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mocking bitcoinclient instead of blockchain watcher in tests

This commit is contained in:
pm47 2016-04-26 18:19:19 +02:00
parent 774cb719dc
commit cad20a2534
10 changed files with 318 additions and 305 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import akka.io.IO
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import fr.acinq.eclair.api.ServiceActor
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.PollingWatcher
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{ExtendedBitcoinClient, PollingWatcher}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.Register
import fr.acinq.eclair.io.{Client, Server}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ object Boot extends App with Logging {
val chain = Await.result(bitcoin_client.invoke("getblockchaininfo").map(json => (json \ "chain").extract[String]), 10 seconds)
assert(chain == "testnet" || chain == "regtest" || chain == "segnet4", "you should be on testnet or regtest or segnet4")
val blockchain = system.actorOf(Props(new PollingWatcher(bitcoin_client)), name = "blockchain")
val blockchain = system.actorOf(Props(new PollingWatcher(new ExtendedBitcoinClient(bitcoin_client))), name = "blockchain")
val register = system.actorOf(Props[Register], name = "register")
val server = system.actorOf(Server.props(config.getString("eclair.server.address"), config.getInt("eclair.server.port")), "server")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, BitcoinJsonRPCClient, JsonRPCError, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.Scripts
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
* Created by PM on 26/04/2016.
class ExtendedBitcoinClient(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
def getTxConfirmations(txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[Int]] =
client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txId, 1) // we choose verbose output to get the number of confirmations
.map(json => Some((json \ "confirmations").extract[Int]))
.recover {
case t: JsonRPCError if t.code == -5 => None
def isUnspent(txId: String, outputIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
client.invoke("gettxout", txId, outputIndex, true) // mempool=true so that we are warned as soon as possible
.map(json => json != JNull)
* tell bitcoind to sent bitcoins from a specific local account
* @param account name of the local account to send bitcoins from
* @param destination destination address
* @param amount amount in BTC (not milliBTC, not Satoshis !!)
* @param ec execution context
* @return a Future[txid] where txid (a String) is the is of the tx that sends the bitcoins
def sendFromAccount(account: String, destination: String, amount: Double)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
client.invoke("sendfrom", account, destination, amount).map {
case JString(txid) => txid
def getTransaction(txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] =
client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txId) map {
case JString(raw) => Transaction.read(raw)
case class FundTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, changepos: Int, fee: Double)
def fundTransaction(hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
client.invoke("fundrawtransaction", hex.take(4) + "0000" + hex.drop(4)).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JInt(changepos) = json \ "changepos"
val JDouble(fee) = json \ "fee"
FundTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), changepos.intValue(), fee)
def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] =
case class SignTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, complete: Boolean)
def signTransaction(hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] =
client.invoke("signrawtransaction", hex).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JBool(complete) = json \ "complete"
SignTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), complete)
def signTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] =
def publishTransaction(hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
client.invoke("sendrawtransaction", hex).map {
case JString(txid) => txid
def publishTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
// TODO : this is very dirty
// we only check the memory pool and the last block, and throw an error if tx was not found
def findSpendingTransaction(txid: String, outputIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] = {
for {
mempool <- client.invoke("getrawmempool").map(_.extract[List[String]])
bestblockhash <- client.invoke("getbestblockhash").map(_.extract[String])
bestblock <- client.invoke("getblock", bestblockhash).map(b => (b \ "tx").extract[List[String]])
txs <- Future {
for(txid <- mempool ++ bestblock) yield {
Await.result(client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txid).map(json => {
}).recover {
case t: Throwable => Transaction(0, Seq(), Seq(), 0)
}, 20 seconds)
tx = txs.find(tx => tx.txIn.exists(input => input.outPoint.txid == txid && input.outPoint.index == outputIndex)).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("tx not found!"))
} yield tx
def makeAnchorTx(ourCommitPub: BinaryData, theirCommitPub: BinaryData, amount: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(Transaction, Int)] = {
val anchorOutputScript = channel.Scripts.anchorPubkeyScript(ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub)
val tx = Transaction(version = 1, txIn = Seq.empty[TxIn], txOut = TxOut(amount, anchorOutputScript) :: Nil, lockTime = 0)
val future = for {
FundTransactionResponse(tx1, changepos, fee) <- fundTransaction(tx)
SignTransactionResponse(anchorTx, true) <- signTransaction(tx1)
Some(pos) = Scripts.findPublicKeyScriptIndex(anchorTx, anchorOutputScript)
} yield (anchorTx, pos)

View file

@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, Cancellable}
import akka.pattern.pipe
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{Globals, channel}
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT, Scripts}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT}
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
@ -18,9 +15,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
* /!\ Obviously not scalable /!\
* Created by PM on 28/08/2015.
class PollingWatcher(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import PollingWatcher._
class PollingWatcher(client: ExtendedBitcoinClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
@ -34,7 +29,7 @@ class PollingWatcher(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext
log.info(s"adding watch $w for $sender")
val cancellable = context.system.scheduler.schedule(2 seconds, 10 seconds)(w match {
case w@WatchConfirmed(channel, txId, minDepth, event) =>
getTxConfirmations(client, txId.toString).map(_ match {
client.getTxConfirmations(txId.toString).map(_ match {
case Some(confirmations) if confirmations >= minDepth =>
channel ! event
self !('remove, w)
@ -42,12 +37,12 @@ class PollingWatcher(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext
case w@WatchSpent(channel, txId, outputIndex, minDepth, event) =>
for {
conf <- getTxConfirmations(client, txId.toString)
unspent <- isUnspent(client, txId.toString, outputIndex)
conf <- client.getTxConfirmations(txId.toString)
unspent <- client.isUnspent(txId.toString, outputIndex)
} yield {
if (conf.isDefined && !unspent) {
// NOTE : isSpent=!isUnspent only works if the parent transaction actually exists (which we assume to be true)
findSpendingTransaction(client, txId.toString(), outputIndex).map(tx => channel ! (BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT, tx))
client.findSpendingTransaction(txId.toString(), outputIndex).map(tx => channel ! (BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT, tx))
self !('remove, w)
} else {}
@ -60,121 +55,11 @@ class PollingWatcher(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext
case Publish(tx) =>
log.info(s"publishing tx $tx")
PollingWatcher.publishTransaction(client, tx).onFailure {
client.publishTransaction(tx).onFailure {
case t: Throwable => log.error(t, s"cannot publish tx ${Hex.toHexString(Transaction.write(tx))}")
case MakeAnchor(ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub, amount) =>
PollingWatcher.makeAnchorTx(client, ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub, amount).pipeTo(sender)
client.makeAnchorTx(ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub, amount).pipeTo(sender)
object PollingWatcher extends Logging {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
def getTxConfirmations(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[Int]] =
client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txId, 1) // we choose verbose output to get the number of confirmations
.map(json => Some((json \ "confirmations").extract[Int]))
.recover {
case t: JsonRPCError if t.code == -5 => None
def isUnspent(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, txId: String, outputIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
client.invoke("gettxout", txId, outputIndex, true) // mempool=true so that we are warned as soon as possible
.map(json => json != JNull)
* tell bitcoind to sent bitcoins from a specific local account
* @param client bitcoind client
* @param account name of the local account to send bitcoins from
* @param destination destination address
* @param amount amount in BTC (not milliBTC, not Satoshis !!)
* @param ec execution context
* @return a Future[txid] where txid (a String) is the is of the tx that sends the bitcoins
def sendFromAccount(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, account: String, destination: String, amount: Double)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
client.invoke("sendfrom", account, destination, amount).map {
case JString(txid) => txid
def getTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] =
client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txId) map {
case JString(raw) => Transaction.read(raw)
case class FundTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, changepos: Int, fee: Double)
def fundTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
client.invoke("fundrawtransaction", hex.take(4) + "0000" + hex.drop(4)).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JInt(changepos) = json \ "changepos"
val JDouble(fee) = json \ "fee"
FundTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), changepos.intValue(), fee)
def fundTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] =
fundTransaction(client, Hex.toHexString(Transaction.write(tx)))
case class SignTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, complete: Boolean)
def signTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] =
client.invoke("signrawtransaction", hex).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JBool(complete) = json \ "complete"
SignTransactionResponse(Transaction.read(hex), complete)
def signTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] =
signTransaction(client, Hex.toHexString(Transaction.write(tx)))
def publishTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, hex: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
client.invoke("sendrawtransaction", hex).map {
case JString(txid) => txid
def publishTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
publishTransaction(client, Hex.toHexString(Transaction.write(tx)))
// TODO : this is very dirty
// we only check the memory pool and the last block, and throw an error if tx was not found
def findSpendingTransaction(client: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, txid: String, outputIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] = {
for {
mempool <- client.invoke("getrawmempool").map(_.extract[List[String]])
bestblockhash <- client.invoke("getbestblockhash").map(_.extract[String])
bestblock <- client.invoke("getblock", bestblockhash).map(b => (b \ "tx").extract[List[String]])
txs <- Future {
for(txid <- mempool ++ bestblock) yield {
Await.result(client.invoke("getrawtransaction", txid).map(json => {
}).recover {
case t: Throwable => Transaction(0, Seq(), Seq(), 0)
}, 20 seconds)
tx = txs.find(tx => tx.txIn.exists(input => input.outPoint.txid == txid && input.outPoint.index == outputIndex)).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("tx not found!"))
