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use crate::codec::{JsonCodec, JsonRpcCodec};
pub use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
extern crate log;
use log::trace;
use messages::{Configuration, NotificationTopic, FeatureBits};
use options::ConfigOption;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_util::codec::FramedRead;
use tokio_util::codec::FramedWrite;
mod codec;
mod logging;
pub mod messages;
extern crate serde_json;
pub mod options;
/// Need to tell us about something that went wrong? Use this error
/// type to do that. Use this alias to be safe from future changes in
/// our internal error handling, since we'll implement any necessary
/// conversions for you :-)
pub type Error = anyhow::Error;
/// Builder for a new plugin.
pub struct Builder<S, I, O>
I: AsyncRead + Unpin,
O: Send + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
S: Clone + Send,
input: Option<I>,
output: Option<O>,
hooks: HashMap<String, Hook<S>>,
options: Vec<ConfigOption>,
rpcmethods: HashMap<String, RpcMethod<S>>,
subscriptions: HashMap<String, Subscription<S>>,
notifications: Vec<NotificationTopic>,
custommessages : Vec<u16>,
featurebits: FeatureBits,
dynamic: bool,
// Do we want the plugin framework to automatically register a logging handler?
logging: bool,
/// A plugin that has registered with the lightning daemon, and gotten
/// its options filled, however has not yet acknowledged the `init`
/// message. This is a mid-state allowing a plugin to disable itself,
/// based on the options.
pub struct ConfiguredPlugin<S, I, O>
S: Clone + Send,
init_id: serde_json::Value,
input: FramedRead<I, JsonRpcCodec>,
output: Arc<Mutex<FramedWrite<O, JsonCodec>>>,
options: Vec<ConfigOption>,
configuration: Configuration,
rpcmethods: HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<S>>,
hooks: HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<S>>,
subscriptions: HashMap<String, AsyncNotificationCallback<S>>,
#[allow(dead_code)] // unsure why rust thinks this field isn't used
notifications: Vec<NotificationTopic>,
/// The [PluginDriver] is used to run the IO loop, reading messages
/// from the Lightning daemon, dispatching calls and notifications to
/// the plugin, and returning responses to the the daemon. We also use
/// it to handle spontaneous messages like Notifications and logging
/// events.
struct PluginDriver<S>
S: Send + Clone,
plugin: Plugin<S>,
rpcmethods: HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<S>>,
#[allow(dead_code)] // Unused until we fill in the Hook structs.
hooks: HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<S>>,
subscriptions: HashMap<String, AsyncNotificationCallback<S>>,
pub struct Plugin<S>
S: Clone + Send,
/// The state gets cloned for each request
state: S,
/// "options" field of "init" message sent by cln
options: Vec<ConfigOption>,
/// "configuration" field of "init" message sent by cln
configuration: Configuration,
/// A signal that allows us to wait on the plugin's shutdown.
wait_handle: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<()>,
sender: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<serde_json::Value>,
impl<S, I, O> Builder<S, I, O>
O: Send + AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static,
S: Clone + Sync + Send + 'static,
I: AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static,
pub fn new(input: I, output: O) -> Self {
Self {
input: Some(input),
output: Some(output),
hooks: HashMap::new(),
subscriptions: HashMap::new(),
options: vec![],
rpcmethods: HashMap::new(),
notifications: vec![],
featurebits: FeatureBits::default(),
dynamic: false,
custommessages : vec![],
logging: true,
pub fn option(mut self, opt: options::ConfigOption) -> Builder<S, I, O> {
pub fn notification(mut self, notif: messages::NotificationTopic) -> Builder<S, I, O> {
/// Subscribe to notifications for the given `topic`. The handler
/// is an async function that takes a `Plugin<S>` and the
/// notification as a `serde_json::Value` as inputs. Since
/// notifications do not expect a result the handler should only
/// report errors while processing. Any error reported while
/// processing the notification will be logged in the cln logs.
