### Alternate strategy to avoid mass force-close of channels in certain cases
The default strategy, when an unhandled exception or internal error happens, is to locally force-close the channel. Not only is there a delay before the channel balance gets refunded, but if the exception was due to some misconfiguration or bug in eclair that affects all channels, we risk force-closing all channels.
This is why an alternative behavior is to simply log an error and stop the node. Note that if you don't closely monitor your node, there is a risk that your peers take advantage of the downtime to try and cheat by publishing a revoked commitment. Additionally, while there is no known way of triggering an internal error in eclair from the outside, there may very well be a bug that allows just that, which could be used as a way to remotely stop the node (with the default behavior, it would "only" cause a local force-close of the channel).
Eclair now supports the `option_onion_messages` feature (see <https://github.com/lightning/bolts/pull/759)>.
This feature is enabled by default: eclair will automatically relay onion messages it receives.
By default, eclair will only accept and relay onion messages from peers with whom you have channels.
You can change that strategy by updating `eclair.onion-messages.relay-policy` in your `eclair.conf`.
Eclair applies some rate-limiting on the number of messages that can be relayed to and from each peer.
You can choose what limits to apply by updating `eclair.onion-messages.max-per-peer-per-second` in your `eclair.conf`.
Whenever an onion message for your node is received, eclair will emit an event, that can for example be received on the websocket (`onion-message-received`).
You can also send onion messages via the API.
This will be covered in the API changes section below.
To disable the feature, you can simply update your `eclair.conf`:
Eclair now supports the `option_payment_metadata` feature (see https://github.com/lightning/bolts/pull/912).
This feature will let recipients generate "light" invoices that don't need to be stored locally until they're paid.
This is particularly useful for payment hubs that generate a lot of invoices (e.g. to be displayed on a website) but expect only a fraction of them to actually be paid.
Eclair includes a small `payment_metadata` field in all invoices it generates.
This lets node operators verify that payers actually support that feature.
- when you're sending to a known `nodeId`, you must set it in the `--recipientNode` field
- when you're sending to an unknown node behind a blinded route, you must provide the blinded route in the `--recipientBlindedRoute` field (hex-encoded)
If you're not connected to the recipient and don't have channels with them, eclair will try connecting to them based on the best address it knows (usually from their `node_announcement`).
If that fails, or if you don't want to expose your `nodeId` by directly connecting to the recipient, you should find a route to them and specify the nodes in that route in the `--intermediateNodes` field.
You can send arbitrary content to the recipient, by providing a hex-encoded tlv in the `--content` field.
If you expect a response, you should provide a route from the recipient back to you in the `--replyPath` field.
Eclair will create a corresponding blinded route, and the API will wait for a response (or timeout if it doesn't receive a response).
-`findroute`, `findroutetonode` and `findroutebetweennodes` supports new output format `full` (#1969)
-`findroute`, `findroutetonode` and `findroutebetweennodes` now accept `--ignoreNodeIds` to specify nodes you want to be ignored in path-finding (#1969)
-`findroute`, `findroutetonode` and `findroutebetweennodes` now accept `--ignoreShortChannelIds` to specify channels you want to be ignored in path-finding (#1969)
-`findroute`, `findroutetonode` and `findroutebetweennodes` now accept `--maxFeeMsat` to specify an upper bound of fees (#1969)
You will need `gpg` and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:
- from our website: https://acinq.co/pgp/drouinf.asc
- from github user @sstone, a committer on eclair: https://api.github.com/users/sstone/gpg_keys
To import our signing key:
$ gpg --import drouinf.asc
To verify the release file checksums and signatures:
$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped
## Building
Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):
- Ubuntu 20.04
- AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
- Maven 3.8.1
Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
That should generate `eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version>-XXXXXXX-bin.zip` with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in `SHA256SUMS.asc`
(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.
## Upgrading
This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.