Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair.git synced 2025-02-21 22:11:46 +01:00

made commitment functions no-op when replaying known messages, improved fuzzy tests

This commit is contained in:
pm47 2017-02-23 11:50:58 +01:00
parent b8fac57ac0
commit 6ebe5b4ff2
15 changed files with 552 additions and 631 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.peer.CurrentBlockCount
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.Helpers.{Closing, Funding}
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.{Generators, ShaChain}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.Binding
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
@ -391,25 +391,20 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(c: CMD_ADD_HTLC, d: DATA_NORMAL) if d.unackedShutdown.isDefined =>
handleCommandError(sender, new RuntimeException("cannot send new htlcs, closing in progress"))
case Event(c@CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat, rHash, expiry, route, origin, do_commit), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
case Event(c@CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat, rHash, expiry, route, downstream_opt, do_commit), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
Try(Commitments.sendAdd(commitments, c)) match {
case Success((commitments1, add)) =>
relayer ! Binding(add, origin)
val origin = downstream_opt.map(Relayed(_)).getOrElse(Local(sender))
relayer ! Bind(add, origin)
if (do_commit) self ! CMD_SIGN
handleCommandSuccess(sender, add, d.copy(commitments = commitments1))
case Failure(cause) => handleCommandError(sender, cause)
case Event(add: UpdateAddHtlc, d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
if (Commitments.isOldAdd(d.commitments, add)) {
log.warning(s"ignoring old add")
} else {
Try(Commitments.receiveAdd(commitments, add)) match {
case Success(commitments1) =>
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
Try(Commitments.receiveAdd(commitments, add)) match {
case Success(commitments1) => stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
case Event(c@CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(id, r, do_commit), d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
@ -421,19 +416,12 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(fulfill@UpdateFulfillHtlc(_, id, r), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
if (Commitments.isOldFulfill(d.commitments, fulfill)) {
log.warning(s"ignoring old fulfill")
} /*else if (!Commitments.isFulfillCrossSigned(d.commitments, fulfill)) {
log.warning(s"ignoring fulfill not cross-signed (old?)")
}*/ else {
Try(Commitments.receiveFulfill(d.commitments, fulfill)) match {
case Success((commitments1, htlc)) =>
relayer ! (htlc, fulfill)
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
Try(Commitments.receiveFulfill(d.commitments, fulfill)) match {
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
relayer ! ForwardFulfill(fulfill)
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) => stay
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
case Event(c@CMD_FAIL_HTLC(id, reason, do_commit), d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
@ -446,9 +434,10 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(fail@UpdateFailHtlc(_, id, reason), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, _, _)) =>
Try(Commitments.receiveFail(d.commitments, fail)) match {
case Success((commitments1, htlc)) =>
relayer ! (htlc, fail)
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
relayer ! ForwardFail(fail)
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) => stay
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
@ -470,47 +459,43 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(commit@CommitSig(_, theirSig, theirHtlcSigs), d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
if (Commitments.isOldCommit(d.commitments, commit)) {
log.warning(s"ignoring old commit")
} else {
Try(Commitments.receiveCommit(d.commitments, commit)) match {
case Success((commitments1, revocation)) =>
remote ! revocation
log.debug(s"received a new sig, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1)) {
// if we have newly acknowledged changes let's sign them
self ! CMD_SIGN
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelSignatureReceived(self, commitments1))
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
Try(Commitments.receiveCommit(d.commitments, commit)) match {
case Success(Right((commitments1, revocation))) =>
remote ! revocation
log.debug(s"received a new sig, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1)) {
// if we have newly acknowledged changes let's sign them
self ! CMD_SIGN
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelSignatureReceived(self, commitments1))
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) =>
// this was an old commit, nothing to do
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
case Event(revocation: RevokeAndAck, d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
if (Commitments.isOldRevocation(d.commitments, revocation)) {
log.warning(s"ignoring old revocation")
} else {
// we received a revocation because we sent a signature
// => all our changes have been acked
Try(Commitments.receiveRevocation(d.commitments, revocation)) match {
case Success(commitments1) =>
// we forward HTLCs only when they have been committed by both sides
// it always happen when we receive a revocation, because, we always sign our changes before they sign them
d.commitments.remoteChanges.signed.collect {
case htlc: UpdateAddHtlc =>
log.debug(s"relaying $htlc")
relayer ! htlc
log.debug(s"received a new rev, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1) && d.commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.map(_.reSignAsap) == Left(true)) {
self ! CMD_SIGN
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
// we received a revocation because we sent a signature
// => all our changes have been acked
Try(Commitments.receiveRevocation(d.commitments, revocation)) match {
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
// we forward HTLCs only when they have been committed by both sides
// it always happen when we receive a revocation, because, we always sign our changes before they sign them
d.commitments.remoteChanges.signed.collect {
case htlc: UpdateAddHtlc =>
log.debug(s"relaying $htlc")
relayer ! ForwardAdd(htlc)
log.debug(s"received a new rev, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1) && d.commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.map(_.reSignAsap) == Left(true)) {
self ! CMD_SIGN
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) =>
// this was an old revocation, nothing to do
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
case Event(CMD_CLOSE(ourScriptPubKey_opt), d: DATA_NORMAL) if d.unackedShutdown.isDefined =>
@ -587,9 +572,10 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(fulfill@UpdateFulfillHtlc(_, id, r), d: DATA_SHUTDOWN) =>
Try(Commitments.receiveFulfill(d.commitments, fulfill)) match {
case Success((commitments1, htlc)) =>
relayer ! (htlc, fulfill)
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
relayer ! ForwardFulfill(fulfill)
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) => stay
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
@ -601,9 +587,10 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(fail@UpdateFailHtlc(_, id, reason), d: DATA_SHUTDOWN) =>
Try(Commitments.receiveFail(d.commitments, fail)) match {
case Success((commitments1, htlc)) =>
relayer ! (htlc, fail)
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
relayer ! ForwardFail(fail)
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) => stay
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
@ -627,13 +614,13 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(msg@CommitSig(_, theirSig, theirHtlcSigs), d@DATA_SHUTDOWN(params, commitments, localShutdown, remoteShutdown)) =>
// TODO: we might have to propagate htlcs upstream depending on the outcome of https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/issues/29
Try(Commitments.receiveCommit(d.commitments, msg)) match {
case Success((commitments1, revocation)) if commitments1.hasNoPendingHtlcs =>
case Success(Right((commitments1, revocation))) if commitments1.hasNoPendingHtlcs =>
remote ! revocation
val closingSigned = Closing.makeFirstClosingTx(params, commitments1, localShutdown.scriptPubKey, remoteShutdown.scriptPubKey)
remote ! closingSigned
log.debug(s"received a new sig, switching to NEGOTIATING spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
goto(NEGOTIATING) using DATA_NEGOTIATING(params, commitments1, localShutdown, remoteShutdown, closingSigned)
case Success((commitments1, revocation)) =>
case Success(Right((commitments1, revocation))) =>
remote ! revocation
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1)) {
// if we have newly acknowledged changes let's sign them
@ -642,6 +629,9 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
log.debug(s"received a new sig, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelSignatureReceived(self, commitments1))
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) =>
// this was an old commit, nothing to do
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
@ -649,18 +639,21 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
// we received a revocation because we sent a signature
// => all our changes have been acked
Try(Commitments.receiveRevocation(d.commitments, msg)) match {
case Success(commitments1) if commitments1.hasNoPendingHtlcs =>
case Success(Right(commitments1)) if commitments1.hasNoPendingHtlcs =>
val closingSigned = Closing.makeFirstClosingTx(params, commitments1, localShutdown.scriptPubKey, remoteShutdown.scriptPubKey)
remote ! closingSigned
log.debug(s"received a new rev, switching to NEGOTIATING spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
goto(NEGOTIATING) using DATA_NEGOTIATING(params, commitments1, localShutdown, remoteShutdown, closingSigned)
case Success(commitments1) =>
case Success(Right(commitments1)) =>
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments1) && d.commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.map(_.reSignAsap) == Left(true)) {
self ! CMD_SIGN
log.debug(s"received a new rev, spec:\n${Commitments.specsToString(commitments1)}")
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Success(Left(_)) =>
// this was an old revocation, nothing to do
case Failure(cause) => handleLocalError(cause, d)
@ -814,9 +807,9 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(INPUT_RECONNECTED(r), d@DATA_NORMAL(_, commitments, _)) =>
remote = r
log.info(s"resuming with ${Commitments.toString(commitments)}")
log.info(s"resuming with ${Commitments.changesToString(commitments)}")
//val resend = commitments.unackedMessages.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[RevokeAndAck])
val resend = commitments.unackedMessages//.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[RevokeAndAck])
val resend = commitments.unackedMessages //.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[RevokeAndAck])
log.info(s"re-sending: ${resend.map(Commitments.msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}")
resend.foreach(remote ! _)
if (Commitments.localHasChanges(commitments)) {
@ -825,11 +818,12 @@ class Channel(val r: ActorRef, val blockchain: ActorRef, router: ActorRef, relay
case Event(c@CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat, rHash, expiry, route, origin, do_commit), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
case Event(c@CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat, rHash, expiry, route, downstream_opt, do_commit), d@DATA_NORMAL(params, commitments, _)) =>
log.info(s"we are disconnected so we just include the add in our commitments")
Try(Commitments.sendAdd(commitments, c)) match {
case Success((commitments1, add)) =>
relayer ! Binding(add, origin)
val origin = downstream_opt.map(Relayed(_)).getOrElse(Local(sender))
relayer ! Bind(add, origin)
sender ! "ok"
stay using d.copy(commitments = commitments1)
case Failure(cause) => handleCommandError(sender, cause)

