#!/usr/bin/env python3 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys import json import os import argparse from pathlib import Path, PosixPath import shutil import tempfile from typing import Union from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import urlopen import logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)], ) repos = ['https://github.com/lightningd/plugins'] def py_entry_guesses(name): return [name, f'{name}.py', '__init__.py'] def unsupported_entry(name): return [f'{name}.go', f'{name}.sh'] class InstInfo: def __init__(self, name, url, git_url): self.name = name self.repo = url # Used for 'git clone' self.git_url = git_url # API access for github repos self.entry = None self.deps = None self.subdir = None self.commit = None def __repr__(self): return (f'InstInfo({self.name}, {self.repo}, {self.git_url}' f'{self.entry}, {self.deps})') def get_inst_details(self): """ Populate installation details from a github repo url. Return True if all data is found. """ if "api.github.com" in self.git_url: # This lets us redirect to handle blackbox testing redir_addr = API_GITHUB_COM + self.git_url.split("api.github.com")[-1] r = urlopen(redir_addr, timeout=5) else: r = urlopen(self.git_url, timeout=5) if r.status != 200: return False if 'git/tree' in self.git_url: tree = json.loads(r.read().decode())['tree'] else: tree = json.loads(r.read().decode()) entry_guesses = py_entry_guesses(self.name) for g in entry_guesses: for f in tree: if f['path'] == g: self.entry = g break if self.entry is not None: break if self.entry is None: for g in unsupported_entry(self.name): for f in tree: if f['path'] == g: # FIXME: This should be easier to implement print(f'entrypoint {g} is not yet supported') return False dependency_info = ['requirements.txt', 'pyproject.toml'] for d in dependency_info: for f in tree: if f['path'] == d: self.deps = d break if self.deps is not None: break if not self.entry: return False if not self.deps: return False return True def create_dir(r: int, directory: PosixPath) -> bool: """Creation of a directory at path `d` with a maximum new dir depth `r`""" if directory.exists(): return True if r <= 0: return False if create_dir(r-1, directory.parent): os.mkdir(directory, 0o777) print(f'created directory {directory}') assert directory.exists() return True def remove_dir(target: str) -> bool: try: shutil.rmtree(target) return True except NotADirectoryError: print(f"Tried to remove directory {target} that does not exist.") except PermissionError: print(f"Permission denied removing dir: {target}") return False class Config(): """A generic class for procuring, reading and editing config files""" def obtain_config(self, config_path: str, default_text: str, warn: bool = False) -> str: """Return a config file from the desired location. Create one with default_text if it cannot be found.""" if isinstance(config_path, type(None)): raise Exception("Generic config must be passed a config_path.") assert isinstance(config_path, str) # FIXME: warn if reckless dir exists, but conf not found if Path(config_path).exists(): with open(config_path, 'r+') as f: config_content = f.readlines() return config_content print(f'config file not found: {config_path}') if warn: confirm = input('press [Y] to create one now.\n').upper() == 'Y' else: confirm = True if not confirm: sys.exit(1) parent_path = Path(config_path).parent # Create up to one parent in the directory tree. if create_dir(1, parent_path): with open(self.conf_fp, 'w') as f: f.write(default_text) # FIXME: Handle write failure return default_text else: logging.debug(f'could not create the parent directory {parent_path}') raise FileNotFoundError('invalid parent directory') def editConfigFile(self, addline: str, removeline: str): remove_these_lines = [] with open(self.conf_fp, 'r') as reckless_conf: original = reckless_conf.readlines() empty_lines = [] for n, l in enumerate(original): if l.strip() == removeline: remove_these_lines.append(n) continue if l.strip() == '': empty_lines.append(n) if n-1 in empty_lines: # The white space is getting excessive. remove_these_lines.append(n) continue with open(self.conf_fp, 'w') as conf_write: # no need to write if passed 'None' line_exists = not bool(addline) for n, l in enumerate(original): if n not in remove_these_lines: if n > 0: conf_write.write(f'\n{l.strip()}') else: conf_write.write(l.strip()) if addline.strip() == l.strip(): # addline is idempotent line_exists = True if not line_exists: conf_write.write(f'\n{addline}') def __init__(self, path: Union[str, None] = None, default_text: Union[str, None] = None, warn: bool = False): assert path is not None assert default_text is not None self.conf_fp = path self.content = self.obtain_config(self.conf_fp, default_text, warn=warn) class RecklessConfig(Config): """Reckless config (by default, specific to the bitcoin network only.) This is inherited by the lightningd config and contains all reckless maintained plugins.""" def enable_plugin(self, plugin_path: str): """Handle persistent plugin loading via config""" self.editConfigFile(f'plugin={plugin_path}', f'disable-plugin={plugin_path}') def disable_plugin(self, plugin_path: str): """Handle persistent plugin disabling via config""" self.editConfigFile(f'disable-plugin={plugin_path}', f'plugin={plugin_path}') def __init__(self, path: Union[str, None] = None, default_text: Union[str, None] = None): if path is None: path = Path(LIGHTNING_DIR) / 'reckless' / 'bitcoin-reckless.conf' if default_text is None: default_text = ( '# This configuration file is managed by reckless to activate ' 'and disable\n# reckless-installed plugins\n\n' ) Config.__init__(self, path=str(path), default_text=default_text) self.reckless_dir = Path(path).parent class LightningBitcoinConfig(Config): """lightningd config specific to the bitcoin network. This is inherited by the main lightningd config and in turn, inherits bitcoin-reckless.conf.""" def __init__(self, path: Union[str, None] = None, default_text: Union[str, None] = None, warn: bool = True): if path is None: path = Path(LIGHTNING_DIR).joinpath('bitcoin', 'config') if default_text is None: default_text = "# This config was autopopulated by reckless\n\n" Config.__init__(self, path=str(path), default_text=default_text, warn=warn) class InferInstall(): """Once a plugin is installed, we may need its directory and entrypoint""" def __init__(self, name: str): reck_contents = os.listdir(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir) if name[-3:] == '.py': name = name[:-3] if name in reck_contents: self.dir = Path(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir).joinpath(name) else: raise Exception(f"Could not find a reckless directory for {name}") plug_dir = Path(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir).joinpath(name) for guess in py_entry_guesses(name): for content in plug_dir.iterdir(): if content.name == guess: self.entry = str(content) self.name = guess return raise Exception(f'plugin entrypoint not found in {self.dir}') def help_alias(targets: list): if len(targets) == 0: parser.print_help(sys.stdout) else: print('try "reckless {} -h"'.format(' '.join(targets))) sys.exit(1) def _search_repo(name: str, url: str) -> InstInfo: """look in given repo and, if found, populate InstInfo""" # Remove api subdomain, subdirectories, etc. repo = url.split('/') while '' in repo: repo.remove('') repo_name = None parsed_url = urlparse(url) if 'github.com' not in parsed_url.netloc: # FIXME: Handle non-github repos. return False if len(parsed_url.path.split('/')) < 2: return False start = 1 # Maybe we were passed an api.github.com/repo/ url if 'api' in parsed_url.netloc: start += 1 repo_user = parsed_url.path.split('/')[start] repo_name = parsed_url.path.split('/')[start + 1] # Get details from the github API. api_url = f'{API_GITHUB_COM}/repos/{repo_user}/{repo_name}/contents/' plugins_cont = api_url r = urlopen(plugins_cont, timeout=5) if r.status != 200: print("Plugin repository unavailable") return False # Repo is for this plugin if repo_name == name: MyPlugin = InstInfo(name, f'https://github.com/{repo_user}/{repo_name}', api_url) if not MyPlugin.get_inst_details(): return False return MyPlugin # Repo contains multiple plugins? for x in json.loads(r.read().decode()): if x["name"] == name: # Look for the rest of the install details # These are in lightningd/plugins directly if 'lightningd/plugins/' in x['html_url']: MyPlugin = InstInfo(name, 'https://github.com/lightningd/plugins', x['git_url']) MyPlugin.subdir = x['name'] # submodules from another github repo else: MyPlugin = InstInfo(name, x['html_url'], x['git_url']) # Submodule URLs are appended with /tree/ if MyPlugin.repo.split('/')[-2] == 'tree': MyPlugin.commit = MyPlugin.repo.split('/')[-1] MyPlugin.repo = MyPlugin.repo.split('/tree/')[0] logging.debug(f'repo using commit: {MyPlugin.commit}') if not MyPlugin.get_inst_details(): logging.debug(f"Found plugin in {url}, but missing install details") return False return MyPlugin return False def _install_plugin(src: InstInfo) -> bool: """make sure the repo exists and clone it.""" logging.debug(f'Install requested from {src}.') if RECKLESS_CONFIG is None: print('error: reckless install directory unavailable') sys.exit(2) # FIXME: This request seems rather pointless req = urlopen(src.repo, timeout=10) if not req.status == 200: print('plugin source repository unavailable') sys.exit(1) # Use a unique directory for each cloned repo. clone_path = 'reckless-{}'.format(str(hash(os.times()))[-9:]) clone_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / clone_path inst_path = Path(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir) / src.name