/// ```
/// use cln_plugin::{options, Builder, Error, Plugin};
/// async fn connect_handler(_p: Plugin<()>, v: serde_json::Value) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// println!("Got a connect notification: {}", v);
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// let b = Builder::new(tokio::io::stdin(), tokio::io::stdout())
/// .subscribe("connect", connect_handler);
/// ```
pub fn subscribe<C, F>(mut self, topic: &str, callback: C) -> Builder<S, I, O>
C: Send + Sync + 'static,
C: Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> F + 'static,
F: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send + 'static,
Subscription {
callback: Box::new(move |p, r| Box::pin(callback(p, r))),
/// Add a subscription to a given `hookname`
pub fn hook<C, F>(mut self, hookname: &str, callback: C) -> Self
C: Send + Sync + 'static,
C: Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> F + 'static,
F: Future<Output = Response> + Send + 'static,
Hook {
callback: Box::new(move |p, r| Box::pin(callback(p, r))),
/// Register a custom RPC method for the RPC passthrough from the
/// main daemon
pub fn rpcmethod<C, F>(mut self, name: &str, description: &str, callback: C) -> Builder<S, I, O>
C: Send + Sync + 'static,
C: Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> F + 'static,
F: Future<Output = Response> + Send + 'static,
RpcMethod {
name: name.to_string(),
description: description.to_string(),
usage: String::default(),
callback: Box::new(move |p, r| Box::pin(callback(p, r))),
pub fn rpcmethod_from_builder(mut self, rpc_method: RpcMethodBuilder<S>) -> Builder<S, I, O> {
.insert(rpc_method.name.to_string(), rpc_method.build());
/// Send true value for "dynamic" field in "getmanifest" response
pub fn dynamic(mut self) -> Builder<S, I, O> {
self.dynamic = true;
/// Sets the "featurebits" in the "getmanifest" response
pub fn featurebits(mut self, kind: FeatureBitsKind, hex: String) -> Self {
match kind {
FeatureBitsKind::Node => self.featurebits.node = Some(hex),
FeatureBitsKind::Channel => self.featurebits.channel = Some(hex),
FeatureBitsKind::Init => self.featurebits.init = Some(hex),
FeatureBitsKind::Invoice => self.featurebits.invoice = Some(hex),
/// Should the plugin automatically register a logging handler? If
/// not you may need to register a logging handler yourself. Be
/// careful not to print raw lines to `stdout` if you do, since
/// that'll interfere with the plugin communication. See the CLN
/// documentation on logging to see what logging events should
/// look like.
pub fn with_logging(mut self, log: bool) -> Builder<S, I, O> {
self.logging = log;
/// Tells lightningd explicitly to allow custommmessages of the provided
/// type
pub fn custommessages(mut self, custommessages : Vec<u16>) -> Self {
self.custommessages = custommessages;
/// Communicate with `lightningd` to tell it about our options,
/// RPC methods and subscribe to hooks, and then process the
/// initialization, configuring the plugin.
/// Returns `None` if we were invoked with `--help` and thus
/// should exit after this handshake
pub async fn configure(mut self) -> Result<Option<ConfiguredPlugin<S, I, O>>, anyhow::Error> {
let mut input = FramedRead::new(self.input.take().unwrap(), JsonRpcCodec::default());
// Sadly we need to wrap the output in a mutex in order to
// enable early logging, i.e., logging that is done before the
// PluginDriver is processing events during the
// handshake. Otherwise we could just write the log events to
// the event queue and have the PluginDriver be the sole owner
// of `Stdout`.
let output = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FramedWrite::new(
// Now configure the logging, so any `log` call is wrapped
// in a JSON-RPC notification and sent to Core Lightning
if self.logging {
trace!("Plugin logging initialized");
// Read the `getmanifest` message:
match input.next().await {
Some(Ok(messages::JsonRpc::Request(id, messages::Request::Getmanifest(m)))) => {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": self.handle_get_manifest(m),
"id": id,
Some(o) => return Err(anyhow!("Got unexpected message {:?} from lightningd", o)),
None => {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Lost connection to lightning expecting getmanifest"
let (init_id, configuration) = match input.next().await {
Some(Ok(messages::JsonRpc::Request(id, messages::Request::Init(m)))) => {
(id, self.handle_init(m)?)
Some(o) => return Err(anyhow!("Got unexpected message {:?} from lightningd", o)),
None => {
// If we are being called with --help we will get
// disconnected here. That's expected, so don't
// complain about it.
return Ok(None);
// TODO Split the two hashmaps once we fill in the hook
// payload structs in messages.rs
let mut rpcmethods: HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<S>> =
HashMap::from_iter(self.rpcmethods.drain().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.callback)));
rpcmethods.extend(self.hooks.drain().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.callback)));
let subscriptions =
HashMap::from_iter(self.subscriptions.drain().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.callback)));
// Leave the `init` reply pending, so we can disable based on
// the options if required.
Ok(Some(ConfiguredPlugin {
// The JSON-RPC `id` field so we can reply correctly.
notifications: self.notifications,
options: self.options,
hooks: HashMap::new(),
/// Build and start the plugin loop. This performs the handshake
/// and spawns a new task that accepts incoming messages from
/// Core Lightning and dispatches them to the handlers. It only
/// returns after completing the handshake to ensure that the
/// configuration and initialization was successfull.