View file

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.channel
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{Point, PrivateKey, PublicKey, Scalar}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, ScriptElt, Transaction}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{Local, Origin}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{Local, Origin, Relayed}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.CommitmentSpec
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions.CommitTx
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{AcceptChannel, AnnouncementSignatures, ClosingSigned, FundingCreated, FundingLocked, FundingSigned, Init, OpenChannel, Shutdown}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{AcceptChannel, AnnouncementSignatures, ClosingSigned, FundingCreated, FundingLocked, FundingSigned, Init, OpenChannel, Shutdown, UpdateAddHtlc}
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ case class BITCOIN_FUNDING_OTHER_CHANNEL_SPENT(channelId: Long) extends BitcoinE
sealed trait Command
final case class CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat: Long, paymentHash: BinaryData, expiry: Long, onion: BinaryData = BinaryData("00" * 1254), origin: Origin = Local, commit: Boolean = false) extends Command
final case class CMD_ADD_HTLC(amountMsat: Long, paymentHash: BinaryData, expiry: Long, onion: BinaryData = BinaryData("00" * 1254), upstream_opt: Option[UpdateAddHtlc] = None, commit: Boolean = false) extends Command
final case class CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(id: Long, r: BinaryData, commit: Boolean = false) extends Command
final case class CMD_FAIL_HTLC(id: Long, reason: String, commit: Boolean = false) extends Command
case object CMD_SIGN extends Command

