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synced 2024-11-20 02:27:32 +01:00
Enrich test for internal eclair API implementation (fr.acinq.eclair.Eclair.scala) (#938)
* Add test to EclairImpl for `/send`, `/allupdates` and `/forceclose/`
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,17 +2,28 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.ByteVector32
import akka.util.Timeout
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.TestWallet
import fr.acinq.eclair.io.Peer.OpenChannel
import org.scalatest.FunSuiteLike
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentLifecycle.{SendPayment}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest.ExtraHop
import org.scalatest.{Outcome, fixture}
import scodec.bits._
import TestConstants._
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{CMD_FORCECLOSE, Register}
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.RouteCalculationSpec.makeUpdate
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class EclairImplSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("mySystem")) with FunSuiteLike {
test("convert fee rate properly") {
class EclairImplSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("mySystem")) with fixture.FunSuiteLike {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(30 seconds)
case class FixtureParam(register: TestProbe, router: TestProbe, paymentInitiator: TestProbe, switchboard: TestProbe, kit: Kit)
override def withFixture(test: OneArgTest): Outcome = {
val watcher = TestProbe()
val paymentHandler = TestProbe()
val register = TestProbe()
@ -34,11 +45,16 @@ class EclairImplSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("mySystem")) with FunSuiteLike
new TestWallet()
withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(FixtureParam(register, router, paymentInitiator, switchboard, kit)))
test("convert fee rate properly") { f =>
import f._
val eclair = new EclairImpl(kit)
val nodeId = PublicKey(hex"030bb6a5e0c6b203c7e2180fb78c7ba4bdce46126761d8201b91ddac089cdecc87")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(30 seconds)
// standard conversion
eclair.open(nodeId, fundingSatoshis = 10000000L, pushMsat = None, fundingFeerateSatByte = Some(5), flags = None, openTimeout_opt = None)
val open = switchboard.expectMsgType[OpenChannel]
@ -49,4 +65,76 @@ class EclairImplSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("mySystem")) with FunSuiteLike
val open1 = switchboard.expectMsgType[OpenChannel]
assert(open1.fundingTxFeeratePerKw_opt == Some(MinimumFeeratePerKw))
test("call send with passing correct arguments") { f =>
import f._
val eclair = new EclairImpl(kit)
val nodeId = PublicKey(hex"030bb6a5e0c6b203c7e2180fb78c7ba4bdce46126761d8201b91ddac089cdecc87")
eclair.send(recipientNodeId = nodeId, amountMsat = 123, paymentHash = ByteVector32.Zeroes, assistedRoutes = Seq.empty, minFinalCltvExpiry_opt = None)
val send = paymentInitiator.expectMsgType[SendPayment]
assert(send.targetNodeId == nodeId)
assert(send.amountMsat == 123)
assert(send.paymentHash == ByteVector32.Zeroes)
assert(send.assistedRoutes == Seq.empty)
// with assisted routes
val hints = Seq(Seq(ExtraHop(Bob.nodeParams.nodeId, ShortChannelId("569178x2331x1"), feeBaseMsat = 10, feeProportionalMillionths = 1, cltvExpiryDelta = 12)))
eclair.send(recipientNodeId = nodeId, amountMsat = 123, paymentHash = ByteVector32.Zeroes, assistedRoutes = hints, minFinalCltvExpiry_opt = None)
val send1 = paymentInitiator.expectMsgType[SendPayment]
assert(send1.targetNodeId == nodeId)
assert(send1.amountMsat == 123)
assert(send1.paymentHash == ByteVector32.Zeroes)
assert(send1.assistedRoutes == hints)
// with finalCltvExpiry and failures response
eclair.send(recipientNodeId = nodeId, amountMsat = 123, paymentHash = ByteVector32.Zeroes, assistedRoutes = Seq.empty, minFinalCltvExpiry_opt = Some(96))
val send2 = paymentInitiator.expectMsgType[SendPayment]
assert(send2.targetNodeId == nodeId)
assert(send2.amountMsat == 123)
assert(send2.paymentHash == ByteVector32.Zeroes)
assert(send2.finalCltvExpiry == 96)
test("allupdates can filter by nodeId") { f =>
import f._
val (a, b, c, d, e) = (randomKey.publicKey, randomKey.publicKey, randomKey.publicKey, randomKey.publicKey, randomKey.publicKey)
val updates = List(
makeUpdate(1L, a, b, feeBaseMsat = 0, 0, minHtlcMsat = 0, maxHtlcMsat = None, cltvDelta = 13),
makeUpdate(4L, a, e, feeBaseMsat = 0, 0, minHtlcMsat = 0, maxHtlcMsat = None, cltvDelta = 12),
makeUpdate(2L, b, c, feeBaseMsat = 1, 0, minHtlcMsat = 0, maxHtlcMsat = None, cltvDelta = 500),
makeUpdate(3L, c, d, feeBaseMsat = 1, 0, minHtlcMsat = 0, maxHtlcMsat = None, cltvDelta = 500),
makeUpdate(7L, e, c, feeBaseMsat = 2, 0, minHtlcMsat = 0, maxHtlcMsat = None, cltvDelta = 12)
val eclair = new EclairImpl(kit)
val fResp = eclair.allUpdates(Some(b)) // ask updates filtered by 'b'
fResp.value match {
// check if the response must contains updates only for 'b'
case Some(Success(res)) => res.forall { u => updates.exists(entry => entry._2.shortChannelId == u.shortChannelId && entry._1.a == b || entry._1.b == b) }
case _ => false
test("forceclose should work both with channelId and shortChannelId") { f =>
import f._
val eclair = new EclairImpl(kit)
register.expectMsg(Register.Forward(ByteVector32.Zeroes, CMD_FORCECLOSE))
register.expectMsg(Register.ForwardShortId(ShortChannelId("568749x2597x0"), CMD_FORCECLOSE))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user