/// If `lightningd` was called with `--help` we won't get a
/// `Plugin` instance and return `None` instead. This signals that
/// we should exit, and not continue running. `start()` returns in
/// order to allow user code to perform cleanup if necessary.
pub async fn start(self, state: S) -> Result<Option<Plugin<S>>, anyhow::Error> {
if let Some(cp) = self.configure().await? {
} else {
fn handle_get_manifest(
&mut self,
_call: messages::GetManifestCall,
) -> messages::GetManifestResponse {
let rpcmethods: Vec<_> = self
.map(|v| messages::RpcMethod {
name: v.name.clone(),
description: v.description.clone(),
usage: v.usage.clone(),
messages::GetManifestResponse {
options: self.options.clone(),
subscriptions: self.subscriptions.keys().map(|s| s.clone()).collect(),
hooks: self.hooks.keys().map(|s| s.clone()).collect(),
notifications: self.notifications.clone(),
featurebits: self.featurebits.clone(),
dynamic: self.dynamic,
nonnumericids: true,
custommessages : self.custommessages.clone()
fn handle_init(&mut self, call: messages::InitCall) -> Result<Configuration, Error> {
use options::Value as OValue;
use serde_json::Value as JValue;
// Match up the ConfigOptions and fill in their values if we
// have a matching entry.
for opt in self.options.iter_mut() {
let val = call.options.get(opt.name());
opt.value = match (&opt, &opt.default(), &val) {
(_, OValue::String(_), Some(JValue::String(s))) => Some(OValue::String(s.clone())),
(_, OValue::OptString, Some(JValue::String(s))) => Some(OValue::String(s.clone())),
(_, OValue::OptString, None) => None,
(_, OValue::Integer(_), Some(JValue::Number(s))) => {
(_, OValue::OptInteger, Some(JValue::Number(s))) => {
(_, OValue::OptInteger, None) => None,
(_, OValue::Boolean(_), Some(JValue::Bool(s))) => Some(OValue::Boolean(*s)),
(_, OValue::OptBoolean, Some(JValue::Bool(s))) => Some(OValue::Boolean(*s)),
(_, OValue::OptBoolean, None) => None,
(o, _, _) => panic!("Type mismatch for option {:?}", o),
impl<S> RpcMethodBuilder<S>
S: Send + Clone,
pub fn new<C, F>(name: &str, callback: C) -> Self
C: Send + Sync + 'static,
C: Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> F + 'static,
F: Future<Output = Response> + Send + 'static,
Self {
name: name.to_string(),
callback: Box::new(move |p, r| Box::pin(callback(p, r))),
usage: None,
description: None,
pub fn description(mut self, description: &str) -> Self {
self.description = Some(description.to_string());
pub fn usage(mut self, usage: &str) -> Self {
self.usage = Some(usage.to_string());
fn build(self) -> RpcMethod<S> {
RpcMethod {
callback: self.callback,
name: self.name,
description: self.description.unwrap_or_default(),
usage: self.usage.unwrap_or_default(),
// Just some type aliases so we don't get confused in a lisp-like sea
// of parentheses.
type Request = serde_json::Value;
type Response = Result<serde_json::Value, Error>;
type AsyncCallback<S> =
Box<dyn Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Response> + Send>> + Send + Sync>;
type AsyncNotificationCallback<S> = Box<
dyn Fn(Plugin<S>, Request) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send>>
+ Send
+ Sync,
/// A struct collecting the metadata required to register a custom
/// rpcmethod with the main daemon upon init. It'll get deconstructed
/// into just the callback after the init.
struct RpcMethod<S>
S: Clone + Send,
callback: AsyncCallback<S>,
description: String,
name: String,
usage: String,
pub struct RpcMethodBuilder<S>
S: Clone + Send,
callback: AsyncCallback<S>,
name: String,
description: Option<String>,
usage: Option<String>,
struct Subscription<S>
S: Clone + Send,
callback: AsyncNotificationCallback<S>,
struct Hook<S>
S: Clone + Send,
callback: AsyncCallback<S>,
impl<S> Plugin<S>
S: Clone + Send,
pub fn option(&self, name: &str) -> Option<options::Value> {
.filter(|o| o.name() == name)
.map(|co| co.value.clone().unwrap_or(co.default().clone()))
impl<S, I, O> ConfiguredPlugin<S, I, O>
S: Send + Clone + Sync + 'static,
I: AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static,
O: Send + AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'static,
pub async fn start(mut self, state: S) -> Result<Plugin<S>, anyhow::Error> {
let output = self.output;
let input = self.input;
let (wait_handle, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(1);
// An MPSC pair used by anything that needs to send messages
// to the main daemon.
let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(4);
let plugin = Plugin {
options: self.options,
configuration: self.configuration,
let driver = PluginDriver {
plugin: plugin.clone(),
rpcmethods: self.rpcmethods,
hooks: self.hooks,
subscriptions: self.subscriptions,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": self.init_id,
"result": crate::messages::InitResponse{disable: None}
.context("sending init response")?;
let joiner = plugin.wait_handle.clone();
// Start the PluginDriver to handle plugin IO
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = driver.run(receiver, input, output).await {
log::warn!("Plugin loop returned error {:?}", e);
// Now that we have left the reader loop its time to
// notify any waiting tasks. This most likely will cause
// the main task to exit and the plugin to terminate.
