mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:08:03 +01:00
Rune functionality moved into core from commando plugin. Changelog-Added: JSON-RPC: `checkrune`: check rune validity for authorization; `createrune` to create/modify rune; `listrunes` to list existing runes; `blacklistrune` to revoke permission of rune Changelog-Deprecated: JSON-RPC: `commando-rune`, `commando-listrunes` and `commando-blacklist`. No-schema-diff-check
253 lines
9.6 KiB
253 lines
9.6 KiB
#! /usr/bin/make
# Designed to be run one level up
$(MAKE) -C .. doc-all
MANPAGES := doc/lightning-cli.1 \
doc/lightningd.8 \
doc/lightningd-config.5 \
doc/lightningd-rpc.7 \
doc/lightning-addgossip.7 \
doc/lightning-autoclean-once.7 \
doc/lightning-autoclean-status.7 \
doc/lightning-batching.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-channelsapy.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-dumpincomecsv.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-inspect.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listaccountevents.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listbalances.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listincome.7 \
doc/lightning-blacklistrune.7 \
doc/lightning-check.7 \
doc/lightning-checkmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-checkrune.7 \
doc/lightning-close.7 \
doc/lightning-connect.7 \
doc/lightning-commando.7 \
doc/lightning-commando-blacklist.7 \
doc/lightning-commando-listrunes.7 \
doc/lightning-commando-rune.7 \
doc/lightning-createonion.7 \
doc/lightning-createinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-createrune.7 \
doc/lightning-datastore.7 \
doc/lightning-decodepay.7 \
doc/lightning-decode.7 \
doc/lightning-deldatastore.7 \
doc/lightning-delexpiredinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-delforward.7 \
doc/lightning-delinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-delpay.7 \
doc/lightning-disableinvoicerequest.7 \
doc/lightning-disableoffer.7 \
doc/lightning-disconnect.7 \
doc/lightning-emergencyrecover.7 \
doc/lightning-feerates.7 \
doc/lightning-fetchinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_start.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_complete.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_cancel.7 \
doc/lightning-funderupdate.7 \
doc/lightning-fundpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-getroute.7 \
doc/lightning-hsmtool.8 \
doc/lightning-invoice.7 \
doc/lightning-invoicerequest.7 \
doc/lightning-keysend.7 \
doc/lightning-listchannels.7 \
doc/lightning-listclosedchannels.7 \
doc/lightning-listdatastore.7 \
doc/lightning-listforwards.7 \
doc/lightning-listfunds.7 \
doc/lightning-listhtlcs.7 \
doc/lightning-listinvoices.7 \
doc/lightning-listinvoicerequests.7 \
doc/lightning-listoffers.7 \
doc/lightning-listpays.7 \
doc/lightning-listpeers.7 \
doc/lightning-listpeerchannels.7 \
doc/lightning-listrunes.7 \
doc/lightning-listsendpays.7 \
doc/lightning-makesecret.7 \
doc/lightning-multifundchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-multiwithdraw.7 \
doc/lightning-newaddr.7 \
doc/lightning-notifications.7 \
doc/lightning-offer.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_abort.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_bump.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_init.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_signed.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_update.7 \
doc/lightning-pay.7 \
doc/lightning-parsefeerate.7 \
doc/lightning-plugin.7 \
doc/lightning-preapproveinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-preapprovekeysend.7 \
doc/lightning-recoverchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-reserveinputs.7 \
doc/lightning-sendinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-sendonion.7 \
doc/lightning-sendonionmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-sendpay.7 \
doc/lightning-setchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-setconfig.7 \
doc/lightning-setpsbtversion.7 \
doc/lightning-sendcustommsg.7 \
doc/lightning-signinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-signmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-staticbackup.7 \
doc/lightning-txprepare.7 \
doc/lightning-txdiscard.7 \
doc/lightning-txsend.7 \
doc/lightning-unreserveinputs.7 \
doc/lightning-utxopsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-waitinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-waitanyinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-waitblockheight.7 \
doc/lightning-waitsendpay.7 \
doc/lightning-withdraw.7 \
doc/lightning-ping.7 \
doc/lightning-stop.7 \
doc/lightning-signpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-sendpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-getinfo.7 \
doc/lightning-listtransactions.7 \
doc/lightning-listnodes.7 \
doc/lightning-listconfigs.7 \
doc/lightning-help.7 \
doc/lightning-getlog.7 \
ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE3),1)
MANPAGES += doc/lightning-listsqlschemas.7 \
doc-all: $(MANPAGES) doc/index.rst
SCHEMAS := $(wildcard doc/schemas/*.json)
check-fmt-schemas: $(SCHEMAS:%=check-fmt-schema/%)
fmt-schemas: $(SCHEMAS:%=fmt-schema/%)
check-fmt-schema/%: %
@jq . < "$*" > "$*".fmt && diff -u "$*" "$*.fmt" && rm "$*.fmt"
fmt-schema/%: %
@jq . < "$*" > "$*".fmt && cat "$*".fmt > "$*" && rm "$*.fmt"
check-doc: check-config-docs check-manpages check-fmt-schemas
# Some manpages use a schema, so need that added.
# These are hard to use in $(call) functions.
$(MARKDOWN_WITH_SCHEMA): doc/lightning-%.7.md: doc/schemas/%.schema.json tools/fromschema.py
@if $(call SHA256STAMP_CHANGED); then $(call VERBOSE, "fromschema $@", tools/fromschema.py --markdownfile=$@ doc/schemas/$*.schema.json > $@.tmp && grep -v SHA256STAMP: $@.tmp > $@ && rm -f $@.tmp && $(call SHA256STAMP,[comment]: # $(LBRACKET),$(RBRACKET))); else touch $@; fi
