mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 19:37:35 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' into android
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 59 additions and 23 deletions
@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ class ElectrumClient(serverAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssl: SSL)(implicit val ec
val (height, header) = parseBlockHeader(json.result)
log.debug("connected to server={}, tip={} height={}", serverAddress, header.hash, height)
statusListeners.map(_ ! ElectrumReady(height, header, serverAddress))
context become connected(ctx, height, header, "", Map())
context become connected(ctx, height, header, Map())
case AddStatusListener(actor) => statusListeners += actor
def connected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, height: Int, tip: BlockHeader, buffer: String, requests: Map[String, (Request, ActorRef)]): Receive = {
def connected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, height: Int, tip: BlockHeader, requests: Map[String, (Request, ActorRef)]): Receive = {
case AddStatusListener(actor) =>
statusListeners += actor
actor ! ElectrumReady(height, tip, serverAddress)
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class ElectrumClient(serverAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssl: SSL)(implicit val ec
context watch actor
case _ => ()
context become connected(ctx, height, tip, buffer, requests + (curReqId -> (request, sender())))
context become connected(ctx, height, tip, requests + (curReqId -> (request, sender())))
case Right(json: JsonRPCResponse) =>
requests.get(json.id) match {
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class ElectrumClient(serverAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssl: SSL)(implicit val ec
case None =>
log.warning("server={} could not find requestor for reqId=${} response={}", serverAddress, json.id, json)
context become connected(ctx, height, tip, buffer, requests - json.id)
context become connected(ctx, height, tip, requests - json.id)
case Left(response: HeaderSubscriptionResponse) => headerSubscriptions.map(_ ! response)
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class ElectrumClient(serverAddress: InetSocketAddress, ssl: SSL)(implicit val ec
case HeaderSubscriptionResponse(height, newtip) =>
log.info("server={} new tip={}", serverAddress, newtip)
context become connected(ctx, height, newtip, buffer, requests)
context become connected(ctx, height, newtip, requests)
@ -127,8 +127,13 @@ class ElectrumWallet(seed: BinaryData, client: ActorRef, params: ElectrumWallet.
pendingTransactionRequests = Set(),
pendingTransactions = persisted.pendingTransactions,
lastReadyMessage = None)
case _ =>
log.info("starting with a default wallet")
case Success(None) =>
log.info(s"wallet db is empty, starting with a default wallet")
val firstAccountKeys = (0 until params.swipeRange).map(i => derivePrivateKey(accountMaster, i)).toVector
val firstChangeKeys = (0 until params.swipeRange).map(i => derivePrivateKey(changeMaster, i)).toVector
Data(params, blockchain1, firstAccountKeys, firstChangeKeys)
case Failure(exception) =>
log.info(s"cannot read wallet db ($exception), starting with a default wallet")
val firstAccountKeys = (0 until params.swipeRange).map(i => derivePrivateKey(accountMaster, i)).toVector
val firstChangeKeys = (0 until params.swipeRange).map(i => derivePrivateKey(changeMaster, i)).toVector
Data(params, blockchain1, firstAccountKeys, firstChangeKeys)
@ -331,9 +336,11 @@ class ElectrumWallet(seed: BinaryData, client: ActorRef, params: ElectrumWallet.
case (Some(previousHeight), height) if previousHeight != height =>
// there was a reorg
context.system.eventStream.publish(TransactionConfidenceChanged(txid, confirmations, data.computeTimestamp(txid, params.walletDb)))
client ! GetMerkle(txid, height.toInt)
case (Some(previousHeight), height) if previousHeight == height && data.proofs.get(txid).isEmpty =>
if (height > 0) {
client ! GetMerkle(txid, height.toInt)
case (Some(previousHeight), height) if previousHeight == height && height > 0 && data.proofs.get(txid).isEmpty =>
client ! GetMerkle(txid, height.toInt)
case (Some(previousHeight), height) if previousHeight == height =>
@ -440,7 +447,10 @@ class ElectrumWallet(seed: BinaryData, client: ActorRef, params: ElectrumWallet.
