trueptolemy 6deed77d88 bitcoind: confirm chain with bitcoin-cli at the beginning
At the beginning of the lightningd, we use "echo" command to check if bitcoin-cli is running.
Now we raplace "echo" with "getblockchaininfo" for this check, and also check whether the "chain" field in response is same as the blockchain that  lightningd is on.
"getblockchaininfo" is also valid for litecoin-cli.
2019-07-04 16:13:09 +02:00

940 lines
26 KiB

/* Code for talking to bitcoind. We use bitcoin-cli. */
#include "bitcoin/base58.h"
#include "bitcoin/block.h"
#include "bitcoin/feerate.h"
#include "bitcoin/shadouble.h"
#include "bitcoind.h"
#include "lightningd.h"
#include "log.h"
#include <ccan/cast/cast.h>
#include <ccan/io/io.h>
#include <ccan/pipecmd/pipecmd.h>
#include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h>
#include <ccan/take/take.h>
#include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h>
#include <ccan/tal/path/path.h>
#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
#include <common/json_helpers.h>
#include <common/memleak.h>
#include <common/timeout.h>
#include <common/utils.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lightningd/chaintopology.h>
/* Bitcoind's web server has a default of 4 threads, with queue depth 16.
* It will *fail* rather than queue beyond that, so we must not stress it!
* This is how many request for each priority level we have.
/* Add the n'th arg to *args, incrementing n and keeping args of size n+1 */
static void add_arg(const char ***args, const char *arg)
tal_arr_expand(args, arg);
static const char **gather_args(const struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const tal_t *ctx, const char *cmd, va_list ap)
const char **args = tal_arr(ctx, const char *, 1);
const char *arg;
args[0] = bitcoind->cli ? bitcoind->cli : bitcoind->chainparams->cli;
if (bitcoind->chainparams->cli_args)
add_arg(&args, bitcoind->chainparams->cli_args);
if (bitcoind->datadir)
add_arg(&args, tal_fmt(args, "-datadir=%s", bitcoind->datadir));
if (bitcoind->rpcconnect)
tal_fmt(args, "-rpcconnect=%s", bitcoind->rpcconnect));
if (bitcoind->rpcport)
tal_fmt(args, "-rpcport=%s", bitcoind->rpcport));
if (bitcoind->rpcuser)
add_arg(&args, tal_fmt(args, "-rpcuser=%s", bitcoind->rpcuser));
if (bitcoind->rpcpass)
tal_fmt(args, "-rpcpassword=%s", bitcoind->rpcpass));
add_arg(&args, cmd);
while ((arg = va_arg(ap, const char *)) != NULL)
add_arg(&args, tal_strdup(args, arg));
add_arg(&args, NULL);
return args;
struct bitcoin_cli {
struct list_node list;
struct bitcoind *bitcoind;
int fd;
int *exitstatus;
pid_t pid;
const char **args;
struct timeabs start;
enum bitcoind_prio prio;
char *output;
size_t output_bytes;
size_t new_output;
bool (*process)(struct bitcoin_cli *);
void *cb;
void *cb_arg;
struct bitcoin_cli **stopper;
static struct io_plan *read_more(struct io_conn *conn, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
bcli->output_bytes += bcli->new_output;
if (bcli->output_bytes == tal_count(bcli->output))
tal_resize(&bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes * 2);
return io_read_partial(conn, bcli->output + bcli->output_bytes,
tal_count(bcli->output) - bcli->output_bytes,
&bcli->new_output, read_more, bcli);
static struct io_plan *output_init(struct io_conn *conn, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
bcli->output_bytes = bcli->new_output = 0;
bcli->output = tal_arr(bcli, char, 100);
return read_more(conn, bcli);
static void next_bcli(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, enum bitcoind_prio prio);
/* For printing: simple string of args. */
/* bcli_args_direct() will be used in wat_for_bitcoind(), where
* we send bitcoin-cli a "getblockchaininfo" command without
* struct bitcoin_cli */
static char *bcli_args_direct(const tal_t *ctx, const char **args)
size_t i;
char *ret = tal_strdup(ctx, args[0]);
for (i = 1; args[i]; i++) {
