
("lastSent" | either(bool8, lengthDelimited(fundingCreatedCodec), lengthDelimited(fundingSignedCodec)))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED]
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("lastSent" | fundingLockedCodec)).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED]
// All channel_announcement's written prior to supporting unknown trailing fields had the same fixed size, because
// those are the announcements that *we* created and we always used an empty features field, which was the only
// variable-length field.
val noUnknownFieldsChannelAnnouncementSizeCodec: Codec[Int] = provide(430)
// We used to ignore unknown trailing fields, and assume that channel_update size was known. This is not true anymore,
// so we need to tell the codec where to stop, otherwise all the remaining part of the data will be decoded as unknown
// fields. Fortunately, we can easily tell what size the channel_update will be.
val noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec: Codec[Int] = peek( // we need to take a peek at a specific byte to know what size the message will be, and then rollback to read the full message
ignore(8 * (64 + 32 + 8 + 4)) ~> // we skip the first fields: signature + chain_hash + short_channel_id + timestamp
byte // this is the messageFlags byte
.map(messageFlags => if ((messageFlags & 1) != 0) 136 else 128) // depending on the value of option_channel_htlc_max, size will be 128B or 136B
.decodeOnly // this is for compat, we only need to decode
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 9afb26e and below
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("buried" | bool) ::
("channelAnnouncement" | optional(bool, variableSizeBytes(noUnknownFieldsChannelAnnouncementSizeCodec, channelAnnouncementCodec))) ::
("channelUpdate" | variableSizeBytes(noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec, channelUpdateCodec)) ::
("localShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec))).as[DATA_NORMAL].decodeOnly
("lastSent" | lengthDelimited(fundingLockedCodec))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED]
val DATA_NORMAL_Codec: Codec[DATA_NORMAL] = (
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("buried" | bool) ::
("channelAnnouncement" | optional(bool, variableSizeBytes(uint16, channelAnnouncementCodec))) ::
("channelUpdate" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, channelUpdateCodec)) ::
("localShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec))).as[DATA_NORMAL]
("buried" | bool8) ::
("channelAnnouncement" | optional(bool8, lengthDelimited(channelAnnouncementCodec))) ::
("channelUpdate" | lengthDelimited(channelUpdateCodec)) ::
("localShutdown" | optional(bool8, lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec))) ::
("remoteShutdown" | optional(bool8, lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec)))).as[DATA_NORMAL]
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("localShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("remoteShutdown" | shutdownCodec)).as[DATA_SHUTDOWN]
("localShutdown" | lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec))).as[DATA_SHUTDOWN]
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("localShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("remoteShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("closingTxProposed" | listOfN(uint16, listOfN(uint16, closingTxProposedCodec))) ::
("bestUnpublishedClosingTx_opt" | optional(bool, txCodec))).as[DATA_NEGOTIATING]
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 818199e and below, with placeholders for new fields
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | provide[Option[Transaction]](None)) ::
("waitingSince" | provide(System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds)) ::
("mutualCloseProposed" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("mutualClosePublished" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("localCommitPublished" | optional(bool, localCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING].decodeOnly
("localShutdown" | lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | lengthDelimited(shutdownCodec)) ::
("closingTxProposed" | listOfN(uint16, listOfN(uint16, lengthDelimited(closingTxProposedCodec)))) ::
("bestUnpublishedClosingTx_opt" | optional(bool8, txCodec))).as[DATA_NEGOTIATING]
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool8, txCodec)) ::
("waitingSince" | int64) ::
("mutualCloseProposed" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("mutualClosePublished" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("localCommitPublished" | optional(bool, localCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("localCommitPublished" | optional(bool8, localCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool8, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool8, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool8, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING]
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("remoteChannelReestablish" | channelReestablishCodec)).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT]
* Order matters!!
@ -365,16 +286,25 @@ object ChannelCodecs extends Logging {
* More info here: https://github.com/scodec/scodec/issues/122
val stateDataCodec: Codec[HasCommitments] = ("version" | constant(0x00)) ~> discriminated[HasCommitments].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x10, DATA_NORMAL_Codec)
.typecase(0x09, DATA_CLOSING_Codec)
.typecase(0x02, DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED_Codec)
.typecase(0x03, DATA_NORMAL_COMPAT_03_Codec)
.typecase(0x04, DATA_SHUTDOWN_Codec)
.typecase(0x05, DATA_NEGOTIATING_Codec)
.typecase(0x06, DATA_CLOSING_COMPAT_06_Codec)
val stateDataCodec: Codec[HasCommitments] = discriminated[HasCommitments].by(byte)
.typecase(1, discriminated[HasCommitments].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x21, DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED_Codec)
.typecase(0x22, DATA_NORMAL_Codec)
.typecase(0x23, DATA_SHUTDOWN_Codec)
.typecase(0x24, DATA_NEGOTIATING_Codec)
.typecase(0x25, DATA_CLOSING_Codec)
.typecase(0, discriminated[HasCommitments].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x10, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_NORMAL_Codec)
.typecase(0x09, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_CLOSING_Codec)
.typecase(0x08, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED_Codec)
.typecase(0x01, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED_COMPAT_01_Codec)
.typecase(0x02, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED_Codec)
.typecase(0x03, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_NORMAL_COMPAT_03_Codec)
.typecase(0x04, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_SHUTDOWN_Codec)
.typecase(0x05, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_NEGOTIATING_Codec)
.typecase(0x06, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_CLOSING_COMPAT_06_Codec)
.typecase(0x07, LegacyChannelCodecs.DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT_Codec))

