Whenever an anchor outputs channel force-closes, we regularly bump the fees of the commitment transaction to get it to confirm.
We previously ensured that the fees paid couldn't exceed 5% of our channel balance, but that may already be extremely high for large channels.
Without package relay, our anchor transactions may not propagate to miners, and eclair may end up bumping the fees more than the actual feerate, because it cannot know why the transaction isn't confirming.
We introduced a new parameter to control the maximum fee that will be paid during fee-bumping, that node operators may configure:
// maximum amount of fees we will pay to bump an anchor output when we have no HTLC at risk
Eclair used to disable a channel when there was no liquidity on our side so that other nodes stop trying to use it.
However, other implementations use disabled channels as a sign that the other peer is offline.
To be consistent with other implementations, we now only disable channels when our peer is offline and signal that a channel has very low balance by setting htlc_maximum_msat to a low value.
The balance thresholds at which to update htlc_maximum_msat are configurable like this:
eclair.channel.channel-update {
balance-thresholds = [{
available-sat = 1000 // If our balance goes below this,
max-htlc-sat = 0 // set the maximum HTLC amount to this (or htlc-minimum-msat if it's higher).
available-sat = 10000
max-htlc-sat = 1000
min-time-between-updates = 1 hour // minimum time between channel updates because the balance changed
This feature leaks a bit of information about the balance when the channel is almost empty, if you do not wish to use it, set `eclair.channel.channel-update.balance-thresholds = []`.
-`open` now takes an optional parameter `--fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis` to define the maximum acceptable value for the mining fee of the funding transaction. This mining fee can sometimes be unexpectedly high depending on available UTXOs in the wallet. Default value is 0.1% of the funding amount (#2808)
-`rbfopen` now takes a mandatory parameter `--fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis`, with the same semantics as for `open` (#2808)
You will need `gpg` and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:
- from our website: https://acinq.co/pgp/drouinf.asc
- from github user @sstone, a committer on eclair: https://api.github.com/users/sstone/gpg_keys
To import our signing key:
$ gpg --import drouinf.asc
To verify the release file checksums and signatures:
$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped
## Building
Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):
- Ubuntu 22.04
- AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
- Maven 3.9.2
Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
That should generate `eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version>-XXXXXXX-bin.zip` with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in `SHA256SUMS.asc`
(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.
## Upgrading
This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.