ret = tal_strcat(ctx, take(ret), " ");
if (strstarts(args[i], "-rpcpassword")) {
ret = tal_strcat(ctx, take(ret), "-rpcpassword=...");
} else if (strstarts(args[i], "-rpcuser")) {
ret = tal_strcat(ctx, take(ret), "-rpcuser=...");
} else {
ret = tal_strcat(ctx, take(ret), args[i]);
return ret;
static char *bcli_args(const tal_t *ctx, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
return bcli_args_direct(ctx, bcli->args);
static void retry_bcli(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
list_add_tail(&bcli->bitcoind->pending[bcli->prio], &bcli->list);
next_bcli(bcli->bitcoind, bcli->prio);
/* We allow 60 seconds of spurious errors, eg. reorg. */
static void bcli_failure(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
struct bitcoin_cli *bcli,
int exitstatus)
struct timerel t;
if (!bitcoind->error_count)
bitcoind->first_error_time = time_mono();
t = timemono_between(time_mono(), bitcoind->first_error_time);
if (time_greater(t, time_from_sec(60)))
fatal("%s exited %u (after %u other errors) '%.*s'",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
"%s exited with status %u",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli), exitstatus);
/* Retry in 1 second (not a leak!) */
new_reltimer(bitcoind->ld->timers, notleak(bcli), time_from_sec(1),
retry_bcli, bcli);
static void bcli_finished(struct io_conn *conn UNUSED, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
int ret, status;
struct bitcoind *bitcoind = bcli->bitcoind;
enum bitcoind_prio prio = bcli->prio;
bool ok;
u64 msec = time_to_msec(time_between(time_now(), bcli->start));
/* If it took over 10 seconds, that's rather strange. */
if (msec > 10000)
"bitcoin-cli: finished %s (%"PRIu64" ms)",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli), msec);
assert(bitcoind->num_requests[prio] > 0);
/* FIXME: If we waited for SIGCHILD, this could never hang! */
while ((ret = waitpid(bcli->pid, &status, 0)) < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (ret != bcli->pid)
fatal("%s %s", bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
ret == 0 ? "not exited?" : strerror(errno));
if (!WIFEXITED(status))
fatal("%s died with signal %i",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
if (!bcli->exitstatus) {
if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
bcli_failure(bitcoind, bcli, WEXITSTATUS(status));
goto done;
} else
*bcli->exitstatus = WEXITSTATUS(status);
if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
bitcoind->error_count = 0;
/* Don't continue if were only here because we were freed for shutdown */
if (bitcoind->shutdown)
ok = bcli->process(bcli);
if (!ok)
bcli_failure(bitcoind, bcli, WEXITSTATUS(status));
next_bcli(bitcoind, prio);
static void next_bcli(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, enum bitcoind_prio prio)
struct bitcoin_cli *bcli;
struct io_conn *conn;
if (bitcoind->num_requests[prio] >= BITCOIND_MAX_PARALLEL)
bcli = list_pop(&bitcoind->pending[prio], struct bitcoin_cli, list);
if (!bcli)
bcli->pid = pipecmdarr(NULL, &bcli->fd, &bcli->fd,
cast_const2(char **, bcli->args));
if (bcli->pid < 0)
fatal("%s exec failed: %s", bcli->args[0], strerror(errno));
bcli->start = time_now();
/* This lifetime is attached to bitcoind command fd */
conn = notleak(io_new_conn(bitcoind, bcli->fd, output_init, bcli));
io_set_finish(conn, bcli_finished, bcli);
static bool process_donothing(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli UNUSED)
return true;
/* If stopper gets freed first, set process() to a noop. */
static void stop_process_bcli(struct bitcoin_cli **stopper)
(*stopper)->process = process_donothing;
(*stopper)->stopper = NULL;
/* It command finishes first, free stopper. */
static void remove_stopper(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
/* Calls stop_process_bcli, but we don't care. */
/* If ctx is non-NULL, and is freed before we return, we don't call process().