View file

@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ object Commitments extends Logging {
* @return an updated commitment instance
private def addLocalProposal(commitments: Commitments, proposal: UpdateMessage): Commitments =
localChanges = commitments.localChanges.copy(proposed = commitments.localChanges.proposed :+ proposal),
unackedMessages = commitments.unackedMessages :+ proposal)
localChanges = commitments.localChanges.copy(proposed = commitments.localChanges.proposed :+ proposal),
unackedMessages = commitments.unackedMessages :+ proposal)
private def addRemoteProposal(commitments: Commitments, proposal: UpdateMessage): Commitments =
commitments.copy(remoteChanges = commitments.remoteChanges.copy(proposed = commitments.remoteChanges.proposed :+ proposal))
@ -107,116 +107,109 @@ object Commitments extends Logging {
def receiveAdd(commitments: Commitments, add: UpdateAddHtlc): Commitments = {
if (add.id != commitments.remoteNextHtlcId) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"unexpected htlc id: actual=${add.id} expected=${commitments.remoteNextHtlcId}")
isOldAdd(commitments, add) match {
case true => commitments
case false =>
if (add.id != commitments.remoteNextHtlcId) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"unexpected htlc id: actual=${add.id} expected=${commitments.remoteNextHtlcId}")
val blockCount = Globals.blockCount.get()
// if we are the final payee, we need a reasonable amount of time to pull the funds before the sender can get refunded
val minExpiry = blockCount + 3
if (add.expiry < minExpiry) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"expiry too small: required=$minExpiry actual=${add.expiry} (blockCount=$blockCount)")
if (add.amountMsat < commitments.localParams.htlcMinimumMsat) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"htlc value too small: min=${commitments.localParams.htlcMinimumMsat}")
// let's compute the current commitment *as seen by us* including this change
val commitments1 = addRemoteProposal(commitments, add).copy(remoteNextHtlcId = commitments.remoteNextHtlcId + 1)
val reduced = CommitmentSpec.reduce(commitments1.localCommit.spec, commitments1.localChanges.acked, commitments1.remoteChanges.proposed)
val htlcValueInFlight = reduced.htlcs.map(_.add.amountMsat).sum
if (htlcValueInFlight > commitments1.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"in-flight htlcs hold too much value: value=$htlcValueInFlight max=${commitments1.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat}")
val acceptedHtlcs = reduced.htlcs.count(_.direction == IN)
if (acceptedHtlcs > commitments1.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"too many accepted htlcs: value=$acceptedHtlcs max=${commitments1.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs}")
// a node cannot spend pending incoming htlcs, and need to keep funds above the reserve required by the counterparty, after paying the fee
val fees = if (commitments1.localParams.isFunder) 0 else Transactions.commitTxFee(Satoshi(commitments1.remoteParams.dustLimitSatoshis), reduced).amount
val missing = reduced.toRemoteMsat / 1000 - commitments1.localParams.channelReserveSatoshis - fees
if (missing < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"insufficient funds: missing=${-1 * missing} reserve=${commitments1.localParams.channelReserveSatoshis} fees=$fees")
val blockCount = Globals.blockCount.get()
// if we are the final payee, we need a reasonable amount of time to pull the funds before the sender can get refunded
val minExpiry = blockCount + 3
if (add.expiry < minExpiry) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"expiry too small: required=$minExpiry actual=${add.expiry} (blockCount=$blockCount)")
if (add.amountMsat < commitments.localParams.htlcMinimumMsat) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"htlc value too small: min=${commitments.localParams.htlcMinimumMsat}")
// let's compute the current commitment *as seen by us* including this change
val commitments1 = addRemoteProposal(commitments, add).copy(remoteNextHtlcId = commitments.remoteNextHtlcId + 1)
val reduced = CommitmentSpec.reduce(commitments1.localCommit.spec, commitments1.localChanges.acked, commitments1.remoteChanges.proposed)
val htlcValueInFlight = reduced.htlcs.map(_.add.amountMsat).sum
if (htlcValueInFlight > commitments1.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"in-flight htlcs hold too much value: value=$htlcValueInFlight max=${commitments1.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat}")
val acceptedHtlcs = reduced.htlcs.count(_.direction == IN)
if (acceptedHtlcs > commitments1.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"too many accepted htlcs: value=$acceptedHtlcs max=${commitments1.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs}")
// a node cannot spend pending incoming htlcs, and need to keep funds above the reserve required by the counterparty, after paying the fee
val fees = if (commitments1.localParams.isFunder) 0 else Transactions.commitTxFee(Satoshi(commitments1.remoteParams.dustLimitSatoshis), reduced).amount
val missing = reduced.toRemoteMsat / 1000 - commitments1.localParams.channelReserveSatoshis - fees
if (missing < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"insufficient funds: missing=${-1 * missing} reserve=${commitments1.localParams.channelReserveSatoshis} fees=$fees")
def isHtlcCrossSigned(commitments: Commitments, cmd: CMD_FULFILL_HTLC): Boolean = {
val remoteSigned = commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == IN && htlc.add.id == cmd.id)
def getHtlcCrossSigned(commitments: Commitments, directionRelativeToLocal: Direction, htlcId: Long): Option[UpdateAddHtlc] = {
val remoteSigned = commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.find(htlc => htlc.direction == directionRelativeToLocal && htlc.add.id == htlcId)
val localSigned = commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo match {
case Left(waitingForRevocation) => waitingForRevocation.nextRemoteCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == OUT && htlc.add.id == cmd.id)
case Right(_) => commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == OUT && htlc.add.id == cmd.id)
case Left(waitingForRevocation) => waitingForRevocation.nextRemoteCommit.spec.htlcs.find(htlc => htlc.direction == directionRelativeToLocal.opposite && htlc.add.id == htlcId)
case Right(_) => commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.find(htlc => htlc.direction == directionRelativeToLocal.opposite && htlc.add.id == htlcId)
if (!remoteSigned || !localSigned) {
s"""htlc ${cmd.id} remoteSigned=$remoteSigned localSigned=$localSigned
remoteSigned && localSigned
for {
htlc_out <- remoteSigned
htlc_in <- localSigned
} yield htlc_in.add
def sendFulfill(commitments: Commitments, cmd: CMD_FULFILL_HTLC): (Commitments, UpdateFulfillHtlc) = {
require(isHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, cmd), s"unknown htlc id=${cmd.id}")
commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.collectFirst { case u: Htlc if u.direction == IN && u.add.id == cmd.id => u.add } match {
def sendFulfill(commitments: Commitments, cmd: CMD_FULFILL_HTLC): (Commitments, UpdateFulfillHtlc) =
getHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, IN, cmd.id) match {
case Some(htlc) if htlc.paymentHash == sha256(cmd.r) =>
val fulfill = UpdateFulfillHtlc(commitments.channelId, cmd.id, cmd.r)
val commitments1 = addLocalProposal(commitments, fulfill)
(commitments1, fulfill)
case Some(htlc) => throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid htlc preimage for htlc id=${cmd.id}")
case None => ??? // never happens
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"unknown htlc id=${cmd.id}")
def isOldFulfill(commitments: Commitments, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc): Boolean = {
def isOldFulfill(commitments: Commitments, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc): Boolean =
commitments.remoteChanges.proposed.contains(fulfill) ||
commitments.remoteChanges.signed.contains(fulfill) ||
commitments.remoteChanges.signed.contains(fulfill) ||
def isHtlcCrossSigned(commitments: Commitments, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc): Boolean = {
val remoteSigned = commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == OUT && htlc.add.id == fulfill.id)
val localSigned = commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo match {
case Left(waitingForRevocation) => waitingForRevocation.nextRemoteCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == IN && htlc.add.id == fulfill.id)
case Right(_) => commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.exists(htlc => htlc.direction == IN && htlc.add.id == fulfill.id)
def receiveFulfill(commitments: Commitments, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc): Either[Commitments, Commitments] =
isOldFulfill(commitments, fulfill) match {
case true => Left(commitments)
case false => getHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, OUT, fulfill.id) match {
case Some(htlc) if htlc.paymentHash == sha256(fulfill.paymentPreimage) => Right(addRemoteProposal(commitments, fulfill))
case Some(htlc) => throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid htlc preimage for htlc id=${fulfill.id}")
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"unknown htlc id=${fulfill.id}")
if (!remoteSigned || !localSigned) {
s"""htlc ${fulfill.id} remoteSigned=$remoteSigned localSigned=$localSigned
remoteSigned && localSigned
def receiveFulfill(commitments: Commitments, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc): (Commitments, UpdateAddHtlc) = {
require(isHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, fulfill), s"unknown htlc id=${fulfill.id}")
commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.collectFirst { case u: Htlc if u.direction == IN && u.add.id == fulfill.id => u.add } match {
case Some(htlc) if htlc.paymentHash == sha256(fulfill.paymentPreimage) => (addRemoteProposal(commitments, fulfill), htlc)
case Some(htlc) => throw new RuntimeException(s"invalid htlc preimage for htlc id=${fulfill.id}")
case None => ??? // never happens
def sendFail(commitments: Commitments, cmd: CMD_FAIL_HTLC): (Commitments, UpdateFailHtlc) = {
commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.collectFirst { case u: Htlc if u.add.id == cmd.id => u.add } match {
def sendFail(commitments: Commitments, cmd: CMD_FAIL_HTLC): (Commitments, UpdateFailHtlc) =
getHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, IN, cmd.id) match {
case Some(htlc) =>
val fail = UpdateFailHtlc(commitments.channelId, cmd.id, BinaryData(cmd.reason.getBytes("UTF-8")))
val commitments1 = addLocalProposal(commitments, fail)
(commitments1, fail)
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"unknown htlc id=${cmd.id}")
def receiveFail(commitments: Commitments, fail: UpdateFailHtlc): (Commitments, UpdateAddHtlc) = {
commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.collectFirst { case u: Htlc if u.add.id == fail.id => u.add } match {
case Some(htlc) => (addRemoteProposal(commitments, fail), htlc)
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"unknown htlc id=${fail.id}") // TODO: we should fail the channel
def isOldFail(commitments: Commitments, fail: UpdateFailHtlc): Boolean =
commitments.remoteChanges.proposed.contains(fail) ||
commitments.remoteChanges.signed.contains(fail) ||
def receiveFail(commitments: Commitments, fail: UpdateFailHtlc): Either[Commitments, Commitments] =
isOldFail(commitments, fail) match {
case true => Left(commitments)
case false => getHtlcCrossSigned(commitments, OUT, fail.id) match {
case Some(htlc) => Right(addRemoteProposal(commitments, fail))
case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"unknown htlc id=${fail.id}")
def localHasChanges(commitments: Commitments): Boolean = commitments.remoteChanges.acked.size > 0 || commitments.localChanges.proposed.size > 0
@ -262,140 +255,149 @@ object Commitments extends Logging {
def isOldCommit(commitments: Commitments, commit: CommitSig): Boolean = {
commitments.localCommit.commit == commit
def isOldCommit(commitments: Commitments, commit: CommitSig): Boolean = commitments.localCommit.commit == commit
def receiveCommit(commitments: Commitments, commit: CommitSig): (Commitments, RevokeAndAck) = {
import commitments._
// they sent us a signature for *their* view of *our* next commit tx
// so in terms of rev.hashes and indexes we have:
// ourCommit.index -> our current revocation hash, which is about to become our old revocation hash
// ourCommit.index + 1 -> our next revocation hash, used by * them * to build the sig we've just received, and which
// is about to become our current revocation hash
// ourCommit.index + 2 -> which is about to become our next revocation hash
// we will reply to this sig with our old revocation hash preimage (at index) and our next revocation hash (at index + 1)
// and will increment our index
def receiveCommit(commitments: Commitments, commit: CommitSig): Either[Commitments, (Commitments, RevokeAndAck)] =
isOldCommit(commitments, commit) match {
case true => Left(commitments)
case false =>
import commitments._
// they sent us a signature for *their* view of *our* next commit tx
// so in terms of rev.hashes and indexes we have:
// ourCommit.index -> our current revocation hash, which is about to become our old revocation hash
// ourCommit.index + 1 -> our next revocation hash, used by * them * to build the sig we've just received, and which
// is about to become our current revocation hash
// ourCommit.index + 2 -> which is about to become our next revocation hash
// we will reply to this sig with our old revocation hash preimage (at index) and our next revocation hash (at index + 1)
// and will increment our index
if (!remoteHasChanges(commitments))
throw new RuntimeException("cannot sign when there are no changes")
if (!remoteHasChanges(commitments))
throw new RuntimeException("cannot sign when there are no changes")
// check that their signature is valid
// signatures are now optional in the commit message, and will be sent only if the other party is actually
// receiving money i.e its commit tx has one output for them
// check that their signature is valid
// signatures are now optional in the commit message, and will be sent only if the other party is actually
// receiving money i.e its commit tx has one output for them
val spec = CommitmentSpec.reduce(localCommit.spec, localChanges.acked, remoteChanges.proposed)
val localPerCommitmentPoint = Generators.perCommitPoint(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index + 1)
val (localCommitTx, htlcTimeoutTxs, htlcSuccessTxs) = makeLocalTxs(localCommit.index + 1, localParams, remoteParams, commitInput, localPerCommitmentPoint, spec)
val sig = Transactions.sign(localCommitTx, localParams.fundingPrivKey)
val spec = CommitmentSpec.reduce(localCommit.spec, localChanges.acked, remoteChanges.proposed)
val localPerCommitmentPoint = Generators.perCommitPoint(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index + 1)
val (localCommitTx, htlcTimeoutTxs, htlcSuccessTxs) = makeLocalTxs(localCommit.index + 1, localParams, remoteParams, commitInput, localPerCommitmentPoint, spec)
val sig = Transactions.sign(localCommitTx, localParams.fundingPrivKey)
// TODO: should we have optional sig? (original comment: this tx will NOT be signed if our output is empty)
// TODO: should we have optional sig? (original comment: this tx will NOT be signed if our output is empty)
// no need to compute htlc sigs if commit sig doesn't check out
val signedCommitTx = Transactions.addSigs(localCommitTx, localParams.fundingPrivKey.publicKey, remoteParams.fundingPubKey, sig, commit.signature)
if (Transactions.checkSpendable(signedCommitTx).isFailure) {
throw new RuntimeException("invalid sig")
