mirror of
synced 2024-11-20 10:39:49 +01:00
Adds schema definitions and manpages for bkpr- commands; also renames the commands to all start with 'bkpr-', so they're easier to identify/ make runes about.
325 lines
12 KiB
325 lines
12 KiB
from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403
from decimal import Decimal
from pyln.client import Millisatoshi
from fixtures import TEST_NETWORK
from utils import (
sync_blockheight, wait_for, only_one
import os
import pytest
import unittest
def find_tags(evs, tag):
return [e for e in evs if e['tag'] == tag]
def find_first_tag(evs, tag):
ev = find_tags(evs, tag)
assert len(ev) > 0
return ev[0]
@unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "fixme: broadcast fails, dusty")
def test_bookkeeping_closing_trimmed_htlcs(node_factory, bitcoind, executor):
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2)
# Send l2 funds via the channel
l1.pay(l2, 11000000)
l1.rpc.dev_ignore_htlcs(id=l2.info['id'], ignore=True)
# This will get stuck due to l3 ignoring htlcs
executor.submit(l2.pay, l1, 100001)
l1.daemon.wait_for_log('their htlc 0 dev_ignore_htlcs')
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN')
l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN')
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Broadcasting OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET')
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'All outputs resolved.*')
evs = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
close = find_first_tag(evs, 'channel_close')
delayed_to = find_first_tag(evs, 'delayed_to_us')
# find the chain fee entry for the channel close
fees = find_tags(evs, 'onchain_fee')
close_fee = [e for e in fees if e['txid'] == close['txid']]
assert len(close_fee) == 1
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] + delayed_to['credit_msat'] == close['debit_msat']
# l2's fees should equal the trimmed htlc out
evs = l2.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
close = find_first_tag(evs, 'channel_close')
deposit = find_first_tag(evs, 'deposit')
fees = find_tags(evs, 'onchain_fee')
close_fee = [e for e in fees if e['txid'] == close['txid']]
assert len(close_fee) == 1
# sent htlc was too small, we lose it, rounded up to nearest sat
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] == Millisatoshi('101000msat')
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] + deposit['credit_msat'] == close['debit_msat']
@unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "fixme: broadcast fails, dusty")
def test_bookkeeping_closing_subsat_htlcs(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams):
"""Test closing balances when HTLCs are: sub 1-satoshi"""
l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2)
l1.pay(l2, 111)
l1.pay(l2, 222)
l1.pay(l2, 4000000)
l1.rpc.close(l2.info['id'], 1)
bitcoind.generate_block(5, wait_for_mempool=1)
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Broadcasting OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET')
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2])
evs = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
# check that closing equals onchain deposits + fees
close = find_first_tag(evs, 'channel_close')
delayed_to = find_first_tag(evs, 'delayed_to_us')
fees = find_tags(evs, 'onchain_fee')
close_fee = [e for e in fees if e['txid'] == close['txid']]
assert len(close_fee) == 1
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] + delayed_to['credit_msat'] == close['debit_msat']
evs = l2.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
close = find_first_tag(evs, 'channel_close')
deposit = find_first_tag(evs, 'deposit')
fees = find_tags(evs, 'onchain_fee')
close_fee = [e for e in fees if e['txid'] == close['txid']]
assert len(close_fee) == 1
# too small to fit, we lose them as miner fees
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] == Millisatoshi('333msat')
assert close_fee[0]['credit_msat'] + deposit['credit_msat'] == close['debit_msat']
@unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "External wallet support doesn't work with elements yet.")
def test_bookkeeping_external_withdraws(node_factory, bitcoind):
""" Withdrawals to an external address shouldn't be included
in the income statements until confirmed"""
l1 = node_factory.get_node()
addr = l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32']
amount = 1111111
amount_msat = Millisatoshi(amount * 1000)
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, amount / 10**8)
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, amount / 10**8)
wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) == 2)
waddr = l1.bitcoin.rpc.getnewaddress()
# Ok, now we send some funds to an external address
out = l1.rpc.withdraw(waddr, amount // 2)
# Make sure bitcoind received the withdrawal
unspent = l1.bitcoin.rpc.listunspent(0)
withdrawal = [u for u in unspent if u['txid'] == out['txid']]
assert withdrawal[0]['amount'] == Decimal('0.00555555')
incomes = l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']
# There should only be two income events: deposits to wallet
# for {amount}
assert len(incomes) == 2
for inc in incomes:
assert inc['account'] == 'wallet'
assert inc['tag'] == 'deposit'
assert inc['credit_msat'] == amount_msat
# The event should show up in the 'bkpr_listaccountevents' however
events = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
assert len(events) == 3
external = [e for e in events if e['account'] == 'external'][0]
assert external['credit_msat'] == Millisatoshi(amount // 2 * 1000)
btc_balance = only_one(only_one(l1.rpc.bkpr_listbalances()['accounts'])['balances'])
assert btc_balance['balance_msat'] == amount_msat * 2
# Restart the node, issues a balance snapshot
# If we were counting these incorrectly,
# we'd have a new journal_entry
# the number of account + income events should be unchanged
incomes = l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']
assert len(find_tags(incomes, 'journal_entry')) == 0
assert len(incomes) == 2
events = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
assert len(events) == 3
assert len(find_tags(events, 'journal_entry')) == 0
# the wallet balance should be unchanged
btc_balance = only_one(only_one(l1.rpc.bkpr_listbalances()['accounts'])['balances'])
assert btc_balance['balance_msat'] == amount_msat * 2
# ok now we mine a block
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
# expect the withdrawal to appear in the incomes
# and there should be an onchain fee
incomes = l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']
# 2 wallet deposits, 1 wallet withdrawal, 1 onchain_fee
assert len(incomes) == 4
withdraw_amt = find_tags(incomes, 'withdrawal')[0]['debit_msat']
assert withdraw_amt == Millisatoshi(amount // 2 * 1000)
fee_events = find_tags(incomes, 'onchain_fee')
assert len(fee_events) == 1
fees = fee_events[0]['debit_msat']
# wallet balance is decremented now
btc_balance = only_one(only_one(l1.rpc.bkpr_listbalances()['accounts'])['balances'])
assert btc_balance['balance_msat'] == amount_msat * 2 - withdraw_amt - fees
@unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "External wallet support doesn't work with elements yet.")
