Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair.git synced 2025-03-12 19:01:39 +01:00

Simplify SingleKeyOnChainWallet

Use a key manager to generate a local address and sign transactions (instead of signing them manually).
No functional changes.
This commit is contained in:
sstone 2025-02-28 17:35:26 +01:00
parent bd4cae9458
commit 5d7b0aeb9e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: E04E48E72C205463
2 changed files with 50 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -606,13 +606,6 @@ class BitcoinCoreClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient, val lockUtxos: Bool
pubKey <- extractPublicKey(address)
} yield pubKey
/** @return the public key hash of a bech32 raw change address. */
def getP2wpkhPubkeyHashForChange()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ByteVector] = for {
JString(changeAddress) <- rpcClient.invoke("getrawchangeaddress", "bech32")
_ <- extractPublicKey(changeAddress)
pubkeyHash = ByteVector.view(Bech32.decodeWitnessAddress(changeAddress).getThird)
} yield pubkeyHash
* Ask Bitcoin Core to fund and broadcast a tx that sends funds to a given pubkey script.
* If the current wallet uses Eclair to sign transaction, then we'll use our on-chain key manager to sign the transaction,

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@ -16,22 +16,24 @@
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Bech32
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.TxIn.SEQUENCE_FINAL
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.psbt.Psbt
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.psbt.{KeyPathWithMaster, Psbt}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.{Crypto, OutPoint, Satoshi, SatoshiLong, Script, Transaction, TxId, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Bech32, SigHash, SigVersion}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.DeterministicWallet.KeyPath
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.{Block, Crypto, OutPoint, Satoshi, SatoshiLong, Script, ScriptElt, Transaction, TxId, TxIn, TxOut, addressToPublicKeyScript}
import fr.acinq.eclair.TestUtils.randomTxId
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.OnChainWallet.{FundTransactionResponse, MakeFundingTxResponse, OnChainBalance, ProcessPsbtResponse}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.BitcoindService.SignTransactionResponse
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.BitcoinCoreClient.AddressType
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import fr.acinq.eclair.randomKey
import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.keymanager.LocalOnChainKeyManager
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.eclair.{TimestampSecond, randomBytes32}
import scodec.bits._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.SeqHasAsJava
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* Created by PM on 06/07/2017.
@ -138,8 +140,14 @@ class NoOpOnChainWallet extends OnChainWallet with OnchainPubkeyCache {
class SingleKeyOnChainWallet extends OnChainWallet with OnchainPubkeyCache {
val privkey = randomKey()
val pubkey = privkey.publicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
val keyManager = new LocalOnChainKeyManager("test-wallet", seed = randomBytes32(), walletTimestamp = TimestampSecond.now(), chainHash = Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash)
val keypath84 = KeyPath("m/84'/1'/0'/0/0")
val (pubkey, _) = keyManager.derivePublicKey(keypath84)
val address84 = pubkey.pub.p2wpkhAddress(Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash)
val Right(script84) = addressToPublicKeyScript(Block.RegtestGenesisBlock.hash, address84)
// We create a new dummy input transaction for every funding request.
var inputs = Seq.empty[Transaction]
val published = collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[TxId, Transaction]
@ -161,12 +169,12 @@ class SingleKeyOnChainWallet extends OnChainWallet with OnchainPubkeyCache {
val amountOut = tx.txOut.map(_.amount).sum
// We add a single input to reach the desired feerate.
val inputAmount = amountOut + 100_000.sat
val inputTx = Transaction(2, Seq(TxIn(OutPoint(randomTxId(), 1), Nil, 0)), Seq(TxOut(inputAmount, Script.pay2wpkh(pubkey))), 0)
val inputTx = Transaction(2, Seq(TxIn(OutPoint(randomTxId(), 1), Nil, 0)), Seq(TxOut(inputAmount, script84)), 0)
inputs = inputs :+ inputTx
val dummyWitness = Script.witnessPay2wpkh(pubkey, ByteVector.fill(73)(0))
val dummySignedTx = tx.copy(
txIn = tx.txIn.filterNot(i => externalInputsWeight.contains(i.outPoint)).map(_.copy(witness = dummyWitness)) :+ TxIn(OutPoint(inputTx, 0), ByteVector.empty, 0, dummyWitness),
txOut = tx.txOut :+ TxOut(inputAmount, Script.pay2wpkh(pubkey)),
