#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void ping_reply(struct subd *subd, const u8 *msg, const int *fds, struct command *cmd) { u16 totlen; bool ok, sent = true; log_debug(subd->ld->log, "Got ping reply!"); if (streq(subd->name, "lightning_channeld")) ok = fromwire_channel_ping_reply(msg, &totlen); else ok = fromwire_gossip_ping_reply(msg, &sent, &totlen); if (!ok) command_fail(cmd, "Bad reply message"); else if (!sent) command_fail(cmd, "Unknown peer"); else { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_num(response, "totlen", totlen); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } } static void json_dev_ping(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct peer *peer; u8 *msg; jsmntok_t *idtok, *lentok, *pongbytestok; unsigned int len, pongbytes; struct pubkey id; struct subd *owner; if (!json_get_params(cmd, buffer, params, "id", &idtok, "len", &lentok, "pongbytes", &pongbytestok, NULL)) { return; } /* FIXME: These checks are horrible, use a peer flag to say it's * ready to forward! */ if (!json_tok_number(buffer, lentok, &len)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid number", (int)(lentok->end - lentok->start), buffer + lentok->start); return; } if (!json_tok_number(buffer, pongbytestok, &pongbytes)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid number", (int)(pongbytestok->end - pongbytestok->start), buffer + pongbytestok->start); return; } if (!json_tok_pubkey(buffer, idtok, &id)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid pubkey", (int)(idtok->end - idtok->start), buffer + idtok->start); return; } /* First, see if it's in channeld. */ peer = peer_by_id(cmd->ld, &id); if (peer) { struct channel *channel = peer_active_channel(peer); if (!channel || !channel->owner || !streq(channel->owner->name, "lightning_channeld")) { command_fail(cmd, "Peer in %s", channel && channel->owner ? channel->owner->name : "unattached"); return; } msg = towire_channel_ping(cmd, pongbytes, len); owner = channel->owner; } else { /* We assume it's in gossipd. */ msg = towire_gossip_ping(cmd, &id, pongbytes, len); owner = cmd->ld->gossip; } subd_req(owner, owner, take(msg), -1, 0, ping_reply, cmd); command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command dev_ping_command = { "dev-ping", json_dev_ping, "Send {peerid} a ping of length {len} asking for {pongbytes}" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_ping_command);