mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 14:50:46 +01:00
[WIP] port to new service more 'calls'
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 147 additions and 70 deletions
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class Setup(datadir: File,
// override val socketHandler = makeSocketHandler(system)(materializer)
val httpBound = Http().bindAndHandle(api.motherRoute, config.getString("api.binding-ip"), config.getInt("api.port")).recover {
val httpBound = Http().bindAndHandle(api.route, config.getString("api.binding-ip"), config.getInt("api.port")).recover {
case _: BindFailedException => throw TCPBindException(config.getInt("api.port"))
val httpTimeout = after(5 seconds, using = system.scheduler)(Future.failed(TCPBindException(config.getInt("api.port"))))
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions.{InputInfo, TransactionWithInpu
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{ShortChannelId, UInt64}
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import org.json4s.{CustomKeySerializer, CustomSerializer}
import org.json4s.{CustomKeySerializer, CustomSerializer, jackson}
* JSON Serializers.
@ -144,3 +144,34 @@ class PaymentRequestSerializer extends CustomSerializer[PaymentRequest](format =
JField("minFinalCltvExpiry", if (p.minFinalCltvExpiry.isDefined) JLong(p.minFinalCltvExpiry.get) else JNull) ::
trait WithJsonSerializers {
implicit val serialization = jackson.Serialization
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats +
new BinaryDataSerializer +
new UInt64Serializer +
new MilliSatoshiSerializer +
new ShortChannelIdSerializer +
new StateSerializer +
new ShaChainSerializer +
new PublicKeySerializer +
new PrivateKeySerializer +
new ScalarSerializer +
new PointSerializer +
new TransactionSerializer +
new TransactionWithInputInfoSerializer +
new InetSocketAddressSerializer +
new OutPointSerializer +
new OutPointKeySerializer +
new InputInfoSerializer +
new ColorSerializer +
new RouteResponseSerializer +
new ThrowableSerializer +
new FailureMessageSerializer +
new NodeAddressSerializer +
new DirectionSerializer +
new PaymentRequestSerializer
@ -8,101 +8,112 @@ import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{BinaryData, MilliSatoshi, Satoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{Kit, ShortChannelId}
import fr.acinq.eclair.io.{NodeURI, Peer}
import org.json4s.jackson
import Marshallers._
import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjson4s.Json4sSupport
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel.{CMD_CLOSE, Register}
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import fr.acinq.eclair.channel._
import fr.acinq.eclair.io.Peer.{GetPeerInfo, PeerInfo}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.NodeAddress
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
trait NewService {
trait NewService extends WithJsonSerializers {
def appKit: Kit
def getInfoResponse: Future[GetInfoResponse]
implicit val ec = appKit.system.dispatcher
implicit val serialization = jackson.Serialization
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats +
new BinaryDataSerializer +
new UInt64Serializer +
new MilliSatoshiSerializer +
new ShortChannelIdSerializer +
new StateSerializer +
new ShaChainSerializer +
new PublicKeySerializer +
new PrivateKeySerializer +
new ScalarSerializer +
new PointSerializer +
new TransactionSerializer +
new TransactionWithInputInfoSerializer +
new InetSocketAddressSerializer +
new OutPointSerializer +
new OutPointKeySerializer +
new InputInfoSerializer +
new ColorSerializer +
new RouteResponseSerializer +
new ThrowableSerializer +
new FailureMessageSerializer +
new NodeAddressSerializer +
new DirectionSerializer +
new PaymentRequestSerializer
implicit val timeout = Timeout(60 seconds)