txOut = tx.txOut :+ TxOut(inputAmount, script84),
val fee = Transactions.weight2fee(feeRate, dummySignedTx.weight() + externalInputsWeight.values.sum.toInt)
feeBudget_opt match {
@ -175,25 +183,12 @@ class SingleKeyOnChainWallet extends OnChainWallet with OnchainPubkeyCache {
case _ =>
val fundedTx = tx.copy(
txIn = tx.txIn :+ TxIn(OutPoint(inputTx, 0), Nil, 0),
txOut = tx.txOut :+ TxOut(inputAmount + currentAmountIn - amountOut - fee, Script.pay2wpkh(pubkey)),
txOut = tx.txOut :+ TxOut(inputAmount + currentAmountIn - amountOut - fee, script84),
Future.successful(FundTransactionResponse(fundedTx, fee, Some(tx.txOut.length)))
private def signTransaction(tx: Transaction): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = {
val signedTx = tx.txIn.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(tx) {
case (currentTx, (txIn, index)) => inputs.find(_.txid == txIn.outPoint.txid) match {
case Some(inputTx) =>
val sig = Transaction.signInput(currentTx, index, Script.pay2pkh(pubkey), SigHash.SIGHASH_ALL, inputTx.txOut.head.amount, SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0, privkey)
currentTx.updateWitness(index, Script.witnessPay2wpkh(pubkey, sig))
case None => currentTx
val complete = tx.txIn.forall(txIn => inputs.exists(_.txid == txIn.outPoint.txid))
Future.successful(SignTransactionResponse(signedTx, complete))
override def publishTransaction(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[TxId] = {
inputs = inputs :+ tx
published += (tx.txid -> tx)
@ -202,36 +197,47 @@ class SingleKeyOnChainWallet extends OnChainWallet with OnchainPubkeyCache {
override def signPsbt(psbt: Psbt, ourInputs: Seq[Int], ourOutputs: Seq[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ProcessPsbtResponse] = {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
implicit def scala2kmpScript(input: Seq[ScriptElt]): java.util.List[fr.acinq.bitcoin.ScriptElt] = input.map(scala2kmp).asJava
val tx: Transaction = psbt.global.tx
val signedPsbt = tx.txIn.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(new Psbt(tx)) {
case (currentPsbt, (txIn, index)) => inputs.find(_.txid == txIn.outPoint.txid) match {
case Some(inputTx) =>
val sig = Transaction.signInput(tx, index, Script.pay2pkh(pubkey), SigHash.SIGHASH_ALL, inputTx.txOut.head.amount, SigVersion.SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0, privkey)
val updated = currentPsbt.updateWitnessInput(
updated.finalizeWitnessInput(txIn.outPoint, Script.witnessPay2wpkh(pubkey, sig)).getRight
case None => currentPsbt
val globalTx: Transaction = psbt.global.tx
// update our inputs
val upatedPsbt = globalTx.txIn.foldLeft(psbt) {
case (currentPsbt, txIn) => inputs.find(_.txid == txIn.outPoint.txid) match {
case Some(inputTx) if inputTx.txOut(txIn.outPoint.index.toInt).publicKeyScript == Script.write(script84) =>
val Right(updated) = for {
p0 <- currentPsbt.updateWitnessInput(txIn.outPoint, inputTx.txOut(txIn.outPoint.index.toInt), null, Script.pay2pkh(pubkey), null, java.util.Map.of(pubkey, new KeyPathWithMaster(0, keypath84)), null, null, java.util.Map.of())
p1 <- p0.updateNonWitnessInput(inputTx, txIn.outPoint.index.toInt, null, null, java.util.Map.of())
} yield p1
case _ => currentPsbt
val complete = signedPsbt.extract().isRight
Future.successful(ProcessPsbtResponse(signedPsbt, complete))
// update our outputs
val updatedPsbt1 = globalTx.txOut.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(upatedPsbt) {
case (currentPsbt, (txOut, index)) if txOut.publicKeyScript == Script.write(script84) => {
currentPsbt.updateWitnessOutput(index, null, null, java.util.Map.of(pubkey, new KeyPathWithMaster(0, keypath84)), null, java.util.Map.of()).getRight
case (currentPsbt, _) => currentPsbt
keyManager.sign(updatedPsbt1, ourInputs, ourOutputs) match {
case Success(signedPsbt) => Future.successful(ProcessPsbtResponse(signedPsbt, signedPsbt.extract().isRight))
case Failure(error) => Future.failed(error)
override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: FeeratePerKw, feeBudget_opt: Option[Satoshi])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] = {
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.KotlinUtils._
val tx = Transaction(2, Nil, Seq(TxOut(amount, pubkeyScript)), 0)
for {
fundedTx <- fundTransaction(tx, feeRatePerKw, feeBudget_opt = feeBudget_opt)
signedTx <- signTransaction(fundedTx.tx)
} yield MakeFundingTxResponse(signedTx.tx, 0, fundedTx.fee)
psbt = new Psbt(fundedTx.tx)
signedPsbt <- signPsbt(psbt, fundedTx.tx.txIn.indices, Nil)
Right(signedTx) = signedPsbt.finalTx_opt
} yield MakeFundingTxResponse(signedTx, 0, fundedTx.fee)
override def commit(tx: Transaction)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(true)