} yield tx
def makeAnchorTx(bitcoind: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, ourCommitPub: BinaryData, theirCommitPub: BinaryData, amount: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(Transaction, Int)] = {
val anchorOutputScript = channel.Scripts.anchorPubkeyScript(ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub)
val tx = Transaction(version = 1, txIn = Seq.empty[TxIn], txOut = TxOut(amount, anchorOutputScript) :: Nil, lockTime = 0)
val future = for {
FundTransactionResponse(tx1, changepos, fee) <- PollingWatcher.fundTransaction(bitcoind, tx)
SignTransactionResponse(anchorTx, true) <- PollingWatcher.signTransaction(bitcoind, tx1)
Some(pos) = Scripts.findPublicKeyScriptIndex(anchorTx, anchorOutputScript)
} yield (anchorTx, pos)
object MyTest extends App {
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val client = new BitcoinJsonRPCClient("foo", "bar", port = 18332)
println(Await.result(PollingWatcher.makeAnchorTx(client, Globals.Node.publicKey, Globals.Node.publicKey, 1000000), 10 seconds))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import akka.actor.{ActorRef, LoggingFSM, Props, Stash}
import akka.actor.{ActorRef, LoggingFSM, Props}
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair._
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ final case class DATA_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Lo
final case class DATA_OPEN_WITH_ANCHOR_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR(ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, theirRevocationHash: BinaryData, theirNextRevocationHash: sha256_hash) extends Data
final case class DATA_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, theirRevocationHash: sha256_hash, theirNextRevocationHash: sha256_hash) extends Data
final case class DATA_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, anchorTx: Transaction, anchorOutputIndex: Int, newCommitmentUnsigned: Commitment, theirNextRevocationHash: sha256_hash) extends Data
final case class DATA_OPEN_WAITING (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, shaChain: ShaChain, commitment: Commitment, theirNextRevocationHash: sha256_hash) extends Data with CurrentCommitment
final case class DATA_OPEN_WAITING (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, shaChain: ShaChain, commitment: Commitment, theirNextRevocationHash: sha256_hash, deferred: Option[open_complete]) extends Data with CurrentCommitment
final case class DATA_NORMAL (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, shaChain: ShaChain, htlcIdx: Long, staged: List[Change], commitment: Commitment, next: NextCommitment) extends Data with CurrentCommitment
final case class DATA_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE_ACK (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, shaChain: ShaChain, commitment: Commitment, mutualCloseTx: Transaction) extends Data with CurrentCommitment
final case class DATA_CLOSING (ack_in: Long, ack_out: Long, ourParams: OurChannelParams, theirParams: TheirChannelParams, shaChain: ShaChain, commitment: Commitment,
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ object Channel {
class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChannelParams, theirNodeId: String) extends LoggingFSM[State, Data] with Stash {
class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChannelParams, theirNodeId: String) extends LoggingFSM[State, Data] {
import Channel._
import context.dispatcher
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChann
them ! open_commit_sig(ourSigForThem)
blockchain ! WatchConfirmed(self, anchorTxid, ourParams.minDepth, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK)
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, anchorTxid, anchorOutputIndex, 0, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT)
goto(OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR) using DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in + 1, ack_out + 1, ourParams, theirParams, ShaChain.init, Commitment(0, signedCommitTx, state, theirRevocationHash), theirNextRevocationHash)
goto(OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR) using DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in + 1, ack_out + 1, ourParams, theirParams, ShaChain.init, Commitment(0, signedCommitTx, state, theirRevocationHash), theirNextRevocationHash, None)
case Event(CMD_CLOSE(_), _) => goto(CLOSED)
@ -316,25 +316,24 @@ class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChann
blockchain ! WatchConfirmed(self, anchorTx.txid, ourParams.minDepth, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK)
blockchain ! WatchSpent(self, anchorTx.txid, anchorOutputIndex, 0, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_SPENT)
blockchain ! Publish(anchorTx)
goto(OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR) using DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in + 1, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, ShaChain.init, commitment.copy(tx = signedCommitTx), theirNextRevocationHash)