* process returns false() if it's a spurious error, and we should retry. */
static void
start_bitcoin_cli(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const tal_t *ctx,
bool (*process)(struct bitcoin_cli *),
bool nonzero_exit_ok,
enum bitcoind_prio prio,
void *cb, void *cb_arg,
char *cmd, ...)
va_list ap;
struct bitcoin_cli *bcli = tal(bitcoind, struct bitcoin_cli);
bcli->bitcoind = bitcoind;
bcli->process = process;
bcli->prio = prio;
bcli->cb = cb;
bcli->cb_arg = cb_arg;
if (ctx) {
/* Create child whose destructor will stop us calling */
bcli->stopper = tal(ctx, struct bitcoin_cli *);
*bcli->stopper = bcli;
tal_add_destructor(bcli->stopper, stop_process_bcli);
tal_add_destructor(bcli, remove_stopper);
} else
bcli->stopper = NULL;
if (nonzero_exit_ok)
bcli->exitstatus = tal(bcli, int);
bcli->exitstatus = NULL;
va_start(ap, cmd);
bcli->args = gather_args(bitcoind, bcli, cmd, ap);
list_add_tail(&bitcoind->pending[bcli->prio], &bcli->list);
next_bcli(bitcoind, bcli->prio);
static bool extract_feerate(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli,
const char *output, size_t output_bytes,
u64 *feerate)
const jsmntok_t *tokens, *feeratetok;
bool valid;
tokens = json_parse_input(output, output, output_bytes, &valid);
if (!tokens)
fatal("%s: %s response",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
valid ? "partial" : "invalid");
if (tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT) {
"%s: gave non-object (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)output_bytes, output);
return false;
feeratetok = json_get_member(output, tokens, "feerate");
if (!feeratetok)
return false;
return json_to_bitcoin_amount(output, feeratetok, feerate);
struct estimatefee {
size_t i;
const u32 *blocks;
const char **estmode;
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const u32 satoshi_per_kw[],
void *);
void *arg;
u32 *satoshi_per_kw;
static void do_one_estimatefee(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
struct estimatefee *efee);
static bool process_estimatefee(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
u64 feerate;
struct estimatefee *efee = bcli->cb_arg;
/* FIXME: We could trawl recent blocks for median fee... */
if (!extract_feerate(bcli, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes, &feerate)) {
log_unusual(bcli->bitcoind->log, "Unable to estimate %s/%u fee",
efee->estmode[efee->i], efee->blocks[efee->i]);
/* This is needed to test for failed feerate estimates
* in DEVELOPER mode */
efee->satoshi_per_kw[efee->i] = 0;
/* If we are in testnet mode we want to allow payments
* with the minimal fee even if the estimate didn't
* work out. This is less disruptive than erring out
* all the time. */
if (get_chainparams(bcli->bitcoind->ld)->testnet)
efee->satoshi_per_kw[efee->i] = FEERATE_FLOOR;
efee->satoshi_per_kw[efee->i] = 0;
} else
/* Rate in satoshi per kw. */
= feerate_from_style(feerate, FEERATE_PER_KBYTE);
if (efee->i == tal_count(efee->satoshi_per_kw)) {
efee->cb(bcli->bitcoind, efee->satoshi_per_kw, efee->arg);
} else {
/* Next */
do_one_estimatefee(bcli->bitcoind, efee);
return true;
static void do_one_estimatefee(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
struct estimatefee *efee)
char blockstr[STR_MAX_CHARS(u32)];
snprintf(blockstr, sizeof(blockstr), "%u", efee->blocks[efee->i]);
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_estimatefee, false,
NULL, efee,
"estimatesmartfee", blockstr, efee->estmode[efee->i],
void bitcoind_estimate_fees_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const u32 blocks[], const char *estmode[],
size_t num_estimates,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const u32 satoshi_per_kw[], void *),
void *arg)
struct estimatefee *efee = tal(bitcoind, struct estimatefee);
efee->i = 0;
efee->blocks = tal_dup_arr(efee, u32, blocks, num_estimates, 0);
efee->estmode = tal_dup_arr(efee, const char *, estmode, num_estimates,
efee->cb = cb;
efee->arg = arg;
efee->satoshi_per_kw = tal_arr(efee, u32, num_estimates);
do_one_estimatefee(bitcoind, efee);
static bool process_sendrawtx(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
int, const char *msg, void *) = bcli->cb;
const char *msg = tal_strndup(bcli, bcli->output,
log_debug(bcli->bitcoind->log, "sendrawtx exit %u, gave %s",
*bcli->exitstatus, msg);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, *bcli->exitstatus, msg, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