# If we need to build lowdown, make tools/md2man.sh depend on it.
# That way it's not used in SHA256STAMP (which only uses direct
# dependencies), but make will be forced to build it.
ifeq ($(HAVE_LOWDOWN),0)
LOWDOWN := $(TARGET_DIR)/lowdown-build/bin/lowdown
tools/md2man.sh: $(LOWDOWN)
touch $@
LOWDOWN := lowdown
$(MANPAGES): doc/%: doc/%.md tools/md2man.sh version_gen.h
@if $(call SHA256STAMP_CHANGED); then $(call VERBOSE, "md2man $<", VERSION=$(VERSION) tools/md2man.sh $(LOWDOWN) $< > $@ && $(call SHA256STAMP,\\\",)); else touch $@; fi
# Use awk for preamble, then again for post, with the new docs in the middle.
# We can't put plugins/sql in deps directly, since they all get sha256!
doc/.sqlgen: plugins/sql
@plugins/sql --print-docs > $@
doc/lightning-sql.7.md: doc/.sqlgen $(FORCE)
@if $(call SHA256STAMP_CHANGED); then $(call VERBOSE, "sql-print-docs $@", awk "/GENERATE-DOC-START/ { print \$$0; exit } { print \$$0 }" < $@ > $@.tmp && cat doc/.sqlgen >> $@.tmp && (awk "/GENERATE-DOC-END/ { PRINT=1 } { if (PRINT) { print \$$0 } }" | grep -v SHA256STAMP) < $@ >> $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ && $(call SHA256STAMP,[comment]: # $(LBRACKET),$(RBRACKET))); else touch $@; fi
doc/protocol-%.svg: test/test_protocol
test/test_protocol --svg < test/commits/$*.script > $@
protocol-diagrams: $(patsubst %.script, doc/protocol-%.svg, $(notdir $(wildcard test/commits/*.script)))
doc/deployable-lightning.pdf: doc/deployable-lightning.lyx doc/bitcoin.bib
lyx -E pdf $@ $<
doc/deployable-lightning.tex: doc/deployable-lightning.lyx
lyx -E latex $@ $<
state-diagrams: doc/normal-states.svg doc/simplified-states.svg doc/error-states.svg doc/full-states.svg
%.svg: %.dot
dot -Tsvg $< > $@ || (rm -f $@; false)
doc/simplified-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot --dot-simplify > $@
doc/normal-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot > $@
doc/error-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot-all --dot-include-errors > $@
doc/full-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot-all --dot-include-errors --dot-include-nops > $@
maintainer-clean: doc-maintainer-clean
clean: doc-clean
check: check-manpages
# This needs plugins, too.
check-manpages: all-programs check-config-docs default-targets
@tools/check-manpage.sh cli/lightning-cli doc/lightning-cli.1.md
@tools/check-manpage.sh "lightningd/lightningd --lightning-dir=/tmp/" doc/lightningd-config.5.md
@awk '/^$$/ { do { getline } while ($$0 ~ /^( {4,}|\t)/) } /^\s*```/ { do { getline } while ($$0 !~ /^\s*```/) } /^([^`_\\]|`([^`\\]|\\.)*`|\b_|_\b|\\.)*\B_\B/ { print "" ; print "Unescaped underscore at " FILENAME ":" NR ":" ; print ; ret = 1 } ENDFILE { NR = 0 } END { exit ret }' doc/*.[0-9].md
# Makes sure that fields mentioned in schema are in man page, and vice versa.
@for c in `sed -n 's/^ "\(.*\)": {/\1/p' doc/schemas/listconfigs.schema.json | grep -v '^# version$$' | grep -v '^plugins$$' | grep -v '^important-plugins$$'`; do if ! grep -q "^ \*\*$$c\*\*" doc/lightningd-config.5.md; then echo "$$c undocumented!"; exit 1; fi; done
@for c in `grep -v '\[plugin ' doc/lightningd-config.5.md | sed -n 's/^ \*\*\([^*]*\)\*\*.*/\1/p' | grep -v '^\(help\|version\|mainnet\|testnet\|signet\|plugin\|important-plugin\|plugin-dir\|clear-plugins\)$$'`; do if ! grep -q '"'"$$c"'"' doc/schemas/listconfigs.schema.json; then echo "$$c documented but not in schema!"; exit 1; fi; done
$(RM) doc/deployable-lightning.{aux,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,tex}
doc/index.rst: $(MANPAGES:=.md)
@$(call VERBOSE, "genidx $@", \
find doc -maxdepth 1 -name '*\.[0-9]\.md' | \
cut -b 5- | LC_ALL=C sort | \
sed "s/\(.*\)\.\(.*\).*\.md/\1 <\1.\2.md>/" | \
python3 devtools/blockreplace.py doc/index.rst manpages --language=rst --indent " " \
# Overridden by GH CI if necessary.
if git show --format=%B -s $(BASE_REF).. | grep -q '^No-schema-diff-check'; then echo $@ suppressed; exit 0; fi; \
if git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas | grep -q '^+.*{' && ! git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas | grep -q '^+.*"added"'; then \
git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas; \
echo 'New schema fields must have "added": "vNEXTVERSION"' >&2; exit 1; \
if git show --format=%B -s $(BASE_REF).. | grep -q '^No-schema-diff-check'; then echo $@ suppressed; exit 0; fi; \
if git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas | grep -q '^-.*{' && ! git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas | grep -q '^-.*"deprecated"' && ! git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas | grep -q '^-.*EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES'; then \
git diff $(BASE_REF) -- doc/schemas ; \
echo 'Schema fields must be "deprecated", with version, not removed' >&2; exit 1; \
schema-diff-check: schema-added-check schema-removed-check
check-source: schema-diff-check