// no need to compute htlc sigs if commit sig doesn't check out
val signedCommitTx = Transactions.addSigs(localCommitTx, localParams.fundingPrivKey.publicKey, remoteParams.fundingPubKey, sig, commit.signature)
if (Transactions.checkSpendable(signedCommitTx).isFailure) {
throw new RuntimeException("invalid sig")
val sortedHtlcTxs: Seq[TransactionWithInputInfo] = (htlcTimeoutTxs ++ htlcSuccessTxs).sortBy(_.input.outPoint.index)
require(commit.htlcSignatures.size == sortedHtlcTxs.size, s"htlc sig count mismatch (received=${commit.htlcSignatures.size}, expected=${sortedHtlcTxs.size})")
val localPaymentKey = Generators.derivePrivKey(localParams.paymentKey, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val htlcSigs = sortedHtlcTxs.map(Transactions.sign(_, localPaymentKey))
val remotePaymentPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
// combine the sigs to make signed txes
val htlcTxsAndSigs = sortedHtlcTxs
.zip(commit.htlcSignatures) // this is a list of ((tx, localSig), remoteSig)
.map(e => (e._1._1, e._1._2, e._2)) // this is a list of (tx, localSig, remoteSig)
.collect {
case (htlcTx: HtlcTimeoutTx, localSig, remoteSig) =>
require(Transactions.checkSpendable(Transactions.addSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)).isSuccess, "bad sig")
HtlcTxAndSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)
case (htlcTx: HtlcSuccessTx, localSig, remoteSig) =>
// we can't check that htlc-success tx are spendable because we need the payment preimage; thus we only check the remote sig
require(Transactions.checkSig(htlcTx, remoteSig, remotePaymentPubkey), "bad sig")
HtlcTxAndSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)
val timeoutHtlcSigs = htlcTxsAndSigs.collect {
case HtlcTxAndSigs(_: HtlcTimeoutTx, localSig, _) => localSig
// we will send our revocation preimage + our next revocation hash
val localPerCommitmentSecret = Generators.perCommitSecret(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index)
val localNextPerCommitmentPoint = Generators.perCommitPoint(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index + 2)
val revocation = RevokeAndAck(
channelId = commitments.channelId,
perCommitmentSecret = localPerCommitmentSecret,
nextPerCommitmentPoint = localNextPerCommitmentPoint,
htlcTimeoutSignatures = timeoutHtlcSigs.toList
// update our commitment data
val ourCommit1 = LocalCommit(
index = localCommit.index + 1,
publishableTxs = PublishableTxs(signedCommitTx, htlcTxsAndSigs),
commit = commit)
val ourChanges1 = localChanges.copy(acked = Nil)
val theirChanges1 = remoteChanges.copy(proposed = Nil, acked = remoteChanges.acked ++ remoteChanges.proposed)
// they have received our previous revocation (otherwise they wouldn't have sent a commit)
// so we can acknowledge the revocation
val unackedMessages1 = commitments.unackedMessages.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[RevokeAndAck]) :+ revocation
val commitments1 = commitments.copy(localCommit = ourCommit1, localChanges = ourChanges1, remoteChanges = theirChanges1, unackedMessages = unackedMessages1)
logger.debug(s"current commit: index=${ourCommit1.index} htlc_in=${ourCommit1.spec.htlcs.filter(_.direction == IN).size} htlc_out=${ourCommit1.spec.htlcs.filter(_.direction == OUT).size} txid=${ourCommit1.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx.txid} tx=${Transaction.write(ourCommit1.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx)}")
Right((commitments1, revocation))
val sortedHtlcTxs: Seq[TransactionWithInputInfo] = (htlcTimeoutTxs ++ htlcSuccessTxs).sortBy(_.input.outPoint.index)
require(commit.htlcSignatures.size == sortedHtlcTxs.size, s"htlc sig count mismatch (received=${commit.htlcSignatures.size}, expected=${sortedHtlcTxs.size})")
val localPaymentKey = Generators.derivePrivKey(localParams.paymentKey, localPerCommitmentPoint)
val htlcSigs = sortedHtlcTxs.map(Transactions.sign(_, localPaymentKey))
val remotePaymentPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(remoteParams.paymentBasepoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
// combine the sigs to make signed txes
val htlcTxsAndSigs = sortedHtlcTxs
.zip(commit.htlcSignatures) // this is a list of ((tx, localSig), remoteSig)
.map(e => (e._1._1, e._1._2, e._2)) // this is a list of (tx, localSig, remoteSig)
.collect {
case (htlcTx: HtlcTimeoutTx, localSig, remoteSig) =>
require(Transactions.checkSpendable(Transactions.addSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)).isSuccess, "bad sig")
HtlcTxAndSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)
case (htlcTx: HtlcSuccessTx, localSig, remoteSig) =>
// we can't check that htlc-success tx are spendable because we need the payment preimage; thus we only check the remote sig
require(Transactions.checkSig(htlcTx, remoteSig, remotePaymentPubkey), "bad sig")
HtlcTxAndSigs(htlcTx, localSig, remoteSig)
val timeoutHtlcSigs = htlcTxsAndSigs.collect {
case HtlcTxAndSigs(_: HtlcTimeoutTx, localSig, _) => localSig
// we will send our revocation preimage + our next revocation hash
val localPerCommitmentSecret = Generators.perCommitSecret(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index)
val localNextPerCommitmentPoint = Generators.perCommitPoint(localParams.shaSeed, commitments.localCommit.index + 2)
val revocation = RevokeAndAck(
channelId = commitments.channelId,
perCommitmentSecret = localPerCommitmentSecret,
nextPerCommitmentPoint = localNextPerCommitmentPoint,
htlcTimeoutSignatures = timeoutHtlcSigs.toList
// update our commitment data
val ourCommit1 = LocalCommit(
index = localCommit.index + 1,
publishableTxs = PublishableTxs(signedCommitTx, htlcTxsAndSigs),
commit = commit)
val ourChanges1 = localChanges.copy(acked = Nil)
val theirChanges1 = remoteChanges.copy(proposed = Nil, acked = remoteChanges.acked ++ remoteChanges.proposed)
// they have received our previous revocation (otherwise they wouldn't have sent a commit)
// so we can acknowledge the revocation
val unackedMessages1 = commitments.unackedMessages.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[RevokeAndAck]) :+ revocation
val commitments1 = commitments.copy(localCommit = ourCommit1, localChanges = ourChanges1, remoteChanges = theirChanges1, unackedMessages = unackedMessages1)
logger.debug(s"current commit: index=${ourCommit1.index} htlc_in=${ourCommit1.spec.htlcs.filter(_.direction == IN).size} htlc_out=${ourCommit1.spec.htlcs.filter(_.direction == OUT).size} txid=${ourCommit1.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx.txid} tx=${Transaction.write(ourCommit1.publishableTxs.commitTx.tx)}")
(commitments1, revocation)
def isOldRevocation(commitments: Commitments, revocation: RevokeAndAck): Boolean = {
def isOldRevocation(commitments: Commitments, revocation: RevokeAndAck): Boolean =
commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo match {
case Right(point) if point == revocation.nextPerCommitmentPoint => true
case Left(waitForRevocation) if waitForRevocation.nextRemoteCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint == revocation.nextPerCommitmentPoint => true
case _ => false
def receiveRevocation(commitments: Commitments, revocation: RevokeAndAck): Commitments = {
import commitments._
// we receive a revocation because we just sent them a sig for their next commit tx
remoteNextCommitInfo match {
case Left(_) if revocation.perCommitmentSecret.toPoint != remoteCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint =>
throw new RuntimeException("invalid preimage")
case Left(WaitingForRevocation(theirNextCommit, _, _)) =>
// we rebuild the transactions a 2nd time but we are just interested in HTLC-timeout txs because we need to check their sig
val (_, htlcTimeoutTxs, _) = makeRemoteTxs(theirNextCommit.index, localParams, remoteParams, commitInput, theirNextCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint, theirNextCommit.spec)
// then we sort and sign them
val sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs = htlcTimeoutTxs.sortBy(_.input.outPoint.index)
require(revocation.htlcTimeoutSignatures.size == sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs.size, s"htlc-timeout sig count mismatch (received=${revocation.htlcTimeoutSignatures.size}, expected=${sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs.size})")
val paymentKey = Generators.derivePrivKey(localParams.paymentKey, theirNextCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val htlcSigs = sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs.map(Transactions.sign(_, paymentKey))
// combine the sigs to make signed txes
val signedHtlcTxs = sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs
.zip(revocation.htlcTimeoutSignatures) // this is a list of ((tx, localSig), remoteSig)
.map(e => (e._1._1, e._1._2, e._2)) // this is a list of (tx, localSig, remoteSig)
.map(x => Transactions.addSigs(x._1, x._3, x._2))
def receiveRevocation(commitments: Commitments, revocation: RevokeAndAck): Either[Commitments, Commitments] =
isOldRevocation(commitments, revocation) match {
case true => Left(commitments)
case false =>
import commitments._
// we receive a revocation because we just sent them a sig for their next commit tx
remoteNextCommitInfo match {
case Left(_) if revocation.perCommitmentSecret.toPoint != remoteCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint =>
throw new RuntimeException("invalid preimage")
case Left(WaitingForRevocation(theirNextCommit, _, _)) =>
// we rebuild the transactions a 2nd time but we are just interested in HTLC-timeout txs because we need to check their sig
val (_, htlcTimeoutTxs, _) = makeRemoteTxs(theirNextCommit.index, localParams, remoteParams, commitInput, theirNextCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint, theirNextCommit.spec)
// then we sort and sign them
val sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs = htlcTimeoutTxs.sortBy(_.input.outPoint.index)
require(revocation.htlcTimeoutSignatures.size == sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs.size, s"htlc-timeout sig count mismatch (received=${
}, expected=${
val paymentKey = Generators.derivePrivKey(localParams.paymentKey, theirNextCommit.remotePerCommitmentPoint)
val htlcSigs = sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs.map(Transactions.sign(_, paymentKey))
// combine the sigs to make signed txes
val signedHtlcTxs = sortedHtlcTimeoutTxs
.zip(revocation.htlcTimeoutSignatures) // this is a list of ((tx, localSig), remoteSig)
.map(e => (e._1._1, e._1._2, e._2)) // this is a list of (tx, localSig, remoteSig)
.map(x => Transactions.addSigs(x._1, x._3, x._2))
// and finally whe check the sigs
require(signedHtlcTxs.forall(Transactions.checkSpendable(_).isSuccess), "bad sig")
// and finally whe check the sigs
require(signedHtlcTxs.forall(Transactions.checkSpendable(_).isSuccess), "bad sig")
// they have received our last commitsig (otherwise they wouldn't have replied with a revocation)
// so we can acknowledge all our previous updates and the commitsig
val unackedMessages1 = commitments.unackedMessages.drop(commitments.unackedMessages.indexWhere(_.isInstanceOf[CommitSig]) + 1)
// they have received our last commitsig (otherwise they wouldn't have replied with a revocation)
// so we can acknowledge all our previous updates and the commitsig
val unackedMessages1 = commitments.unackedMessages.drop(commitments.unackedMessages.indexWhere(_.isInstanceOf[CommitSig]) + 1)
localChanges = localChanges.copy(signed = Nil, acked = localChanges.acked ++ localChanges.signed),
remoteChanges = remoteChanges.copy(signed = Nil),
remoteCommit = theirNextCommit,
remoteNextCommitInfo = Right(revocation.nextPerCommitmentPoint),
unackedMessages = unackedMessages1,
remotePerCommitmentSecrets = commitments.remotePerCommitmentSecrets.addHash(revocation.perCommitmentSecret, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL - commitments.remoteCommit.index))
case Right(_) =>
throw new RuntimeException("received unexpected RevokeAndAck message")
val commitments1 = commitments.copy(
localChanges = localChanges.copy(signed = Nil, acked = localChanges.acked ++ localChanges.signed),
remoteChanges = remoteChanges.copy(signed = Nil),
remoteCommit = theirNextCommit,
remoteNextCommitInfo = Right(revocation.nextPerCommitmentPoint),
unackedMessages = unackedMessages1,
remotePerCommitmentSecrets = commitments.remotePerCommitmentSecrets.addHash(revocation.perCommitmentSecret, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL - commitments.remoteCommit.index))
case Right(_) =>
throw new RuntimeException("received unexpected RevokeAndAck message")
def makeLocalTxs(commitTxNumber: Long, localParams: LocalParams, remoteParams: RemoteParams, commitmentInput: InputInfo, localPerCommitmentPoint: Point, spec: CommitmentSpec): (CommitTx, Seq[HtlcTimeoutTx], Seq[HtlcSuccessTx]) = {
val localPubkey = Generators.derivePubKey(localParams.paymentKey.toPoint, localPerCommitmentPoint)
@ -428,41 +430,41 @@ object Commitments extends Logging {
case _ => "???"
def toString(commitments: Commitments): String = {
def changesToString(commitments: Commitments): String = {
import commitments._
| localChanges:
| proposed: ${localChanges.proposed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| signed: ${localChanges.signed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| acked: ${localChanges.acked.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| remoteChanges:
| proposed: ${remoteChanges.proposed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| acked: ${remoteChanges.acked.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| signed: ${remoteChanges.signed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| nextHtlcId:
| local: $localNextHtlcId
| remote: $remoteNextHtlcId
| unackedMessages:
| ${unackedMessages.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}""".stripMargin
| localChanges:
| proposed: ${localChanges.proposed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| signed: ${localChanges.signed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| acked: ${localChanges.acked.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| remoteChanges:
| proposed: ${remoteChanges.proposed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| acked: ${remoteChanges.acked.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| signed: ${remoteChanges.signed.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}
| nextHtlcId:
| local: $localNextHtlcId
| remote: $remoteNextHtlcId
| unackedMessages:
| ${unackedMessages.map(msg2String(_)).mkString(" ")}""".stripMargin
def specsToString(commitments: Commitments): String = {
| toLocal: ${commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocalMsat}
| toRemote: ${commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")}
| toLocal: ${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.toLocalMsat}
| toRemote: ${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")}
|next remotecommit:
| toLocal: ${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.toLocalMsat).getOrElse("N/A")}
| toRemote: ${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat).getOrElse("N/A")}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")).getOrElse("N/A")}""".stripMargin
| toLocal: ${commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocalMsat}
| toRemote: ${commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")}
| toLocal: ${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.toLocalMsat}
| toRemote: ${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")}
|next remotecommit:
| toLocal: ${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.toLocalMsat).getOrElse("N/A")}
| toRemote: ${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.toRemoteMsat).getOrElse("N/A")}
| htlcs:
|${commitments.remoteNextCommitInfo.left.toOption.map(_.nextRemoteCommit.spec.htlcs.map(h => s" ${h.direction} ${h.add.id} ${h.add.expiry}").mkString("\n")).getOrElse("N/A")}""".stripMargin

