Rusty Russell c62f0cb6ff sphinx: fix potential data leak.

We generate it from an hmac using the session secret.  It's not
clear that this will be useful for reproducing test vectors though,
since we don't generate the first 66 bytes, which is what the
spec says to do.

Reported-by: @roasbeef
Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
2019-11-08 13:05:20 +01:00

783 lines
22 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <ccan/array_size/array_size.h>
#include <ccan/crypto/ripemd160/ripemd160.h>
#include <ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.h>
#include <ccan/mem/mem.h>
#include <common/node_id.h>
#include <common/sphinx.h>
#include <common/utils.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <secp256k1_ecdh.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_auth_hmacsha256.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_stream_chacha20.h>
#define KEY_LEN 32
#define ONION_REPLY_SIZE 256
#define RHO_KEYTYPE "rho"
struct hop_params {
struct pubkey ephemeralkey;
struct keyset {
u8 pi[KEY_LEN];
u8 mu[KEY_LEN];
u8 rho[KEY_LEN];
u8 gamma[KEY_LEN];
* All the necessary information to generate a valid onion for this hop on a
* sphinx path. The payload is preserialized in order since the onion
* generation is payload agnostic. */
struct sphinx_hop {
struct pubkey pubkey;
enum sphinx_payload_type type;
const u8 *payload;
u8 hmac[HMAC_SIZE];
/* Encapsulates the information about a given payment path for the the onion
* routing algorithm.
struct sphinx_path {
/* The session_key used to generate the shared secrets along the
* path. This MUST be generated in a cryptographically secure manner,
* and is exposed solely for testing, i.e., it can be set to known
* values in unit tests. If unset it'll be generated during the packet
* generation. */
struct secret *session_key;
/* The associated data is appended to the packet when generating the
* HMAC, but is not passed along as part of the packet. It is used to
* ensure some external data (HTLC payment_hash) is not modified along
* the way. */
u8 *associated_data;
/* The individual hops on this route. */
struct sphinx_hop *hops;
struct sphinx_path *sphinx_path_new(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *associated_data)
struct sphinx_path *sp = tal(ctx, struct sphinx_path);
sp->associated_data = tal_dup_arr(sp, u8, associated_data,
tal_bytelen(associated_data), 0);
sp->session_key = NULL;
sp->hops = tal_arr(sp, struct sphinx_hop, 0);
return sp;
struct sphinx_path *sphinx_path_new_with_key(const tal_t *ctx,
const u8 *associated_data,
const struct secret *session_key)
struct sphinx_path *sp = sphinx_path_new(ctx, associated_data);
sp->session_key = tal_dup(sp, struct secret, session_key);
return sp;
static size_t sphinx_hop_size(const struct sphinx_hop *hop)
size_t size = tal_bytelen(hop->payload), vsize;
/* There is no point really in trying to serialize something that is
* larger than the maximum length we can fit into the payload region
* anyway. 3 here is the maximum bigsize size that we allow. */
assert(size < ROUTING_INFO_SIZE - 3 - HMAC_SIZE);
/* Backwards compatibility: realm 0 is the legacy hop_data format and
* always has 65 bytes in size */
if (hop->type == SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD)
return 65;
/* Since this uses the bigsize serialization format for variable
* length integer encodings we need to allocate enough space for
* it. Values >= 0xfd are used to signal multi-byte serializations. */
if (size < 0xFD)
vsize = 1;
vsize = 3;
/* The hop must accomodate the hop_payload, as well as the bigsize
* describing the length and HMAC. */
return vsize + size + HMAC_SIZE;
static size_t sphinx_path_payloads_size(const struct sphinx_path *path)
size_t size = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<tal_count(path->hops); i++)
size += sphinx_hop_size(&path->hops[i]);
return size;
void sphinx_add_raw_hop(struct sphinx_path *path, const struct pubkey *pubkey,
enum sphinx_payload_type type, const u8 *payload)
struct sphinx_hop sp;
sp.payload = payload;
sp.type = type;
sp.pubkey = *pubkey;
tal_arr_expand(&path->hops, sp);
assert(sphinx_path_payloads_size(path) <= ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
void sphinx_add_v0_hop(struct sphinx_path *path, const struct pubkey *pubkey,
const struct short_channel_id *scid,
struct amount_msat forward, u32 outgoing_cltv)
const u8 padding[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
u8 *buf = tal_arr(path, u8, 0);
towire_short_channel_id(&buf, scid);
towire_u64(&buf, forward.millisatoshis); /* Raw: low-level serializer */
towire_u32(&buf, outgoing_cltv);
towire(&buf, padding, ARRAY_SIZE(padding));
assert(tal_bytelen(buf) == 32);
sphinx_add_raw_hop(path, pubkey, 0, buf);
/* Small helper to append data to a buffer and update the position
* into the buffer
static void write_buffer(u8 *dst, const void *src, const size_t len, int *pos)
memcpy(dst + *pos, src, len);
*pos += len;
/* Read len bytes from the source at position pos into dst and update
* the position pos accordingly.