View file

@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ object CommonCodecs {
val varsizebinarydata: Codec[ByteVector] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes)
def mapCodec[K, V](keyCodec: Codec[K], valueCodec: Codec[V]): Codec[Map[K, V]] = listOfN(uint16, keyCodec ~ valueCodec).xmap(_.toMap, _.toList)
def setCodec[T](codec: Codec[T]): Codec[Set[T]] = listOfN(uint16, codec).xmap(_.toSet, _.toList)
val listofsignatures: Codec[List[ByteVector64]] = listOfN(uint16, bytes64)
val ipv4address: Codec[Inet4Address] = bytes(4).xmap(b => InetAddress.getByAddress(b.toArray).asInstanceOf[Inet4Address], a => ByteVector(a.getAddress))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
* Copyright 2019 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.wire
import java.util.UUID
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.DeterministicWallet.{ExtendedPrivateKey, KeyPath}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, ByteVector64, Crypto, OutPoint, Transaction, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel._
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.ShaChain
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.Origin
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions._
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.LightningMessageCodecs._
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Those codecs are here solely for backward compatibility reasons.
* Created by PM on 02/06/2017.
private[wire] object LegacyChannelCodecs extends Logging {
val keyPathCodec: Codec[KeyPath] = ("path" | listOfN(uint16, uint32)).xmap[KeyPath](l => new KeyPath(l), keyPath => keyPath.path.toList).as[KeyPath].decodeOnly
val extendedPrivateKeyCodec: Codec[ExtendedPrivateKey] = (
("secretkeybytes" | bytes32) ::
("chaincode" | bytes32) ::
("depth" | uint16) ::
("path" | keyPathCodec) ::
("parent" | int64)).as[ExtendedPrivateKey].decodeOnly
val channelVersionCodec: Codec[ChannelVersion] = discriminatorWithDefault[ChannelVersion](
discriminator = discriminated[ChannelVersion].by(byte)
.typecase(0x01, bits(ChannelVersion.LENGTH_BITS).as[ChannelVersion])
// NB: 0x02 and 0x03 are *reserved* for backward compatibility reasons
fallback = provide(ChannelVersion.ZEROES) // README: DO NOT CHANGE THIS !! old channels don't have a channel version
// field and don't support additional features which is why all bits are set to 0.
def localParamsCodec(channelVersion: ChannelVersion): Codec[LocalParams] = (
("nodeId" | publicKey) ::
("channelPath" | keyPathCodec) ::
("dustLimit" | satoshi) ::
("maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat" | uint64) ::
("channelReserve" | satoshi) ::
("htlcMinimum" | millisatoshi) ::
("toSelfDelay" | cltvExpiryDelta) ::
("maxAcceptedHtlcs" | uint16) ::
("isFunder" | bool) ::
("defaultFinalScriptPubKey" | varsizebinarydata) ::
("localPaymentBasepoint" | optional(provide(channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey), publicKey)) ::
("features" | combinedFeaturesCodec)).as[LocalParams].decodeOnly
val remoteParamsCodec: Codec[RemoteParams] = (
("nodeId" | publicKey) ::
("dustLimit" | satoshi) ::
("maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat" | uint64) ::
("channelReserve" | satoshi) ::
("htlcMinimum" | millisatoshi) ::
("toSelfDelay" | cltvExpiryDelta) ::
("maxAcceptedHtlcs" | uint16) ::
("fundingPubKey" | publicKey) ::
("revocationBasepoint" | publicKey) ::
("paymentBasepoint" | publicKey) ::
("delayedPaymentBasepoint" | publicKey) ::
("htlcBasepoint" | publicKey) ::
("features" | combinedFeaturesCodec)).as[RemoteParams].decodeOnly
val htlcCodec: Codec[DirectedHtlc] = discriminated[DirectedHtlc].by(bool)
.typecase(true, updateAddHtlcCodec.as[IncomingHtlc])
.typecase(false, updateAddHtlcCodec.as[OutgoingHtlc])
def setCodec[T](codec: Codec[T]): Codec[Set[T]] = Codec[Set[T]](
(elems: Set[T]) => listOfN(uint16, codec).encode(elems.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => listOfN(uint16, codec).decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toSet))
val commitmentSpecCodec: Codec[CommitmentSpec] = (
("htlcs" | setCodec(htlcCodec)) ::
("feeratePerKw" | uint32) ::
("toLocal" | millisatoshi) ::
("toRemote" | millisatoshi)).as[CommitmentSpec].decodeOnly
val outPointCodec: Codec[OutPoint] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => OutPoint.read(d.toArray), d => OutPoint.write(d)))
val txOutCodec: Codec[TxOut] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => TxOut.read(d.toArray), d => TxOut.write(d)))
val txCodec: Codec[Transaction] = variableSizeBytes(uint16, bytes.xmap(d => Transaction.read(d.toArray), d => Transaction.write(d)))
val inputInfoCodec: Codec[InputInfo] = (
("outPoint" | outPointCodec) ::
("txOut" | txOutCodec) ::
("redeemScript" | varsizebinarydata)).as[InputInfo].decodeOnly
val txWithInputInfoCodec: Codec[TransactionWithInputInfo] = discriminated[TransactionWithInputInfo].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x01, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[CommitTx])
.typecase(0x02, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec) :: ("paymentHash" | bytes32)).as[HtlcSuccessTx])
.typecase(0x03, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[HtlcTimeoutTx])
.typecase(0x04, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClaimHtlcSuccessTx])
.typecase(0x05, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClaimHtlcTimeoutTx])
.typecase(0x06, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClaimP2WPKHOutputTx])
.typecase(0x07, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClaimDelayedOutputTx])
.typecase(0x08, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[MainPenaltyTx])
.typecase(0x09, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[HtlcPenaltyTx])
.typecase(0x10, (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[ClosingTx])
// this is a backward compatible codec (we used to store the sig as DER encoded), now we store it as 64-bytes
val sig64OrDERCodec: Codec[ByteVector64] = Codec[ByteVector64](
(value: ByteVector64) => bytes(64).encode(value),
(wire: BitVector) => bytes.decode(wire).map(_.map {
case bin64 if bin64.size == 64 => ByteVector64(bin64)
case der => Crypto.der2compact(der)
val htlcTxAndSigsCodec: Codec[HtlcTxAndSigs] = (
("txinfo" | txWithInputInfoCodec) ::
("localSig" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, sig64OrDERCodec)) :: // we store as variable length for historical purposes (we used to store as DER encoded)
("remoteSig" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, sig64OrDERCodec))).as[HtlcTxAndSigs].decodeOnly
val publishableTxsCodec: Codec[PublishableTxs] = (
("commitTx" | (("inputInfo" | inputInfoCodec) :: ("tx" | txCodec)).as[CommitTx]) ::
("htlcTxsAndSigs" | listOfN(uint16, htlcTxAndSigsCodec))).as[PublishableTxs].decodeOnly
val localCommitCodec: Codec[LocalCommit] = (
("index" | uint64overflow) ::
("spec" | commitmentSpecCodec) ::
("publishableTxs" | publishableTxsCodec)).as[LocalCommit].decodeOnly
val remoteCommitCodec: Codec[RemoteCommit] = (
("index" | uint64overflow) ::
("spec" | commitmentSpecCodec) ::
("txid" | bytes32) ::
("remotePerCommitmentPoint" | publicKey)).as[RemoteCommit].decodeOnly
val updateMessageCodec: Codec[UpdateMessage] = lightningMessageCodec.narrow(f => Attempt.successful(f.asInstanceOf[UpdateMessage]), g => g)
val localChangesCodec: Codec[LocalChanges] = (
("proposed" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec)) ::
("signed" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec)) ::
("acked" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec))).as[LocalChanges].decodeOnly
val remoteChangesCodec: Codec[RemoteChanges] = (
("proposed" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec)) ::
("acked" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec)) ::
("signed" | listOfN(uint16, updateMessageCodec))).as[RemoteChanges].decodeOnly
val waitingForRevocationCodec: Codec[WaitingForRevocation] = (
("nextRemoteCommit" | remoteCommitCodec) ::
("sent" | commitSigCodec) ::
("sentAfterLocalCommitIndex" | uint64overflow) ::
("reSignAsap" | bool)).as[WaitingForRevocation].decodeOnly
val localCodec: Codec[Origin.Local] = (
("id" | uuid) ::
("sender" | provide(Option.empty[ActorRef]))
val relayedCodec: Codec[Origin.Relayed] = (
("originChannelId" | bytes32) ::
("originHtlcId" | int64) ::
("amountIn" | millisatoshi) ::
("amountOut" | millisatoshi)).as[Origin.Relayed]
// this is for backward compatibility to handle legacy payments that didn't have identifiers
val UNKNOWN_UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
val trampolineRelayedCodec: Codec[Origin.TrampolineRelayed] = (
listOfN(uint16, bytes32 ~ int64) ::
("sender" | provide(Option.empty[ActorRef]))
val originCodec: Codec[Origin] = discriminated[Origin].by(uint16)
.typecase(0x03, localCodec) // backward compatible
.typecase(0x01, provide(Origin.Local(UNKNOWN_UUID, None)))
.typecase(0x02, relayedCodec)
.typecase(0x04, trampolineRelayedCodec)
val originsListCodec: Codec[List[(Long, Origin)]] = listOfN(uint16, int64 ~ originCodec)
val originsMapCodec: Codec[Map[Long, Origin]] = Codec[Map[Long, Origin]](
(map: Map[Long, Origin]) => originsListCodec.encode(map.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => originsListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
val spentListCodec: Codec[List[(OutPoint, ByteVector32)]] = listOfN(uint16, outPointCodec ~ bytes32)
val spentMapCodec: Codec[Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]] = Codec[Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]](
(map: Map[OutPoint, ByteVector32]) => spentListCodec.encode(map.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => spentListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
val commitmentsCodec: Codec[Commitments] = (
("channelVersion" | channelVersionCodec) >>:~ { channelVersion =>
("localParams" | localParamsCodec(channelVersion)) ::
("remoteParams" | remoteParamsCodec) ::
("channelFlags" | byte) ::
("localCommit" | localCommitCodec) ::
("remoteCommit" | remoteCommitCodec) ::
("localChanges" | localChangesCodec) ::
("remoteChanges" | remoteChangesCodec) ::
("localNextHtlcId" | uint64overflow) ::
("remoteNextHtlcId" | uint64overflow) ::
("originChannels" | originsMapCodec) ::
("remoteNextCommitInfo" | either(bool, waitingForRevocationCodec, publicKey)) ::
("commitInput" | inputInfoCodec) ::
("remotePerCommitmentSecrets" | ShaChain.shaChainCodec) ::
("channelId" | bytes32)
val closingTxProposedCodec: Codec[ClosingTxProposed] = (
("unsignedTx" | txCodec) ::
("localClosingSigned" | closingSignedCodec)).as[ClosingTxProposed].decodeOnly
val localCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[LocalCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainDelayedOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("htlcSuccessTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("htlcTimeoutTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcDelayedTx" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("spent" | spentMapCodec)).as[LocalCommitPublished].decodeOnly
val remoteCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[RemoteCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcSuccessTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcTimeoutTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("spent" | spentMapCodec)).as[RemoteCommitPublished].decodeOnly
val revokedCommitPublishedCodec: Codec[RevokedCommitPublished] = (
("commitTx" | txCodec) ::
("claimMainOutputTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("mainPenaltyTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("htlcPenaltyTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("claimHtlcDelayedPenaltyTxs" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("spent" | spentMapCodec)).as[RevokedCommitPublished].decodeOnly
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 997acee and below, with placeholders for new fields
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | provide[Option[Transaction]](None)) ::
("waitingSince" | provide(System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds)) ::
("deferred" | optional(bool, fundingLockedCodec)) ::
("lastSent" | either(bool, fundingCreatedCodec, fundingSignedCodec))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("waitingSince" | int64) ::
("deferred" | optional(bool, fundingLockedCodec)) ::
("lastSent" | either(bool, fundingCreatedCodec, fundingSignedCodec))).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("lastSent" | fundingLockedCodec)).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED].decodeOnly
// All channel_announcement's written prior to supporting unknown trailing fields had the same fixed size, because
// those are the announcements that *we* created and we always used an empty features field, which was the only
// variable-length field.
val noUnknownFieldsChannelAnnouncementSizeCodec: Codec[Int] = provide(430)
// We used to ignore unknown trailing fields, and assume that channel_update size was known. This is not true anymore,
// so we need to tell the codec where to stop, otherwise all the remaining part of the data will be decoded as unknown
// fields. Fortunately, we can easily tell what size the channel_update will be.
val noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec: Codec[Int] = peek( // we need to take a peek at a specific byte to know what size the message will be, and then rollback to read the full message
ignore(8 * (64 + 32 + 8 + 4)) ~> // we skip the first fields: signature + chain_hash + short_channel_id + timestamp
byte // this is the messageFlags byte
.map(messageFlags => if ((messageFlags & 1) != 0) 136 else 128) // depending on the value of option_channel_htlc_max, size will be 128B or 136B
.decodeOnly // this is for compat, we only need to decode
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 9afb26e and below
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("buried" | bool) ::
("channelAnnouncement" | optional(bool, variableSizeBytes(noUnknownFieldsChannelAnnouncementSizeCodec, channelAnnouncementCodec))) ::
("channelUpdate" | variableSizeBytes(noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec, channelUpdateCodec)) ::
("localShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec))).as[DATA_NORMAL].decodeOnly
val DATA_NORMAL_Codec: Codec[DATA_NORMAL] = (
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("shortChannelId" | shortchannelid) ::
("buried" | bool) ::
("channelAnnouncement" | optional(bool, variableSizeBytes(uint16, channelAnnouncementCodec))) ::
("channelUpdate" | variableSizeBytes(uint16, channelUpdateCodec)) ::
("localShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec)) ::
("remoteShutdown" | optional(bool, shutdownCodec))).as[DATA_NORMAL].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("localShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("remoteShutdown" | shutdownCodec)).as[DATA_SHUTDOWN].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("localShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("remoteShutdown" | shutdownCodec) ::
("closingTxProposed" | listOfN(uint16, listOfN(uint16, closingTxProposedCodec))) ::
("bestUnpublishedClosingTx_opt" | optional(bool, txCodec))).as[DATA_NEGOTIATING].decodeOnly
// this is a decode-only codec compatible with versions 818199e and below, with placeholders for new fields
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | provide[Option[Transaction]](None)) ::
("waitingSince" | provide(System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds)) ::
("mutualCloseProposed" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("mutualClosePublished" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("localCommitPublished" | optional(bool, localCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("fundingTx" | optional(bool, txCodec)) ::
("waitingSince" | int64) ::
("mutualCloseProposed" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("mutualClosePublished" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("localCommitPublished" | optional(bool, localCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING].decodeOnly
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
("remoteChannelReestablish" | channelReestablishCodec)).as[DATA_WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_PUBLISH_FUTURE_COMMITMENT].decodeOnly

