#! /bin/sh set -e # Expect to be run from test-cli dir. . scripts/vars.sh # How long to lock transactions # CSV only supports 512-second granularity, so that's the minimum. TEST_LOCKTIME=512 getpubkey() { $CLI validateaddress $1 | sed -n 's/.*"pubkey" *: "\([0-9a-f]*\)".*/\1/p' } getprivkey() { $CLI dumpprivkey $1 } send_after_delay() { # Confirm them. scripts/generate-block.sh # For bitcoin testing, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY is a NOP. # But nSequence enforcement is enough to stop it. if [ $SEQ_ENFORCEMENT = true ]; then # OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY will stop us spending for $TEST_LOCKTIME seconds. for tx; do if $CLI sendrawtransaction $tx 2> /dev/null; then echo OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY broken for $tx! >&2 exit 1 fi done fi # Bitcoin still respects lock_time, which is used for HTLCs. # Bitcoin bumps block times so that blocks are valid. TIME=$($CLI getblock $($CLI getbestblockhash) | sed -n 's/.*"time" *: *\([0-9]*\),/\1/p') $CLI setmocktime $(($TIME + $TEST_LOCKTIME)) # Move median time, for sure! for i in `seq 6`; do scripts/generate-block.sh; done for tx; do $CLI sendrawtransaction $tx done } if [ x$1 != x ] && [ x$1 != x--steal ] && [ x$1 != x--unilateral ] && [ x$1 != x--htlc-onchain ]; then echo Usage: "[--steal|--unilateral|--htlc-onchain]" >&2 exit 1 fi # Find the inputs number corresponding to that 0.01 btc out for i in $(seq 1 $($CLI listunspent | grep -c txid) ); do if scripts/getinput.sh $i | grep -q "$TX.*/1000000/"; then A_INPUTNUM=$i; fi done if [ -z "$A_INPUTNUM" ]; then echo "Can't find 1000000 satoshi input" >&2 exit 1 fi A_AMOUNT=900000 A_CHANGEADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` A_TMPADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` A_FINALADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` B_CHANGEADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` B_TMPADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` B_FINALADDR=`scripts/get-new-address.sh` #A_CHANGEADDR=mzJseRSpUnmUDRJkp9Jp3XRmLKRrFk8KEF #A_TMPADDR=mxAucVQU1WWRcMd9ubx1gisteFuy5MgSVh #A_FINALADDR=mgjMAVHe8Kgx38SY3apjHdLwz2deJ2ZY2H #B_CHANGEADDR=mmCiKXHPWunBMFhqZx7fg1v23HssJJesLV #B_TMPADDR=mvY4WDonPXq3Xa3NL4uSG26PXKRuLsXGTT #B_FINALADDR=mvQgfEX4iMSEYqD31524jASQviPwPwpvuv A_TXIN=`scripts/getinput.sh $A_INPUTNUM` A_SEED=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff B_SEED=112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00 A_HTLC1=deadbeefbadc0ffeedeadbeefbadc0ffeedeadbeefbadc0ffeedeadbeefbadc0 A_CHANGEPUBKEY=`getpubkey $A_CHANGEADDR` A_TMPKEY=`getprivkey $A_TMPADDR` A_TMPPUBKEY=`getpubkey $A_TMPADDR` A_FINALKEY=`getprivkey $A_FINALADDR` A_FINALPUBKEY=`getpubkey $A_FINALADDR` B_HTLC1=badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5badc0de5 B_CHANGEPUBKEY=`getpubkey $B_CHANGEADDR` B_TMPKEY=`getprivkey $B_TMPADDR` B_TMPPUBKEY=`getpubkey $B_TMPADDR` B_FINALKEY=`getprivkey $B_FINALADDR` B_FINALPUBKEY=`getpubkey $B_FINALADDR` # Both sides say what they want from channel (A offers anchor) $PREFIX ./open-channel --offer-anchor $A_SEED $A_TMPPUBKEY $A_FINALPUBKEY > A-open.pb # B asks for a (dangerously) short locktime, for testing unilateral close. $PREFIX ./open-channel --locktime=$TEST_LOCKTIME $B_SEED $B_TMPPUBKEY $B_FINALPUBKEY > B-open.pb # Now A creates anchor (does not broadcast!) $PREFIX ./create-anchor-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb $A_AMOUNT $A_CHANGEPUBKEY $A_TXIN > A-anchor.tx # Now A sends info about anchor output, and signature for commit tx. $PREFIX ./open-anchor A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.tx $A_TMPKEY > A-anchor.pb # Now B signs commit sig for anchor. $PREFIX ./open-commit-sig B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY > B-commit-sig.pb # Now check sigs. $PREFIX ./check-commit-sig A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY B-commit-sig.pb $PREFIX ./check-commit-sig B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY # A broadcasts anchor $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 A-anchor.tx` > A-anchor.txid # Wait for confirms while [ 0$($CLI getrawtransaction $(cat A-anchor.txid) 1 | sed -n 's/.*"confirmations" : \([0-9]*\),/\1/p') -lt $($PREFIX ./get-anchor-depth A-open.pb) ]; do scripts/generate-block.sh; done while [ 0$($CLI getrawtransaction $(cat A-anchor.txid) 1 | sed -n 's/.*"confirmations" : \([0-9]*\),/\1/p') -lt $($PREFIX ./get-anchor-depth B-open.pb) ]; do scripts/generate-block.sh; done # Update traffic sent so far. A_UPDATE_PKTS="-- -B-commit-sig.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="-- +B-commit-sig.pb" # Just for testing, generate the first commit transactions. $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-0.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-0.tx # Now, update the channel, so I pay you 80000 satoshi (covers 50000 fee) $PREFIX ./update-channel --to-them=80000 $A_SEED 1 > A-update-1.