void bitcoind_sendrawtx_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const char *hextx,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
int exitstatus, const char *msg, void *),
void *arg)
log_debug(bitcoind->log, "sendrawtransaction: %s", hextx);
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_sendrawtx, true,
cb, arg,
"sendrawtransaction", hextx, NULL);
static bool process_rawblock(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
struct bitcoin_block *blk;
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
struct bitcoin_block *blk,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
blk = bitcoin_block_from_hex(bcli, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes);
if (!blk)
fatal("%s: bad block '%.*s'?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, blk, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
void bitcoind_getrawblock_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_blkid *blockid,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
struct bitcoin_block *blk,
void *arg),
void *arg)
char hex[hex_str_size(sizeof(*blockid))];
bitcoin_blkid_to_hex(blockid, hex, sizeof(hex));
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_rawblock, false,
cb, arg,
"getblock", hex, "false", NULL);
static bool process_getblockcount(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
u32 blockcount;
char *p, *end;
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
u32 blockcount,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
p = tal_strndup(bcli, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes);
blockcount = strtol(p, &end, 10);
if (end == p || *end != '\n')
fatal("%s: gave non-numeric blockcount %s",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli), p);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, blockcount, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
void bitcoind_getblockcount_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
u32 blockcount,
void *arg),
void *arg)
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_getblockcount, false,
cb, arg,
"getblockcount", NULL);
struct get_output {
unsigned int blocknum, txnum, outnum;
/* The real callback */
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *txout, void *arg);
/* The real callback arg */
void *cbarg;
static void process_get_output(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *txout, void *arg)
struct get_output *go = arg;
go->cb(bitcoind, txout, go->cbarg);
static bool process_gettxout(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
const jsmntok_t *tokens, *valuetok, *scriptpubkeytok, *hextok;
struct bitcoin_tx_output out;
bool valid;
/* As of at least v0.15.1.0, bitcoind returns "success" but an empty
string on a spent gettxout */
if (*bcli->exitstatus != 0 || bcli->output_bytes == 0) {
log_debug(bcli->bitcoind->log, "%s: not unspent output?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli));
cb(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
tokens = json_parse_input(bcli->output, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes,
if (!tokens)
fatal("%s: %s response",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli), valid ? "partial" : "invalid");
if (tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT)
fatal("%s: gave non-object (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
valuetok = json_get_member(bcli->output, tokens, "value");
if (!valuetok)
fatal("%s: had no value member (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
if (!json_to_bitcoin_amount(bcli->output, valuetok, &out.amount.satoshis)) /* Raw: talking to bitcoind */
fatal("%s: had bad value (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
scriptpubkeytok = json_get_member(bcli->output, tokens, "scriptPubKey");
if (!scriptpubkeytok)
fatal("%s: had no scriptPubKey member (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
hextok = json_get_member(bcli->output, scriptpubkeytok, "hex");
if (!hextok)
fatal("%s: had no scriptPubKey->hex member (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
out.script = tal_hexdata(bcli, bcli->output + hextok->start,
hextok->end - hextok->start);
if (!out.script)
fatal("%s: scriptPubKey->hex invalid hex (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, &out, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
* process_getblock -- Retrieve a block from bitcoind
* Used to resolve a `txoutput` after identifying the blockhash, and
* before extracting the outpoint from the UTXO.
