#!/usr/bin/env python3 from mako.template import Template import re import sys DEBUG = False def eprint(*args, **kwargs): if not DEBUG: return print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) class Rewriter(object): def rewrite_types(self, query, mapping): for old, new in mapping.items(): query = re.sub(old, new, query) return query def rewrite_single(self, query): return query def rewrite(self, queries): for i, q in enumerate(queries): if q['name'] is None: continue org = q['query'] queries[i]['query'] = self.rewrite_single(org) eprint("Rewritten statement\n\tfrom {}\n\t to {}".format(org, q['query'])) return queries class Sqlite3Rewriter(Rewriter): def rewrite_single(self, query): # Replace DB specific queries with a no-op if "/*PSQL*/" in query: return "UPDATE vars SET intval=1 WHERE name='doesnotexist'" # Return a no-op typemapping = { r'BIGINT': 'INTEGER', r'BIGINTEGER': 'INTEGER', r'BIGSERIAL': 'INTEGER', r'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(\)': "strftime('%s', 'now')", r'INSERT INTO[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+ON CONFLICT.*DO NOTHING;': 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \\1;', # Rewrite "decode('abcd', 'hex')" to become "x'abcd'" r'decode\((.*),\s*[\'\"]hex[\'\"]\)': 'x\\1', # GREATEST() of multiple columns is simple MAX in sqlite3. r'GREATEST\(([^)]*)\)': "MAX(\\1)", } return self.rewrite_types(query, typemapping) class PostgresRewriter(Rewriter): def rewrite_single(self, q): # Replace DB specific queries with a no-op if "/*SQLITE*/" in q: return "UPDATE vars SET intval=1 WHERE name='doesnotexist'" # Return a no-op # Let's start by replacing any eventual '?' placeholders q2 = "" count = 1 for c in q: if c == '?': c = "${}".format(count) count += 1 q2 += c query = q2 typemapping = { r'BLOB': 'BYTEA', r'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\(\)': "EXTRACT(epoch FROM now())", } query = self.rewrite_types(query, typemapping) return query rewriters = { "sqlite3": Sqlite3Rewriter(), "postgres": PostgresRewriter(), } # djb2 is simple and effective: see http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html def hash_djb2(string): val = 5381 for s in string: val = ((val * 33) & 0xFFFFFFFF) ^ ord(s) return val def colname_htable(query): assert query.upper().startswith("SELECT") colquery = query[6:query.upper().index(" FROM ")] colnames = colquery.split(',') # If split caused unbalanced brackets, it's complex: assume # a single field! if any([colname.count('(') != colname.count(')') for colname in colnames]): return [('"' + colquery.strip() + '"', 0)] # 50% density htable tablesize = len(colnames) * 2 - 1 table = [("NULL", -1)] * tablesize for colnum, colname in enumerate(colnames): colname = colname.strip() # SELECT xxx AS yyy -> Y as_clause = colname.upper().rfind(" AS ") if as_clause != -1: colname = colname[as_clause + 4:].strip() pos = hash_djb2(colname) % tablesize while table[pos][0] != "NULL": pos = (pos + 1) % tablesize table[pos] = ('"' + colname + '"', colnum) return table template = Template("""#ifndef LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()} #define LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()} #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_${f.upper()} % for colname, table in colhtables.items(): static const struct sqlname_map ${colname}[] = { % for t in table: { ${t[0]}, ${t[1]} }, % endfor }; % endfor const struct db_query db_${f}_queries[] = { % for elem in queries: { % if elem['name'] is not None: .name = "${elem['name']}", .query = "${elem['query']}", .placeholders = ${elem['placeholders']}, .readonly = ${elem['readonly']}, % if elem['colnames'] is not None: .colnames = ${elem['colnames']}, .num_colnames = ARRAY_SIZE(${elem['colnames']}), % endif % endif }, % endfor }; struct db_query_set ${f}_query_set = { .name = "${f}", .query_table = db_${f}_queries, .query_table_size = ARRAY_SIZE(db_${f}_queries), }; AUTODATA(db_queries, &${f}_query_set); #endif /* HAVE_${f.upper()} */ #endif /* LIGHTNINGD_WALLET_GEN_DB_${f.upper()} */ """) def queries_htable(queries): # Converts a list of queries into a hash table. tablesize = len(queries) * 2 - 1 htable = [{'name': None}] * tablesize for q in queries: pos = hash_djb2(q['name']) % tablesize while htable[pos]['name'] is not None: pos = (pos + 1) % tablesize htable[pos] = q return htable def extract_queries(pofile): # Given a po-file, extract all queries and their associated names, and # return them as a list. def chunk(pofile): # Chunk a given file into chunks separated by an empty line with open(pofile, 'r') as f: chunk = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.strip() == "": yield chunk chunk = [] else: chunk.append(line.strip()) if chunk != []: yield chunk colhtables = {} queries = [] for c in chunk(pofile): # Skip other comments i = 1 while c[i][0] == '#': i += 1 # Strip header and surrounding quotes query = c[i][7:][:-1] is_select = query.upper().startswith("SELECT") if is_select: colnames = 'col_table{}'.format(len(queries)) colhtables[colnames] = colname_htable(query) else: colnames = None queries.append({ 'name': query, 'query': query, 'placeholders': query.count('?'), 'readonly': "true" if is_select else "false", 'colnames': colnames, }) return colhtables, queries_htable(queries) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage:\n\t{} ".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) dialect = sys.argv[2] if dialect not in rewriters: print("Unknown dialect {}. The following are available: {}".format( dialect, ", ".join(rewriters.keys()) )) sys.exit(1) rewriter = rewriters[dialect] colhtables, queries = extract_queries(sys.argv[1]) queries = rewriter.rewrite(queries) print(template.render(f=dialect, queries=queries, colhtables=colhtables))