Rusty Russell 6bf41f4807 unittests: use current version of BOLTS when reading specs.
We check out the master bolts branch, and that recently changed test vectors
causing our CI to change.  We should test them against our current BOLTVERSION,
which is in .tmp.lightningrfc/

Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
2024-07-17 10:57:11 +02:00

211 lines
8.7 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include "../bigsize.c"
#include "../json_parse.c"
#include "../json_parse_simple.c"
#include "../onion_decode.c"
#include "../sphinx.c"
#include "../hmac.c"
#include "../../wire/towire.c"
#include "../../wire/fromwire.c"
#include "../../wire/onion_wiregen.c"
#include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h>
#include <ccan/tal/path/path.h>
#include <common/channel_id.h>
#include <common/json_stream.h>
#include <common/setup.h>
#include <common/wireaddr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_is_main */
bool amount_asset_is_main(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_is_main called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_to_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_asset_to_sat(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_to_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_feerate */
bool amount_feerate(u32 *feerate UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat fee UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_feerate called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_msat */
struct amount_msat amount_msat(u64 millisatoshis UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_msat_less */
bool amount_msat_less(struct amount_msat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_msat_less called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_sat(u64 satoshis UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_add */
bool amount_sat_add(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_add called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_eq */
bool amount_sat_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_greater_eq */
bool amount_sat_greater_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_greater_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_sub */
bool amount_sat_sub(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_sub called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_to_asset */
struct amount_asset amount_sat_to_asset(struct amount_sat *sat UNNEEDED, const u8 *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_to_asset called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_tx_fee */
struct amount_sat amount_tx_fee(u32 fee_per_kw UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_tx_fee called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for decrypt_encrypted_data */
struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv *decrypt_encrypted_data(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
const struct pubkey *blinding UNNEEDED,
const struct secret *ss UNNEEDED,
const u8 *enctlv)
{ fprintf(stderr, "decrypt_encrypted_data called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for ecdh */
void ecdh(const struct pubkey *point UNNEEDED, struct secret *ss UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "ecdh called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_amount_msat */
struct amount_msat fromwire_amount_msat(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_sciddir_or_pubkey */
void fromwire_sciddir_or_pubkey(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED,
struct sciddir_or_pubkey *sciddpk UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_sciddir_or_pubkey called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_tlv */
bool fromwire_tlv(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED,
const struct tlv_record_type *types UNNEEDED, size_t num_types UNNEEDED,
void *record UNNEEDED, struct tlv_field **fields UNNEEDED,
const u64 *extra_types UNNEEDED, size_t *err_off UNNEEDED, u64 *err_type UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_tlv called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for mvt_tag_str */
const char *mvt_tag_str(enum mvt_tag tag UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "mvt_tag_str called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for new_onionreply */
struct onionreply *new_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *contents TAKES UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "new_onionreply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for node_id_from_hexstr */
bool node_id_from_hexstr(const char *str UNNEEDED, size_t slen UNNEEDED, struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "node_id_from_hexstr called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for parse_amount_msat */
bool parse_amount_msat(struct amount_msat *msat UNNEEDED, const char *s UNNEEDED, size_t slen UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "parse_amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for parse_amount_sat */
bool parse_amount_sat(struct amount_sat *sat UNNEEDED, const char *s UNNEEDED, size_t slen UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "parse_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for pubkey_from_node_id */
bool pubkey_from_node_id(struct pubkey *key UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "pubkey_from_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for tlv_field_offset */
size_t tlv_field_offset(const u8 *tlvstream UNNEEDED, size_t tlvlen UNNEEDED, u64 fieldtype UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "tlv_field_offset called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_amount_msat */
void towire_amount_msat(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct amount_msat msat UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_sciddir_or_pubkey */
void towire_sciddir_or_pubkey(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED,
const struct sciddir_or_pubkey *sciddpk UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_sciddir_or_pubkey called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_tlv */
void towire_tlv(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED,
const struct tlv_record_type *types UNNEEDED, size_t num_types UNNEEDED,
const void *record UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_tlv called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Updated each time, as we pretend to be Alice, Bob, Carol */
static struct secret mykey;
static void test_ecdh(const struct pubkey *point, struct secret *ss)
if (secp256k1_ecdh(secp256k1_ctx, ss->data, &point->pubkey,, NULL, NULL) != 1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *json;
size_t i;
jsmn_parser parser;
jsmntok_t toks[5000];
const jsmntok_t *t, *generate_tok;
struct sphinx_path *sp;
struct secret session_key;
struct onionpacket *op;
u8 *assoc_data, *expected, *actual;
struct secret *unused_path_secrets;
u8 *payloads[5];
if (argv[1])
json = grab_file(tmpctx, argv[1]);
else {
char *dir = getenv("BOLTDIR");
json = grab_file(tmpctx,
dir ? dir : ".tmp.lightningrfc",
if (!json) {
printf("test file not found, skipping\n");
goto out;
if (jsmn_parse(&parser, json, strlen(json), toks, ARRAY_SIZE(toks)) < 0)
generate_tok = json_get_member(json, toks, "generate");
json_to_secret(json, json_get_member(json, generate_tok, "session_key"), &session_key);
assoc_data = json_tok_bin_from_hex(tmpctx, json, json_get_member(json, generate_tok, "associated_data"));
sp = sphinx_path_new_with_key(tmpctx, assoc_data, &session_key);
json_for_each_arr(i, t, json_get_member(json, generate_tok, "hops")) {
struct pubkey k;
const u8 *cursor;
size_t max, len;
json_to_pubkey(json, json_get_member(json, t, "pubkey"), &k);
payloads[i] = json_tok_bin_from_hex(NULL, json, json_get_member(json, t, "payload"));
/* First byte(s) are length: check and remove them for our API. */
cursor = payloads[i];
max = tal_bytelen(payloads[i]);
len = fromwire_bigsize(&cursor, &max);
assert(len == max);
sphinx_add_hop(sp, &k, take(tal_dup_arr(NULL, u8, cursor, max, 0)));
assert(i == ARRAY_SIZE(payloads));
op = create_onionpacket(tmpctx, sp, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &unused_path_secrets);
expected = json_tok_bin_from_hex(tmpctx, json, json_get_member(json, toks, "onion"));
actual = serialize_onionpacket(tmpctx, op);
assert(tal_arr_eq(expected, actual));
/* Now decode! */
op = parse_onionpacket(tmpctx, actual, tal_bytelen(actual), NULL);
json_for_each_arr(i, t, json_get_member(json, toks, "decode")) {
struct route_step *rs;
struct secret ss;
json_to_secret(json, t, &mykey);
test_ecdh(&op->ephemeralkey, &ss);
rs = process_onionpacket(tmpctx, op, &ss, assoc_data, tal_bytelen(assoc_data));
assert(tal_arr_eq(rs->raw_payload, payloads[i]));
if (rs->nextcase == ONION_FORWARD)
op = rs->next;
op = NULL;
for (size_t j=0; j<ARRAY_SIZE(payloads); j++) {