static bool process_getblock(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
struct get_output *go = bcli->cb_arg;
void *cbarg = go->cbarg;
const jsmntok_t *tokens, *txstok, *txidtok;
struct bitcoin_txid txid;
bool valid;
tokens = json_parse_input(bcli->output, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes,
if (!tokens) {
/* Most likely we are running on a pruned node, call
* the callback with NULL to indicate failure */
"%s: returned invalid block, is this a pruned node?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli));
cb(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, cbarg);
return true;
if (tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT)
fatal("%s: gave non-object (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
/* "tx": [
txstok = json_get_member(bcli->output, tokens, "tx");
if (!txstok)
fatal("%s: had no tx member (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
/* Now, this can certainly happen, if txnum too large. */
txidtok = json_get_arr(txstok, go->txnum);
if (!txidtok) {
log_debug(bcli->bitcoind->log, "%s: no txnum %u",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli), go->txnum);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, cbarg);
return true;
if (!bitcoin_txid_from_hex(bcli->output + txidtok->start,
txidtok->end - txidtok->start,
fatal("%s: had bad txid (%.*s)?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
json_tok_full(bcli->output, txidtok));
go->cb = cb;
/* Now get the raw tx output. */
bitcoind_gettxout(bcli->bitcoind, &txid, go->outnum, process_get_output, go);
return true;
static bool process_getblockhash_for_txout(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
struct get_output *go = bcli->cb_arg;
char *blockhash;
if (*bcli->exitstatus != 0) {
void *cbarg = go->cbarg;
log_debug(bcli->bitcoind->log, "%s: invalid blocknum?",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli));
cb(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, cbarg);
return true;
/* Strip the newline at the end of the previous output */
blockhash = tal_strndup(NULL, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes-1);
start_bitcoin_cli(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, process_getblock, true,
cb, go,
"getblock", take(blockhash), NULL);
return true;
void bitcoind_getoutput_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
unsigned int blocknum, unsigned int txnum,
unsigned int outnum,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output,
void *arg),
void *arg)
struct get_output *go = tal(bitcoind, struct get_output);
go->blocknum = blocknum;
go->txnum = txnum;
go->outnum = outnum;
go->cbarg = arg;
/* We may not have topology ourselves that far back, so ask bitcoind */
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_getblockhash_for_txout,
true, BITCOIND_LOW_PRIO, cb, go,
"getblockhash", take(tal_fmt(NULL, "%u", blocknum)),
/* Looks like a leak, but we free it in process_getblock */
static bool process_getblockhash(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli)
struct bitcoin_blkid blkid;
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_blkid *blkid,
void *arg) = bcli->cb;
/* If it failed with error 8, call with NULL block. */
if (*bcli->exitstatus != 0) {
/* Other error means we have to retry. */
if (*bcli->exitstatus != 8)
return false;
cb(bcli->bitcoind, NULL, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
if (bcli->output_bytes == 0
|| !bitcoin_blkid_from_hex(bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes-1,
&blkid)) {
fatal("%s: bad blockid '%.*s'",
bcli_args(tmpctx, bcli),
(int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output);
cb(bcli->bitcoind, &blkid, bcli->cb_arg);
return true;
void bitcoind_getblockhash_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
u32 height,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_blkid *blkid,
void *arg),
void *arg)
char str[STR_MAX_CHARS(height)];
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%u", height);
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL, process_getblockhash, true,
cb, arg,
"getblockhash", str, NULL);
void bitcoind_gettxout(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_txid *txid, const u32 outnum,
void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const struct bitcoin_tx_output *txout,
void *arg),
void *arg)
start_bitcoin_cli(bitcoind, NULL,
process_gettxout, true, BITCOIND_LOW_PRIO, cb, arg,
take(type_to_string(NULL, struct bitcoin_txid, txid)),
take(tal_fmt(NULL, "%u", outnum)),
static void destroy_bitcoind(struct bitcoind *bitcoind)
/* Suppresses the callbacks from bcli_finished as we free conns. */
bitcoind->shutdown = true;
static const char **cmdarr(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
const char *cmd, ...)