static void read_buffer(void *dst, const u8 *src, const size_t len, int *pos)
memcpy(dst, src + *pos, len);
*pos += len;
u8 *serialize_onionpacket(
const tal_t *ctx,
const struct onionpacket *m)
u8 *dst = tal_arr(ctx, u8, TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE);
int p = 0;
pubkey_to_der(der, &m->ephemeralkey);
write_buffer(dst, &m->version, 1, &p);
write_buffer(dst, der, sizeof(der), &p);
write_buffer(dst, m->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &p);
write_buffer(dst, m->mac, sizeof(m->mac), &p);
return dst;
struct onionpacket *parse_onionpacket(const tal_t *ctx,
const void *src,
const size_t srclen,
enum onion_type *why_bad)
struct onionpacket *m;
int p = 0;
u8 rawEphemeralkey[PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN];
assert(srclen == TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE);
m = talz(ctx, struct onionpacket);
read_buffer(&m->version, src, 1, &p);
if (m->version != 0x00) {
// FIXME add logging
return tal_free(m);
read_buffer(rawEphemeralkey, src, sizeof(rawEphemeralkey), &p);
if (!pubkey_from_der(rawEphemeralkey, sizeof(rawEphemeralkey),
&m->ephemeralkey)) {
return tal_free(m);
read_buffer(&m->routinginfo, src, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &p);
read_buffer(&m->mac, src, HMAC_SIZE, &p);
return m;
static void xorbytes(uint8_t *d, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, size_t len)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
d[i] = a[i] ^ b[i];
* Generate a pseudo-random byte stream of length `dstlen` from key `k` and
* store it in `dst`. `dst must be at least `dstlen` bytes long.
static void generate_cipher_stream(void *dst, const u8 *k, size_t dstlen)
u8 nonce[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
crypto_stream_chacha20(dst, dstlen, nonce, k);
static bool compute_hmac(
void *dst,
const void *src,
size_t len,
const void *key,
size_t keylen)
crypto_auth_hmacsha256_state state;
crypto_auth_hmacsha256_init(&state, key, keylen);
crypto_auth_hmacsha256_update(&state, memcheck(src, len), len);
crypto_auth_hmacsha256_final(&state, dst);
return true;
static void compute_packet_hmac(const struct onionpacket *packet,
const u8 *assocdata, const size_t assocdatalen,
u8 *mukey, u8 *hmac)
u8 mactemp[ROUTING_INFO_SIZE + assocdatalen];
u8 mac[32];
int pos = 0;
write_buffer(mactemp, packet->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &pos);
write_buffer(mactemp, assocdata, assocdatalen, &pos);
compute_hmac(mac, mactemp, sizeof(mactemp), mukey, KEY_LEN);
memcpy(hmac, mac, HMAC_SIZE);
static bool generate_key(void *k, const char *t, u8 tlen, const u8 *s)
return compute_hmac(k, s, KEY_LEN, t, tlen);
static bool generate_header_padding(void *dst, size_t dstlen,
const struct sphinx_path *path,
struct hop_params *params)
u8 stream[2 * ROUTING_INFO_SIZE];
u8 key[KEY_LEN];
size_t fillerStart, fillerEnd, fillerSize;
memset(dst, 0, dstlen);
for (int i = 0; i < tal_count(path->hops) - 1; i++) {
if (!generate_key(&key, RHO_KEYTYPE, strlen(RHO_KEYTYPE),
return false;
generate_cipher_stream(stream, key, sizeof(stream));
/* Sum up how many bytes have been used by previous hops,
* that gives us the start in the stream */
fillerSize = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
fillerSize += sphinx_hop_size(&path->hops[j]);
fillerStart = ROUTING_INFO_SIZE - fillerSize;
/* The filler will dangle off of the end by the current
* hop-size, we'll make sure to copy it into the correct
* position in the next step. */
fillerEnd = ROUTING_INFO_SIZE + sphinx_hop_size(&path->hops[i]);
/* Apply the cipher-stream to the part of the filler that'll
* be added by this hop */
xorbytes(dst, dst, stream + fillerStart,
fillerEnd - fillerStart);
return true;
static void compute_blinding_factor(const struct pubkey *key,
const u8 sharedsecret[SHARED_SECRET_SIZE],
struct sha256_ctx ctx;
struct sha256 temp;
pubkey_to_der(der, key);
sha256_update(&ctx, der, sizeof(der));
sha256_update(&ctx, sharedsecret, SHARED_SECRET_SIZE);
sha256_done(&ctx, &temp);
memcpy(res, &temp, 32);
static bool blind_group_element(struct pubkey *blindedelement,