case Event(ElectrumClient.ElectrumDisconnected, data) =>
log.info(s"wallet got disconnected")
// remove status for each script hash for which we have pending requests
// this will make us query script hash history for these script hashes again when we reconnect
goto(DISCONNECTED) using data.copy(
status = data.status -- data.pendingHistoryRequests,
pendingHistoryRequests = Set(),
pendingTransactionRequests = Set(),
pendingHeadersRequests = Set(),
@ -650,8 +660,7 @@ object ElectrumWallet {
* @param blockchain blockchain
* @param accountKeys account keys
* @param changeKeys change keys
* @param status script hash -> status; "" means that the script hash has not been used
* yet
* @param status script hash -> status; "" means that the script hash has not been used yet
* @param transactions wallet transactions
* @param heights transactions heights
* @param history script hash -> history
@ -665,7 +674,7 @@ object ElectrumWallet {
changeKeys: Vector[ExtendedPrivateKey],
status: Map[BinaryData, String],
transactions: Map[BinaryData, Transaction],
heights: Map[BinaryData, Long],
heights: Map[BinaryData, Int],
history: Map[BinaryData, List[ElectrumClient.TransactionHistoryItem]],
proofs: Map[BinaryData, GetMerkleResponse],
locks: Set[Transaction],
@ -1000,7 +1009,7 @@ object ElectrumWallet {
history + (scriptHash -> entry)
this.copy(locks = this.locks - tx, transactions = this.transactions + (tx.txid -> tx), heights = this.heights + (tx.txid -> 0L), history = history1)
this.copy(locks = this.locks - tx, transactions = this.transactions + (tx.txid -> tx), heights = this.heights + (tx.txid -> 0), history = history1)
@ -1038,7 +1047,7 @@ object ElectrumWallet {
changeKeysCount: Int,
status: Map[BinaryData, String],
transactions: Map[BinaryData, Transaction],
heights: Map[BinaryData, Long],
heights: Map[BinaryData, Int],
history: Map[BinaryData, List[ElectrumClient.TransactionHistoryItem]],
proofs: Map[BinaryData, GetMerkleResponse],
pendingTransactions: List[Transaction],
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ object SqliteWalletDb {
(wire: BitVector) => statusListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
val heightsListCodec: Codec[List[(BinaryData, Long)]] = listOfN(uint16, binarydata(32) ~ uint32)
val heightsListCodec: Codec[List[(BinaryData, Int)]] = listOfN(uint16, binarydata(32) ~ int32)
val heightsCodec: Codec[Map[BinaryData, Long]] = Codec[Map[BinaryData, Long]](
(map: Map[BinaryData, Long]) => heightsListCodec.encode(map.toList),
val heightsCodec: Codec[Map[BinaryData, Int]] = Codec[Map[BinaryData, Int]](
(map: Map[BinaryData, Int]) => heightsListCodec.encode(map.toList),
(wire: BitVector) => heightsListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
@ -194,9 +194,17 @@ object SqliteWalletDb {
(wire: BitVector) => proofsListCodec.decode(wire).map(_.map(_.toMap))
* change this value
* -if the new codec is incompatible with the old one
* - OR if you want to force a full sync from Electrum servers
val version = 0x0000
val persistentDataCodec: Codec[PersistentData] = (
("accountKeysCount" | int32) ::
("version" | constant(BitVector.fromInt(version))) ::
("accountKeysCount" | int32) ::
("changeKeysCount" | int32) ::
("status" | statusCodec) ::
("transactions" | transactionsCodec) ::
("heights" | heightsCodec) ::
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ case class Commitments(localParams: LocalParams, remoteParams: RemoteParams,
def availableBalanceForSendMsat: Long = {
val reduced = CommitmentSpec.reduce(remoteCommit.spec, remoteChanges.acked, localChanges.proposed)
val fees = if (localParams.isFunder) Transactions.commitTxFee(Satoshi(remoteParams.dustLimitSatoshis), reduced).amount else 0
reduced.toRemoteMsat / 1000 - remoteParams.channelReserveSatoshis - fees
val feesMsat = if (localParams.isFunder) Transactions.commitTxFee(Satoshi(remoteParams.dustLimitSatoshis), reduced).amount * 1000 else 0
reduced.toRemoteMsat - remoteParams.channelReserveSatoshis * 1000 - feesMsat
@ -229,4 +229,20 @@ class ElectrumWalletSimulatedClientSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) wit
wallet ! HeaderSubscriptionResponse(wallet.stateData.blockchain.tip.height + 1, bad)
test("clear status when we have pending history requests") {
while (client.msgAvailable) {
client.receiveOne(100 milliseconds)
// tell wallet that there is something for our first account key
val scriptHash = ElectrumWallet.computeScriptHashFromPublicKey(wallet.stateData.accountKeys(0).publicKey)
wallet ! ScriptHashSubscriptionResponse(scriptHash, "010101")
assert(wallet.stateData.status(scriptHash) == "010101")
// disconnect wallet
wallet ! ElectrumDisconnected
awaitCond(wallet.stateName == ElectrumWallet.DISCONNECTED)
@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ class SqliteWalletDbSpec extends FunSuite {
def randomHistoryItem = ElectrumClient.TransactionHistoryItem(random.nextInt(1000000), randomBytes(32))
def randomHeight = if (random.nextBoolean()) random.nextInt(500000) else -1
def randomHistoryItem = ElectrumClient.TransactionHistoryItem(randomHeight, randomBytes(32))
def randomHistoryItems = (0 to random.nextInt(100)).map(_ => randomHistoryItem).toList
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ class SqliteWalletDbSpec extends FunSuite {
changeKeysCount = 10,
status = (for (i <- 0 until random.nextInt(100)) yield randomBytes(32) -> random.nextInt(100000).toHexString).toMap,
transactions = transactions.map(tx => tx.hash -> tx).toMap,
heights = transactions.map(tx => tx.hash -> random.nextInt(500000).toLong).toMap,
heights = transactions.map(tx => tx.hash -> randomHeight).toMap,
history = (for (i <- 0 until random.nextInt(100)) yield randomBytes(32) -> randomHistoryItems).toMap,
proofs = (for (i <- 0 until random.nextInt(100)) yield randomBytes(32) -> randomProof).toMap,
pendingTransactions = transactions.toList,
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ trait StateTestsHelperMethods extends TestKitBase {
bob2blockchain.expectMsgType[WatchConfirmed] // deeply buried
awaitCond(alice.stateName == NORMAL)
awaitCond(bob.stateName == NORMAL)
assert(bob.stateData.asInstanceOf[DATA_NORMAL].commitments.availableBalanceForSendMsat == pushMsat - TestConstants.Alice.channelParams.channelReserveSatoshis * 1000)
// x2 because alice and bob share the same relayer
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