View file

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import fr.acinq.bitcoin.BinaryData
class PaymentEvent
case class PaymentSent(channel: ActorRef, h: BinaryData) extends PaymentEvent
//case class PaymentSent(channel: ActorRef, h: BinaryData) extends PaymentEvent
case class PaymentFailed(channel: ActorRef, h: BinaryData, reason: String) extends PaymentEvent
//case class PaymentFailed(channel: ActorRef, h: BinaryData, reason: String) extends PaymentEvent
case class PaymentReceived(channel: ActorRef, h: BinaryData) extends PaymentEvent

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{CMD_ADD_HTLC, Register}
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.Sphinx
import fr.acinq.eclair.router._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Codecs, PerHopPayload}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Codecs, PerHopPayload, UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFulfillHtlc}
import scodec.Attempt
// @formatter:off
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ class PaymentLifecycle(sourceNodeId: BinaryData, router: ActorRef) extends Loggi
case Event(RouteResponse(hops), WaitingForRoute(s, c)) =>
val firstHop = hops.head
val cmd = buildCommand(c.amountMsat, c.paymentHash, hops, Globals.blockCount.get().toInt)
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[PaymentEvent])
context.actorSelection(Register.actorPathToChannelId(firstHop.lastUpdate.channelId)) ! cmd
goto(WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT_COMPLETE) using WaitingForComplete(s, cmd)
@ -58,15 +57,17 @@ class PaymentLifecycle(sourceNodeId: BinaryData, router: ActorRef) extends Loggi
case Event("ok", _) => stay()
case Event(e@PaymentSent(_, h), WaitingForComplete(s, cmd)) if h == cmd.paymentHash =>
s ! "sent"
case Event(reason: String, WaitingForComplete(s, _)) =>
s ! Status.Failure(new RuntimeException(reason))
case Event(e@PaymentFailed(_, h, reason), WaitingForComplete(s, cmd)) if h == cmd.paymentHash =>
case Event(fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc, WaitingForComplete(s, cmd)) =>
s ! "sent"
case Event(fail: UpdateFailHtlc, WaitingForComplete(s, cmd)) =>
// TODO: fix new String(fail.reason)
val reason = new String(fail.reason)
s ! Status.Failure(new RuntimeException(reason))
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ object PaymentLifecycle {
val nodes = hops.map(_.nextNodeId)
// BOLT 2 requires that associatedData == paymentHash
val onion = buildOnion(nodes, payloads, paymentHash)
CMD_ADD_HTLC(firstAmountMsat, paymentHash, firstExpiry, onion, commit = true)
CMD_ADD_HTLC(firstAmountMsat, paymentHash, firstExpiry, onion, upstream_opt = None, commit = true)

View file

@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
case class OutgoingChannel(channelId: Long, channel: ActorRef, nodeAddress: BinaryData)
sealed trait Origin
case object Local extends Origin
case class Relayed(downstream: UpdateAddHtlc) extends Origin
case class Local(sender: ActorRef) extends Origin
case class Relayed(upstream: UpdateAddHtlc) extends Origin
case class Binding(add: UpdateAddHtlc, origin: Origin)
case class Bind(add: UpdateAddHtlc, origin: Origin)
case class ForwardAdd(add: UpdateAddHtlc)
case class ForwardFulfill(fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc)
case class ForwardFail(fail: UpdateFailHtlc)
// @formatter:on
@ -34,26 +37,28 @@ class Relayer(nodeSecret: PrivateKey, paymentHandler: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
override def receive: Receive = main(Set(), Map())
def main(upstreams: Set[OutgoingChannel], bindings: Map[UpdateAddHtlc, Origin]): Receive = {
case class DownstreamHtlcId(channelId: Long, htlcId: Long)
def main(channels: Set[OutgoingChannel], bindings: Map[DownstreamHtlcId, Origin]): Receive = {
case ChannelChangedState(channel, _, remoteNodeId, _, NORMAL, d: DATA_NORMAL) =>
import d.commitments.channelId
log.info(s"adding channel $channelId to available upstreams")
context become main(upstreams + OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
log.info(s"adding channel $channelId to available channels")
context become main(channels + OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
case ChannelChangedState(channel, _, remoteNodeId, _, NEGOTIATING, d: DATA_NEGOTIATING) =>
import d.commitments.channelId
log.info(s"removing channel $channelId from upstreams/downstreams (mutual close)")
log.info(s"removing channel $channelId from available channels")
// TODO: cleanup bindings
context become main(upstreams - OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
context become main(channels - OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
case ChannelChangedState(channel, _, remoteNodeId, _, CLOSING, d: DATA_CLOSING) =>
import d.commitments.channelId
log.info(s"removing channel $channelId from upstreams/downstreams (unilateral close)")
log.info(s"removing channel $channelId from available channels")
// TODO: cleanup bindings
context become main(upstreams - OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
context become main(channels - OutgoingChannel(channelId, channel, remoteNodeId.hash160), bindings)
case add: UpdateAddHtlc =>
case ForwardAdd(add) =>
Try(Sphinx.parsePacket(nodeSecret, add.paymentHash, add.onionRoutingPacket))
.map {
case (payload, nextNodeAddress, nextPacket) => (Codecs.perHopPayloadCodec.decode(BitVector(payload.data)), nextNodeAddress, nextPacket)
@ -62,13 +67,13 @@ class Relayer(nodeSecret: PrivateKey, paymentHandler: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
log.info(s"we are the final recipient of htlc #${add.id}")
context.system.eventStream.publish(PaymentReceived(self, add.paymentHash))
paymentHandler forward add
case Success((Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(payload, _)), nextNodeAddress, nextPacket)) if upstreams.exists(_.nodeAddress == nextNodeAddress) =>
val upstream = upstreams.find(_.nodeAddress == nextNodeAddress).get.channel
log.info(s"forwarding htlc #${add.id} to upstream=$upstream")
upstream ! CMD_ADD_HTLC(payload.amt_to_forward, add.paymentHash, payload.outgoing_cltv_value, nextPacket, origin = Relayed(add), commit = true)
context become main(upstreams, bindings)
case Success((Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(payload, _)), nextNodeAddress, nextPacket)) if channels.exists(_.nodeAddress == nextNodeAddress) =>
val downstream = channels.find(_.nodeAddress == nextNodeAddress).get.channel
log.info(s"forwarding htlc #${add.id} to downstream=$downstream")
downstream ! CMD_ADD_HTLC(payload.amt_to_forward, add.paymentHash, payload.outgoing_cltv_value, nextPacket, upstream_opt = Some(add), commit = true)
context become main(channels, bindings)
case Success((Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(_, _)), nextNodeAddress, _)) =>
log.warning(s"couldn't resolve upstream node address $nextNodeAddress, failing htlc #${add.id}")
log.warning(s"couldn't resolve downstream node address $nextNodeAddress, failing htlc #${add.id}")
sender ! CMD_FAIL_HTLC(add.id, "route error", commit = true)
case Success((Attempt.Failure(cause), _, _)) =>
log.error(s"couldn't parse payload: $cause")
@ -78,45 +83,41 @@ class Relayer(nodeSecret: PrivateKey, paymentHandler: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
sender ! CMD_FAIL_HTLC(add.id, "onion parsing error", commit = true)
case Binding(upstream, origin) =>
case Bind(downstream, origin) =>
origin match {
case Local => log.info(s"we are the origin of htlc ${upstream.channelId}/${upstream.id}")
case Relayed(downstream) => log.info(s"relayed htlc ${downstream.channelId}/${downstream.id} to ${upstream.channelId}/${upstream.id}")
case Local(_) => log.info(s"we are the origin of htlc ${downstream.channelId}/${downstream.id}")
case Relayed(upstream) => log.info(s"relayed htlc ${upstream.channelId}/${upstream.id} to ${downstream}/${downstream.id}")
context become main(upstreams, bindings + (upstream -> origin))
context become main(channels, bindings + (DownstreamHtlcId(downstream.channelId, downstream.id) -> origin))
case (add: UpdateAddHtlc, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc) =>
bindings.get(add) match {
case Some(Relayed(origin)) if upstreams.exists(_.channelId == origin.channelId) =>
val downstream = upstreams.find(_.channelId == origin.channelId).get.channel
downstream ! CMD_SIGN
downstream ! CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(origin.id, fulfill.paymentPreimage)
downstream ! CMD_SIGN
case ForwardFulfill(fulfill) =>
bindings.get(DownstreamHtlcId(fulfill.channelId, fulfill.id)) match {
case Some(Relayed(origin)) if channels.exists(_.channelId == origin.channelId) =>
val upstream = channels.find(_.channelId == origin.channelId).get.channel
upstream ! CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(origin.id, fulfill.paymentPreimage, commit = true)
case Some(Relayed(origin)) =>
log.warning(s"origin channel ${origin.channelId} has disappeared in the meantime")
case Some(Local) =>
case Some(Local(sender)) =>
log.info(s"we were the origin payer for htlc #${fulfill.id}")
context.system.eventStream.publish(PaymentSent(self, add.paymentHash))
sender ! fulfill
case None =>
log.warning(s"no origin found for htlc $add")
log.warning(s"no origin found for htlc ${fulfill.channelId}/${fulfill.id}")
case (add: UpdateAddHtlc, fail: UpdateFailHtlc) =>
bindings.get(add) match {
case Some(Relayed(origin)) if upstreams.exists(_.channelId == origin.channelId) =>
val downstream = upstreams.find(_.channelId == origin.channelId).get.channel
downstream ! CMD_SIGN
case ForwardFail(fail) =>
bindings.get(DownstreamHtlcId(fail.channelId, fail.id)) match {
case Some(Relayed(origin)) if channels.exists(_.channelId == origin.channelId) =>
val upstream = channels.find(_.channelId == origin.channelId).get.channel
// TODO: fix new String(fail.reason)
downstream ! CMD_FAIL_HTLC(origin.id, new String(fail.reason))
downstream ! CMD_SIGN
upstream ! CMD_FAIL_HTLC(origin.id, new String(fail.reason), commit = true)
upstream ! CMD_SIGN
case Some(Relayed(origin)) =>
log.warning(s"origin channel ${origin.channelId} has disappeared in the meantime")
case Some(Local) =>
case Some(Local(sender)) =>
log.info(s"we were the origin payer for htlc #${fail.id}")
// TODO: fix new String(fail.reason)
context.system.eventStream.publish(PaymentFailed(self, add.paymentHash, new String(fail.reason)))
sender ! fail
case None =>
log.warning(s"no origin found for htlc $add")
log.warning(s"no origin found for htlc ${fail.channelId}/${fail.id}")
case w@WatchEventSpent(BITCOIN_HTLC_SPENT, tx) =>
@ -139,13 +140,13 @@ class Relayer(nodeSecret: PrivateKey, paymentHandler: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
.map { preimage =>
bindings.collect {
case b@(upstream, Relayed(downstream)) if downstream.paymentHash == sha256(preimage) =>
case b@(downstreamHtlcId, Relayed(upstream)) if upstream.paymentHash == sha256(preimage) =>
log.info(s"found a match between preimage=$preimage and origin htlc for $b")
self ! (upstream, UpdateFulfillHtlc(upstream.channelId, upstream.id, preimage))
self ! ForwardFulfill(UpdateFulfillHtlc(downstreamHtlcId.channelId, downstreamHtlcId.htlcId, preimage))
case 'upstreams => sender ! upstreams
case 'channels => sender ! channels

