mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:08:15 +01:00
1. If the tool changes, you need to regenerate since the output may change. 2. This didn't just filter that out, ignored all but the first dependency, which made bisecting the bookkeeper plugin a nightmare: it didn't regenerate the .po file, causing random crashes. If we want this, try $(filter-out tools/fromschema.py) instead. But I don't think we want that. Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp.com.au>
183 lines
6.5 KiB
183 lines
6.5 KiB
#! /usr/bin/make
# Designed to be run one level up
$(MAKE) -C .. doc-all
MANPAGES := doc/lightning-cli.1 \
doc/lightningd.8 \
doc/lightningd-config.5 \
doc/lightning-addgossip.7 \
doc/lightning-autocleaninvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-channelsapy.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-dumpincomecsv.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-inspect.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listaccountevents.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listbalances.7 \
doc/lightning-bkpr-listincome.7 \
doc/lightning-check.7 \
doc/lightning-checkmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-close.7 \
doc/lightning-connect.7 \
doc/lightning-commando.7 \
doc/lightning-commando-rune.7 \
doc/lightning-createonion.7 \
doc/lightning-createinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-datastore.7 \
doc/lightning-decodepay.7 \
doc/lightning-decode.7 \
doc/lightning-deldatastore.7 \
doc/lightning-delexpiredinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-delinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-delpay.7 \
doc/lightning-disableoffer.7 \
doc/lightning-disconnect.7 \
doc/lightning-emergencyrecover.7 \
doc/lightning-feerates.7 \
doc/lightning-fetchinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_start.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_complete.7 \
doc/lightning-fundchannel_cancel.7 \
doc/lightning-funderupdate.7 \
doc/lightning-fundpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-getroute.7 \
doc/lightning-hsmtool.8 \
doc/lightning-invoice.7 \
doc/lightning-keysend.7 \
doc/lightning-listchannels.7 \
doc/lightning-listdatastore.7 \
doc/lightning-listforwards.7 \
doc/lightning-listfunds.7 \
doc/lightning-listinvoices.7 \
doc/lightning-listoffers.7 \
doc/lightning-listpays.7 \
doc/lightning-listpeers.7 \
doc/lightning-listsendpays.7 \
doc/lightning-makesecret.7 \
doc/lightning-multifundchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-multiwithdraw.7 \
doc/lightning-newaddr.7 \
doc/lightning-notifications.7 \
doc/lightning-offer.7 \
doc/lightning-offerout.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_abort.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_bump.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_init.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_signed.7 \
doc/lightning-openchannel_update.7 \
doc/lightning-pay.7 \
doc/lightning-parsefeerate.7 \
doc/lightning-plugin.7 \
doc/lightning-recoverchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-reserveinputs.7 \
doc/lightning-sendinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-sendonion.7 \
doc/lightning-sendonionmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-sendpay.7 \
doc/lightning-setchannel.7 \
doc/lightning-setchannelfee.7 \
doc/lightning-sendcustommsg.7 \
doc/lightning-signmessage.7 \
doc/lightning-staticbackup.7 \
doc/lightning-txprepare.7 \
doc/lightning-txdiscard.7 \
doc/lightning-txsend.7 \
doc/lightning-unreserveinputs.7 \
doc/lightning-utxopsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-waitinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-waitanyinvoice.7 \
doc/lightning-waitblockheight.7 \
doc/lightning-waitsendpay.7 \
doc/lightning-withdraw.7 \
doc/lightning-ping.7 \
doc/lightning-stop.7 \
doc/lightning-signpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-sendpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-getinfo.7 \
doc/lightning-listtransactions.7 \
doc/lightning-listnodes.7 \
doc/lightning-listconfigs.7 \
doc/lightning-help.7 \
doc-all: $(MANPAGES) doc/index.rst
SCHEMAS := $(wildcard doc/schemas/*.json)
check-fmt-schemas: $(SCHEMAS:%=check-fmt-schema/%)
fmt-schemas: $(SCHEMAS:%=fmt-schema/%)
check-fmt-schema/%: %
@jq . < "$*" > "$*".fmt && diff -u "$*" "$*.fmt" && rm "$*.fmt"
fmt-schema/%: %
@jq . < "$*" > "$*".fmt && cat "$*".fmt > "$*" && rm "$*.fmt"