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-1.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-1.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-accept-1.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-accept-1.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-accept-1.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-sig-1.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-sig-1.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-sig-1.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-complete-1.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-complete-1.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-complete-1.pb" # Just for testing, generate second transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-1.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-1.tx # Now you pay me 5000. $PREFIX ./update-channel --to-them=5000 $B_SEED 2 > B-update-2.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-2.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-2.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-accept-2.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-accept-2.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-accept-2.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-sig-2.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-sig-2.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-sig-2.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-complete-2.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-complete-2.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-complete-2.pb" # Just for testing, generate third transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-2.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-2.tx # Now, A offers an HTLC for 10001 satoshi. $PREFIX ./update-channel-htlc $A_SEED 3 10001 $A_HTLC1 $((`date +%s` + $TEST_LOCKTIME)) > A-update-htlc-3.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-htlc-3.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-htlc-3.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-accept-3.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-accept-3.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-accept-3.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-sig-3.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-sig-3.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-sig-3.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-complete-3.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-complete-3.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-complete-3.pb" # Just for testing, generate that transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-3.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-3.tx # Now, B offers an HTLC for 10002 satoshi. $PREFIX ./update-channel-htlc $B_SEED 4 10002 $B_HTLC1 $((`date +%s` + $TEST_LOCKTIME)) > B-update-htlc-4.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-htlc-4.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-htlc-4.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-accept-4.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-accept-4.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-accept-4.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-sig-4.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-sig-4.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-sig-4.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-complete-4.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-complete-4.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-complete-4.pb" # Just for testing, generate that transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-4.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-4.tx # Solve the HTLCs with the R value on the chain. if [ x"$1" = x--htlc-onchain ]; then $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 A-commit-4.tx` > A-commit-4.txid # Now, B can claim A's HTLC using R value. # It's A's commit tx, so most of cmdline is written from A's POV. $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx --rvalue=$A_HTLC1 -- A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx +A-update-htlc-3.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $B_FINALKEY $B_CHANGEPUBKEY > B-htlc-3-spend.tx $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 B-htlc-3-spend.tx` > B-htlc-3-spend.txid # A can claim using B's HTLC using R value, after delay. $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx --rvalue=$B_HTLC1 -- A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx -B-update-htlc-4.