Rusty Russell d00eeded9f protocol: split message update_remove_htlc into update_timedout_htlc and update_routefail_htlc, remove update_remove_htlc_delay.
For the moment, there's no way to remove an in-progress HTLC before
it's timed out.  The other side can remove it with a routefail, but
you can't push for it to be removed.

We may add that later, but by definition it's only a polited request, and
normally we should rely on timeouts.

Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
2015-09-24 15:02:49 +09:30

229 lines
6.1 KiB

#include <ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.h>
#include <ccan/err/err.h>
#include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h>
#include "bitcoin/address.h"
#include "bitcoin/pubkey.h"
#include "bitcoin/signature.h"
#include "bitcoin/tx.h"
#include "pkt.h"
#include "protobuf_convert.h"
size_t pkt_totlen(const struct pkt *pkt)
return sizeof(pkt->len) + le32_to_cpu(pkt->len);
static struct pkt *to_pkt(const tal_t *ctx, Pkt__PktCase type, const void *msg)
struct pkt *ret;
size_t len;
Pkt p = PKT__INIT;
p.pkt_case = type;
/* This is a union, so doesn't matter which we assign. */
p.error = (Error *)msg;
len = pkt__get_packed_size(&p);
ret = (struct pkt *)tal_arr(ctx, u8, sizeof(ret->len) + len);
ret->len = cpu_to_le32(len);
pkt__pack(&p, ret->data);
return ret;
struct pkt *open_channel_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
const struct pubkey *commit,
const struct pubkey *final,
u32 rel_locktime_seconds,
bool offer_anchor,
u32 min_depth,
u64 commitment_fee)
OpenChannel o = OPEN_CHANNEL__INIT;
Locktime lt = LOCKTIME__INIT;
o.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
o.commit_key = pubkey_to_proto(ctx, commit);
o.final_key = pubkey_to_proto(ctx, final);
lt.locktime_case = LOCKTIME__LOCKTIME_SECONDS;
lt.seconds = rel_locktime_seconds;
o.delay = &lt;
o.commitment_fee = commitment_fee;
if (offer_anchor)
o.min_depth = min_depth;
size_t len = open_channel__get_packed_size(&o);
unsigned char *pb = malloc(len);
open_channel__pack(&o, pb);
assert(open_channel__unpack(NULL, len, pb));
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN, &o);
struct pkt *open_anchor_pkt(const tal_t *ctx, const OpenAnchor *oa_msg)
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR, oa_msg);
Pkt *any_pkt_from_file(const char *filename)
struct pkt *pkt;
Pkt *ret;
size_t len;
pkt = grab_file(NULL, filename);
if (!pkt)
err(1, "Opening %s", filename);
len = tal_count(pkt) - 1;
if (len < sizeof(pkt->len)
|| len != sizeof(pkt->len) + le32_to_cpu(pkt->len))
errx(1, "%s length is wrong", filename);
len -= sizeof(pkt->len);
ret = pkt__unpack(NULL, len, pkt->data);
if (!ret)
errx(1, "Unpack failed for %s", filename);
return ret;
Pkt *pkt_from_file(const char *filename, Pkt__PktCase expect)
Pkt *ret = any_pkt_from_file(filename);
if (ret->pkt_case != expect)
errx(1, "Unexpected type %i in %s", ret->pkt_case, filename);
return ret;
struct pkt *open_commit_sig_pkt(const tal_t *ctx, const struct signature *sig)
OpenCommitSig o = OPEN_COMMIT_SIG__INIT;
o.sig = signature_to_proto(ctx, sig);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMMIT_SIG, &o);
struct pkt *close_channel_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
uint64_t fee,
const struct signature *sig)
CloseChannel c = CLOSE_CHANNEL__INIT;
c.close_fee = fee;
c.sig = signature_to_proto(ctx, sig);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_CLOSE, &c);
struct pkt *close_channel_complete_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct signature *sig)
CloseChannelComplete c = CLOSE_CHANNEL_COMPLETE__INIT;
c.sig = signature_to_proto(ctx, sig);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_CLOSE_COMPLETE, &c);
struct pkt *update_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
s64 delta)
Update u = UPDATE__INIT;
u.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
u.delta_msat = delta * 1000;
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE, &u);
struct pkt *update_htlc_add_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
u32 value,
const struct sha256 *htlc_rhash,
u32 abs_locktime_seconds)
UpdateAddHtlc u = UPDATE_ADD_HTLC__INIT;
Locktime l = LOCKTIME__INIT;
/* HTLC total must fit in 32 bits. */
if (value > (1ULL << 32) / 1000)
return NULL;
u.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
u.amount_msat = value * 1000;
u.r_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, htlc_rhash);
l.seconds = abs_locktime_seconds;
u.expiry = &l;
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC, &u);
struct pkt *update_htlc_complete_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
const struct sha256 *rval)
UpdateCompleteHtlc u = UPDATE_COMPLETE_HTLC__INIT;
u.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
u.r = sha256_to_proto(ctx, rval);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE_HTLC, &u);
struct pkt *update_htlc_timedout_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
const struct sha256 *htlc_rhash)
UpdateTimedoutHtlc u = UPDATE_TIMEDOUT_HTLC__INIT;
u.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
u.r_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, htlc_rhash);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_TIMEDOUT_HTLC, &u);
struct pkt *update_htlc_routefail_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash,
const struct sha256 *htlc_rhash)
UpdateRoutefailHtlc u = UPDATE_ROUTEFAIL_HTLC__INIT;
u.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
u.r_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, htlc_rhash);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ROUTEFAIL_HTLC, &u);
struct pkt *update_accept_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
struct signature *sig,
const struct sha256 *revocation_hash)
UpdateAccept ua = UPDATE_ACCEPT__INIT;
ua.sig = signature_to_proto(ctx, sig);
ua.revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_hash);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ACCEPT, &ua);
struct pkt *update_signature_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct signature *sig,
const struct sha256 *revocation_preimage)
UpdateSignature us = UPDATE_SIGNATURE__INIT;
us.sig = signature_to_proto(ctx, sig);
us.revocation_preimage = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_preimage);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_SIGNATURE, &us);
struct pkt *update_complete_pkt(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct sha256 *revocation_preimage)
UpdateComplete uc = UPDATE_COMPLETE__INIT;
uc.revocation_preimage = sha256_to_proto(ctx, revocation_preimage);
return to_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE, &uc);