check-doc: check-config-docs check-manpages check-fmt-schemas
# Some manpages use a schema, so need that added.
# These are hard to use in $(call) functions.
$(MARKDOWN_WITH_SCHEMA): doc/lightning-%.7.md: doc/schemas/%.schema.json tools/fromschema.py
@if $(call SHA256STAMP_CHANGED); then $(call VERBOSE, "fromschema $@", tools/fromschema.py --markdownfile=$@ doc/schemas/$*.schema.json > $@.tmp && grep -v SHA256STAMP: $@.tmp > $@ && rm -f $@.tmp && $(call SHA256STAMP,[comment]: # $(LBRACKET),$(RBRACKET))); else touch $@; fi
$(MANPAGES): doc/%: doc/%.md tools/md2man.sh version_gen.h
@if $(call SHA256STAMP_CHANGED); then $(call VERBOSE, "md2man $<", VERSION=$(VERSION) tools/md2man.sh $< > $@ && $(call SHA256STAMP,\\\",)); else touch $@; fi
doc/protocol-%.svg: test/test_protocol
test/test_protocol --svg < test/commits/$*.script > $@
protocol-diagrams: $(patsubst %.script, doc/protocol-%.svg, $(notdir $(wildcard test/commits/*.script)))
doc/deployable-lightning.pdf: doc/deployable-lightning.lyx doc/bitcoin.bib
lyx -E pdf $@ $<
doc/deployable-lightning.tex: doc/deployable-lightning.lyx
lyx -E latex $@ $<
state-diagrams: doc/normal-states.svg doc/simplified-states.svg doc/error-states.svg doc/full-states.svg
%.svg: %.dot
dot -Tsvg $< > $@ || (rm -f $@; false)
doc/simplified-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot --dot-simplify > $@
doc/normal-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot > $@
doc/error-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot-all --dot-include-errors > $@
doc/full-states.dot: test/test_state_coverage
test/test_state_coverage --dot-all --dot-include-errors --dot-include-nops > $@
maintainer-clean: doc-maintainer-clean
clean: doc-clean
check: check-manpages
# This needs plugins, too.
check-manpages: all-programs check-config-docs default-targets
@tools/check-manpage.sh cli/lightning-cli doc/lightning-cli.1.md
@tools/check-manpage.sh "lightningd/lightningd --lightning-dir=/tmp/" doc/lightningd-config.5.md
# Makes sure that fields mentioned in schema are in man page, and vice versa.
@for c in `sed -n 's/^ "\(.*\)": {/\1/p' doc/schemas/listconfigs.schema.json | grep -v '^# version$$' | grep -v '^plugins$$' | grep -v '^important-plugins$$'`; do if ! grep -q "^ \*\*$$c\*\*" doc/lightningd-config.5.md; then echo "$$c undocumented!"; exit 1; fi; done
@for c in `grep -v '\[plugin ' doc/lightningd-config.5.md | sed -n 's/^ \*\*\([^*]*\)\*\*.*/\1/p' | grep -v '^\(help\|version\|mainnet\|testnet\|signet\|plugin\|important-plugin\|plugin-dir\|clear-plugins\)$$'`; do if ! grep -q '"'"$$c"'"' doc/schemas/listconfigs.schema.json; then echo "$$c documented but not in schema!"; exit 1; fi; done
$(RM) doc/deployable-lightning.{aux,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,tex}
doc/index.rst: $(MANPAGES:=.md)
@$(call VERBOSE, "genidx $@",(grep -v "^ lightning.*\.[0-9]\.md>$$" $@; for m in $$(cd doc && ls lightningd*.[0-9].md lightning-*.[0-9].md); do echo " $${m%.[0-9].md} <$$m>"; done |$(SORT)) > $@.tmp.$$$$ && mv $@.tmp.$$$$ $@)