--- title: "Tutorials" slug: "additional-resources" hidden: false createdAt: "2023-02-03T08:33:51.998Z" updatedAt: "2023-02-08T09:36:57.988Z" --- ## Writing a plugin in Python Check out a step-by-step recipe for building a simple `helloworld.py` example plugin based on [pyln-client](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/tree/master/contrib/pyln-client). [block:tutorial-tile] { "backgroundColor": "#dfb316", "emoji": "🦉", "id": "63dbd6993ef79b07b8f399be", "link": "https://docs.corelightning.org/v1.0/recipes/write-a-hello-world-plugin-in-python", "slug": "write-a-hello-world-plugin-in-python", "title": "Write a hello-world plugin in Python" } [/block] You can also follow along the video below where Blockstream Engineer Rusty Russell walks you all the way from getting started with Core Lightning to building a plugin in Python. [block:embed] { "html": "", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fab4P3BIZxk", "title": "Rusty Russell | Getting Started with c-lightning | July 2019", "favicon": "https://www.google.com/favicon.ico", "image": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fab4P3BIZxk/hqdefault.jpg", "provider": "youtube.com", "href": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fab4P3BIZxk", "typeOfEmbed": "youtube" } [/block] Finally, `lightningd`'s own internal [tests](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/tree/master/tests/plugins) can be a useful (and most reliable) resource. ## Writing a plugin in Rust [`cln-plugin`](https://docs.rs/cln-plugin/) is a library that facilitates the creation of plugins in Rust, with async/await support, for low-footprint plugins. ## Community built plugins Check out this [repository](https://github.com/lightningd/plugins#plugin-builder-resources) that has a collection of actively maintained plugins as well as plugin libraries (in your favourite language) built by the community.