View file

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{UpdateAddHtlc, UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFulfillHtlc, U
// @formatter:off
sealed trait Direction
case object IN extends Direction
case object OUT extends Direction
sealed trait Direction { def opposite: Direction }
case object IN extends Direction { def opposite = OUT }
case object OUT extends Direction { def opposite = IN }
// @formatter:on
case class Htlc(direction: Direction, add: UpdateAddHtlc, val previousChannelId: Option[BinaryData])

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<appender name="CONSOLEWARN" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<!--appender name="CONSOLEWARN" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<pattern>%-5level %X{akkaSource} - %msg%ex{12}%n</pattern>
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
@ -26,17 +26,13 @@
<logger name="fr.acinq.eclair.Pipe" level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
<logger name="fr.acinq.eclair.channel.states.NormalOfflineFuzzySpec" level="INFO">
<logger name="fr.acinq.eclair.Pipe" level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
<root level="INFO">
<!--appender-ref ref="FILE"/-->
<!--appender-ref ref="CONSOLEWARN"/-->
<!--appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLEWARN"/-->
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel.states
import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Cancellable, Props}
import akka.testkit.{TestFSMRef, TestProbe}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.BinaryData
import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants.{Alice, Bob}
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{Data, State, _}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment._
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Hop
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import scala.collection.immutable.Nil
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
* Created by PM on 05/07/2016.
class FuzzySpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
type FixtureParam = Tuple7[TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel], TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel], ActorRef, ActorRef, ActorRef, ActorRef, ActorRef]
override def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) = {
val pipe = system.actorOf(Props(new Pipe()))
val alice2blockchain = TestProbe()
val blockchainA = system.actorOf(Props(new PeerWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient())))
val bob2blockchain = TestProbe()
val paymentHandlerA = system.actorOf(Props(new LocalPaymentHandler()), name = "payment-handler-a")
val paymentHandlerB = system.actorOf(Props(new LocalPaymentHandler()), name = "payment-handler-b")
val relayerA = system.actorOf(Relayer.props(Globals.Node.privateKey, paymentHandlerA), "relayer-a")
val relayerB = system.actorOf(Relayer.props(Globals.Node.privateKey, paymentHandlerB), "relayer-b")
val router = TestProbe()
val alice: TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel] = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, alice2blockchain.ref, router.ref, relayerA))
val bob: TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel] = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, bob2blockchain.ref, router.ref, relayerB))
within(30 seconds) {
val aliceInit = Init(Alice.channelParams.globalFeatures, Alice.channelParams.localFeatures)
val bobInit = Init(Bob.channelParams.globalFeatures, Bob.channelParams.localFeatures)
relayerA ! alice
relayerB ! bob
alice ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDER(Bob.id, 0, TestConstants.fundingSatoshis, TestConstants.pushMsat, Alice.channelParams, bobInit)
bob ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDEE(Alice.id, 0, Bob.channelParams, aliceInit)
pipe ! (alice, bob)
bob ! WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_FUNDING_DEPTHOK, 400000, 42)
awaitCond(alice.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(bob.stateName == NORMAL)
test((alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB, paymentHandlerA, paymentHandlerB))
def buildCmdAdd(paymentHash: BinaryData) = {
val channelUpdate_ab = ChannelUpdate("00" * 64, 0, 0, "0000", cltvExpiryDelta = 4, feeBaseMsat = 642000, feeProportionalMillionths = 7, htlcMinimumMsat = 0)
val hops = Hop(Globals.Node.publicKey, Globals.Node.publicKey, channelUpdate_ab) :: Nil
// we don't want to be below htlcMinimumMsat
val amount = Random.nextInt(1000000) + 1000
PaymentLifecycle.buildCommand(amount, paymentHash, hops, 444000)
def gatling(parallel: Int, total: Int, channel: TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel], paymentHandler: ActorRef): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until total / parallel) {
// we don't want to be above maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat or maxAcceptedHtlcs
awaitCond(channel.stateData.asInstanceOf[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.localCommit.spec.htlcs.size < 10 && channel.stateData.asInstanceOf[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.remoteCommit.spec.htlcs.size < 10)
val senders = for (i <- 0 until parallel) yield TestProbe()
senders.foreach(_.send(paymentHandler, 'genh))
val paymentHashes = senders.map(_.expectMsgType[BinaryData])
val cmds = paymentHashes.map(buildCmdAdd(_))
senders.zip(cmds).foreach(x => x._1.send(channel, x._2))
val oks = senders.map(_.expectMsgType[String])
val fulfills = senders.map(_.expectMsgType[UpdateFulfillHtlc])
def randomDisconnect(initialPipe: ActorRef): Cancellable = {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
var currentPipe = initialPipe
system.scheduler.schedule(3 seconds, 3 seconds) {
val newPipe = system.actorOf(Props(new Pipe()))
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(500 millis) {
currentPipe ! INPUT_RECONNECTED(newPipe)
currentPipe = newPipe
test("fuzzy testing with only one party sending HTLCs") {
case (alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB, paymentHandlerA, paymentHandlerB) =>
val gatling1 = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = gatling(5, 100, alice, paymentHandlerB)
val chaosMonkey = randomDisconnect(pipe)
test("fuzzy testing with only both parties sending HTLCs") {
case (alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB, paymentHandlerA, paymentHandlerB) =>
val gatling1 = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = gatling(4, 100, alice, paymentHandlerB)
val gatling2 = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = gatling(4, 100, bob, paymentHandlerA)
val chaosMonkey = randomDisconnect(pipe)