@unittest.skipIf(os.getenv('TEST_DB_PROVIDER', 'sqlite3') != 'sqlite3', "Depends on sqlite3 database location")
def test_bookkeeping_external_withdraw_missing(node_factory, bitcoind):
""" Withdrawals to an external address turn up as
extremely large onchain_fees when they happen before
our accounting plugin is attached"""
l1 = node_factory.get_node()
basedir = l1.daemon.opts.get("lightning-dir")
addr = l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32']
amount = 1111111
amount_msat = Millisatoshi(amount * 1000)
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, amount / 10**8)
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, amount / 10**8)
wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) == 2)
waddr = l1.bitcoin.rpc.getnewaddress()
# Ok, now we send some funds to an external address
l1.rpc.withdraw(waddr, amount // 2)
# There should only be two income events: deposits to wallet
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']) == 2
# There are three account events: 2 wallet deposits, 1 external deposit
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']) == 3
# Stop node and remove the accounts data
os.remove(os.path.join(basedir, TEST_NETWORK, 'accounts.sqlite3'))
# the number of income events should be unchanged
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']) == 2
# we're now missing the external deposit
events = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
assert len(events) == 2
assert len([e for e in events if e['account'] == 'external']) == 0
assert len(find_tags(events, 'journal_entry')) == 0
# the wallet balance should be unchanged
btc_balance = only_one(only_one(l1.rpc.bkpr_listbalances()['accounts'])['balances'])
assert btc_balance['balance_msat'] == amount_msat * 2
# ok now we mine a block
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
# expect the withdrawal to appear in the incomes
# and there should be an onchain fee
incomes = l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']
# 2 wallet deposits, 1 onchain_fee
assert len(incomes) == 3
assert len(find_tags(incomes, 'withdrawal')) == 0
fee_events = find_tags(incomes, 'onchain_fee')
assert len(fee_events) == 1
fees = fee_events[0]['debit_msat']
assert fees > Millisatoshi(amount // 2 * 1000)
# wallet balance is decremented now
bal = only_one(only_one(l1.rpc.bkpr_listbalances()['accounts'])['balances'])
assert bal['balance_msat'] == amount_msat * 2 - fees
@unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "External wallet support doesn't work with elements yet.")
def test_bookkeeping_rbf_withdraw(node_factory, bitcoind):
""" If a withdraw to an external gets RBF'd,
it should *not* show up in our income ever.
(but it will show up in our account events)
l1 = node_factory.get_node()
addr = l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32']
amount = 1111111
bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, amount / 10**8)
wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) == 1)
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']) == 1
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']) == 1
# Ok, now we send some funds to an external address
waddr = l1.bitcoin.rpc.getnewaddress()
out1 = l1.rpc.withdraw(waddr, amount // 2, feerate='253perkw')
mempool = bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool(True)
assert len(list(mempool.keys())) == 1
assert out1['txid'] in list(mempool.keys())
# another account event, still one income event
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']) == 2
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']) == 1
# unreserve the existing output
l1.rpc.unreserveinputs(out1['psbt'], 200)
# resend the tx
out2 = l1.rpc.withdraw(waddr, amount // 2, feerate='1000perkw')
mempool = bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool(True)
assert len(list(mempool.keys())) == 1
assert out2['txid'] in list(mempool.keys())
# another account event, still one income event
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']) == 3
assert len(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events']) == 1
# ok now we mine a block
sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1])
acct_evs = l1.rpc.bkpr_listaccountevents()['events']
externs = [e for e in acct_evs if e['account'] == 'external']
assert len(externs) == 2
assert externs[0]['outpoint'][:-2] == out1['txid']
assert externs[0]['blockheight'] == 0
assert externs[1]['outpoint'][:-2] == out2['txid']
assert externs[1]['blockheight'] > 0
withdraws = find_tags(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome()['income_events'], 'withdrawal')
assert len(withdraws) == 1
assert withdraws[0]['outpoint'][:-2] == out2['txid']
# make sure no onchain fees are counted for the replaced tx
fees = find_tags(acct_evs, 'onchain_fee')
assert len(fees) > 1
for fee in fees:
assert fee['txid'] == out2['txid']
fees = find_tags(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome(consolidate_fees=False)['income_events'], 'onchain_fee')
assert len(fees) == 2
fees = find_tags(l1.rpc.bkpr_listincome(consolidate_fees=True)['income_events'], 'onchain_fee')
assert len(fees) == 1