const struct pubkey *pubkey,
const u8 blind[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE])
/* tweak_mul is inplace so copy first. */
if (pubkey != blindedelement)
*blindedelement = *pubkey;
if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(secp256k1_ctx,
&blindedelement->pubkey, blind) != 1)
return false;
return true;
static bool create_shared_secret(u8 *secret, const struct pubkey *pubkey,
const struct secret *session_key)
if (secp256k1_ecdh(secp256k1_ctx, secret, &pubkey->pubkey,
session_key->data, NULL, NULL) != 1)
return false;
return true;
bool onion_shared_secret(
u8 *secret,
const struct onionpacket *packet,
const struct privkey *privkey)
return create_shared_secret(secret, &packet->ephemeralkey,
static void generate_key_set(const u8 secret[SHARED_SECRET_SIZE],
struct keyset *keys)
generate_key(keys->rho, "rho", 3, secret);
generate_key(keys->pi, "pi", 2, secret);
generate_key(keys->mu, "mu", 2, secret);
generate_key(keys->gamma, "gamma", 5, secret);
static struct hop_params *generate_hop_params(
const tal_t *ctx,
const u8 *sessionkey,
struct sphinx_path *path)
int i, j, num_hops = tal_count(path->hops);
struct pubkey temp;
struct hop_params *params = tal_arr(ctx, struct hop_params, num_hops);
/* Initialize the first hop with the raw information */
if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_ctx,
path->session_key->data) != 1)
return NULL;
if (!create_shared_secret(params[0].secret, &path->hops[0].pubkey,
return NULL;
&params[0].ephemeralkey, params[0].secret,
/* Recursively compute all following ephemeral public keys,
* secrets and blinding factors
for (i = 1; i < num_hops; i++) {
if (!blind_group_element(
&params[i - 1].ephemeralkey,
params[i - 1].blind))
return NULL;
/* Blind this hop's point with all previous blinding factors
* Order is indifferent, multiplication is commutative.
memcpy(&blind, sessionkey, 32);
temp = path->hops[i].pubkey;
if (!blind_group_element(&temp, &temp, blind))
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (!blind_group_element(
return NULL;
/* Now hash temp and store it. This requires us to
* DER-serialize first and then skip the sign byte.
pubkey_to_der(der, &temp);
struct sha256 h;
sha256(&h, der, sizeof(der));
memcpy(&params[i].secret, &h, sizeof(h));
params[i].secret, params[i].blind);
return params;
static void deserialize_hop_data(struct hop_data *data, const u8 *src)
const u8 *cursor = src;
size_t max = FRAME_SIZE;
data->realm = fromwire_u8(&cursor, &max);
fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &max, &data->channel_id);
data->amt_forward = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &max);
data->outgoing_cltv = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &max);
static bool sphinx_write_frame(u8 *dest, const struct sphinx_hop *hop)
size_t raw_size = tal_bytelen(hop->payload);
size_t hop_size = sphinx_hop_size(hop);
size_t padding_size;
int pos = 0;
if (hop->type != SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD)
return false;
/* Backwards compatibility for the legacy hop_data format. */
if (hop->type == SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD)
dest[pos++] = 0x00;
pos += bigsize_put(dest+pos, raw_size);
memcpy(dest + pos, hop->payload, raw_size);
pos += raw_size;
padding_size = hop_size - pos - HMAC_SIZE;
memset(dest + pos, 0, padding_size);
pos += padding_size;
memcpy(dest + pos, hop->hmac, HMAC_SIZE);
assert(pos + HMAC_SIZE == hop_size);
return true;
static void sphinx_parse_payload(struct route_step *step, const u8 *src)
size_t hop_size, vsize;
bigsize_t raw_size;
if (src[0] != 0x00) {
/* Legacy hop_data support */
if (src[0] == 0x00) {
vsize = 1;
raw_size = 32;
hop_size = FRAME_SIZE;
step->type = SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD;
} else {
vsize = bigsize_get(src, 3, &raw_size);
hop_size = raw_size + vsize + HMAC_SIZE;
step->type = SPHINX_TLV_PAYLOAD;
/* Copy common pieces over */
step->raw_payload = tal_dup_arr(step, u8, src + vsize, raw_size, 0);
memcpy(step->next->mac, src + hop_size - HMAC_SIZE, HMAC_SIZE);