va_list ap;
const char **args;
va_start(ap, cmd);
args = gather_args(bitcoind, ctx, cmd, ap);
return args;
static void fatal_bitcoind_failure(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *error_message)
size_t i;
const char **cmd = cmdarr(bitcoind, bitcoind, "echo", NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", error_message);
fprintf(stderr, "Make sure you have bitcoind running and that bitcoin-cli is able to connect to bitcoind.\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "You can verify that your Bitcoin Core installation is ready for use by running:\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, " $ ");
for (i = 0; cmd[i]; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cmd[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "'hello world'\n");
/* This function is used to check "chain" field from
* bitcoin-cli "getblockchaininfo" API */
static char* check_blockchain_from_bitcoincli(const tal_t *ctx,
struct bitcoind *bitcoind,
char* output, const char **cmd)
size_t output_bytes;
const jsmntok_t *tokens, *valuetok;
bool valid;
if (!output)
return tal_fmt(ctx, "Reading from %s failed: %s",
bcli_args_direct(tmpctx, cmd), strerror(errno));
output_bytes = tal_count(output);
tokens = json_parse_input(cmd, output, output_bytes,
if (!tokens)
return tal_fmt(ctx, "%s: %s response",
bcli_args_direct(tmpctx, cmd),
valid ? "partial" : "invalid");
if (tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT)
return tal_fmt(ctx, "%s: gave non-object (%.*s)?",
bcli_args_direct(tmpctx, cmd),
(int)output_bytes, output);
valuetok = json_get_member(output, tokens, "chain");
if (!valuetok)
return tal_fmt(ctx, "%s: had no chain member (%.*s)?",
bcli_args_direct(tmpctx, cmd),
(int)output_bytes, output);
if(!json_tok_streq(output, valuetok,
return tal_fmt(ctx, "Error blockchain for bitcoin-cli?"
" Should be: %s",
return NULL;
void wait_for_bitcoind(struct bitcoind *bitcoind)
int from, status, ret;
pid_t child;
const char **cmd = cmdarr(bitcoind, bitcoind, "getblockchaininfo", NULL);
bool printed = false;
char *errstr;
for (;;) {
child = pipecmdarr(NULL, &from, &from, cast_const2(char **,cmd));
if (child < 0) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
fatal_bitcoind_failure(bitcoind, "bitcoin-cli not found. Is bitcoin-cli (part of Bitcoin Core) available in your PATH?");
fatal("%s exec failed: %s", cmd[0], strerror(errno));
char *output = grab_fd(cmd, from);
errstr = check_blockchain_from_bitcoincli(tmpctx, bitcoind, output, cmd);
fatal("%s", errstr);
while ((ret = waitpid(child, &status, 0)) < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (ret != child)
fatal("Waiting for %s: %s", cmd[0], strerror(errno));
if (!WIFEXITED(status))
fatal("Death of %s: signal %i",
cmd[0], WTERMSIG(status));
if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
/* bitcoin/src/rpc/protocol.h:
* RPC_IN_WARMUP = -28, //!< Client still warming up
if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 28) {
if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 1) {
fatal_bitcoind_failure(bitcoind, "Could not connect to bitcoind using bitcoin-cli. Is bitcoind running?");
fatal("%s exited with code %i: %s",
cmd[0], WEXITSTATUS(status), output);
if (!printed) {
"Waiting for bitcoind to warm up...");
printed = true;
struct bitcoind *new_bitcoind(const tal_t *ctx,
struct lightningd *ld,
struct log *log)
struct bitcoind *bitcoind = tal(ctx, struct bitcoind);
/* Use testnet by default, change later if we want another network */
bitcoind->chainparams = chainparams_for_network("testnet");
bitcoind->cli = NULL;
bitcoind->datadir = NULL;
bitcoind->ld = ld;
bitcoind->log = log;
for (size_t i = 0; i < BITCOIND_NUM_PRIO; i++) {
bitcoind->num_requests[i] = 0;
bitcoind->shutdown = false;
bitcoind->error_count = 0;
bitcoind->rpcuser = NULL;
bitcoind->rpcpass = NULL;
bitcoind->rpcconnect = NULL;
bitcoind->rpcport = NULL;
tal_add_destructor(bitcoind, destroy_bitcoind);
return bitcoind;