goto(OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR) using DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in + 1, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, ShaChain.init, commitment.copy(tx = signedCommitTx), theirNextRevocationHash, None)
case Event(CMD_CLOSE(_), _) => goto(CLOSED)
case Event(BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK, DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, commitment, theirNextRevocationHash)) =>
case Event(BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK, DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, commitment, theirNextRevocationHash, deferred)) =>
val anchorTxId = commitment.tx.txIn(0).outPoint.txid // commit tx only has 1 input, which is the anchor
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, anchorTxId, ourParams.minDepth, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_LOST)
them ! open_complete(None)
deferred.map(self ! _)
//TODO htlcIdx should not be 0 when resuming connection
goto(OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_THEIRANCHOR) using DATA_NORMAL(ack_in, ack_out + 1, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, 0, Nil, commitment, ReadyForSig(theirNextRevocationHash))
case Event(msg@open_complete(blockId_opt), d: DATA_OPEN_WAITING) =>
log.info(s"received their open_complete, deferring message")
stay using d.copy(deferred = Some(msg))
them ! error(Some("Anchor timed out"))
@ -363,17 +362,16 @@ class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChann
case Event(BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK, DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, commitment, theirNextRevocationHash)) =>
case Event(BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK, DATA_OPEN_WAITING(ack_in, ack_out, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, commitment, theirNextRevocationHash, deferred)) =>
val anchorTxId = commitment.tx.txIn(0).outPoint.txid // commit tx only has 1 input, which is the anchor
blockchain ! WatchLost(self, anchorTxId, ourParams.minDepth, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_LOST)
them ! open_complete(None)
deferred.map(self ! _)
goto(OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_OURANCHOR) using DATA_NORMAL(ack_in, ack_out + 1, ourParams, theirParams, shaChain, 0, Nil, commitment, ReadyForSig(theirNextRevocationHash))
case Event(msg@open_complete(blockId_opt), d: DATA_OPEN_WAITING) =>
log.info(s"received their open_complete, deferring message")
stay using d.copy(deferred = Some(msg))
/*case Event(pkt: close_channel, d: CurrentCommitment) =>
val (finalTx, res) = handle_pkt_close(pkt, d.ourParams, d.theirParams, d.commitment)
@ -425,6 +423,7 @@ class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChann
case Event(open_complete(blockid_opt), d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
Register.create_alias(theirNodeId, d.commitment.anchorId)
goto(NORMAL) using d.copy(ack_in = d.ack_in + 1)
@ -979,6 +978,7 @@ class Channel(val them: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, val params: OurChann
whenUnhandled {
case Event(CMD_GETSTATE, _) =>

View file

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import akka.actor.Actor.Receive
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props, Stash}
import akka.actor.FSM.{CurrentState, SubscribeTransitionCallBack, Transition}
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit, TestProbe}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import lightning.{locktime, update_add_htlc}
import lightning.locktime.Locktime.Blocks
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, FunSuiteLike}
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class ChannelSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("MySpec")) with ImplicitSender with FunSuiteLike {
import ChannelSpec._
test("open channels with and without anchor") {
val testData = TestActors()
test("create and fulfill HTLCs") {
val testData = TestActors()
import testData._
val R: BinaryData = "0102030405060708010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708"
val H = Crypto.sha256(R)
alice ! CMD_ADD_HTLC(60000000, H, locktime(Blocks(4)))
val DATA_NORMAL(_, _, _, _, _, _, List(Change(OUT, _, update_add_htlc(_, _, r1, _, _))), _, _) = receiveOne(5 seconds)
assert(r1 == bin2sha256(H))
val DATA_NORMAL(_, _, _, _, _, _, List(Change(IN, _, update_add_htlc(_, _, r2, _, _))), _, _) = receiveOne(5 seconds)
assert(r2 == bin2sha256(H))
bob ! CMD_SIGN
// val Transition(_, NORMAL, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_REV) = waitForBobTransition
// FIXME: sigs are not valid
// val Transition(_, NORMAL, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_REV_THEIRSIG) = waitForAliceTransition
//val Transition(_, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_REV, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_SIG) = waitForBobTransition
//val Transition(_, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_SIG, NORMAL) = waitForBobTransition
//val Transition(_, NORMAL_WAIT_FOR_REV_THEIRSIG, NORMAL) = waitForAliceTransition
object ChannelSpec {