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class JsonSerializersSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Logging {
defaultFinalScriptPubKey = randomBytes(10 + Random.nextInt(200)),
isFunder = Random.nextBoolean(),
features = Features(randomBytes(256)),
localPaymentBasepoint = None)
staticPaymentBasepoint = None)

View file

@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ object TestConstants {
searchHeuristicsEnabled = false,
searchRatioCltv = 0.0,
searchRatioChannelAge = 0.0,
searchRatioChannelCapacity = 0.0
searchRatioChannelCapacity = 0.0,
mppMinPartAmount = 15000000 msat,
mppMaxParts = 10
socksProxy_opt = None,
maxPaymentAttempts = 5,
@ -217,7 +219,9 @@ object TestConstants {
searchHeuristicsEnabled = false,
searchRatioCltv = 0.0,
searchRatioChannelAge = 0.0,
searchRatioChannelCapacity = 0.0
searchRatioChannelCapacity = 0.0,
mppMinPartAmount = 15000000 msat,
mppMaxParts = 10
socksProxy_opt = None,
maxPaymentAttempts = 5,

View file

@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{PrivateKey, PublicKey}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Base58, ByteVector32, Crypto, OutPoint, Satoshi, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Crypto, OutPoint, Satoshi, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.LongToBtcAmount
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scodec.bits._
import scala.concurrent.Future
@ -31,14 +30,14 @@ class TestWallet extends EclairWallet {
var rolledback = Set.empty[Transaction]
override def getBalance: Future[Satoshi] = ???
override def getBalance: Future[OnChainBalance] = Future.successful(OnChainBalance(1105 sat, 561 sat))
override def getReceiveAddress: Future[String] = Future.successful("bcrt1qwcv8naajwn8fjhu8z59q9e6ucrqr068rlcenux")
override def getReceivePubkey(receiveAddress: Option[String] = None): Future[Crypto.PublicKey] = Future.successful(PublicKey(hex"028feba10d0eafd0fad8fe20e6d9206e6bd30242826de05c63f459a00aced24b12"))
override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: Long): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] =
Future.successful(TestWallet.makeDummyFundingTx(pubkeyScript, amount, feeRatePerKw))
Future.successful(TestWallet.makeDummyFundingTx(pubkeyScript, amount))
override def commit(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(true)
@ -52,11 +51,12 @@ class TestWallet extends EclairWallet {
object TestWallet {
def makeDummyFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: Long): MakeFundingTxResponse = {
def makeDummyFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi): MakeFundingTxResponse = {
val fundingTx = Transaction(version = 2,
txIn = TxIn(OutPoint(ByteVector32(ByteVector.fill(32)(1)), 42), signatureScript = Nil, sequence = TxIn.SEQUENCE_FINAL) :: Nil,
txOut = TxOut(amount, pubkeyScript) :: Nil,
lockTime = 0)
MakeFundingTxResponse(fundingTx, 0, 420 sat)

View file

@ -17,16 +17,14 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.db.sqlite
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Block, BlockHeader, OutPoint, Satoshi, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TestConstants, randomBytes, randomBytes32}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.ElectrumClient
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.ElectrumClient.GetMerkleResponse
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.ElectrumWallet.PersistentData
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.electrum.db.sqlite.SqliteWalletDb.version
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelCodecs.txCodec
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TestConstants, randomBytes, randomBytes32}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs.setCodec
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import scodec.Codec
import scodec.bits.BitVector
import scodec.codecs.{constant, listOfN, provide, uint16}
import scala.util.Random
@ -105,9 +103,9 @@ class SqliteWalletDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
test("read old persistent data") {
import scodec.codecs._
import SqliteWalletDb._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelCodecs._
import scodec.codecs._
val oldPersistentDataCodec: Codec[PersistentData] = (
("version" | constant(BitVector.fromInt(version))) ::
@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ class SqliteWalletDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
("history" | historyCodec) ::
("proofs" | proofsCodec) ::
("pendingTransactions" | listOfN(uint16, txCodec)) ::
("locks" | setCodec(txCodec))).as[PersistentData]
("locks" | setCodec(txCodec))).as[PersistentData]
for (i <- 0 until 50) {
val data = randomPersistentData

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Copyright 2020 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee
import akka.util.Timeout
import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteFeeratesDb
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
class DbFeeProviderSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val feerates1: FeeratesPerKB = FeeratesPerKB(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700)
test("db fee provider saves feerates in database") {
val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory()
val db = new SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite)
val provider = new DbFeeProvider(db, new ConstantFeeProvider(feerates1))
assert(Await.result(provider.getFeerates, Timeout(30 seconds).duration) == feerates1)
assert(db.getFeerates().get == feerates1)

View file

@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
class ChannelTypesSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
test("standard channel features include deterministic channel key path") {

View file

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ trait StateTestsHelperMethods extends TestKitBase with FixtureTestSuite with Par
val channelFlags = if (tags.contains("channels_public")) ChannelFlags.AnnounceChannel else ChannelFlags.Empty
val pushMsat = if (tags.contains("no_push_msat")) 0.msat else TestConstants.pushMsat
val (aliceParams, bobParams) = if(tags.contains("static_remotekey")) {
(Alice.channelParams.copy(features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(StaticRemoteKey, Optional))), localPaymentBasepoint = Some(Helpers.getWalletPaymentBasepoint(wallet))),
Bob.channelParams.copy(features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(StaticRemoteKey, Optional))), localPaymentBasepoint = Some(Helpers.getWalletPaymentBasepoint(wallet))))
(Alice.channelParams.copy(features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(StaticRemoteKey, Optional))), staticPaymentBasepoint = Some(Helpers.getWalletPaymentBasepoint(wallet))),
Bob.channelParams.copy(features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(StaticRemoteKey, Optional))), staticPaymentBasepoint = Some(Helpers.getWalletPaymentBasepoint(wallet))))
} else {
(Alice.channelParams, Bob.channelParams)

View file

@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{ChannelErrorOccurred, LocalError, NetworkFeePaid
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteAuditDb
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteUtils.{getVersion, using}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelCodecs
import org.scalatest.Tag
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import scala.compat.Platform
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
class SqliteAuditDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val ZERO_UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
test("init sqlite 2 times in a row") {
val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory()
val db1 = new SqliteAuditDb(sqlite)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class SqliteAuditDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory()
val db = new SqliteAuditDb(sqlite)
val e1 = PaymentSent(ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID, randomBytes32, randomBytes32, 40000 msat, randomKey.publicKey, PaymentSent.PartialPayment(ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID, 42000 msat, 1000 msat, randomBytes32, None) :: Nil)
val e1 = PaymentSent(ZERO_UUID, randomBytes32, randomBytes32, 40000 msat, randomKey.publicKey, PaymentSent.PartialPayment(ZERO_UUID, 42000 msat, 1000 msat, randomBytes32, None) :: Nil)
val pp2a = PaymentReceived.PartialPayment(42000 msat, randomBytes32)
val pp2b = PaymentReceived.PartialPayment(42100 msat, randomBytes32)
val e2 = PaymentReceived(randomBytes32, pp2a :: pp2b :: Nil)
@ -107,14 +107,13 @@ class SqliteAuditDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
db.add(TrampolinePaymentRelayed(randomBytes32, Seq(PaymentRelayed.Part(25000 msat, randomBytes32)), Seq(PaymentRelayed.Part(20000 msat, c4))))
db.add(TrampolinePaymentRelayed(randomBytes32, Seq(PaymentRelayed.Part(46000 msat, randomBytes32)), Seq(PaymentRelayed.Part(16000 msat, c2), PaymentRelayed.Part(10000 msat, c4), PaymentRelayed.Part(14000 msat, c4))))
db.add(NetworkFeePaid(null, n1, c1, Transaction(0, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 0), 100 sat, "funding"))
db.add(NetworkFeePaid(null, n2, c2, Transaction(0, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 0), 200 sat, "funding"))
db.add(NetworkFeePaid(null, n2, c2, Transaction(0, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 0), 300 sat, "mutual"))
db.add(NetworkFeePaid(null, n3, c3, Transaction(0, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 0), 400 sat, "funding"))
db.add(NetworkFeePaid(null, n4, c4, Transaction(0, Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 0), 500 sat, "funding"))
assert(db.stats.toSet === Set(
Stats(channelId = c1, avgPaymentAmount = 42 sat, paymentCount = 3, relayFee = 4 sat, networkFee = 100 sat),
Stats(channelId = c1, avgPaymentAmount = 42 sat, paymentCount = 3, relayFee = 4 sat, networkFee = 0 sat),
Stats(channelId = c2, avgPaymentAmount = 40 sat, paymentCount = 2, relayFee = 4 sat, networkFee = 500 sat),
Stats(channelId = c3, avgPaymentAmount = 0 sat, paymentCount = 0, relayFee = 0 sat, networkFee = 400 sat),
Stats(channelId = c4, avgPaymentAmount = 30 sat, paymentCount = 2, relayFee = 9 sat, networkFee = 500 sat)
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ class SqliteAuditDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
// existing rows in the 'sent' table will use id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as default
assert(migratedDb.listSent(0, (System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds + 1.minute).toMillis) === Seq(ps.copy(id = ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID, parts = Seq(ps.parts.head.copy(id = ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID)))))
assert(migratedDb.listSent(0, (System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds + 1.minute).toMillis) === Seq(ps.copy(id = ZERO_UUID, parts = Seq(ps.parts.head.copy(id = ZERO_UUID)))))
val postMigrationDb = new SqliteAuditDb(connection)
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ class SqliteAuditDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
// the old record will have the UNKNOWN_UUID but the new ones will have their actual id
val expected = Seq(ps.copy(id = ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID, parts = Seq(ps.parts.head.copy(id = ChannelCodecs.UNKNOWN_UUID))), ps1)
val expected = Seq(ps.copy(id = ZERO_UUID, parts = Seq(ps.parts.head.copy(id = ZERO_UUID))), ps1)
assert(postMigrationDb.listSent(0, (System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds + 1.minute).toMillis) === expected)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright 2020 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair.db
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeratesPerKB
import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteFeeratesDb
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
class SqliteFeeratesDbSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
test("init sqlite 2 times in a row") {
val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory()
val db1 = new SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite)
val db2 = new SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite)
test("add/get feerates") {
val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory()
val db = new SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite)
val feerate = FeeratesPerKB(
block_1 = 150000,
blocks_2 = 120000,
blocks_6 = 100000,
blocks_12 = 90000,
blocks_36 = 70000,
blocks_72 = 50000,
blocks_144 = 20000)
assert(db.getFeerates().get == feerate)

