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synced 2025-03-12 10:30:29 +01:00
sqlite3 added NULLS FIRST to their schema as of v3.30.1 but some older boxes aren't updated (notably the author's own node box). The default behavior for sqlite3 is to sort nulls first however, this is *really* only needed for postgres. As a simple fix (which will allow older boxes to not upgrade their sqlite yet), simply strip out the NULLS FIRST keywords from sqlite3 queries. Reported-By: Simon Vrouwe @SimonVrouwe Fixes: #5517
255 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file
255 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from mako.template import Template
import re
import sys
DEBUG = False
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
if not DEBUG:
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
class Rewriter(object):
def rewrite_types(self, query, mapping):
for old, new in mapping.items():
query = re.sub(old, new, query)
return query
def rewrite_single(self, query):
return query
def rewrite(self, queries):
for i, q in enumerate(queries):
if q['name'] is None:
org = q['query']
queries[i]['query'] = self.rewrite_single(org)
eprint("Rewritten statement\n\tfrom {}\n\t to {}".format(org, q['query']))
return queries
class Sqlite3Rewriter(Rewriter):
def rewrite_single(self, query):
# Replace DB specific queries with a no-op
if "/*PSQL*/" in query:
return "UPDATE vars SET intval=1 WHERE name='doesnotexist'" # Return a no-op
typemapping = {
r'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(\)': "strftime('%s', 'now')",
# Rewrite "decode('abcd', 'hex')" to become "x'abcd'"
r'decode\((.*),\s*[\'\"]hex[\'\"]\)': 'x\\1',
# GREATEST() of multiple columns is simple MAX in sqlite3.
r'GREATEST\(([^)]*)\)': "MAX(\\1)",
# NULLS FIRST is default behavior on sqlite, make it disappear
r' NULLS FIRST': '',
return self.rewrite_types(query, typemapping)
class PostgresRewriter(Rewriter):
def rewrite_single(self, q):
# Replace DB specific queries with a no-op
if "/*SQLITE*/" in q:
return "UPDATE vars SET intval=1 WHERE name='doesnotexist'" # Return a no-op
# Let's start by replacing any eventual '?' placeholders
q2 = ""
count = 1
for c in q:
if c == '?':
c = "${}".format(count)
count += 1
q2 += c
query = q2
typemapping = {
r'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(\)': "EXTRACT(epoch FROM now())",
query = self.rewrite_types(query, typemapping)
return query
rewriters = {
"sqlite3": Sqlite3Rewriter(),
"postgres": PostgresRewriter(),
# djb2 is simple and effective: see http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html
def hash_djb2(string):
val = 5381
for s in string:
val = ((val * 33) & 0xFFFFFFFF) ^ ord(s)
return val
def colname_htable(query):
assert query.upper().startswith("SELECT")
colquery = query[6:query.upper().index(" FROM ")]
colnames = colquery.split(',')
# If split caused unbalanced brackets, it's complex: assume
# a single field!
if any([colname.count('(') != colname.count(')') for colname in colnames]):
return [('"' + colquery.strip() + '"', 0)]
# 50% density htable
tablesize = len(colnames) * 2 - 1
table = [("NULL", -1)] * tablesize
for colnum, colname in enumerate(colnames):
colname = colname.strip()
# SELECT xxx AS yyy -> Y
as_clause = colname.upper().rfind(" AS ")
if as_clause != -1:
colname = colname[as_clause + 4:].strip()
pos = hash_djb2(colname) % tablesize
while table[pos][0] != "NULL":
pos = (pos + 1) % tablesize
table[pos] = ('"' + colname + '"', colnum)
return table
template = Template("""#ifndef LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()}
#define LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()}
#include <config.h>
#include <ccan/array_size/array_size.h>
#include <db/common.h>
#include <db/utils.h>
#if HAVE_${f.upper()}
% for colname, table in colhtables.items():
static const struct sqlname_map ${colname}[] = {
% for t in table:
{ ${t[0]}, ${t[1]} },
% endfor
% endfor
const struct db_query db_${f}_queries[] = {
% for elem in queries:
% if elem['name'] is not None:
.name = "${elem['name']}",
.query = "${elem['query']}",
.placeholders = ${elem['placeholders']},
.readonly = ${elem['readonly']},
% if elem['colnames'] is not None:
.colnames = ${elem['colnames']},
.num_colnames = ARRAY_SIZE(${elem['colnames']}),
% endif
% endif
% endfor
struct db_query_set ${f}_query_set = {
.name = "${f}",
.query_table = db_${f}_queries,
.query_table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(db_${f}_queries),
AUTODATA(db_queries, &${f}_query_set);
#endif /* HAVE_${f.upper()} */
#endif /* LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()} */
def queries_htable(queries):
# Converts a list of queries into a hash table.
tablesize = len(queries) * 2 - 1
htable = [{'name': None}] * tablesize
for q in queries:
pos = hash_djb2(q['name']) % tablesize
while htable[pos]['name'] is not None:
pos = (pos + 1) % tablesize
htable[pos] = q
return htable
def extract_queries(pofile):
# Given a po-file, extract all queries and their associated names, and
# return them as a list.
def chunk(pofile):
# Chunk a given file into chunks separated by an empty line
with open(pofile, 'r') as f:
chunk = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.strip() == "":
yield chunk
chunk = []
if chunk != []:
yield chunk
colhtables = {}
queries = []
for c in chunk(pofile):
# Skip other comments
i = 1
while c[i][0] == '#':
i += 1
# Strip header and surrounding quotes
query = c[i][7:][:-1]
is_select = query.upper().startswith("SELECT")
if is_select:
colnames = 'col_table{}'.format(len(queries))
colhtables[colnames] = colname_htable(query)
colnames = None
'name': query,
'query': query,
'placeholders': query.count('?'),
'readonly': "true" if is_select else "false",
'colnames': colnames,
return colhtables, queries_htable(queries)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage:\n\t{} <statements.po-file> <output-dialect>".format(sys.argv[0]))
dialect = sys.argv[2]
if dialect not in rewriters:
print("Unknown dialect {}. The following are available: {}".format(
", ".join(rewriters.keys())
rewriter = rewriters[dialect]
colhtables, queries = extract_queries(sys.argv[1])
queries = rewriter.rewrite(queries)
print(template.render(f=dialect, queries=queries, colhtables=colhtables))