implicit val shouldWritePretty: ShouldWritePretty = ShouldWritePretty.True
import Json4sSupport.{marshaller, unmarshaller}
val connectRoute: Route = path("connect") {
parameters("nodeId".as[PublicKey], "address".as[NodeAddress]) { (nodeId, addr) =>
} ~ parameters("uri") { uri =>
val channelIdNamedParameter = "channelId".as[PublicKey]
val openRoute: Route = path("open") {
parameters("nodeId".as[PublicKey], "fundingSatoshis".as[Long], "pushMsat".as[Long].?, "fundingFeerateSatByte".as[Long].?, "channelFlags".as[Int].?) {
(nodeId, fundingSatoshis, pushMsat, fundingFeerateSatByte, channelFlags) =>
open(nodeId, fundingSatoshis, pushMsat, fundingFeerateSatByte, channelFlags)
val closeRoute: Route = path("close") {
parameters("channelId".as[BinaryData](sha256HashUnmarshaller), "scriptPubKey".as[BinaryData](binaryDataUnmarshaller).?) { (channelId: BinaryData, scriptPubKey_opt: Option[BinaryData]) =>
close(channelId.toString(), scriptPubKey_opt)
val getInfoRoute: Route = path("getinfo") {
val motherRoute: Route = {
val route: Route = {
get {
connectRoute ~
openRoute ~
closeRoute ~
path("getinfo") {
} ~
path("help") {
path("connect") {
parameters("nodeId".as[PublicKey], "address".as[NodeAddress]) { (nodeId, addr) =>
} ~ parameters("uri") { uri =>
} ~
path("open") {
parameters("nodeId".as[PublicKey], "fundingSatoshis".as[Long], "pushMsat".as[Long].?, "fundingFeerateSatByte".as[Long].?, "channelFlags".as[Int].?) {
(nodeId, fundingSatoshis, pushMsat, fundingFeerateSatByte, channelFlags) =>
complete(open(nodeId, fundingSatoshis, pushMsat, fundingFeerateSatByte, channelFlags))
} ~
path("close") {
parameters(channelIdNamedParameter, "scriptPubKey".as[BinaryData](binaryDataUnmarshaller).?) { (channelId, scriptPubKey_opt) =>
complete(close(channelId.toString(), scriptPubKey_opt))
} ~
path("forceclose") {
parameters(channelIdNamedParameter) { channelId =>
} ~
path("updaterelayfee") {
parameters(channelIdNamedParameter, "feeBaseMsat".as[Long], "feeProportionalMillionths".as[Long]) { (channelId, feeBase, feeProportional) =>
complete(updateRelayFee(channelId.toString, feeBase, feeProportional))
} ~
path("peers") {
} ~
path("channels") {
parameters(channelIdNamedParameter.?) { channelId_opt =>
def connect(uri: String) : Route = {
complete((appKit.switchboard ? Peer.Connect(NodeURI.parse(uri))).mapTo[String])
def connect(uri: String): Future[String] = {
(appKit.switchboard ? Peer.Connect(NodeURI.parse(uri))).mapTo[String]
def open(nodeId: PublicKey, fundingSatoshis: Long, pushMsat: Option[Long], fundingFeerateSatByte: Option[Long], flags: Option[Int]): Route = {
complete((appKit.switchboard ? Peer.OpenChannel(
def open(nodeId: PublicKey, fundingSatoshis: Long, pushMsat: Option[Long], fundingFeerateSatByte: Option[Long], flags: Option[Int]): Future[String] = {
(appKit.switchboard ? Peer.OpenChannel(
remoteNodeId = nodeId,
fundingSatoshis = Satoshi(fundingSatoshis),
pushMsat = pushMsat.map(MilliSatoshi).getOrElse(MilliSatoshi(0)),
fundingTxFeeratePerKw_opt = fundingFeerateSatByte,
channelFlags = flags.map(_.toByte))).mapTo[String])
channelFlags = flags.map(_.toByte))).mapTo[String]
def close(channelId: String, scriptPubKey: Option[BinaryData]) = {
complete(sendToChannel(channelId, CMD_CLOSE(scriptPubKey)).mapTo[String])
def close(channelId: String, scriptPubKey: Option[BinaryData]): Future[String] = {
sendToChannel(channelId, CMD_CLOSE(scriptPubKey)).mapTo[String]
def forceClose(channelId: String): Future[String] = {
sendToChannel(channelId, CMD_FORCECLOSE).mapTo[String]
def updateRelayFee(channelId: String, feeBaseMsat: Long, feeProportionalMillionths: Long): Future[String] = {
sendToChannel(channelId, CMD_UPDATE_RELAY_FEE(feeBaseMsat, feeProportionalMillionths)).mapTo[String]
def peersInfo(): Future[Iterable[PeerInfo]] = for {
peers <- (appKit.switchboard ? 'peers).mapTo[Iterable[ActorRef]]