View file

@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ class PeerSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike with StateTe
val info = probe.expectMsgType[RES_GETINFO]
assert(info.state == WAIT_FOR_ACCEPT_CHANNEL)
val inputInit = info.data.asInstanceOf[DATA_WAIT_FOR_ACCEPT_CHANNEL].initFunder
assert(inputInit.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey === Script.write(Script.pay2wpkh(inputInit.localParams.localPaymentBasepoint.get)))
assert(inputInit.localParams.defaultFinalScriptPubKey === Script.write(Script.pay2wpkh(inputInit.localParams.staticPaymentBasepoint.get)))

View file

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class MultiPartPaymentLifecycleSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunS
test("split fees between child payments") { f =>
import f._
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = false, 100 msat, 0.05, 20, CltvExpiryDelta(144), None)
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = false, 100 msat, 0.05, 20, CltvExpiryDelta(144), None, MultiPartParams(10000 msat, 5))
val payment = SendMultiPartPayment(randomBytes32, e, 3000 * 1000 msat, expiry, 3, routeParams = Some(routeParams))
initPayment(f, payment, emptyStats.copy(capacity = Stats.generate(Seq(1000), d => Satoshi(d.toLong))), localChannels())
waitUntilAmountSent(f, 3000 * 1000 msat)
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ class MultiPartPaymentLifecycleSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunS
// We have a total of 6500 satoshis across all channels. We try to send lower amounts to take fees into account.
val toSend = ((1 + Random.nextInt(3500)) * 1000).msat
val networkStats = emptyStats.copy(capacity = Stats.generate(Seq(400 + Random.nextInt(1600)), d => Satoshi(d.toLong)))
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = true, Random.nextInt(1000).msat, Random.nextInt(10).toDouble / 100, 20, CltvExpiryDelta(144), None)
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = true, Random.nextInt(1000).msat, Random.nextInt(10).toDouble / 100, 20, CltvExpiryDelta(144), None, MultiPartParams(10000 msat, 5))
val request = SendMultiPartPayment(randomBytes32, e, toSend, CltvExpiry(561), 1, Nil, Some(routeParams))
val fuzzParams = s"(sending $toSend with network capacity ${networkStats.capacity.percentile75.toMilliSatoshi}, fee base ${routeParams.maxFeeBase} and fee percentage ${routeParams.maxFeePct})"
val (remaining, payments) = splitPayment(f.nodeParams, toSend, testChannels.channels, Some(networkStats), request, randomize = true)

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.MultiPartPaymentLifecycle.SendMultiPartPayme
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentInitiator._
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentLifecycle.{SendPayment, SendPaymentToRoute}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.{PaymentError, PaymentInitiator}
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router.{NodeHop, RouteParams}
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router.{MultiPartParams, NodeHop, RouteParams}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.Onion.{FinalLegacyPayload, FinalTlvPayload}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.OnionTlv.{AmountToForward, OutgoingCltv}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Onion, OnionCodecs, OnionTlv, TrampolineFeeInsufficient, _}
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class PaymentInitiatorSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike
test("forward legacy payment") { f =>
import f._
val hints = Seq(Seq(ExtraHop(b, channelUpdate_bc.shortChannelId, feeBase = 10 msat, feeProportionalMillionths = 1, cltvExpiryDelta = CltvExpiryDelta(12))))
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = true, 15 msat, 1.5, 5, CltvExpiryDelta(561), None)
val routeParams = RouteParams(randomize = true, 15 msat, 1.5, 5, CltvExpiryDelta(561), None, MultiPartParams(10000 msat, 5))
sender.send(initiator, SendPaymentRequest(finalAmount, paymentHash, c, 1, CltvExpiryDelta(42), assistedRoutes = hints, routeParams = Some(routeParams)))
val id1 = sender.expectMsgType[UUID]
payFsm.expectMsg(SendPaymentConfig(id1, id1, None, paymentHash, finalAmount, c, Upstream.Local(id1), None, storeInDb = true, publishEvent = true, Nil))

View file

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
val payFixture = createPaymentLifecycle()
import payFixture._
val request = SendPayment(d, FinalLegacyPayload(defaultAmountMsat, defaultExpiry), 5, routeParams = Some(RouteParams(randomize = false, maxFeeBase = 100 msat, maxFeePct = 0.0, routeMaxLength = 20, routeMaxCltv = CltvExpiryDelta(2016), ratios = None)))
val request = SendPayment(d, FinalLegacyPayload(defaultAmountMsat, defaultExpiry), 5, routeParams = Some(RouteParams(randomize = false, 100 msat, 0.0, 20, CltvExpiryDelta(2016), None, MultiPartParams(10000 msat, 5))))
sender.send(paymentFSM, request)
val routeRequest = routerForwarder.expectMsgType[RouteRequest]
val Transition(_, WAITING_FOR_REQUEST, WAITING_FOR_ROUTE) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])

