Rusty Russell c04de577ab pyln-spec: update Makefile to use poetry for release, generate versions
1. Update default specdir to the new modern name.
2. Don't use python to extract version, use sed.
3. Use poetry publish.

Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
2022-09-22 15:29:08 +02:00

104 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/make
SPECDIR := ../../../bolts
# This gives us something like 'v1.0-137-gae2d248b7ad8b0965f224c303019ba04c661008f'
GITDESCRIBE := $(shell git -C $(SPECDIR) describe --abbrev=40)
# -> 1.0
BASEVERSION := $(shell echo $(GITDESCRIBE) | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-.*//')
# -> 137
POSTVERSION := $(shell echo $(GITDESCRIBE) | sed 's/[^-]*-\([^-]*\)-.*/\1/')
# This maintains -dirty, if present.
GITVERSION := $(shell echo $(GITDESCRIBE) | sed 's/.*-g//')
BOLTS := 1 2 4 7
DIRS := $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),bolt$b)
CODE_DIRS := $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),bolt$b/pyln/spec/bolt$b)
check: $(DIRS:%=check-pytest-%)
cd $* && pytest
check-source: check-source-flake8 check-source-mypy
check-source-flake8: $(DIRS:%=check-source-flake8-%)
check-source-mypy: $(DIRS:%=check-source-mypy-%)
cd $* && flake8 --ignore=E501,E731,W503,E741
# mypy . does not recurse. I have no idea why...
cd $* && mypy --ignore-missing-imports `find * -name '*.py'`
# Given a bolt number and a variable, get the value from inside the package.
extract = $(shell cat bolt$1/pyln/spec/bolt$1/gen_* | sed -n 's/^$2 = \"\(.*\)\"/\1/p')
# Get the version for this bolt
base_version = $(call extract,$1,__base_version__)
csv_version = $(call extract,$1,__csv_version__)
post_version = $(call extract,$1,__post_version__)
version = $(call base_version,$1).$(call csv_version,$1).$(call post_version,$1)
# Given a bolt number, get the current version.
sdistfiles = $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),bolt$b/dist/pyln-bolt$b-$(call version,$b).tar.gz)
bdistfiles = $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),bolt$b/dist/pyln_bolt$b-$(call version,$b)-py3-none-any.whl)
cd $(dir $@)/.. && python3 sdist
cd $(dir $@)/.. && python3 bdist_wheel
ARTEFACTS := $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),$(call bdistfiles,$b) $(call sdistfiles,$b))
cd bolt$b && poetry publish --repository testpypi
test-release: $(BOLTS:%=prod-release-%)
cd bolt$b && poetry publish
prod-release: $(BOLTS:%=prod-release-%)
# Pattern rules don't work reliably with multiple % in prereqs!
refresh-1: bolt1/pyln/spec/bolt1/ bolt1/pyln/spec/bolt1/
cd bolt1 && poetry version $(call version,1)
refresh-2: bolt2/pyln/spec/bolt2/ bolt2/pyln/spec/bolt2/
cd bolt2 && poetry version $(call version,2)
refresh-4: bolt4/pyln/spec/bolt4/ bolt4/pyln/spec/bolt4/
cd bolt4 && poetry version $(call version,4)
refresh-7: bolt7/pyln/spec/bolt7/ bolt7/pyln/spec/bolt7/
cd bolt7 && poetry version $(call version,7)
refresh: $(BOLTS:%=refresh-%)
bolt1/pyln/spec/bolt1/ bolt1/pyln/spec/bolt1/ $(SPECDIR)/ Makefile
bolt2/pyln/spec/bolt2/ bolt2/pyln/spec/bolt2/ $(SPECDIR)/ Makefile
bolt4/pyln/spec/bolt4/ bolt4/pyln/spec/bolt4/ $(SPECDIR)/ Makefile
bolt7/pyln/spec/bolt7/ bolt7/pyln/spec/bolt7/ $(SPECDIR)/ Makefile
# Getting a bolt number from a target file is nontrivial.
boltnumfromfile = $(subst bolt,,$(word 1,$(subst /, ,$1)))
# Every time this is updated, it increments the version number.
# Only happens when CSV is actually different.
%/ %/
@VER=$$(($(call csv_version,$(call boltnumfromfile,$@)) + 1)); echo Upgrading $@ to $$VER; echo '__csv_version__ = "'$$VER'"' > $@
# This is changed every time text is changed.
%/ %/
echo '__base_version__ = "$(BASEVERSION)"' > $@
echo '__post_version__ = "$(POSTVERSION)"' >> $@
echo '__gitversion__ = "$(GITVERSION)"' >> $@
# We update iff it has changed.
@(echo csv = '['; python3 $(SPECDIR)/tools/ $< | sed 's/\(.*\)/ "\1",/'; echo ']') > $@.tmp
@if cmp $@ $@.tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm $@.tmp; echo '$@ unchanged'; else mv $@.tmp $@; fi
@echo 'desc = "'`head -n1 $< | cut -c3-`'"' > $@.tmp
@(echo -n 'text = """'; sed 's,\\,\\\\,g' < $<; echo '"""') >> $@.tmp
@if cmp $@ $@.tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm $@.tmp; echo '$@ unchanged'; else mv $@.tmp $@; fi