mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:57:06 +01:00
This was recommended by @t-bast: if the final spec commits to something compatible, we can simply advertize and accept both features, but if it does change in incompatible ways we won't cause problems for nodes who implement the official spec. (I split this, so first, we remove the OPT_SPLICE entirely, to make sure we caught them all. --RR) Suggested-by: @t-bast Changelog-None
430 lines
14 KiB
430 lines
14 KiB
from pyln.testing.utils import TEST_NETWORK, TIMEOUT, VALGRIND, DEVELOPER, DEPRECATED_APIS # noqa: F401
from pyln.testing.utils import env, only_one, wait_for, write_config, TailableProc, sync_blockheight, wait_channel_quiescent, get_tx_p2wsh_outnum, mine_funding_to_announce, scid_to_int # noqa: F401
import bitstring
from pyln.client import Millisatoshi
import time
COMPAT = env("COMPAT", "1") == "1"
# Big enough to make channels with 10k effective capacity, including Elements channels
# which have bigger txns
def default_ln_port(network: str) -> int:
network_map = {
"bitcoin": 9735,
"testnet": 19735,
"regtest": 19846,
"signet": 39735,
"liquid-regtest": 20735,
"liquid": 9735,
return network_map[network]
def hex_bits(features):
# We always to full bytes
flen = (max(features + [0]) + 7) // 8 * 8
res = bitstring.BitArray(length=flen)
# Big endian sucketh.
for f in features:
res[flen - 1 - f] = 1
return res.hex
def expected_peer_features(wumbo_channels=False, extra=[]):
"""Return the expected peer features hexstring for this configuration"""
features = [1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 25, 27, 45, 47, 51]
if wumbo_channels:
features += [19]
# option_dual_fund
features += [29]
features += [35] # option_quiesce
features += [163] # option_experimental_splice
return hex_bits(features + extra)
# With the addition of the keysend plugin, we now send a different set of
# features for the 'node' and the 'peer' feature sets
def expected_node_features(wumbo_channels=False, extra=[]):
"""Return the expected node features hexstring for this configuration"""
features = [1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 25, 27, 45, 47, 51, 55]
if wumbo_channels:
features += [19]
# option_dual_fund
features += [29]
features += [35] # option_quiesce
features += [163] # option_experimental_splice
return hex_bits(features + extra)
def expected_channel_features(wumbo_channels=False, extra=[]):
"""Return the expected channel features hexstring for this configuration"""
features = []
return hex_bits(features + extra)
def move_matches(exp, mv):
if mv['type'] != exp['type']:
return False
if Millisatoshi(mv['credit_msat']) != Millisatoshi(exp['credit_msat']):
return False
if Millisatoshi(mv['debit_msat']) != Millisatoshi(exp['debit_msat']):
return False
if mv['tags'] != exp['tags']:
return False
if 'fees_msat' in exp:
if 'fees_msat' not in mv:
return False
if Millisatoshi(mv['fees_msat']) != Millisatoshi(exp['fees_msat']):
return False
elif 'fees_msat' in mv:
return False
return True
def calc_lease_fee(amt, feerate, rates):
fee = rates['lease_fee_base_msat']
fee += amt * rates['lease_fee_basis'] // 10
fee += rates['funding_weight'] * feerate
return fee
def _dictify(balances):
return {b['account_id']: Millisatoshi(b['balance_msat']) for b in balances['accounts']}
def check_balance_snaps(n, expected_bals):
snaps = n.rpc.listsnapshots()['balance_snapshots']
for snap, exp in zip(snaps, expected_bals):
assert snap['blockheight'] == exp['blockheight']
if _dictify(snap) != _dictify(exp):
raise Exception('Unexpected balance snap: {} vs {}'.format(_dictify(snap), _dictify(exp)))
def check_coin_moves(n, account_id, expected_moves, chainparams):
moves = n.rpc.call('listcoinmoves_plugin')['coin_moves']