if Path(clone_path).exists(): logging.debug(f'{clone_path} already exists - deleting') shutil.rmtree(clone_path) # clone git repository to /tmp/reckless-... if ('http' in src.repo[:4]) or ('github.com' in src.repo): if 'github.com' in src.repo: url = f"{GITHUB_COM}" + src.repo.split("github.com")[-1] else: url = src.repo # Ugly, but interactively handling stderr gets hairy. if logging.root.level < logging.WARNING: git = Popen(['git', 'clone', url, str(clone_path)], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) else: git = Popen(['git', 'clone', url, str(clone_path)], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) git.wait() if git.returncode != 0: if git.stderr: print(git.stderr.read().decode()) if Path(clone_path).exists(): remove_dir(clone_path) print('Error: Failed to clone repo') return False plugin_path = clone_path if src.subdir is not None: plugin_path = Path(clone_path) / src.subdir if src.commit: logging.debug(f"Checking out commit {src.commit}") checkout = Popen(['git', 'checkout', src.commit], cwd=str(plugin_path), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) checkout.wait() if checkout.returncode != 0: print(f'failed to checkout referenced commit {src.commit}') return False # Install dependencies via requirements.txt or pyproject.toml mypip = 'pip3' if shutil.which('pip3') else 'pip' if not shutil.which(mypip): raise Exception(f'{mypip} not found in PATH') install_methods = { 'requirements.txt': [mypip, 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt'], 'pyproject.toml': [mypip, 'install', '-e', '.'] } if src.deps is not None: logging.debug(f'installing dependencies using {src.deps}') procedure = install_methods[src.deps] # Verbose output requested. if logging.root.level < logging.WARNING: pip = Popen(procedure, cwd=str(plugin_path)) else: pip = Popen(procedure, cwd=str(plugin_path), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) pip.wait() if pip.returncode == 0: print('dependencies installed successfully') else: print('error encountered installing dependencies') logging.debug(pip.stdout.read()) return False test = Popen([Path(plugin_path).joinpath(src.entry)], cwd=str(plugin_path), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) test_log = [] with test.stderr: for line in test.stderr: test_log.append(line.strip('\n')) test.wait() # FIXME: add noexec test/warning. Maybe try chmod entrypoint. if test.returncode != 0: logging.debug("plugin testing error:") for line in test_log: logging.debug(f' {line}') print('plugin testing failed') return False # Find this cute little plugin a forever home shutil.copytree(str(plugin_path), inst_path) print(f'plugin installed: {inst_path}') remove_dir(clone_path) return True def install(plugin_name: str): """downloads plugin from source repos, installs and activates plugin""" assert isinstance(plugin_name, str) src = search(plugin_name) if src: logging.debug(f'Retrieving {plugin_name} from {src.repo}') if not _install_plugin(src): print('installation aborted') sys.exit(1) inst_path = Path(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir) / src.name / src.entry RECKLESS_CONFIG.enable_plugin(inst_path) enable(plugin_name) def uninstall(plugin_name: str): """disables plugin and deletes the plugin's reckless dir""" assert isinstance(plugin_name, str) logging.debug(f'Uninstalling plugin {plugin_name}') disable(plugin_name) plugin_dir = Path(RECKLESS_CONFIG.reckless_dir) / plugin_name logging.debug(f'looking for {plugin_dir}') if remove_dir(plugin_dir): print(f"{plugin_name} uninstalled successfully.") def search(plugin_name: str) -> InstInfo: """searches plugin index for plugin""" ordered_repos = RECKLESS_SOURCES for r in RECKLESS_SOURCES: # Search repos named after the plugin first if r.split('/')[-1].lower() == plugin_name.lower(): ordered_repos.remove(r) ordered_repos.insert(0, r) for r in ordered_repos: p = _search_repo(plugin_name, r) if p: print(f"found {p.name} in repo: {p.repo}") logging.debug(f"entry: {p.entry}") if p.subdir: logging.debug(f'sub-directory: {p.subdir}') return p print(f'Unable to locate source for plugin {plugin_name}') class RPCError(Exception): """lightning-cli fails to connect to lightningd RPC""" def __init__(self, err): self.err = err def __str__(self): return 'RPCError({self.err})' class CLIError(Exception): """lightningd error response""" def __init__(self, code, message): self.code = code self.message = message def __str__(self): return f'CLIError({self.code} {self.message})' def lightning_cli(*args, timeout=15) -> dict: # CLI commands will be added to any necessary options cmd = LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL.copy() cmd.extend(args) clncli = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) clncli.wait(timeout=timeout) out = clncli.stdout.read().decode() if