View file

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router._
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Features, LongToBtcAmount, MilliSatoshi, ShortChannelId, ToMilliSatoshiConversion, randomKey}
import org.scalatest.ParallelTestExecution
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.{ParallelTestExecution, Tag}
import scodec.bits._
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success}
* Created by PM on 31/05/2016.
@ -925,9 +925,10 @@ class RouteCalculationSpec extends AnyFunSuite with ParallelTestExecution {
val g = DirectedGraph.makeGraph(updates)
val params = RouteParams(randomize = false, maxFeeBase = 21000 msat, maxFeePct = 0.03, routeMaxCltv = CltvExpiryDelta(1008), routeMaxLength = 6, ratios = Some(
WeightRatios(cltvDeltaFactor = 0.15, ageFactor = 0.35, capacityFactor = 0.5)
val params = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(
routeMaxCltv = CltvExpiryDelta(1008),
ratios = Some(WeightRatios(cltvDeltaFactor = 0.15, ageFactor = 0.35, capacityFactor = 0.5))
val thisNode = PublicKey(hex"036d65409c41ab7380a43448f257809e7496b52bf92057c09c4f300cbd61c50d96")
val targetNode = PublicKey(hex"024655b768ef40951b20053a5c4b951606d4d86085d51238f2c67c7dec29c792ca")
val amount = 351000 msat
@ -957,6 +958,583 @@ class RouteCalculationSpec extends AnyFunSuite with ParallelTestExecution {
assert(!Graph.validatePath(Seq(ab, bc, cd), 250 msat)) // above balance (AB)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (many channels, known balance)") {
val amount = 65000 msat
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(20000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, a, b, 100 msat, 20, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat))
// We set max-parts to 3, but it should be ignored when sending to a direct neighbor.
val routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(mpp = MultiPartParams(2500 msat, 3))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length === 4, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = routeParams.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length >= 4, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (single channel, known balance)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, c, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(50000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, c, b, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 25000 msat
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length === 1, routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
assert(route2Ids(routes.head) === 1L :: Nil)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (many channels, some balance unknown)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = None, capacity = 20 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, b, 100 msat, 20, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 65000 msat
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length === 4, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (many channels, some empty)") {
val amount = 35000 msat
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(0 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = None, capacity = 15 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, b, 100 msat, 20, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length === 3, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkIgnoredChannels(routes, 2L)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.length >= 3, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkIgnoredChannels(routes, 2L)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (ignored channels)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = None, capacity = 50 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, b, 100 msat, 20, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, a, b, 1 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = None, capacity = 10 sat),
makeEdge(6L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 20000 msat
val ignoredEdges = Set(ChannelDesc(ShortChannelId(2L), a, b), ChannelDesc(ShortChannelId(3L), a, b))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, ignoredEdges = ignoredEdges, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkIgnoredChannels(routes, 2L, 3L)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (pending htlcs ignored for local channels)") {
val edge_ab_1 = makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat))
val edge_ab_2 = makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat))
val edge_ab_3 = makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = None, capacity = 15 sat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 50000 msat
// These pending HTLCs will have already been taken into account in the edge's `balance_opt` field: findMultiPartRoute
// should ignore this information.
val pendingHtlcs = Seq(Route(10000 msat, ChannelHop(a, b, edge_ab_1.update) :: Nil), Route(5000 msat, ChannelHop(a, b, edge_ab_2.update) :: Nil))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, pendingHtlcs = pendingHtlcs, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (restricted htlc_maximum_msat)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 25 msat, 15, minHtlc = 1 msat, maxHtlc = Some(5000 msat), balance_opt = Some(18000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1 msat, maxHtlc = Some(5000 msat), balance_opt = Some(23000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, maxHtlc = Some(5000 msat), balance_opt = Some(21000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 50000 msat
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
assert(routes.length >= 10, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.amount <= 5000.msat), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (restricted htlc_minimum_msat)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 25 msat, 15, minHtlc = 2500 msat, balance_opt = Some(18000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 2500 msat, balance_opt = Some(7000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 2500 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val amount = 30000 msat
val routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(mpp = MultiPartParams(2500 msat, 5))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 1), routes)
assert(routes.length == 3, routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 0 msat)
test("calculate multipart route to neighbor (through remote channels)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 25 msat, 15, minHtlc = 1000 msat, balance_opt = Some(18000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1000 msat, balance_opt = Some(7000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, c, 1000 msat, 10000, minHtlc = 1000 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, c, b, 10 msat, 1000, minHtlc = 1000 msat),
makeEdge(5L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(25000 msat))
val amount = 30000 msat
val maxFeeTooLow = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(maxFeeTooLow === Failure(RouteNotFound))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, amount, 20 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length <= 2), routes)
assert(routes.length == 3, routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, 20 msat)
test("cannot find multipart route to neighbor (not enough balance)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(5000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(45000 msat))
val result = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, 40000 msat, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(result === Failure(RouteNotFound))
val result = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, 40000 msat, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(result === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("cannot find multipart route to neighbor (not enough capacity)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 1500 sat),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 2000 sat),
makeEdge(3L, a, b, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 1200 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 4500 sat)
val result = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, 5000000 msat, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(result === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("cannot find multipart route to neighbor (restricted htlc_minimum_msat)") {
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 25 msat, 15, minHtlc = 5000 msat, balance_opt = Some(6000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, a, b, 15 msat, 10, minHtlc = 5000 msat, balance_opt = Some(7000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, d, 0 msat, 0, minHtlc = 5000 msat, balance_opt = Some(9000 msat))
val result = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, 10000 msat, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(result === Failure(RouteNotFound))
val result = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, b, 10000 msat, 1 msat, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(result === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (many local channels)") {
// +-------+
// | |
// A ----- C ----- E
// | |
// +--- B --- D ---+
val (amount, maxFee) = (30000 msat, 150 msat)
val edge_ab = makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(15000 msat))
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(2L, b, d, 15 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 25 sat),
makeEdge(3L, d, e, 15 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 20 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, c, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, a, c, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(8000 msat)),
makeEdge(6L, c, e, 50 msat, 30, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 20 sat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L), Seq(4L, 6L), Seq(5L, 6L)))
// Update A - B with unknown balance, capacity should be used instead.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(capacity = 15 sat, balance_opt = None))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L), Seq(4L, 6L), Seq(5L, 6L)))
// Randomize routes.
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
// Update balance A - B to be too low.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(balance_opt = Some(2000 msat)))
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
// Update capacity A - B to be too low.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(capacity = 5 sat, balance_opt = None))
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
// Try to find a route with a maxFee that's too low.
val maxFeeTooLow = 100 msat
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFeeTooLow, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (tiny amount)") {
// A ----- C ----- E
// | |
// +--- B --- D ---+
// Our balance and the amount we want to send are below the minimum part amount.
val routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(mpp = MultiPartParams(5000 msat, 5))
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(1500 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, b, d, 15 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 25 sat),
makeEdge(3L, d, e, 15 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 20 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, c, 1 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(1000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, c, e, 50 msat, 30, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 20 sat)
// We can send single-part tiny payments.
val (amount, maxFee) = (1400 msat, 30 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
// But we don't want to split such tiny amounts.
val (amount, maxFee) = (2000 msat, 150 msat)
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (single path)") {
val (amount, maxFee) = (100000 msat, 500 msat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(500000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, b, c, 10 msat, 30, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat),
makeEdge(3L, c, d, 15 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, d, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes.length === 1, "payment shouldn't be split when we have one path with enough capacity")
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L)))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (single local channel)") {
// +--- C ---+
// | |
// A --- B ------- D --- F
// | |
// +----- E -------+
val (amount, maxFee) = (400000 msat, 250 msat)
val edge_ab = makeEdge(1L, a, b, 50 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(500000 msat))
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(2L, b, c, 10 msat, 30, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat),
makeEdge(3L, c, d, 15 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat),
makeEdge(4L, b, d, 20 msat, 75, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 180 sat),
makeEdge(5L, d, f, 5 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 300 sat),
makeEdge(6L, b, e, 15 msat, 80, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 210 sat),
makeEdge(7L, e, f, 15 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 200 sat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L, 5L), Seq(1L, 4L, 5L), Seq(1L, 6L, 7L)))
// Randomize routes.
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
// Update A - B with unknown balance, capacity should be used instead.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(capacity = 500 sat, balance_opt = None))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(1L, 2L, 3L, 5L), Seq(1L, 4L, 5L), Seq(1L, 6L, 7L)))
// Update balance A - B to be too low to cover fees.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(balance_opt = Some(400000 msat)))
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
// Update capacity A - B to be too low to cover fees.
val g1 = g.addEdge(edge_ab.copy(capacity = 400 sat, balance_opt = None))
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g1, a, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
// Try to find a route with a maxFee that's too low.
val maxFeeTooLow = 100 msat
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFeeTooLow, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (ignored channels and nodes)") {
// +----- B --xxx-- C -----+
// | +-------- D --------+ |
// | | | |
// +---+ (empty) +---+
// | A | --------------- | F |
// +---+ +---+
// | | (not empty) | |
// | +-------------------+ |
// +---------- E ----------+
val (amount, maxFee) = (25000 msat, 5 msat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(75000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, b, c, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat),
makeEdge(3L, c, f, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 150 sat),
makeEdge(4L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(85000 msat)),
makeEdge(5L, d, f, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 300 sat),
makeEdge(6L, a, f, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(0 msat)),
makeEdge(7L, a, f, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(8L, a, e, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, balance_opt = Some(18000 msat)),
makeEdge(9L, e, f, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 15 sat)
val ignoredNodes = Set(d)
val ignoredChannels = Set(ChannelDesc(ShortChannelId(2L), b, c))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFee, ignoredEdges = ignoredChannels, ignoredVertices = ignoredNodes, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes2Ids(routes) === Set(Seq(7L), Seq(8L, 9L)))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (restricted htlc_minimum_msat and htlc_maximum_msat)") {
// +----- B -----+
// | |
// A----- C ---- E
// | |
// +----- D -----+
val (amount, maxFee) = (15000 msat, 5 msat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
// The A -> B -> E path is impossible because the A -> B balance is lower than the B -> E htlc_minimum_msat.
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 500 msat, balance_opt = Some(7000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, b, e, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 10000 msat, capacity = 50 sat),
makeEdge(3L, a, c, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 500 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, c, e, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 500 msat, maxHtlc = Some(4000 msat), capacity = 50 sat),
makeEdge(5L, a, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 500 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(6L, d, e, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 500 msat, maxHtlc = Some(4000 msat), capacity = 50 sat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
assert(routes.length >= 4, routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.amount <= 4000.msat), routes)
assert(routes.forall(_.amount >= 500.msat), routes)
checkIgnoredChannels(routes, 1L, 2L)
val maxFeeTooLow = 3 msat
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFeeTooLow, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (complex graph)") {
// +---+ +---+ +---+
// | A |-----+ +--->| B |--->| C |
// +---+ | | +---+ +---+
// ^ | +---+ | |
// | +--->| E |---+ |
// | | +---+ | |
// +---+ | | +---+ |
// | D |-----+ +--->| F |<-----+
// +---+ +---+
val g = DirectedGraph(Seq(
makeEdge(1L, d, a, 100 msat, 1000, minHtlc = 1000 msat, balance_opt = Some(80000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, d, e, 100 msat, 1000, minHtlc = 1500 msat, balance_opt = Some(20000 msat)),
makeEdge(3L, a, e, 5 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1200 msat, capacity = 100 sat),
makeEdge(4L, e, f, 25 msat, 1000, minHtlc = 1300 msat, capacity = 25 sat),
makeEdge(5L, e, b, 10 msat, 100, minHtlc = 1100 msat, capacity = 75 sat),
makeEdge(6L, b, c, 5 msat, 50, minHtlc = 1000 msat, capacity = 20 sat),
makeEdge(7L, c, f, 5 msat, 10, minHtlc = 1500 msat, capacity = 50 sat)
val routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(mpp = MultiPartParams(1500 msat, 10))
val (amount, maxFee) = (15000 msat, 50 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
val (amount, maxFee) = (25000 msat, 100 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
val (amount, maxFee) = (25000 msat, 50 msat)
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
val (amount, maxFee) = (40000 msat, 100 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
val (amount, maxFee) = (40000 msat, 100 msat)
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
val (amount, maxFee) = (40000 msat, 50 msat)
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = routeParams, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (with extra edges)") {
// +--- B ---+
// A D (---) E (---) F
// +--- C ---+
val (amount, maxFeeE, maxFeeF) = (10000 msat, 50 msat, 100 msat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, a, b, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, maxHtlc = Some(4000 msat), balance_opt = Some(7000 msat)),
makeEdge(2L, b, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 50 sat),
makeEdge(3L, a, c, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, maxHtlc = Some(4000 msat), balance_opt = Some(6000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, c, d, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 1 msat, capacity = 40 sat)
val extraEdges = Set(
makeEdge(10L, d, e, 10 msat, 100, minHtlc = 500 msat, capacity = 15 sat),
makeEdge(11L, e, f, 5 msat, 100, minHtlc = 500 msat, capacity = 10 sat)
val Success(routes1) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFeeE, extraEdges = extraEdges, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes1, amount, maxFeeE)
assert(routes1.length >= 3, routes1)
assert(routes1.forall(_.amount <= 4000.msat), routes1)
val Success(routes2) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFeeF, extraEdges = extraEdges, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
checkRouteAmounts(routes2, amount, maxFeeF)
assert(routes2.length >= 3, routes2)
assert(routes2.forall(_.amount <= 4000.msat), routes2)
val maxFeeTooLow = 40 msat
val failure = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, f, amount, maxFeeTooLow, extraEdges = extraEdges, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(failure === Failure(RouteNotFound))
test("calculate multipart route to remote node (pending htlcs)") {
// +----- B -----+
// | |
// A----- C ---- E
// | |
// +----- D -----+
val (amount, maxFee) = (15000 msat, 100 msat)
val edge_ab = makeEdge(1L, a, b, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, balance_opt = Some(5000 msat))
val edge_be = makeEdge(2L, b, e, 1 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, capacity = 5 sat)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
// The A -> B -> E route is the most economic one, but we already have a pending HTLC in it.
makeEdge(3L, a, c, 50 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(4L, c, e, 50 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, capacity = 25 sat),
makeEdge(5L, a, d, 50 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, balance_opt = Some(10000 msat)),
makeEdge(6L, d, e, 50 msat, 0, minHtlc = 100 msat, capacity = 25 sat)
val pendingHtlcs = Seq(Route(5000 msat, ChannelHop(a, b, edge_ab.update) :: ChannelHop(b, e, edge_be.update) :: Nil))
val Success(routes) = findMultiPartRoute(g, a, e, amount, maxFee, pendingHtlcs = pendingHtlcs, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS, currentBlockHeight = 400000)
assert(routes.forall(_.length == 2), routes)
checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
checkIgnoredChannels(routes, 1L, 2L)
test("calculate multipart route for full amount or fail", Tag("fuzzy")) {
// +------------------------------------+
// | |
// | v
// +---+ +---+ +---+
// | A |-----+ +--------->| B |--->| C |
// +---+ | | +---+ +---+
// ^ | +---+ |
// | +--->| E |----------+ |
// | +---+ | |
// | ^ v |
// +---+ | +---+ |
// | D |------------+ | F |<-----+
// +---+ +---+
// | ^
// | |
// +---------------------------+
for (_ <- 1 to 100) {
val amount = (100 + Random.nextInt(200000)).msat
val maxFee = 50.msat.max(amount * 0.03)
val g = DirectedGraph(List(
makeEdge(1L, d, f, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat, balance_opt = Some(Random.nextInt((2 * amount.toLong).toInt).msat)),
makeEdge(2L, d, a, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat, balance_opt = Some(Random.nextInt((2 * amount.toLong).toInt).msat)),
makeEdge(3L, d, e, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat, balance_opt = Some(Random.nextInt((2 * amount.toLong).toInt).msat)),
makeEdge(4L, a, c, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat),
makeEdge(5L, a, e, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat),
makeEdge(6L, e, f, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat),
makeEdge(7L, e, b, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat),
makeEdge(8L, b, c, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat),
makeEdge(9L, c, f, Random.nextInt(250).msat, Random.nextInt(10000), minHtlc = Random.nextInt(100).msat, maxHtlc = Some((20000 + Random.nextInt(80000)).msat), CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(288)), capacity = (10 + Random.nextInt(100)).sat)
findMultiPartRoute(g, d, f, amount, maxFee, routeParams = DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS.copy(randomize = true), currentBlockHeight = 400000) match {
case Success(routes) => checkRouteAmounts(routes, amount, maxFee)
case Failure(ex) => assert(ex === RouteNotFound)
object RouteCalculationSpec {
@ -967,7 +1545,7 @@ object RouteCalculationSpec {
val DEFAULT_MAX_FEE = 100000 msat
val DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100000 sat
val DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS = RouteParams(randomize = false, maxFeeBase = 21000 msat, maxFeePct = 0.03, routeMaxCltv = CltvExpiryDelta(2016), routeMaxLength = 6, ratios = None)
val DEFAULT_ROUTE_PARAMS = RouteParams(randomize = false, 21000 msat, 0.03, 6, CltvExpiryDelta(2016), None, MultiPartParams(1000 msat, 10))
val DUMMY_SIG = Transactions.PlaceHolderSig
@ -1008,12 +1586,25 @@ object RouteCalculationSpec {
htlcMaximumMsat = maxHtlc
def hops2Ids(hops: Seq[ChannelHop]) = hops.map(hop => hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId.toLong)
def hops2Ids(hops: Seq[ChannelHop]): Seq[Long] = hops.map(hop => hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId.toLong)
def route2Ids(route: Route) = hops2Ids(route.hops)
def route2Ids(route: Route): Seq[Long] = hops2Ids(route.hops)
def route2Edges(route: Route) = route.hops.map(hop => GraphEdge(ChannelDesc(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId), hop.lastUpdate, 0 sat, None))
def routes2Ids(routes: Seq[Route]): Set[Seq[Long]] = routes.map(route2Ids).toSet
def route2Nodes(route: Route) = route.hops.map(hop => (hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId))
def route2Edges(route: Route): Seq[GraphEdge] = route.hops.map(hop => GraphEdge(ChannelDesc(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId), hop.lastUpdate, 0 sat, None))
def route2Nodes(route: Route): Seq[(PublicKey, PublicKey)] = route.hops.map(hop => (hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId))
def checkIgnoredChannels(routes: Seq[Route], shortChannelIds: Long*): Unit = {
shortChannelIds.foreach(shortChannelId => routes.foreach(route => {
assert(route.hops.forall(_.lastUpdate.shortChannelId.toLong != shortChannelId), route)
def checkRouteAmounts(routes: Seq[Route], totalAmount: MilliSatoshi, maxFee: MilliSatoshi): Unit = {
assert(routes.map(_.amount).sum == totalAmount, routes)
assert(routes.map(_.fee).sum <= maxFee, routes)