peerinfos <- Future.sequence(peers.map(peer => (peer ? GetPeerInfo).mapTo[PeerInfo]))
} yield peerinfos
def channels(channelIdFilter: Option[PublicKey]): Future[Iterable[RES_GETINFO]] = channelIdFilter match {
case Some(pk) => for {
channelsId <- (appKit.register ? 'channelsTo).mapTo[Map[BinaryData, PublicKey]].map(_.filter(_._2 == pk).keys)
channels <- Future.sequence(channelsId.map(channelId => sendToChannel(channelId.toString(), CMD_GETINFO).mapTo[RES_GETINFO]))
} yield channels
case None => for {
channels_id <- (appKit.register ? 'channels).mapTo[Map[BinaryData, ActorRef]].map(_.keys)
channels <- Future.sequence(channels_id.map(channel_id => sendToChannel(channel_id.toString(), CMD_GETINFO).mapTo[RES_GETINFO]))
} yield channels
@ -120,4 +131,39 @@ trait NewService {
res <- appKit.register ? fwdReq
} yield res
def help = List(
"connect (uri): open a secure connection to a lightning node",
"connect (nodeId, host, port): open a secure connection to a lightning node",
"open (nodeId, fundingSatoshis, pushMsat = 0, feerateSatPerByte = ?, channelFlags = 0x01): open a channel with another lightning node, by default push = 0, feerate for the funding tx targets 6 blocks, and channel is announced",
"updaterelayfee (channelId, feeBaseMsat, feeProportionalMillionths): update relay fee for payments going through this channel",
"peers: list existing local peers",
"channels: list existing local channels",
"channels (nodeId): list existing local channels to a particular nodeId",
"channel (channelId): retrieve detailed information about a given channel",
"channelstats: retrieves statistics about channel usage (fees, number and average amount of payments)",
"allnodes: list all known nodes",
"allchannels: list all known channels",
"allupdates: list all channels updates",
"allupdates (nodeId): list all channels updates for this nodeId",
"receive (amountMsat, description): generate a payment request for a given amount",
"receive (amountMsat, description, expirySeconds): generate a payment request for a given amount with a description and a number of seconds till it expires",
"parseinvoice (paymentRequest): returns node, amount and payment hash in a payment request",
"findroute (paymentRequest): returns nodes and channels of the route if there is any",
"findroute (paymentRequest, amountMsat): returns nodes and channels of the route if there is any",
"findroute (nodeId, amountMsat): returns nodes and channels of the route if there is any",
"send (amountMsat, paymentHash, nodeId): send a payment to a lightning node",
"send (paymentRequest): send a payment to a lightning node using a BOLT11 payment request",
"send (paymentRequest, amountMsat): send a payment to a lightning node using a BOLT11 payment request and a custom amount",
"close (channelId): close a channel",
"close (channelId, scriptPubKey): close a channel and send the funds to the given scriptPubKey",
"forceclose (channelId): force-close a channel by publishing the local commitment tx (careful: this is more expensive than a regular close and will incur a delay before funds are spendable)",
"checkpayment (paymentHash): returns true if the payment has been received, false otherwise",
"checkpayment (paymentRequest): returns true if the payment has been received, false otherwise",
"audit: list all send/received/relayed payments",
"audit (from, to): list send/received/relayed payments in that interval (from <= timestamp < to)",
"networkfees: list all network fees paid to the miners, by transaction",
"networkfees (from, to): list network fees paid to the miners, by transaction, in that interval (from <= timestamp < to)",
"getinfo: returns info about the blockchain and this node",
"help: display this message")
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