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $A_FINALKEY $A_CHANGEPUBKEY > A-htlc-4-spend.tx send_after_delay `cut -d: -f1 A-htlc-4-spend.tx` > A-htlc-4-spend.txid exit 0 fi if [ x"$1" = x--unilateral ]; then # Use commit-4, which has htlcs. $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 A-commit-4.tx` > A-commit-4.txid $PREFIX ./create-commit-spend-tx A-commit-4.tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_FINALKEY $A_CHANGEPUBKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-spend.tx $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx +A-update-htlc-3.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $A_FINALKEY $A_CHANGEPUBKEY > A-htlc-3-spend.tx $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx -- A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx -B-update-htlc-4.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $B_FINALKEY $B_CHANGEPUBKEY > B-htlc-4-spend.tx # HTLCs conveniently set to $TEST_LOCKTIME seconds, though absolute. Script # shouldn't be that slow, so they should be unspendable to start. send_after_delay `cut -d: -f1 A-spend.tx` `cut -d: -f1 A-htlc-3-spend.tx` `cut -d: -f1 B-htlc-4-spend.tx` > A-spend.txids exit 0 fi # B completes A's HTLC using R value. $PREFIX ./update-channel-htlc-complete $B_SEED 5 $A_HTLC1 > B-update-htlc-complete-5.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-htlc-complete-5.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-htlc-complete-5.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-accept-5.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-accept-5.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-accept-5.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-sig-5.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-sig-5.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-sig-5.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-complete-5.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-complete-5.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-complete-5.pb" # Just for testing, generate that transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-5.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-5.tx # Now, B tries to remove its HTLC (A accepts) $PREFIX ./update-channel-htlc-remove $B_SEED 6 B-update-htlc-4.pb > B-update-htlc-remove-6.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-htlc-remove-6.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-htlc-remove-6.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-accept $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-accept-6.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-accept-6.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-accept-6.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-signature $B_SEED B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-update-sig-6.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS -B-update-sig-6.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS +B-update-sig-6.pb" $PREFIX ./update-channel-complete $A_SEED A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-update-complete-6.pb A_UPDATE_PKTS="$A_UPDATE_PKTS +A-update-complete-6.pb" B_UPDATE_PKTS="$B_UPDATE_PKTS -A-update-complete-6.pb" # Just for testing, generate that transaction $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-commit-6.tx $PREFIX ./create-commit-tx B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-commit-6.tx if [ x"$1" = x--steal ]; then # A stupidly broadcasts a revoked transaction. $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 A-commit-4.tx` > A-commit-4.txid # B uses the preimage from A-update-complete-5 to cash in. $PREFIX ./create-steal-tx A-commit-4.tx A-update-complete-5.pb $B_FINALKEY B-open.pb A-open.pb $B_CHANGEPUBKEY > B-commit-steal.tx $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 B-commit-steal.tx` > B-commit-steal.txid # Now B uses the same preimage to get the HTLC amounts too. # It's A's commit tx, so most of cmdline is written from A's POV. $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx --commit-preimage=A-update-complete-5.pb -- A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx +A-update-htlc-3.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $B_FINALKEY $B_CHANGEPUBKEY > B-htlc-steal-1.tx $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 B-htlc-steal-1.tx` > B-htlc-steal-1.txid $PREFIX ./create-htlc-spend-tx --commit-preimage=A-update-complete-5.pb -- A-open.pb B-open.pb A-commit-4.tx -B-update-htlc-4.pb A-update-accept-4.pb $B_FINALKEY $B_CHANGEPUBKEY > B-htlc-steal-2.tx $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 B-htlc-steal-2.tx` > B-htlc-steal-2.txid exit 0 fi # Now close channel by mutual consent. $PREFIX ./close-channel A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb $A_TMPKEY $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-close.pb $PREFIX ./close-channel --complete=A-close.pb B-open.pb A-open.pb A-anchor.pb $B_TMPKEY $B_UPDATE_PKTS > B-close-complete.pb $PREFIX ./create-close-tx A-open.pb B-open.pb A-anchor.pb A-close.pb B-close-complete.pb $A_UPDATE_PKTS > A-close.tx $CLI sendrawtransaction `cut -d: -f1 A-close.tx` > close.txid