View file

@ -81,10 +81,7 @@ trait TestVectorsSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Logging {
val funding_pubkey = funding_privkey.publicKey
val per_commitment_point = PublicKey(hex"025f7117a78150fe2ef97db7cfc83bd57b2e2c0d0dd25eaf467a4a1c2a45ce1486")
val htlc_privkey = Generators.derivePrivKey(payment_basepoint_secret, per_commitment_point)
val payment_privkey = channelVersion.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) match {
case true => payment_basepoint_secret
case false => htlc_privkey
val payment_privkey = if (channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey) payment_basepoint_secret else htlc_privkey
val delayed_payment_privkey = Generators.derivePrivKey(delayed_payment_basepoint_secret, per_commitment_point)
val revocation_pubkey = PublicKey(hex"0212a140cd0c6539d07cd08dfe09984dec3251ea808b892efeac3ede9402bf2b19")
val feerate_per_kw = 15000
@ -101,10 +98,7 @@ trait TestVectorsSpec extends AnyFunSuite with Logging {
val funding_privkey = PrivateKey(hex"1552dfba4f6cf29a62a0af13c8d6981d36d0ef8d61ba10fb0fe90da7634d7e1301")
val funding_pubkey = funding_privkey.publicKey
val htlc_privkey = Generators.derivePrivKey(payment_basepoint_secret, Local.per_commitment_point)
val payment_privkey = channelVersion.isSet(USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_BIT) match {
case true => payment_basepoint_secret
case false => htlc_privkey
val payment_privkey = if (channelVersion.hasStaticRemotekey) payment_basepoint_secret else htlc_privkey
val coinbaseTx = Transaction.read("01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff03510101ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a9143ca33c2e4446f4a305f23c80df8ad1afdcf652f988ac00000000")
@ -512,5 +506,5 @@ class DefaultCommitmentTestVectorSpec extends TestVectorsSpec {
class StaticRemoteKeyTestVectorSpec extends TestVectorsSpec {
override def filename: String = "/bolt3-tx-test-vectors-static-remotekey-format.txt"
override def channelVersion: ChannelVersion = ChannelVersion.USE_STATIC_REMOTEKEY
override def channelVersion: ChannelVersion = ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY

View file

@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions.{CommitTx, InputInfo, TransactionWithInputInfo}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelCodecs._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TestConstants, UInt64, randomBytes, randomBytes32, randomKey, _}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.CommonCodecs.setCodec
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TestConstants, UInt64, randomBytes32, randomKey, _}
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.json4s.{CustomKeySerializer, CustomSerializer}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import scodec.bits._
import scodec.{Attempt, DecodeResult}
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, DecodeResult}
import scala.compat.Platform
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.io.Source
import scala.util.Random
@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
assert(keyPath === decoded.value)
test("encode/decode channel version in a backward compatible way") {
test("encode/decode channel version in a backward compatible way (legacy)") {
val codec = LegacyChannelCodecs.channelVersionCodec
// before we had commitment version, public keys were stored first (they started with 0x02 and 0x03)
val legacy02 = hex"02a06ea3081f0f7a8ce31eb4f0822d10d2da120d5a1b1451f0727f51c7372f0f9b"
val legacy03 = hex"03d5c030835d6a6248b2d1d4cac60813838011b995a66b6f78dcc9fb8b5c40c3f3"
@ -76,41 +78,37 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val current03 = hex"010000000103d5c030835d6a6248b2d1d4cac60813838011b995a66b6f78dcc9fb8b5c40c3f3"
val current04 = hex"010000000303d5c030835d6a6248b2d1d4cac60813838011b995a66b6f78dcc9fb8b5c40c3f3"
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(legacy02.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.ZEROES, legacy02.bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(legacy03.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.ZEROES, legacy03.bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current02.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current02.drop(5).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current03.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current03.drop(5).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current04.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY, current04.drop(5).bits)))
assert(codec.decode(legacy02.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.ZEROES, legacy02.bits)))
assert(codec.decode(legacy03.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.ZEROES, legacy03.bits)))
assert(codec.decode(current02.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current02.drop(5).bits)))
assert(codec.decode(current03.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current03.drop(5).bits)))
assert(codec.decode(current04.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY, current04.drop(5).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.encode(ChannelVersion.STANDARD) === Attempt.successful(hex"0100000001".bits))
assert(channelVersionCodec.encode(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY) === Attempt.successful(hex"0100000003".bits))
assert(codec.encode(ChannelVersion.STANDARD) === Attempt.successful(hex"0100000001".bits))
assert(codec.encode(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY) === Attempt.successful(hex"0100000003".bits))
test("encode/decode channel version") {
val current02 = hex"0000000102a06ea3081f0f7a8ce31eb4f0822d10d2da120d5a1b1451f0727f51c7372f0f9b"
val current03 = hex"0000000103d5c030835d6a6248b2d1d4cac60813838011b995a66b6f78dcc9fb8b5c40c3f3"
val current04 = hex"0000000303d5c030835d6a6248b2d1d4cac60813838011b995a66b6f78dcc9fb8b5c40c3f3"
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current02.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current02.drop(4).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current03.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STANDARD, current03.drop(4).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.decode(current04.bits) === Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY, current04.drop(4).bits)))
assert(channelVersionCodec.encode(ChannelVersion.STANDARD) === Attempt.successful(hex"00000001".bits))
assert(channelVersionCodec.encode(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY) === Attempt.successful(hex"00000003".bits))
test("encode/decode localparams") {
def roundtrip(localParams: LocalParams, codec: Codec[LocalParams]) = {
val encoded = codec.encode(localParams).require
val decoded = codec.decode(encoded).require
assert(localParams === decoded.value)
val o = LocalParams(
nodeId = randomKey.publicKey,
fundingKeyPath = DeterministicWallet.KeyPath(Seq(42L)),
dustLimit = Satoshi(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)),
maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat = UInt64(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)),
channelReserve = Satoshi(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)),
htlcMinimum = MilliSatoshi(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)),
toSelfDelay = CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(Short.MaxValue)),
maxAcceptedHtlcs = Random.nextInt(Short.MaxValue),
defaultFinalScriptPubKey = randomBytes(10 + Random.nextInt(200)),
localPaymentBasepoint = None,
isFunder = Random.nextBoolean(),
features = TestConstants.Alice.nodeParams.features)
val encoded = localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.ZEROES).encode(o).require
val decoded = localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.ZEROES).decode(encoded).require.value
assert(o === decoded)
// Backwards-compatibility: decode localparams with global features.
val withGlobalFeatures = hex"033b1d42aa7c6a1a3502cbcfe4d2787e9f96237465cd1ba675f50cadf0be17092500010000002a0000000026cb536b00000000568a2768000000004f182e8d0000000040dd1d3d10e3040d00422f82d368b09056d1dcb2d67c4e8cae516abbbc8932f2b7d8f93b3be8e8cc6b64bb164563d567189bad0e07e24e821795aaef2dcbb9e5c1ad579961680202b38de5dd5426c524c7523b1fcdcf8c600d47f4b96a6dd48516b8e0006e81c83464b2800db0f3f63ceeb23a81511d159bae9ad07d10c0d144ba2da6f0cff30e7154eb48c908e9000101000001044500"
val withGlobalFeaturesDecoded = localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.STANDARD).decode(withGlobalFeatures.bits).require.value
assert(withGlobalFeaturesDecoded.features.toByteVector === hex"0a8a")
val o1 = LocalParams(
nodeId = randomKey.publicKey,
fundingKeyPath = DeterministicWallet.KeyPath(Seq(42L)),
dustLimit = Satoshi(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)),
@ -120,13 +118,20 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
toSelfDelay = CltvExpiryDelta(Random.nextInt(Short.MaxValue)),
maxAcceptedHtlcs = Random.nextInt(Short.MaxValue),
defaultFinalScriptPubKey = Script.write(Script.pay2wpkh(PrivateKey(randomBytes32).publicKey)),
localPaymentBasepoint = Some(PrivateKey(randomBytes32).publicKey),
staticPaymentBasepoint = None,
isFunder = Random.nextBoolean(),
features = Features(randomBytes(256)))
val encoded1 = localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY).encode(o1).require
val decoded1 = localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY).decode(encoded1).require.value
assert(o1 === decoded1)
val o1 = o.copy(staticPaymentBasepoint = Some(PrivateKey(randomBytes32).publicKey))
roundtrip(o, localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.ZEROES))
roundtrip(o1, localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.STATIC_REMOTEKEY))
test("backward compatibility local params with global features") {
// Backwards-compatibility: decode localparams with global features.
val withGlobalFeatures = hex"033b1d42aa7c6a1a3502cbcfe4d2787e9f96237465cd1ba675f50cadf0be17092500010000002a0000000026cb536b00000000568a2768000000004f182e8d0000000040dd1d3d10e3040d00422f82d368b09056d1dcb2d67c4e8cae516abbbc8932f2b7d8f93b3be8e8cc6b64bb164563d567189bad0e07e24e821795aaef2dcbb9e5c1ad579961680202b38de5dd5426c524c7523b1fcdcf8c600d47f4b96a6dd48516b8e0006e81c83464b2800db0f3f63ceeb23a81511d159bae9ad07d10c0d144ba2da6f0cff30e7154eb48c908e9000101000001044500"
val withGlobalFeaturesDecoded = LegacyChannelCodecs.localParamsCodec(ChannelVersion.STANDARD).decode(withGlobalFeatures.bits).require.value
assert(withGlobalFeaturesDecoded.features.toByteVector === hex"0a8a")
test("encode/decode remoteparams") {
@ -169,6 +174,9 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
test("backward compatibility of htlc codec") {
val codec = LegacyChannelCodecs.htlcCodec
// these encoded HTLC were produced by a previous version of the codec (at commit 8932785e001ddfe32839b3f83468ea19cf00b289)
val encodedHtlc1 = hex"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"
val encodedHtlc2 = hex"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"
@ -187,16 +195,16 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val remaining = bin"0000000" // 7 bits remainder because the direction is encoded with 1 bit and we are dealing with bytes
val DecodeResult(h1, r1) = htlcCodec.decode(encodedHtlc1.toBitVector).require
val DecodeResult(h2, r2) = htlcCodec.decode(encodedHtlc2.toBitVector).require
val DecodeResult(h1, r1) = codec.decode(encodedHtlc1.toBitVector).require
val DecodeResult(h2, r2) = codec.decode(encodedHtlc2.toBitVector).require
assert(h1 == IncomingHtlc(ref))
assert(h2 == OutgoingHtlc(ref))
assert(r1 == remaining)
assert(r2 == remaining)
assert(htlcCodec.encode(h1).require.bytes === encodedHtlc1)
assert(htlcCodec.encode(h2).require.bytes === encodedHtlc2)
assert(codec.encode(h1).require.bytes === encodedHtlc1)
assert(codec.encode(h2).require.bytes === encodedHtlc2)
test("encode/decode commitment spec") {
@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
test("encode/decode origin") {
val id = UUID.randomUUID()
assert(originCodec.decodeValue(originCodec.encode(Local(id, Some(ActorSystem("test").deadLetters))).require).require === Local(id, None))
assert(originCodec.decodeValue(hex"0001 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef".bits).require === Local(UNKNOWN_UUID, None))
val ZERO_UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
val relayed = Relayed(randomBytes32, 4324, 12000000 msat, 11000000 msat)
assert(originCodec.decodeValue(originCodec.encode(relayed).require).require === relayed)
val trampolineRelayed = TrampolineRelayed((randomBytes32, 1L) :: (randomBytes32, 1L) :: (randomBytes32, 2L) :: Nil, None)
@ -311,8 +319,8 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
assert(System.currentTimeMillis.milliseconds.toSeconds - data_new.asInstanceOf[DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED].waitingSince < 3600) // we just set this timestamp to current time
// and re-encode it with the new codec
val bin_new = ByteVector(stateDataCodec.encode(data_new).require.toByteVector.toArray)
// data should now be encoded under the new format, with version=0 and type=8
// data should now be encoded under the new format
// now let's decode it again
val data_new2 = stateDataCodec.decode(bin_new.toBitVector).require.value
// data should match perfectly
@ -326,8 +334,8 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val u2 = hex"A94A853FCDE515F89259E03D10368B1A600B3BF78F6BD5C968469C0816F45EFF7878714DF26B580D5A304334E46816D5AC37B098EBC46C1CE47E37504D052DD643497FD7F826957108F4A30FD9CEC3AEBA79972084E90EAD01EA33090000000013AB9500006E00005D1149290001009000000000000003E8000003E800000001".bits
// check that we decode correct length, and that we just take a peek without actually consuming data
assert(noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec.decode(u1) == Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(136, u1)))
assert(noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec.decode(u2) == Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(128, u2)))
assert(LegacyChannelCodecs.noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec.decode(u1) == Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(136, u1)))
assert(LegacyChannelCodecs.noUnknownFieldsChannelUpdateSizeCodec.decode(u2) == Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(128, u2)))
test("backward compatibility DATA_NORMAL_COMPAT_03_Codec (roundtrip)") {
@ -354,8 +362,8 @@ class ChannelCodecsSpec extends AnyFunSuite {
val oldnormal = stateDataCodec.decode(oldbin.bits).require.value
// and we encode with new codec
val newbin = stateDataCodec.encode(oldnormal).require.bytes
// make sure that encoding used the new 0x10 codec
// make sure that encoding used the new codec
// make sure that roundtrip yields the same data
val newnormal = stateDataCodec.decode(newbin.bits).require.value
assert(newnormal === oldnormal)
@ -424,7 +432,7 @@ object ChannelCodecsSpec {
toSelfDelay = CltvExpiryDelta(144),
maxAcceptedHtlcs = 50,
defaultFinalScriptPubKey = ByteVector.empty,
localPaymentBasepoint = None,
staticPaymentBasepoint = None,
isFunder = true,
features = Features.empty)