/// Abort the plugin startup. Communicate that we're about to exit
/// voluntarily, and this is not an error.
pub async fn disable(mut self, reason: &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": self.init_id,
"result": crate::messages::InitResponse{
disable: Some(reason.to_string())
.context("sending init response")?;
pub fn option(&self, name: &str) -> Option<options::Value> {
.filter(|o| o.name() == name)
.map(|co| co.value.clone().unwrap_or(co.default().clone()))
/// return the cln configuration send to the
/// plugin after the initialization.
pub fn configuration(&self) -> Configuration {
impl<S> PluginDriver<S>
S: Send + Clone,
/// Run the plugin until we get a shutdown command.
async fn run<I, O>(
mut receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<serde_json::Value>,
mut input: FramedRead<I, JsonRpcCodec>,
output: Arc<Mutex<FramedWrite<O, JsonCodec>>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
I: Send + AsyncReadExt + Unpin,
O: Send + AsyncWriteExt + Unpin,
loop {
// If we encounter any error reading or writing from/to
// the master we hand them up, so we can return control to
// the user-code, which may require some cleanups or
// similar.
tokio::select! {
e = self.dispatch_one(&mut input, &self.plugin) => {
if let Err(e) = e {
return Err(e)
v = receiver.recv() => {
v.context("internal communication error")?
/// Dispatch one server-side event and then return. Just so we
/// have a nicer looking `select` statement in `run` :-)
async fn dispatch_one<I>(
input: &mut FramedRead<I, JsonRpcCodec>,
plugin: &Plugin<S>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
I: Send + AsyncReadExt + Unpin,
match input.next().await {
Some(Ok(msg)) => {
trace!("Received a message: {:?}", msg);
match msg {
messages::JsonRpc::Request(_id, _p) => {
todo!("This is unreachable until we start filling in messages:Request. Until then the custom dispatcher below is used exclusively.");
messages::JsonRpc::Notification(_n) => {
todo!("As soon as we define the full structure of the messages::Notification we'll get here. Until then the custom dispatcher below is used.")
messages::JsonRpc::CustomRequest(id, request) => {
trace!("Dispatching custom method {:?}", request);
let method = request
.context("Missing 'method' in request")?
.context("'method' is not a string")?;
let callback = self.rpcmethods.get(method).with_context(|| {
anyhow!("No handler for method '{}' registered", method)
let params = request
.context("Missing 'params' field in request")?
let plugin = plugin.clone();
let call = callback(plugin.clone(), params);
tokio::spawn(async move {
match call.await {
Ok(v) => plugin
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": id,
"result": v
.context("returning custom response"),
Err(e) => plugin
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": id,
"error": e.to_string(),
.context("returning custom error"),
messages::JsonRpc::CustomNotification(request) => {
trace!("Dispatching custom notification {:?}", request);
let method = request
.context("Missing 'method' in request")?
.context("'method' is not a string")?;
let callback = self.subscriptions.get(method).with_context(|| {
anyhow!("No handler for notification '{}' registered", method)
let params = request
.context("Missing 'params' field in request")?
let plugin = plugin.clone();
let call = callback(plugin.clone(), params);
tokio::spawn(async move { call.await.unwrap() });
Some(Err(e)) => Err(anyhow!("Error reading command: {}", e)),
None => Err(anyhow!("Error reading from master")),
impl<S> Plugin<S>
S: Clone + Send,
pub fn options(&self) -> Vec<ConfigOption> {
pub fn configuration(&self) -> Configuration {
pub fn state(&self) -> &S {
impl<S> Plugin<S>
S: Send + Clone,
pub async fn send_custom_notification(
method: String,
v: serde_json::Value,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": method,
"params": v,
.context("sending custom notification")?;
/// Wait for plugin shutdown
pub async fn join(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
.context("error waiting for shutdown")
/// Request plugin shutdown
pub fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
.context("error waiting for shutdown")?;
pub enum FeatureBitsKind {
mod test {
use super::*;
async fn init() {
let state = ();
let builder = Builder::new(tokio::io::stdin(), tokio::io::stdout());
let _ = builder.start(state);