len(out) > 0 and out[0] == '{': # If all goes well, a json object is typically returned out = json.loads(out.replace('\n', '')) else: # help, -V, etc. may not return json, so stash it here. out = {'content': out} if clncli.returncode == 0: return out if clncli.returncode == 1: # RPC doesn't like our input # output contains 'code' and 'message' raise CLIError(out['code'], out['message']) if clncli.returncode == 2: # RPC not available - lightningd not running or using alternate config err = clncli.stderr.read().decode() raise RPCError(err) def enable(plugin_name: str): """dynamically activates plugin and adds to config (persistent)""" assert isinstance(plugin_name, str) inst = InferInstall(plugin_name) path = inst.entry if not Path(path).exists(): print(f'cannot find installed plugin at expected path {path}') sys.exit(1) logging.debug(f'activating {plugin_name}') try: lightning_cli('plugin', 'start', path) except CLIError as err: if 'already registered' in err.message: logging.debug(f'{inst.name} is already running') else: print(f'reckless: {inst.name} failed to start!') raise err except RPCError: logging.debug('lightningd rpc unavailable. Skipping dynamic activation.') RECKLESS_CONFIG.enable_plugin(path) print(f'{plugin_name} enabled') def disable(plugin_name: str): """reckless disable deactivates an installed plugin""" assert isinstance(plugin_name, str) inst = InferInstall(plugin_name) path = inst.entry if not Path(path).exists(): sys.stderr.write(f'Could not find plugin at {path}\n') sys.exit(1) logging.debug(f'deactivating {plugin_name}') try: lightning_cli('plugin', 'stop', path) except CLIError as err: if err.code == -32602: logging.debug('plugin not currently running') else: print('lightning-cli plugin stop failed') raise err except RPCError: logging.debug('lightningd rpc unavailable. Skipping dynamic deactivation.') RECKLESS_CONFIG.disable_plugin(path) print(f'{plugin_name} disabled') def load_config(reckless_dir: Union[str, None] = None, network: str = 'bitcoin') -> Config: """Initial directory discovery and config file creation.""" net_conf = None # Does the lightning-cli already reference an explicit config? try: active_config = lightning_cli('listconfigs', timeout=3) if 'conf' in active_config: net_conf = LightningBitcoinConfig(path=active_config['conf']) except RPCError: pass if reckless_dir is None: reckless_dir = Path(LIGHTNING_DIR) / 'reckless' else: if not os.path.isabs(reckless_dir): reckless_dir = Path.cwd() / reckless_dir if LIGHTNING_CONFIG: network_path = LIGHTNING_CONFIG else: network_path = Path(LIGHTNING_DIR) / network / 'config' reck_conf_path = Path(reckless_dir) / f'{network}-reckless.conf' if net_conf: if str(network_path) != net_conf.conf_fp: print('error: reckless configuration does not match lightningd:\n' f'reckless network config path: {network_path}\n' f'lightningd active config: {net_conf.conf_fp}') sys.exit(1) else: # The network-specific config file (bitcoin by default) net_conf = LightningBitcoinConfig(path=network_path) # Reckless manages plugins here. try: reckless_conf = RecklessConfig(path=reck_conf_path) except FileNotFoundError: print('Error: reckless config file could not be written: ', str(reck_conf_path)) sys.exit(1) if not net_conf: print('Error: could not load or create the network specific lightningd' ' config (default .lightning/bitcoin)') sys.exit(1) net_conf.editConfigFile(f'include {reckless_conf.conf_fp}', None) return reckless_conf def get_sources_file() -> str: return Path(RECKLESS_DIR) / '.sources' def sources_from_file() -> list: sources_file = get_sources_file() read_sources = [] with open(sources_file, 'r') as f: for src in f.readlines(): if len(src.strip()) > 0: read_sources.append(src.strip()) return read_sources def loadSources() -> list: """Look for the repo sources file.""" sources_file = get_sources_file() # This would have been created if possible if not Path(sources_file).exists(): logging.debug('Warning: Reckless requires write access') Config(path=str(sources_file), default_text='https://github.com/lightningd/plugins') return ['https://github.com/lightningd/plugins'] return sources_from_file() def add_source(src: str): """Additional git repositories, directories, etc. are passed here.""" assert isinstance(src, str) # Is it a file? maybe_path = os.path.realpath(src) if Path(maybe_path).exists(): # FIXME: This should handle either a directory or a git repo if os.path.isdir(maybe_path): print(f'Plugin source directory found: {maybe_path}') elif 'github.com' in src: my_file = Config(path=str(get_sources_file()), default_text='https://github.com/lightningd/plugins') my_file.editConfigFile(src, None) def remove_source(src: str): """Remove a source from the sources file.""" assert isinstance(src, str) if src in sources_from_file(): my_file = Config(path=get_sources_file(), default_text='https://github.com/lightningd/plugins') my_file.editConfigFile(None, src) print('plugin source removed') else: print(f'source not found: {src}') def list_source(): """Provide the user with all stored source repositories.""" for src in sources_from_file(): print(src) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # This default depends on the .lightning directory parser.add_argument('-d', '--reckless-dir', help='specify a data directory for reckless to use', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('-l', '--lightning', help='lightning data directory (default:~/.lightning)', type=str, default=Path.home().joinpath('.lightning')) parser.add_argument('-c', '--conf', help=' config file used by lightningd', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--regtest', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--network', help="specify a network to use (default: bitcoin)", type=str) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.WARNING) cmd1 = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd1', help='command', required=True) install_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('install', help='search for and install a ' 'plugin, then test and activate') install_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') install_cmd.set_defaults(func=install) uninstall_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('uninstall', help='deactivate a plugin ' 'and remove it from the directory') uninstall_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') uninstall_cmd.set_defaults(func=uninstall) search_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('search', help='search for a plugin from ' 'the available source repositories') search_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') search_cmd.set_defaults(func=search) enable_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('enable', help='dynamically enable a plugin ' 'and update config') enable_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') enable_cmd.set_defaults(func=enable) disable_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('disable', help='disable a plugin') disable_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') disable_cmd.set_defaults(func=disable) source_parser = cmd1.add_parser('source', help='manage plugin search ' 'sources') source_subs = source_parser.add_subparsers(dest='source_subs', required=True) list_parse = source_subs.add_parser('list', help='list available plugin ' 'sources (repositories)') list_parse.set_defaults(func=list_source) source_add = source_subs.add_parser('add', help='add a source repository') source_add.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') source_add.set_defaults(func=add_source) source_rem = source_subs.add_parser('remove', aliases=['rem', 'rm'], help='remove a plugin source ' 'repository') source_rem.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') source_rem.set_defaults(func=remove_source) help_cmd = cmd1.add_parser('help', help='for contextual help, use ' '"reckless -h"') help_cmd.add_argument('targets', type=str, nargs='*') help_cmd.set_defaults(func=help_alias) args = parser.parse_args() NETWORK = 'regtest' if args.regtest else 'bitcoin' SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = ['bitcoin', 'regtest', 'liquid', 'liquid-regtest', 'litecoin', 'signet', 'testnet'] if args.network: if args.network in SUPPORTED_NETWORKS: NETWORK = args.network else: print(f"Error: {args.network} network not supported") LIGHTNING_DIR = Path(args.lightning) # This env variable is set under CI testing LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL = [os.environ.get('LIGHTNING_CLI')] if LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL is None: LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL = ['lightning-cli'] if NETWORK != 'bitcoin': LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL.append(f'--network={NETWORK}') if LIGHTNING_DIR != Path.home().joinpath('.lightning'): LIGHTNING_CLI_CALL.append(f'--lightning-dir={LIGHTNING_DIR}') if args.reckless_dir: RECKLESS_DIR = args.reckless_dir else: RECKLESS_DIR = Path(LIGHTNING_DIR) / 'reckless' LIGHTNING_CONFIG = args.conf RECKLESS_CONFIG = load_config(reckless_dir=RECKLESS_DIR, network=NETWORK) RECKLESS_SOURCES = loadSources() API_GITHUB_COM = 'https://api.github.com' GITHUB_COM = 'https://github.com' # Used for blackbox testing to avoid hitting github servers if 'REDIR_GITHUB_API' in os.environ: API_GITHUB_COM = os.environ['REDIR_GITHUB_API'] if 'REDIR_GITHUB' in os.environ: GITHUB_COM = os.environ['REDIR_GITHUB'] logging.root.setLevel(args.loglevel) if 'targets' in args: # FIXME: Catch missing argument if args.func.__name__ == 'help_alias': args.func(args.targets) sys.exit(0) for target in args.targets: args.func(target) else: args.func()