# moves can lag; wait for a few seconds if we don't have correct number.
# then move on: we'll get details below.
expected_count = 0
for m in enumerate(expected_moves):
if isinstance(m, list):
expected_count += len(m)
expected_count += 1
if len(moves) != expected_count:
moves = n.rpc.call('listcoinmoves_plugin')['coin_moves']
node_id = n.info['id']
acct_moves = [m for m in moves if m['account_id'] == account_id]
for mv in acct_moves:
print("{{'type': '{}', 'credit_msat': {}, 'debit_msat': {}, 'tags': '{}' , ['fees_msat'?: '{}']}},"
mv['fees_msat'] if 'fees_msat' in mv else ''))
assert mv['version'] == 2
assert mv['node_id'] == node_id
assert mv['timestamp'] > 0
assert mv['coin_type'] == chainparams['bip173_prefix']
# chain moves should have blockheights
if mv['type'] == 'chain_mvt' and mv['account_id'] != 'external':
assert mv['blockheight'] is not None
for num, m in enumerate(expected_moves):
# They can group things which are in any order.
if isinstance(m, list):
number_moves = len(m)
for acct_move in acct_moves[:number_moves]:
found = None
for i in range(len(m)):
if move_matches(m[i], acct_move):
found = i
if found is None:
raise ValueError("Unexpected move {} amongst {}".format(acct_move, m))
del m[i]
acct_moves = acct_moves[number_moves:]
if not move_matches(m, acct_moves[0]):
raise ValueError("Unexpected move {}: {} != {}".format(num, acct_moves[0], m))
acct_moves = acct_moves[1:]
assert acct_moves == []
def account_balance(n, account_id):
moves = dedupe_moves(n.rpc.call('listcoinmoves_plugin')['coin_moves'])
chan_moves = [m for m in moves if m['account_id'] == account_id]
assert len(chan_moves) > 0
m_sum = Millisatoshi(0)
for m in chan_moves:
m_sum += Millisatoshi(m['credit_msat'])
m_sum -= Millisatoshi(m['debit_msat'])
return m_sum
def extract_utxos(moves):
utxos = {}
for m in moves:
if 'utxo_txid' not in m:
txid = m['utxo_txid']
if txid not in utxos:
utxos[txid] = []
if 'txid' not in m:
utxos[txid].append([m, None])
evs = utxos[txid]
# it's a withdrawal, find the deposit and add to the pair
for ev in evs:
if ev[0]['vout'] == m['vout']:
ev[1] = m
assert ev[0]['output_msat'] == m['output_msat']
return utxos
def print_utxos(utxos):
for k, us in utxos.items():
for u in us:
if u[1]:
print('\t', u[0]['account_id'], u[0]['tags'], u[1]['tags'], u[1]['txid'])
print('\t', u[0]['account_id'], u[0]['tags'], None, None)
def utxos_for_channel(utxoset, channel_id):
relevant_txids = []
chan_utxos = {}
def _add_relevant(txid, utxo):
if txid not in chan_utxos:
chan_utxos[txid] = []
for txid, utxo_list in utxoset.items():
for utxo in utxo_list:
if utxo[0]['account_id'] == channel_id:
_add_relevant(txid, utxo)
if utxo[1]:
elif txid in relevant_txids:
_add_relevant(txid, utxo)
if utxo[1]:
# if they're not well ordered, we'll leave some txids out
for txid in relevant_txids:
if txid not in chan_utxos:
chan_utxos[txid] = utxoset[txid]
return chan_utxos
def matchup_events(u_set, evs, chans, tag_list):
assert len(u_set) == len(evs) and len(u_set) > 0
txid = u_set[0][0]['utxo_txid']
for ev in evs:
found = False
for u in u_set:
# We use 'cid' as a placeholder for the channel id, since it's
# dyanmic, but we need to sub it in. 'chans' is a list of cids,
# which are mapped to `cid` tags' suffixes. eg. 'cid1' is the
# first cid in the chans list
if ev[0][:3] == 'cid':
idx = int(ev[0][3:])
acct = chans[idx - 1]
acct = ev[0]
if u[0]['account_id'] != acct or u[0]['tags'] != ev[1]:
if ev[2] is None:
assert u[1] is None
found = True
# ugly hack to annotate two possible futures for a utxo
if type(ev[2]) is tuple:
tag = u[1]['tags'] if u[1] else u[1]
assert tag in [x[0] for x in ev[2]]
if not u[1]:
found = True
for x in ev[2]:
if x[0] == u[1]['tags'] and 'to_miner' not in u[1]['tags']:
# Save the 'spent to' txid in the tag-list
tag_list[x[1]] = u[1]['txid']
assert ev[2] == u[1]['tags']
# Save the 'spent to' txid in the tag-list
if 'to_miner' not in u[1]['tags']:
tag_list[ev[3]] = u[1]['txid']
found = True
assert found
# Verify we used them all up
assert len(u_set) == 0
return txid
def dedupe_moves(moves):
move_set = {}
deduped_moves = []
for move in moves:
# Dupes only pertain to onchain moves?
if 'utxo_txid' not in move:
outpoint = '{}:{};{}'.format(move['utxo_txid'], move['vout'], move['txid'] if 'txid' in move else 'xx')
if outpoint not in move_set:
move_set[outpoint] = move
return deduped_moves
def inspect_check_actual(txids, channel_id, actual, exp):
assert len(actual['outputs']) == len(exp)
for e in exp:
# find the event in actual that matches
found = False
for a in actual['outputs']:
if e[0].startswith('cid'):
if a['account'] != channel_id:
elif a['account'] != e[0]:
if e[1][0] != a['output_tag']:
if e[2]:
assert e[2][0] == a['spend_tag']
txids.append((e[3], a['spending_txid']))
assert 'spend_tag' not in a
found = True
assert found
return txids
def check_inspect_channel(n, channel_id, expected_txs):
actual_txs = n.rpc.bkpr_inspect(channel_id)['txs']
assert len(actual_txs) == len(expected_txs.keys())
# start at the top
exp = list(expected_txs.values())[0]
actual = actual_txs[0]
txids = []
exp_counter = 1
inspect_check_actual(txids, channel_id, actual, exp)
for (marker, txid) in txids:
actual = None
for a in actual_txs:
if a['txid'] == txid:
actual = a
assert actual
exp = expected_txs[marker]
inspect_check_actual(txids, channel_id, actual, exp)
# after we've inspected it, remove it
exp_counter += 1
# Did we inspect everything?
assert len(actual_txs) == 0
assert exp_counter == len(expected_txs.keys())
def check_utxos_channel(n, chans, expected, exp_tag_list=None, filter_channel=None):
tag_list = {}
moves = n.rpc.call('listcoinmoves_plugin')['coin_moves']
utxos = extract_utxos(dedupe_moves(moves))
if filter_channel:
utxos = utxos_for_channel(utxos, filter_channel)
for tag, evs in expected.items():
if tag not in tag_list:
u_set = list(utxos.values())[0]
elif tag in tag_list:
u_set = utxos[tag_list[tag]]
txid = matchup_events(u_set, evs, chans, tag_list)
if tag not in tag_list:
tag_list[tag] = txid
# Remove checked set from utxos
del utxos[txid]
# Verify that we went through all of the utxos
assert len(utxos) == 0
# Verify that the expected tags match the found tags
if exp_tag_list:
for tag, txid in tag_list.items():
if tag in exp_tag_list:
assert exp_tag_list[tag] == txid
return tag_list
def first_channel_id(n1, n2):
return only_one(n1.rpc.listpeerchannels(n2.info['id'])['channels'])['channel_id']
def first_scid(n1, n2):
return only_one(n1.rpc.listpeerchannels(n2.info['id'])['channels'])['short_channel_id']
def basic_fee(feerate, anchor_expected):
if anchor_expected:
# option_anchor_outputs / option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx
weight = 1124
weight = 724
return (weight * feerate) // 1000
def closing_fee(feerate, num_outputs):
assert num_outputs == 1 or num_outputs == 2
# Assumes p2tr outputs
weight = 428 + (8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 32) * 4 * num_outputs
return (weight * feerate) // 1000
def scriptpubkey_addr(scriptpubkey):
if 'addresses' in scriptpubkey:
return scriptpubkey['addresses'][0]
elif 'address' in scriptpubkey:
# Modern bitcoin (at least, git master)
return scriptpubkey['address']
return None