val anchorAmount = 100100000L
// Alice is funder, Bob is not
object Alice {
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, commitPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cQPmcNr6pwBQPyGfab3SksE9nTCtx9ism9T4dkS9dETNU2KKtJHk")
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, finalPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cUrAtLtV7GGddqdkhUxnbZVDWGJBTducpPoon3eKp9Vnr1zxs6BG")
val channelParams = OurChannelParams(locktime(Blocks(10)), commitPrivKey, finalPrivKey, 1, 100000, "alice-seed".getBytes(), Some(anchorAmount))
object Bob {
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, commitPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cSUwLtdZ2tht9ZmHhdQue48pfe7tY2GT2TGWJDtjoZgo6FHrubGk")
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, finalPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cPR7ZgXpUaDPA3GwGceMDS5pfnSm955yvks3yELf3wMJwegsdGTg")
val channelParams = OurChannelParams(locktime(Blocks(10)), commitPrivKey, finalPrivKey, 2, 100000, "bob-seed".getBytes(), None)
case class TestActors(alice: ActorRef, monitorAlice: TestProbe, bob: ActorRef, monitorBob: TestProbe, blockchain: TestProbe, pipe: ActorRef) {
def waitForAliceTransition = monitorAlice.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
def waitForBobTransition = monitorBob.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
def open: Unit = {
val MakeAnchor(_, _, amount) = blockchain.expectMsgClass(classOf[MakeAnchor])
val anchorTx = Transaction(version = 1,
txIn = Seq.empty[TxIn],
txOut = TxOut(amount, Scripts.anchorPubkeyScript(Alice.channelParams.commitPubKey, Bob.channelParams.commitPubKey)) :: Nil,
lockTime = 0
blockchain.reply((anchorTx, 0))
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_WITHANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG) = waitForAliceTransition
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_NOANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR) = waitForBobTransition
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG, OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR) = waitForAliceTransition
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR, OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR) = waitForBobTransition
blockchain.send(alice, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK)
blockchain.send(bob, BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK)
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_OURANCHOR, NORMAL) = waitForAliceTransition
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_THEIRANCHOR, NORMAL) = waitForBobTransition
object TestActors {
def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem): TestActors = {
val blockchain = TestProbe("blockchain")
blockchain.ignoreMsg {
case m: WatchConfirmed => true
case m: WatchSpent => true
case m: WatchLost => true
val pipe = system.actorOf(Props[ChannelSpec.Pipe])
val alice = system.actorOf(Channel.props(pipe, blockchain.ref, Alice.channelParams), "Alice")
val bob = system.actorOf(Channel.props(pipe, blockchain.ref, Bob.channelParams), "Bob")
val monitora = TestProbe()
val monitorb = TestProbe()
alice ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(monitora.ref)
val CurrentState(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_WITHANCHOR) = monitora.expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentState[_]])
bob ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(monitorb.ref)
val CurrentState(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_NOANCHOR) = monitorb.expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentState[_]])
pipe ! alice
pipe ! bob
new TestActors(alice, monitora, bob, monitorb, blockchain, pipe)
def cleanup(data: TestActors)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Unit = {
// handle a bi-directional path between 2 actors
// used to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem of:
// a = new Channel(b)
// b = new Channel(a)
class Pipe extends Actor with Stash {
override def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = stash()
def receive = {
case a: ActorRef => context become receive1(a)
def receive1(a: ActorRef): Receive = {
case b: ActorRef =>
context become receive2(a, b)
def receive2(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef): Receive = {
case msg if sender() == a => b forward msg
case msg if sender() == b => a forward msg

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.FSM.{CurrentState, SubscribeTransitionCallBack, Transition}
import akka.testkit.{TestActorRef, TestFSMRef, TestKit, TestProbe}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, Crypto}
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.PollingWatcher
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.TestConstants.{Alice, Bob}
import lightning.{locktime, update_add_htlc}
import lightning.locktime.Locktime.Blocks
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuiteLike, Matchers}
import scala.collection.generic.SeqFactory
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Created by PM on 26/04/2016.
class NominalChannelSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with Matchers with FunSuiteLike with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def afterAll {
test("open channel and reach normal state") {
val pipe = TestActorRef[Pipe]
val blockchainA = TestActorRef(new PollingWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient()))
val blockchainB = TestActorRef(new PollingWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient()))
val alice = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, blockchainA, Alice.channelParams, "B"))
val bob = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, blockchainB, Bob.channelParams, "A"))
val monitorA = TestProbe()
alice ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(monitorA.ref)
val CurrentState(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_WITHANCHOR) = monitorA.expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentState[_]])
val monitorB = TestProbe()
bob ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(monitorB.ref)
val CurrentState(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_NOANCHOR) = monitorB.expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentState[_]])
pipe !(alice, bob) // this starts the communication between alice and bob
within(1 minute) {
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_WITHANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG) = monitorA.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_NOANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR) = monitorB.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG, OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR) = monitorA.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR, OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR) = monitorB.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_OURANCHOR) = monitorA.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_THEIRANCHOR) = monitorB.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_OURANCHOR, NORMAL) = monitorA.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_THEIRANCHOR, NORMAL) = monitorB.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
test("create and fulfill HTLCs") {
val pipe = TestActorRef[Pipe]
val blockchainA = TestActorRef(new PollingWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient()))
val blockchainB = TestActorRef(new PollingWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient()))
val alice = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, blockchainA, Alice.channelParams, "B"))
val bob = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, blockchainB, Bob.channelParams, "A"))
pipe !(alice, bob) // this starts the communication between alice and bob
within(1 minute) {
awaitCond(alice.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(bob.stateName == NORMAL)
val R: BinaryData = "0102030405060708010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708"
val H = Crypto.sha256(R)
alice ! CMD_ADD_HTLC(60000000, H, locktime(Blocks(4)))
val DATA_NORMAL(_, _, _, _, _, _, List(Change(OUT, _, update_add_htlc(_, _, r1, _, _))), _, _) = alice.stateData
assert(r1 == bin2sha256(H))
val DATA_NORMAL(_, _, _, _, _, _, List(Change(IN, _, update_add_htlc(_, _, r2, _, _))), _, _) = bob.stateData
assert(r2 == bin2sha256(H))
bob ! CMD_SIGN

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Stash}
* Created by PM on 26/04/2016.
// handle a bi-directional path between 2 actors
// used to avoid the chicken-and-egg problem of:
// a = new Channel(b)
// b = new Channel(a)
class Pipe extends Actor with Stash {
def receive = {
case (a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef) =>
context become ready(a, b)
case msg => stash()
def ready(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef): Receive = {
case msg if sender() == a => b forward msg
case msg if sender() == b => a forward msg

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, BitcoinJsonRPCClient, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.ExtendedBitcoinClient
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
* Created by PM on 26/04/2016.
class TestBitcoinClient extends ExtendedBitcoinClient(new BitcoinJsonRPCClient("", "", "", 0)) {
override def makeAnchorTx(ourCommitPub: BinaryData, theirCommitPub: BinaryData, amount: Long)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(Transaction, Int)] = {
val anchorTx = Transaction(version = 1,
txIn = Seq.empty[TxIn],
txOut = TxOut(amount, Scripts.anchorPubkeyScript(ourCommitPub, theirCommitPub)) :: Nil,
lockTime = 0
Future.successful((anchorTx, 0))
override def publishTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = Future.successful(tx.txid.toString())
override def getTxConfirmations(txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[Int]] = Future.successful(Some(10))
override def isUnspent(txId: String, outputIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = ???
override def getTransaction(txId: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] = ???
override def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = ???
override def signTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = ???

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Base58, Base58Check, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{MakeAnchor, Publish}
import lightning.locktime
import lightning.locktime.Locktime.Blocks
* Created by PM on 26/04/2016.
object TestConstants {
val anchorAmount = 100100000L
// Alice is funder, Bob is not
object Alice {
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, commitPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cQPmcNr6pwBQPyGfab3SksE9nTCtx9ism9T4dkS9dETNU2KKtJHk")
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, finalPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cUrAtLtV7GGddqdkhUxnbZVDWGJBTducpPoon3eKp9Vnr1zxs6BG")
val channelParams = OurChannelParams(locktime(Blocks(10)), commitPrivKey, finalPrivKey, 1, 100000, "alice-seed".getBytes(), Some(anchorAmount))
object Bob {
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, commitPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cSUwLtdZ2tht9ZmHhdQue48pfe7tY2GT2TGWJDtjoZgo6FHrubGk")
val (Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet, finalPrivKey) = Base58Check.decode("cPR7ZgXpUaDPA3GwGceMDS5pfnSm955yvks3yELf3wMJwegsdGTg")
val channelParams = OurChannelParams(locktime(Blocks(10)), commitPrivKey, finalPrivKey, 2, 100000, "bob-seed".getBytes(), None)