/* And now try to parse whatever the payload contains so we can use it
* later. */
if (step->type == SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD)
deserialize_hop_data(&step->payload.v0, src);
struct onionpacket *create_onionpacket(
const tal_t *ctx,
struct sphinx_path *sp,
struct secret **path_secrets
struct onionpacket *packet = talz(ctx, struct onionpacket);
int i, num_hops = tal_count(sp->hops);
size_t fillerSize = sphinx_path_payloads_size(sp) -
sphinx_hop_size(&sp->hops[num_hops - 1]);
u8 filler[fillerSize];
struct keyset keys;
u8 padkey[KEY_LEN];
u8 nexthmac[HMAC_SIZE];
struct hop_params *params;
struct secret *secrets = tal_arr(ctx, struct secret, num_hops);
if (sp->session_key == NULL) {
sp->session_key = tal(sp, struct secret);
randombytes_buf(sp->session_key, sizeof(struct secret));
params = generate_hop_params(ctx, sp->session_key->data, sp);
if (!params) {
return NULL;
packet->version = 0;
memset(nexthmac, 0, HMAC_SIZE);
/* BOLT-e116441ee836447ac3f24cdca62bac1e0f223d5f #4:
* The packet is initialized with 1366 _random_ bytes derived from a
/* Note that this is just hop_payloads: the rest of the packet is
* overwritten below or above anyway. */
generate_key(padkey, "pad", 3, sp->session_key->data);
generate_cipher_stream(stream, padkey, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
generate_header_padding(filler, sizeof(filler), sp, params);
for (i = num_hops - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
memcpy(sp->hops[i].hmac, nexthmac, HMAC_SIZE);
generate_key_set(params[i].secret, &keys);
generate_cipher_stream(stream, keys.rho, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
/* Rightshift mix-header by FRAME_SIZE */
size_t shiftSize = sphinx_hop_size(&sp->hops[i]);
memmove(packet->routinginfo + shiftSize, packet->routinginfo,
if (!sphinx_write_frame(packet->routinginfo, &sp->hops[i])) {
return NULL;
xorbytes(packet->routinginfo, packet->routinginfo, stream, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
if (i == num_hops - 1) {
memcpy(packet->routinginfo + ROUTING_INFO_SIZE - fillerSize, filler, fillerSize);
compute_packet_hmac(packet, sp->associated_data, tal_bytelen(sp->associated_data),,
memcpy(packet->mac, nexthmac, sizeof(nexthmac));
memcpy(&packet->ephemeralkey, &params[0].ephemeralkey, sizeof(secp256k1_pubkey));
for (i=0; i<num_hops; i++) {
memcpy(&secrets[i], params[i].secret, SHARED_SECRET_SIZE);
*path_secrets = secrets;
return packet;
* Given an onionpacket msg extract the information for the current
* node and unwrap the remainder so that the node can forward it.
struct route_step *process_onionpacket(
const tal_t *ctx,
const struct onionpacket *msg,
const u8 *shared_secret,
const u8 *assocdata,
const size_t assocdatalen
struct route_step *step = talz(ctx, struct route_step);
u8 hmac[HMAC_SIZE];
struct keyset keys;
u8 stream[NUM_STREAM_BYTES];
u8 paddedheader[2*ROUTING_INFO_SIZE];
size_t vsize;
bigsize_t shift_size;
step->next = talz(step, struct onionpacket);
step->next->version = msg->version;
generate_key_set(shared_secret, &keys);
compute_packet_hmac(msg, assocdata, assocdatalen,, hmac);
if (memcmp(msg->mac, hmac, sizeof(hmac)) != 0) {
/* Computed MAC does not match expected MAC, the message was modified. */
return tal_free(step);
//FIXME:store seen secrets to avoid replay attacks
generate_cipher_stream(stream, keys.rho, sizeof(stream));
memset(paddedheader, 0, sizeof(paddedheader));
memcpy(paddedheader, msg->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
xorbytes(paddedheader, paddedheader, stream, sizeof(stream));
compute_blinding_factor(&msg->ephemeralkey, shared_secret, blind);
if (!blind_group_element(&step->next->ephemeralkey, &msg->ephemeralkey, blind))
return tal_free(step);
sphinx_parse_payload(step, paddedheader);
/* Extract how many bytes we need to shift away */
if (paddedheader[0] == 0x00) {
shift_size = FRAME_SIZE;
} else {
/* In addition to the raw payload we need to also shift the
* length encoding itself and the HMAC away. */
vsize = bigsize_get(paddedheader, 3, &shift_size);