View file

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.channel.states
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props}
import akka.testkit.{TestFSMRef, TestProbe}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, Crypto}
import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants.{Alice, Bob}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{Data, State, _}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{Pipe, TestBitcoinClient, TestConstants, TestkitBaseClass}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
* Created by PM on 05/07/2016.
class NormalOfflineFuzzySpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
type FixtureParam = Tuple5[TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel], TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel], ActorRef, ActorRef, ActorRef]
override def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) = {
val pipe = system.actorOf(Props(new Pipe()))
val alice2blockchain = TestProbe()
val blockchainA = system.actorOf(Props(new PeerWatcher(new TestBitcoinClient())))
val bob2blockchain = TestProbe()
val relayerA = system.actorOf(Props(new FuzzyRelayer(410000)))
val relayerB = system.actorOf(Props(new FuzzyRelayer(420000)))
val router = TestProbe()
val alice: TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel] = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, alice2blockchain.ref, router.ref, relayerA))
val bob: TestFSMRef[State, Data, Channel] = TestFSMRef(new Channel(pipe, bob2blockchain.ref, router.ref, relayerB))
within(30 seconds) {
val aliceInit = Init(Alice.channelParams.globalFeatures, Alice.channelParams.localFeatures)
val bobInit = Init(Bob.channelParams.globalFeatures, Bob.channelParams.localFeatures)
relayerA ! alice
relayerB ! bob
alice ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDER(Bob.id, 0, TestConstants.fundingSatoshis, TestConstants.pushMsat, Alice.channelParams, bobInit)
bob ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDEE(Alice.id, 0, Bob.channelParams, aliceInit)
pipe ! (alice, bob)
bob ! WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_FUNDING_DEPTHOK, 400000, 42)
awaitCond(alice.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(bob.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(alice.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(bob.stateName == NORMAL)
test((alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB))
class FuzzyRelayer(expiry: Int) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val paymentpreimage = BinaryData("42" * 32)
val paymentHash = Crypto.sha256(paymentpreimage)
override def receive: Receive = {
case channel: ActorRef => context become ready(channel)
def ready(channel: ActorRef): Receive = {
case 'start => context become main(sender, channel, 0, 0)
def main(origin: ActorRef, channel: ActorRef, htlcSent: Int, htlcInFlight: Int): Receive = {
case htlc: UpdateAddHtlc =>
val preimage = BinaryData("42" * 32)
sender ! CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(htlc.id, preimage)
sender ! CMD_SIGN
case (add: UpdateAddHtlc, fulfill: UpdateFulfillHtlc) =>
if (htlcInFlight <= 1) {
if (htlcSent < 100) {
log.info(s"already sent $htlcSent, inFlight=${htlcInFlight - 1}")
self ! 'add
} else {
origin ! "done"
context become main(origin, channel, htlcSent, htlcInFlight - 1)
case 'add =>
val cmds = for (i <- 0 to Random.nextInt(10)) yield CMD_ADD_HTLC(Random.nextInt(1000000) + 1000, paymentHash, 400144)
//val cmds = CMD_ADD_HTLC(Random.nextInt(1000000), paymentHash, expiry) :: Nil
cmds.foreach(channel ! _)
channel ! CMD_SIGN
context become main(origin, channel, htlcSent + cmds.size, htlcInFlight + cmds.size)
case "ok" => {}
test("fuzzy testing with only one party sending HTLCs") {
case (alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
sender.send(relayerA, 'start)
sender.send(relayerB, 'start)
relayerA ! 'add
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
var currentPipe = pipe
val task = system.scheduler.schedule(3 seconds, 3 seconds) {
val newPipe = system.actorOf(Props(new Pipe()))
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(500 millis) {
currentPipe ! INPUT_RECONNECTED(newPipe)
currentPipe = newPipe
sender.expectMsg(10 minutes, "done")
test("fuzzy testing in with both parties sending HTLCs") {
case (alice, bob, pipe, relayerA, relayerB) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
sender.send(relayerA, 'start)
sender.send(relayerB, 'start)
relayerA ! 'add
relayerB ! 'add
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
var currentPipe = pipe
val task = system.scheduler.schedule(3 seconds, 3 seconds) {
val newPipe = system.actorOf(Props(new Pipe()))
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(500 millis) {
currentPipe ! INPUT_RECONNECTED(newPipe)
currentPipe = newPipe
sender.expectMsg(10 minutes, "done")
sender.expectMsg(10 minutes, "done")

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.peer.CurrentBlockCount
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.states.StateTestsHelperMethods
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{Data, State, _}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{Binding, Local, Relayed}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{Bind, Local, Relayed}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.{IN, OUT}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{ClosingSigned, CommitSig, Error, RevokeAndAck, Shutdown, UpdateAddHtlc, UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFulfillHtlc}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TestBitcoinClient, TestConstants, TestkitBaseClass}
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class NormalStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
localChanges = initialState.commitments.localChanges.copy(proposed = htlc :: Nil),
unackedMessages = htlc :: Nil
relayer.expectMsg(Binding(htlc, origin = Local))
relayer.expectMsg(Bind(htlc, origin = Local(sender.ref)))
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class NormalStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
val sender = TestProbe()
val h = BinaryData("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff")
val originHtlc = UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = 4298564, id = 5656, amountMsat = 50000000, expiry = 400144, paymentHash = h, onionRoutingPacket = "00" * 1254)
val cmd = CMD_ADD_HTLC(originHtlc.amountMsat - 10000, h, originHtlc.expiry - 7, origin = Relayed(originHtlc))
val cmd = CMD_ADD_HTLC(originHtlc.amountMsat - 10000, h, originHtlc.expiry - 7, upstream_opt = Some(originHtlc))
sender.send(alice, cmd)
val htlc = alice2bob.expectMsgType[UpdateAddHtlc]
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class NormalStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
localNextHtlcId = 1,
localChanges = initialState.commitments.localChanges.copy(proposed = htlc :: Nil),
unackedMessages = htlc :: Nil)))
relayer.expectMsg(Binding(htlc, origin = Relayed(originHtlc)))
relayer.expectMsg(Bind(htlc, origin = Relayed(originHtlc)))
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ class NormalStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
val initialState = bob.stateData.asInstanceOf[DATA_NORMAL]
sender.send(bob, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(42, r))
sender.expectMsg("requirement failed: unknown htlc id=42")
sender.expectMsg("unknown htlc id=42")
assert(initialState == bob.stateData)

View file

@ -119,17 +119,16 @@ class OfflineStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
// => A expects rev2 but it will first receive rev1
val comm_a1_1 = comm_a
// A ignores rev1
assert(Commitments.isOldRevocation(comm_a1_1, ba_rev_1) === true)
assert(Commitments.receiveRevocation(comm_a1_1, ba_rev_1).isLeft)
// since A sent back sig2 so b replies with rev2
val comm_a1_2 = Commitments.receiveRevocation(comm_a1_1, ba_rev_2)
val comm_a1_2 = Commitments.receiveRevocation(comm_a1_1, ba_rev_2).right.get
assert(comm_a1_2.unackedMessages.map(Commitments.msg2String(_)).mkString(" ") === "")
// SCENARIO A2: B did receive sig2
// => A expects rev2 and will receive it
val comm_a2_1 = comm_a
// a will first receive sig2
assert(Commitments.isOldRevocation(comm_a2_1, ba_rev_2) === false)
val comm_a2_2 = Commitments.receiveRevocation(comm_a2_1, ba_rev_2)
val comm_a2_2 = Commitments.receiveRevocation(comm_a2_1, ba_rev_2).right.get
assert(comm_a2_2.unackedMessages.map(Commitments.msg2String(_)).mkString(" ") === "")
// SCENARIO B1: B did receive sig2

View file

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class ShutdownStateSpec extends TestkitBaseClass with StateTestsHelperMethods {
val sender = TestProbe()
val initialState = bob.stateData.asInstanceOf[DATA_SHUTDOWN]
sender.send(bob, CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(42, "12" * 32))
sender.expectMsg("requirement failed: unknown htlc id=42")
sender.expectMsg("unknown htlc id=42")
assert(initialState == bob.stateData)

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import akka.actor.Status.Failure
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
import fr.acinq.eclair.Globals
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.BaseRouterSpec
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFulfillHtlc}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
val Transition(_, WAITING_FOR_REQUEST, WAITING_FOR_ROUTE) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, WAITING_FOR_ROUTE, WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT_COMPLETE) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
sender.send(paymentFSM, PaymentFailed(null, request.paymentHash, "some reason"))
sender.send(paymentFSM, UpdateFailHtlc(0, 0, "some reason".getBytes))
val res = sender.expectMsgType[Failure]
assert(res.cause.getMessage === "some reason")
@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
val paymentFSM = system.actorOf(PaymentLifecycle.props(a, router))
val monitor = TestProbe()
val sender = TestProbe()
val eventListener = TestProbe()
system.eventStream.subscribe(eventListener.ref, classOf[PaymentEvent])
paymentFSM ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(monitor.ref)
val CurrentState(_, WAITING_FOR_REQUEST) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[CurrentState[_]])
@ -65,10 +68,11 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
val Transition(_, WAITING_FOR_REQUEST, WAITING_FOR_ROUTE) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
val Transition(_, WAITING_FOR_ROUTE, WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT_COMPLETE) = monitor.expectMsgClass(classOf[Transition[_]])
sender.send(paymentFSM, PaymentSent(null, request.paymentHash))
sender.send(paymentFSM, UpdateFulfillHtlc(0, 0, "42" * 32))
val res = sender.expectMsgType[String]
assert(res === "sent")