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest
import FormParamExtractors._
import JsonSupport.serialization
import JsonSupport.json4sJacksonFormats
import fr.acinq.eclair.ApiTypes.ChannelIdentifier
import shapeless.HNil
import spray.http.{ContentTypes, HttpEntity, HttpResponse, StatusCodes}
import spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller
@ -37,7 +38,9 @@ trait ExtraDirectives extends Directives {
// named and typed URL parameters used across several routes
val shortChannelIdFormParam_opt = "shortChannelId".as[Option[ShortChannelId]](shortChannelIdUnmarshaller)
val shortChannelIdsFormParam_opt = "shortChannelIds".as[Option[List[ShortChannelId]]](shortChannelIdsUnmarshaller)
val channelIdFormParam_opt = "channelId".as[Option[ByteVector32]](sha256HashUnmarshaller)
val channelIdsFormParam_opt = "channelIds".as[Option[List[ByteVector32]]](sha256HashesUnmarshaller)
val nodeIdFormParam_opt = "nodeId".as[Option[PublicKey]](publicKeyUnmarshaller)
val paymentHashFormParam_opt = "paymentHash".as[Option[ByteVector32]](sha256HashUnmarshaller)
val fromFormParam_opt = "from".as[Long]
@ -54,11 +57,20 @@ trait ExtraDirectives extends Directives {
import shapeless.::
def withChannelIdentifier: Directive1[Either[ByteVector32, ShortChannelId]] = formFields(channelIdFormParam_opt, shortChannelIdFormParam_opt).hflatMap {
case None :: None :: HNil => reject(MalformedFormFieldRejection("channelId/shortChannelId", "Must specify either the channelId or shortChannelId"))
def withChannelIdentifier: Directive1[ChannelIdentifier] = formFields(channelIdFormParam_opt, shortChannelIdFormParam_opt).hflatMap {
case Some(channelId) :: None :: HNil => provide(Left(channelId))
case None :: Some(shortChannelId) :: HNil => provide(Right(shortChannelId))
case _ => reject(MalformedFormFieldRejection("channelId/shortChannelId", "Must specify either the channelId or shortChannelId"))
case _ => reject(MalformedFormFieldRejection("channelId/shortChannelId", "Must specify either the channelId or shortChannelId (not both)"))
def withChannelsIdentifier: Directive1[List[ChannelIdentifier]] = formFields(channelIdFormParam_opt, channelIdsFormParam_opt, shortChannelIdFormParam_opt, shortChannelIdsFormParam_opt).hflatMap {
case None :: None :: None :: None :: HNil => reject(MalformedFormFieldRejection("channelId(s)/shortChannelId(s)", "Must specify channelId, channelIds, shortChannelId or shortChannelIds"))
case channelId_opt :: channelIds_opt :: shortChannelId_opt :: shortChannelIds_opt :: HNil =>
val channelId: List[ChannelIdentifier] = channelId_opt.map(cid => Left(cid)).toList
val channelIds: List[ChannelIdentifier] = channelIds_opt.map(_.map(cid => Left(cid))).toList.flatten
val shortChannelId: List[ChannelIdentifier] = shortChannelId_opt.map(scid => Right(scid)).toList
val shortChannelIds: List[ChannelIdentifier] = shortChannelIds_opt.map(_.map(scid => Right(scid))).toList.flatten
provide((channelId ++ channelIds ++ shortChannelId ++ shortChannelIds).distinct)

View file

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ object FormParamExtractors {
implicit val sha256HashesUnmarshaller: Deserializer[Option[String], Option[List[ByteVector32]]] = strictDeserializer { bin =>
implicit val bolt11Unmarshaller: Deserializer[Option[String], Option[PaymentRequest]] = strictDeserializer { rawRequest =>
@ -54,6 +58,10 @@ object FormParamExtractors {
implicit val shortChannelIdsUnmarshaller: Deserializer[Option[String], Option[List[ShortChannelId]]] = strictDeserializer { str =>
implicit val javaUUIDUnmarshaller: Deserializer[Option[String], Option[UUID]] = strictDeserializer { str =>
@ -89,7 +97,6 @@ object FormParamExtractors {
def strictDeserializer[T](f: String => T): Deserializer[Option[String], Option[T]] = Deserializer.fromFunction2Converter {
case Some(str) => Some(f(str))
case None => None

View file

@ -22,27 +22,26 @@ import akka.util.Timeout
import com.google.common.net.HostAndPort
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Satoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Eclair, MilliSatoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.api.FormParamExtractors._
import fr.acinq.eclair.io.NodeURI
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{PaymentReceived, PaymentRequest, _}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Eclair, MilliSatoshi}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import spray.http.CacheDirectives.public
import spray.http.{HttpMethods, StatusCodes}
import spray.http.CacheDirectives.{public, _}
import spray.http.HttpHeaders._
import spray.http.CacheDirectives._
import spray.http.{HttpMethods, StatusCodes}
import spray.routing.authentication.{BasicAuth, UserPass}
import spray.routing.{ExceptionHandler, HttpServiceActor, MalformedFormFieldRejection, Route}
import spray.routing.{ExceptionHandler, MalformedFormFieldRejection, Route}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
case class ErrorResponse(error: String)
trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
import JsonSupport.{json4sFormats, serialization, json4sMarshaller}
import JsonSupport.json4sMarshaller
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.global
implicit val timeout = Timeout(30 seconds)
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
authenticate(BasicAuth(userPassAuthenticator _, realm = "Access restricted")) { _ =>
post {
path("getinfo") {
} ~
path("connect") {
formFields("uri".as[Option[NodeURI]]) { uri =>
@ -97,22 +96,22 @@ trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
} ~
path("updaterelayfee") {
withChannelIdentifier { channelIdentifier =>
withChannelsIdentifier { channels =>
formFields("feeBaseMsat".as[Option[MilliSatoshi]](millisatoshiUnmarshaller), "feeProportionalMillionths".as[Option[Long]]) { (feeBase, feeProportional) =>
complete(eclairApi.updateRelayFee(channelIdentifier :: Nil, feeBase.get, feeProportional.get))
complete(eclairApi.updateRelayFee(channels, feeBase.get, feeProportional.get))
} ~
path("close") {
withChannelIdentifier { channelIdentifier =>
withChannelsIdentifier { channels =>
formFields("scriptPubKey".as[Option[ByteVector]](binaryDataUnmarshaller)) { scriptPubKey_opt =>
complete(eclairApi.close(channelIdentifier :: Nil, scriptPubKey_opt))
complete(eclairApi.close(channels, scriptPubKey_opt))
} ~
path("forceclose") {
withChannelIdentifier { channelIdentifier =>
complete(eclairApi.forceClose(channelIdentifier :: Nil))
withChannelsIdentifier { channels =>
} ~
path("peers") {
@ -134,6 +133,9 @@ trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
path("allchannels") {
} ~
path("networkstats") {
} ~
path("allupdates") {
formFields(nodeIdFormParam_opt) { nodeId_opt =>
@ -176,6 +178,10 @@ trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
(amountMsat, recipientAmountMsat_opt, invoice, finalCltvExpiry, route, externalId_opt, parentId_opt, trampolineSecret_opt, trampolineFeesMsat_opt, trampolineCltvExpiry_opt, trampolineNodes_opt) =>
complete(eclairApi.sendToRoute(amountMsat.get, recipientAmountMsat_opt, externalId_opt, parentId_opt, invoice.get, CltvExpiryDelta(finalCltvExpiry), route.get, trampolineSecret_opt, trampolineFeesMsat_opt, trampolineCltvExpiry_opt.map(CltvExpiryDelta), trampolineNodes_opt.getOrElse(Nil)))
} ~ path("sendonchain") {
formFields("address".as[String], "amountSatoshis".as[Option[Satoshi]](satoshiUnmarshaller), "confirmationTarget".as[Long]) { (address, amount_opt, confirmationTarget) =>
complete(eclairApi.sendOnChain(address, amount_opt.get, confirmationTarget))
} ~
path("getsentinfo") {
formFields("id".as[Option[UUID]]) { id =>
@ -226,6 +232,17 @@ trait Service extends ExtraDirectives with Logging {
} ~
path("usablebalances") {
} ~
path("onchainbalance") {
} ~
path("getnewaddress") {
} ~
path("onchaintransactions") {
formFields("count".as[Int].?, "skip".as[Int].?) { (count_opt, skip_opt) =>
complete(eclairApi.onChainTransactions(count_opt.getOrElse(10), skip_opt.getOrElse(0)))

View file

@ -1 +1 @@

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import akka.util.Timeout
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Block, ByteVector32}
import fr.acinq.eclair.ApiTypes.ChannelIdentifier
import fr.acinq.eclair.FeatureSupport.{Mandatory, Optional}
import fr.acinq.eclair.Features.{ChannelRangeQueriesExtended, OptionDataLossProtect}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.ChannelCommandResponse
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.ChannelCommandResponse.ChannelClosed
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.io.Peer.PeerInfo
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.Relayer.UsableBalance
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentInitiator.SendPaymentToRouteResponse
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.NodeAddress
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Color, NodeAddress}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{CltvExpiryDelta, Eclair, MilliSatoshi, _}
import org.mockito.scalatest.IdiomaticMockito
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
@ -171,15 +172,16 @@ class ApiServiceSpec extends AnyFunSuiteLike with ScalatestRouteTest with RouteT
val mockEclair = mock[Eclair]
val service = new MockService(mockEclair)
mockEclair.getInfoResponse()(any[Timeout]) returns Future.successful(GetInfoResponse(
mockEclair.getInfo()(any[Timeout]) returns Future.successful(GetInfoResponse(
version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-e3f1ec0",
color = Color(0.toByte, 1.toByte, 2.toByte).toString,
features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(OptionDataLossProtect, Mandatory), ActivatedFeature(ChannelRangeQueriesExtended, Optional))),
nodeId = aliceNodeId,
alias = "alice",
chainHash = ByteVector32(hex"06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f"),
network = "regtest",
blockHeight = 9999,
publicAddresses = NodeAddress.fromParts("localhost", 9731).get :: Nil,
version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-e3f1ec0",
color = "#000102",
features = Features(Set(ActivatedFeature(OptionDataLossProtect, FeatureSupport.Mandatory), ActivatedFeature(ChannelRangeQueriesExtended, FeatureSupport.Optional)))
publicAddresses = NodeAddress.fromParts("localhost", 9731).get :: Nil
Post("/getinfo") ~>
@ -189,8 +191,8 @@ class ApiServiceSpec extends AnyFunSuiteLike with ScalatestRouteTest with RouteT
assert(status == OK)
val resp = responseAs[String]
matchTestJson("getinfo", resp)