#!/usr/bin/env python3 # For --hidden-import gunicorn.glogging gunicorn.workers.sync try: from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_ssl() import sys import os import re import ssl import time import multiprocessing from gunicorn import glogging # noqa: F401 from gunicorn.workers import sync # noqa: F401 from pathlib import Path from flask import Flask, request, Blueprint from flask_restx import Api from flask_cors import CORS from gunicorn.app.base import BaseApplication from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from flask_socketio import SocketIO, disconnect from utilities.generate_certs import generate_certs from utilities.shared import set_config, verify_rune from utilities.rpc_routes import rpcns from utilities.rpc_plugin import plugin except ModuleNotFoundError as err: # OK, something is not installed? import json import sys getmanifest = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline()) print(json.dumps({'jsonrpc': "2.0", 'id': getmanifest['id'], 'result': {'disable': str(err)}})) sys.exit(1) multiprocessing.set_start_method('fork') def check_origin(origin): from utilities.shared import REST_CORS_ORIGINS is_whitelisted = False if REST_CORS_ORIGINS[0] == "*": is_whitelisted = True else: for whitelisted_origin in REST_CORS_ORIGINS: try: does_match = bool(re.compile(whitelisted_origin).match(origin)) is_whitelisted = is_whitelisted or does_match except Exception as err: plugin.log(f"Error from rest-cors-origin {whitelisted_origin} match with {origin}: {err}", "info") return is_whitelisted jobs = {} app = Flask(__name__) socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode="gevent", cors_allowed_origins=check_origin) msgq = Queue() def broadcast_from_message_queue(): while True: while not msgq.empty(): msg = msgq.get() if msg is None: return socketio.emit("message", msg) # Wait for a second after processing all items in the queue time.sleep(1) # Starts a background task which pulls notifications from the message queue # and broadcasts them to all connected ws clients at one-second intervals. socketio.start_background_task(broadcast_from_message_queue) @socketio.on("message") def handle_message(message): plugin.log(f"Received message from client: {message}", "debug") socketio.emit('message', {"client_message": message, "session": request.sid}) @socketio.on("connect") def ws_connect(): try: plugin.log("Client Connecting...", "debug") rune = request.headers.get("rune", None) is_valid_rune = verify_rune(plugin, rune, "listclnrest-notifications", None) if "error" in is_valid_rune: # Logging as error/warn emits the event for all clients plugin.log(f"Error: {is_valid_rune}", "info") raise Exception(is_valid_rune) plugin.log("Client Connected", "debug") return True except Exception as err: # Logging as error/warn emits the event for all clients plugin.log(f"{err}", "info") disconnect() def create_app(): from utilities.shared import REST_CORS_ORIGINS, SWAGGER_ROOT global app app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = os.urandom(24).hex() authorizations = { "rune": {"type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "Rune"} } CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": REST_CORS_ORIGINS}}) blueprint = Blueprint("api", __name__) api = Api(blueprint, version="1.0", doc=SWAGGER_ROOT, title="Core Lightning Rest", description="Core Lightning REST API Swagger", authorizations=authorizations, security=["rune"]) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) api.add_namespace(rpcns, path="/v1") @app.after_request def add_csp_headers(response): try: from utilities.shared import REST_CSP response.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = REST_CSP.replace('\\', '').replace("[\"", '').replace("\"]", '') return response except Exception as err: plugin.log(f"Error from clnrest-csp config: {err}", "info") def set_application_options(plugin): from utilities.shared import CERTS_PATH, REST_PROTOCOL, REST_HOST, REST_PORT plugin.log(f"REST Server is starting at {REST_PROTOCOL}://{REST_HOST}:{REST_PORT}", "debug") if REST_PROTOCOL == "http": # Assigning only one worker due to added complexity between gunicorn's multiple worker process forks # and websocket connection's persistance with a single worker. options = { "bind": f"{REST_HOST}:{REST_PORT}", "workers": 1, "worker_class": "geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker", "timeout": 60, "loglevel": "warning", } else: cert_file = Path(f"{CERTS_PATH}/client.pem") key_file = Path(f"{CERTS_PATH}/client-key.pem") try: if not cert_file.is_file() or not key_file.is_file(): plugin.log(f"Certificate not found at {CERTS_PATH}. Generating a new certificate!", "debug") generate_certs(plugin, REST_HOST, CERTS_PATH) plugin.log(f"Certs Path: {CERTS_PATH}", "debug") except Exception as err: raise Exception(f"{err}: Certificates do not exist at {CERTS_PATH}") # Assigning only one worker due to added complexity between gunicorn's multiple worker process forks # and websocket connection's persistance with a single worker. options = { "bind": f"{REST_HOST}:{REST_PORT}", "workers": 1, "worker_class": "geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker", "timeout": 60, "loglevel": "warning", "certfile": f"{CERTS_PATH}/client.pem", "keyfile": f"{CERTS_PATH}/client-key.pem", "ssl_version": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 } return options class CLNRestApplication(BaseApplication): def __init__(self, app, options=None): from utilities.shared import REST_PROTOCOL, REST_HOST, REST_PORT self.application = app self.options = options or {} super().__init__() plugin.log(f"REST server running at {REST_PROTOCOL}://{REST_HOST}:{REST_PORT}", "info") def load_config(self): config = {key: value for key, value in self.options.items() if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None} for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value) def load(self): return self.application def worker(): global app options = set_application_options(plugin) create_app() CLNRestApplication(app, options).run() def start_server(): global jobs from utilities.shared import REST_PORT if REST_PORT in jobs: return False, "server already running" p = Process( target=worker, args=[], name="server on port {}".format(REST_PORT), ) p.daemon = True jobs[REST_PORT] = p p.start() return True @plugin.init() def init(options, configuration, plugin): # We require options before we open a port. err = set_config(options) if err: return {'disable': err} start_server() @plugin.subscribe("*") def on_any_notification(request, **kwargs): plugin.log("Notification: {}".format(kwargs), "debug") if request.method == 'shutdown': # A plugin which subscribes to shutdown is expected to exit itself. sys.exit(0) else: msgq.put(kwargs) try: plugin.run() except ValueError as err: plugin.log("Unable to subscribe to all events. Feature available with CLN v23.08 and above: {}".format(err), "warn") except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass