Christian Decker 6583f0dead pyln: Create a dedicated pyln-grpc-proto package
Having the grpc bindings in the pyln-testing package was always a bit
strange, however it came with additional issues. Due to the way that
protos are handled by protobuf, any name clash, independently of where
we import the protos, would cause an import error. This usually
happens in diamond-pattern dependencies, and so pull out the generated
files into their own package that everyone else can rely on.

2023-07-10 13:47:38 +09:30

30 lines
951 B

pyln/grpc/ \
pyln/grpc/ \
pyln/grpc/ \
../../cln-grpc/proto/node.proto \
python \
-m grpc_tools.protoc \
-I ../../cln-grpc/proto \
../../cln-grpc/proto/node.proto \
--python_out=pyln/grpc \
--grpc_python_out=pyln/grpc \
python \
-m grpc_tools.protoc \
-I ../../cln-grpc/proto \
../../cln-grpc/proto/primitives.proto \
--python_out=pyln/grpc \
# The package logic in grpc is very inflexible, let's rewrite
# the references between the generated sources
sed -i 's/import primitives_pb2 as primitives__pb2/from pyln.grpc import primitives_pb2 as primitives__pb2/g' pyln/grpc/
sed -i 's/import node_pb2 as node__pb2/from pyln.grpc import node_pb2 as node__pb2/g' pyln/grpc/