shift_size += vsize + HMAC_SIZE;
/* If we get an unreasonable shift size we must return an error. */
if (shift_size >= ROUTING_INFO_SIZE)
return tal_free(step);
step->raw_payload = tal_dup_arr(step, u8, paddedheader + 1,
shift_size - 1 - HMAC_SIZE, 0);
/* Copy the hmac from the last HMAC_SIZE bytes */
memcpy(&step->next->mac, paddedheader + shift_size - HMAC_SIZE, HMAC_SIZE);
/* Left shift the current payload out and make the remainder the new onion */
memcpy(&step->next->routinginfo, paddedheader + shift_size, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE);
if (memeqzero(step->next->mac, sizeof(step->next->mac))) {
step->nextcase = ONION_END;
} else {
step->nextcase = ONION_FORWARD;
return step;
u8 *create_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct secret *shared_secret,
const u8 *failure_msg)
size_t msglen = tal_count(failure_msg);
size_t padlen = ONION_REPLY_SIZE - msglen;
u8 *reply = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0), *payload = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);
u8 key[KEY_LEN];
u8 hmac[HMAC_SIZE];
/* BOLT #4:
* The node generating the error message (_erring node_) builds a return
* packet consisting of
* the following fields:
* 1. data:
* * [`32*byte`:`hmac`]
* * [`u16`:`failure_len`]
* * [`failure_len*byte`:`failuremsg`]
* * [`u16`:`pad_len`]
* * [`pad_len*byte`:`pad`]
towire_u16(&payload, msglen);
towire(&payload, failure_msg, msglen);
towire_u16(&payload, padlen);
towire_pad(&payload, padlen);
/* BOLT #4:
* The _erring node_:
* - SHOULD set `pad` such that the `failure_len` plus `pad_len` is
* equal to 256.
* - Note: this value is 118 bytes longer than the longest
* currently-defined message.
assert(tal_count(payload) == ONION_REPLY_SIZE + 4);
/* BOLT #4:
* Where `hmac` is an HMAC authenticating the remainder of the packet,
* with a key generated using the above process, with key type `um`
generate_key(key, "um", 2, shared_secret->data);
compute_hmac(hmac, payload, tal_count(payload), key, KEY_LEN);
towire(&reply, hmac, sizeof(hmac));
towire(&reply, payload, tal_count(payload));
return reply;
u8 *wrap_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct secret *shared_secret, const u8 *reply)
u8 key[KEY_LEN];
size_t streamlen = tal_count(reply);
u8 stream[streamlen];
u8 *result = tal_arr(ctx, u8, streamlen);
/* BOLT #4:
* The erring node then generates a new key, using the key type `ammag`.
* This key is then used to generate a pseudo-random stream, which is
* in turn applied to the packet using `XOR`.
* The obfuscation step is repeated by every hop along the return path.
generate_key(key, "ammag", 5, shared_secret->data);
generate_cipher_stream(stream, key, streamlen);
xorbytes(result, stream, reply, streamlen);
return result;
struct onionreply *unwrap_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct secret *shared_secrets,
const int numhops, const u8 *reply)
struct onionreply *oreply = tal(tmpctx, struct onionreply);
u8 *msg = tal_arr(oreply, u8, tal_count(reply));
u8 key[KEY_LEN], hmac[HMAC_SIZE];
const u8 *cursor;
size_t max;
u16 msglen;
if (tal_count(reply) != ONION_REPLY_SIZE + sizeof(hmac) + 4) {
return NULL;
memcpy(msg, reply, tal_count(reply));
oreply->origin_index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numhops; i++) {
/* Since the encryption is just XORing with the cipher
* stream encryption is identical to decryption */
msg = wrap_onionreply(tmpctx, &shared_secrets[i], msg);
/* Check if the HMAC matches, this means that this is
* the origin */
generate_key(key, "um", 2, shared_secrets[i].data);
compute_hmac(hmac, msg + sizeof(hmac),
tal_count(msg) - sizeof(hmac), key, KEY_LEN);
if (memcmp(hmac, msg, sizeof(hmac)) == 0) {
oreply->origin_index = i;
if (oreply->origin_index == -1) {
return NULL;
cursor = msg + sizeof(hmac);
max = tal_count(msg) - sizeof(hmac);
msglen = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &max);
if (msglen > ONION_REPLY_SIZE) {
return NULL;
oreply->msg = tal_arr(oreply, u8, msglen);
fromwire(&cursor, &max, oreply->msg, msglen);
tal_steal(ctx, oreply);
return oreply;