View file

@ -24,17 +24,15 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
// let's reuse the existing test data
import HtlcGenerationSpec._
type FixtureParam = Tuple3[ActorRef, TestProbe, TestProbe]
type FixtureParam = Tuple2[ActorRef, TestProbe]
override def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) = {
within(30 seconds) {
val paymentHandler = TestProbe()
val eventListener = TestProbe()
system.eventStream.subscribe(eventListener.ref, classOf[PaymentEvent])
// we are node B in the route A -> B -> C -> ....
val relayer = system.actorOf(Relayer.props(priv_b, paymentHandler.ref))
test((relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener))
test((relayer, paymentHandler))
@ -44,47 +42,49 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
val channelId_ab = 981408633
val channelId_bc = 237534
test("add a channel") { case (relayer, _, _) =>
test("add a channel") { case (relayer, _) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, 'upstreams)
sender.send(relayer, 'channels)
val upstreams = sender.expectMsgType[Set[OutgoingChannel]]
assert(upstreams === Set(OutgoingChannel(channelId_bc, channel_bc.ref, nodeId_c.hash160)))
test("remove a channel (mutual close)") { case (relayer, _, eventListener) =>
test("remove a channel (mutual close)") { case (relayer, _) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, 'upstreams)
sender.send(relayer, 'channels)
val upstreams1 = sender.expectMsgType[Set[OutgoingChannel]]
assert(upstreams1 === Set(OutgoingChannel(channelId_bc, channel_bc.ref, nodeId_c.hash160)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, SHUTDOWN, NEGOTIATING, DATA_NEGOTIATING(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null, null, null)))
sender.send(relayer, 'upstreams)
sender.send(relayer, 'channels)
val upstreams2 = sender.expectMsgType[Set[OutgoingChannel]]
assert(upstreams2 === Set.empty)
test("remove a channel (unilateral close)") { case (relayer, _, eventListener) =>
test("remove a channel (unilateral close)") { case (relayer, _) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, 'upstreams)
sender.send(relayer, 'channels)
val upstreams1 = sender.expectMsgType[Set[OutgoingChannel]]
assert(upstreams1 === Set(OutgoingChannel(channelId_bc, channel_bc.ref, nodeId_c.hash160)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, NORMAL, CLOSING, DATA_CLOSING(Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), None, Some(null), None, None, Nil)))
sender.send(relayer, 'upstreams)
sender.send(relayer, 'channels)
val upstreams2 = sender.expectMsgType[Set[OutgoingChannel]]
assert(upstreams2 === Set.empty)
test("send an event when we receive a payment") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("send an event when we receive a payment") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val eventListener = TestProbe()
system.eventStream.subscribe(eventListener.ref, classOf[PaymentEvent])
val add_ab = {
val cmd = buildCommand(finalAmountMsat, paymentHash, hops.take(1), currentBlockCount)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_ab, id = 123456, cmd.amountMsat, cmd.expiry, cmd.paymentHash, cmd.onion)
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val add1 = paymentHandler.expectMsgType[UpdateAddHtlc]
@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
test("relay an htlc-add") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("relay an htlc-add") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -112,17 +113,17 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
sender.expectNoMsg(1 second)
val cmd_bc = channel_bc.expectMsgType[CMD_ADD_HTLC]
paymentHandler.expectNoMsg(1 second)
assert(cmd_bc.origin === Relayed(add_ab))
assert(cmd_bc.upstream_opt === Some(add_ab))
test("fail to relay an htlc-add when there is no available upstream channel") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, _) =>
test("fail to relay an htlc-add when there is no available upstream channel") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_ab, id = 123456, cmd.amountMsat, cmd.expiry, cmd.paymentHash, cmd.onion)
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val fail = sender.expectMsgType[CMD_FAIL_HTLC]
channel_bc.expectNoMsg(1 second)
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
test("fail to relay an htlc-add when the onion is malformed") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, _) =>
test("fail to relay an htlc-add when the onion is malformed") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
// TODO: we should use the new update_fail_malformed_htlc message (see BOLT 2)
val sender = TestProbe()
@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_ab, id = 123456, cmd.amountMsat, cmd.expiry, cmd.paymentHash, "00" * 1254)
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val fail = sender.expectMsgType[CMD_FAIL_HTLC]
channel_bc.expectNoMsg(1 second)
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
test("relay an htlc-fulfill") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("relay an htlc-fulfill") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -177,46 +178,21 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_ab.ref, null, nodeId_a, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_ab), null)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val cmd_bc = channel_bc.expectMsgType[CMD_ADD_HTLC]
val add_bc = UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_bc, id = 987451, amountMsat = cmd_bc.amountMsat, expiry = cmd_bc.expiry, paymentHash = cmd_bc.paymentHash, onionRoutingPacket = cmd_bc.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
sender.send(relayer, Bind(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
// preimage is wrong, does not matter here
val fulfill_cb = UpdateFulfillHtlc(channelId = add_bc.channelId, id = add_bc.id, paymentPreimage = "00" * 32)
sender.send(relayer, (add_bc, fulfill_cb))
sender.send(relayer, ForwardFulfill(fulfill_cb))
val fulfill_ba = channel_ab.expectMsgType[CMD_FULFILL_HTLC]
eventListener.expectNoMsg(1 second)
assert(fulfill_ba.id === add_ab.id)
test("send an event when we receive an htlc-fulfill and we were the initiator") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
// note we simulate this by not having a binding for this channel
val add_ab = {
val cmd = buildCommand(finalAmountMsat, paymentHash, hops.take(1), currentBlockCount)
// and then manually build an htlc
UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_ab, id = 123456, cmd.amountMsat, cmd.expiry, cmd.paymentHash, cmd.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_ab, Local))
// preimage is wrong, does not matter here
val fulfill_cb = UpdateFulfillHtlc(channelId = add_ab.channelId, id = add_ab.id, paymentPreimage = "00" * 32)
sender.send(relayer, (add_ab, fulfill_cb))
channel_ab.expectNoMsg(1 second)
test("relay an htlc-fail") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("relay an htlc-fail") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -229,44 +205,20 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_ab.ref, null, nodeId_a, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_ab), null)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val cmd_bc = channel_bc.expectMsgType[CMD_ADD_HTLC]
val add_bc = UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_bc, id = 987451, amountMsat = cmd_bc.amountMsat, expiry = cmd_bc.expiry, paymentHash = cmd_bc.paymentHash, onionRoutingPacket = cmd_bc.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
sender.send(relayer, Bind(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
val fail_cb = UpdateFailHtlc(channelId = add_bc.channelId, id = add_bc.id, reason = "some reason".getBytes())
sender.send(relayer, (add_bc, fail_cb))
sender.send(relayer, ForwardFail(fail_cb))
val fulfill_ba = channel_ab.expectMsgType[CMD_FAIL_HTLC]
eventListener.expectNoMsg(1 second)
assert(fulfill_ba.id === add_ab.id)
test("send an event when we receive an htlc-fail and we were the initiator") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
// note we simulate this by not having a binding for this channel
val add_ab = {
val cmd = buildCommand(finalAmountMsat, paymentHash, hops, currentBlockCount)
// and then manually build an htlc
UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_ab, id = 123456, cmd.amountMsat, cmd.expiry, cmd.paymentHash, cmd.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_ab, Local))
val fail_cb = UpdateFailHtlc(channelId = add_ab.channelId, id = add_ab.id, reason = "some reason".getBytes())
sender.send(relayer, (add_ab, fail_cb))
channel_ab.expectNoMsg(1 second)
test("extract a payment preimage from an onchain tx (extract from witnessHtlcSuccess script)") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("extract a payment preimage from an onchain tx (extract from witnessHtlcSuccess script)") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -279,23 +231,21 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_ab.ref, null, nodeId_a, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_ab), null)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val cmd_bc = channel_bc.expectMsgType[CMD_ADD_HTLC]
val add_bc = UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_bc, id = 987451, amountMsat = cmd_bc.amountMsat, expiry = cmd_bc.expiry, paymentHash = cmd_bc.paymentHash, onionRoutingPacket = cmd_bc.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
sender.send(relayer, Bind(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
// actual test starts here
val tx = Transaction(version = 0, txIn = TxIn(outPoint = OutPoint("22" * 32, 0), signatureScript = "", sequence = 0, witness = Scripts.witnessHtlcSuccess("11" * 70, "22" * 70, paymentPreimage, "33" * 130)) :: Nil, txOut = Nil, lockTime = 0)
sender.send(relayer, WatchEventSpent(BITCOIN_HTLC_SPENT, tx))
val cmd_ab = channel_ab.expectMsgType[CMD_FULFILL_HTLC]
assert(cmd_ab.id === add_ab.id)
test("extract a payment preimage from an onchain tx (extract from witnessClaimHtlcSuccessFromCommitTx script)") { case (relayer, paymentHandler, eventListener) =>
test("extract a payment preimage from an onchain tx (extract from witnessClaimHtlcSuccessFromCommitTx script)") { case (relayer, paymentHandler) =>
val sender = TestProbe()
val channel_ab = TestProbe()
val channel_bc = TestProbe()
@ -308,17 +258,15 @@ class RelayerSpec extends TestkitBaseClass {
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_ab.ref, null, nodeId_a, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_ab), null)))
sender.send(relayer, ChannelChangedState(channel_bc.ref, null, nodeId_c, WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_LOCKED, NORMAL, DATA_NORMAL(null, Commitments(null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, channelId_bc), null)))
sender.send(relayer, add_ab)
sender.send(relayer, ForwardAdd(add_ab))
val cmd_bc = channel_bc.expectMsgType[CMD_ADD_HTLC]
val add_bc = UpdateAddHtlc(channelId = channelId_bc, id = 987451, amountMsat = cmd_bc.amountMsat, expiry = cmd_bc.expiry, paymentHash = cmd_bc.paymentHash, onionRoutingPacket = cmd_bc.onion)
sender.send(relayer, Binding(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
sender.send(relayer, Bind(add_bc, Relayed(add_ab)))
// actual test starts here
val tx = Transaction(version = 0, txIn = TxIn(outPoint = OutPoint("22" * 32, 0), signatureScript = "", sequence = 0, witness = Scripts.witnessClaimHtlcSuccessFromCommitTx("11" * 70, paymentPreimage, "33" * 130)) :: Nil, txOut = Nil, lockTime = 0)
sender.send(relayer, WatchEventSpent(BITCOIN_HTLC_SPENT, tx))
val cmd_ab = channel_ab.expectMsgType[CMD_FULFILL_HTLC]
assert(cmd_ab.id === add_ab.id)