/* This file was generated by generate-wire.py */ /* Do not modify this file! Modify the .csv file it was generated from. */ /* Original template can be found at tools/gen/impl_template */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SUPERVERBOSE #define SUPERVERBOSE(...) #endif const char *onchaind_wire_name(int e) { static char invalidbuf[sizeof("INVALID ") + STR_MAX_CHARS(e)]; switch ((enum onchaind_wire)e) { case WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_SPENT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_SPENT"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEPTH: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEPTH"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN"; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT: return "WIRE_ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT"; } snprintf(invalidbuf, sizeof(invalidbuf), "INVALID %i", e); return invalidbuf; } bool onchaind_wire_is_defined(u16 type) { switch ((enum onchaind_wire)type) { case WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_SPENT:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEPTH:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN:; case WIRE_ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT:; return true; } return false; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_INIT */ /* Begin! Here's the onchain tx which spends funding tx */ u8 *towire_onchaind_init(const tal_t *ctx, const struct shachain *shachain, const struct chainparams *chainparams, struct amount_sat funding_amount_satoshi, struct amount_msat our_msat, const struct pubkey *old_remote_per_commitment_point, const struct pubkey *remote_per_commitment_point, u32 local_to_self_delay, u32 remote_to_self_delay, u32 delayed_to_us_feerate, u32 htlc_feerate, u32 penalty_feerate, struct amount_sat local_dust_limit_satoshi, const struct bitcoin_txid *our_broadcast_txid, const u8 *local_scriptpubkey, const u8 *remote_scriptpubkey, const struct pubkey *ourwallet_pubkey, enum side opener, const struct basepoints *local_basepoints, const struct basepoints *remote_basepoints, const struct tx_parts *tx_parts, u32 locktime, u32 tx_blockheight, u32 reasonable_depth, const struct bitcoin_signature *htlc_signature, u64 num_htlcs, u32 min_possible_feerate, u32 max_possible_feerate, const struct pubkey *possible_remote_per_commit_point, const struct pubkey *local_funding_pubkey, const struct pubkey *remote_funding_pubkey, u64 local_static_remotekey_start, u64 remote_static_remotekey_start, bool option_anchor_outputs, bool is_replay, u32 min_relay_feerate) { u16 local_scriptpubkey_len = tal_count(local_scriptpubkey); u16 remote_scriptpubkey_len = tal_count(remote_scriptpubkey); u16 num_htlc_sigs = tal_count(htlc_signature); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT); towire_shachain(&p, shachain); /* This needs to be set explicitly since the same message also contains a */ /* transaction that we need to parse correctly. */ towire_chainparams(&p, chainparams); towire_amount_sat(&p, funding_amount_satoshi); /* Our current balance (of funding amount */ towire_amount_msat(&p, our_msat); /* Remote per commit point for committed tx. */ towire_pubkey(&p, old_remote_per_commitment_point); /* Remote per commit point for current tx (needed if we haven't got revoke_and_ack yet). */ towire_pubkey(&p, remote_per_commitment_point); towire_u32(&p, local_to_self_delay); towire_u32(&p, remote_to_self_delay); towire_u32(&p, delayed_to_us_feerate); towire_u32(&p, htlc_feerate); towire_u32(&p, penalty_feerate); towire_amount_sat(&p, local_dust_limit_satoshi); /* Gives an easy way to tell if it's our unilateral close or theirs... */ towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, our_broadcast_txid); towire_u16(&p, local_scriptpubkey_len); towire_u8_array(&p, local_scriptpubkey, local_scriptpubkey_len); towire_u16(&p, remote_scriptpubkey_len); towire_u8_array(&p, remote_scriptpubkey, remote_scriptpubkey_len); towire_pubkey(&p, ourwallet_pubkey); /* We need these two for commit number obscurer */ towire_side(&p, opener); towire_basepoints(&p, local_basepoints); towire_basepoints(&p, remote_basepoints); towire_tx_parts(&p, tx_parts); towire_u32(&p, locktime); towire_u32(&p, tx_blockheight); towire_u32(&p, reasonable_depth); towire_u16(&p, num_htlc_sigs); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_htlc_sigs; i++) towire_bitcoin_signature(&p, htlc_signature + i); towire_u64(&p, num_htlcs); towire_u32(&p, min_possible_feerate); towire_u32(&p, max_possible_feerate); if (!possible_remote_per_commit_point) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_pubkey(&p, possible_remote_per_commit_point); } towire_pubkey(&p, local_funding_pubkey); towire_pubkey(&p, remote_funding_pubkey); towire_u64(&p, local_static_remotekey_start); towire_u64(&p, remote_static_remotekey_start); towire_bool(&p, option_anchor_outputs); towire_bool(&p, is_replay); /* We need this for BIP125 rule 4 */ towire_u32(&p, min_relay_feerate); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_init(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct shachain *shachain, const struct chainparams **chainparams, struct amount_sat *funding_amount_satoshi, struct amount_msat *our_msat, struct pubkey *old_remote_per_commitment_point, struct pubkey *remote_per_commitment_point, u32 *local_to_self_delay, u32 *remote_to_self_delay, u32 *delayed_to_us_feerate, u32 *htlc_feerate, u32 *penalty_feerate, struct amount_sat *local_dust_limit_satoshi, struct bitcoin_txid *our_broadcast_txid, u8 **local_scriptpubkey, u8 **remote_scriptpubkey, struct pubkey *ourwallet_pubkey, enum side *opener, struct basepoints *local_basepoints, struct basepoints *remote_basepoints, struct tx_parts **tx_parts, u32 *locktime, u32 *tx_blockheight, u32 *reasonable_depth, struct bitcoin_signature **htlc_signature, u64 *num_htlcs, u32 *min_possible_feerate, u32 *max_possible_feerate, struct pubkey **possible_remote_per_commit_point, struct pubkey *local_funding_pubkey, struct pubkey *remote_funding_pubkey, u64 *local_static_remotekey_start, u64 *remote_static_remotekey_start, bool *option_anchor_outputs, bool *is_replay, u32 *min_relay_feerate) { u16 local_scriptpubkey_len; u16 remote_scriptpubkey_len; u16 num_htlc_sigs; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT) return false; fromwire_shachain(&cursor, &plen, shachain); /* This needs to be set explicitly since the same message also contains a */ /* transaction that we need to parse correctly. */ fromwire_chainparams(&cursor, &plen, chainparams); *funding_amount_satoshi = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); /* Our current balance (of funding amount */ *our_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); /* Remote per commit point for committed tx. */ fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, old_remote_per_commitment_point); /* Remote per commit point for current tx (needed if we haven't got revoke_and_ack yet). */ fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, remote_per_commitment_point); *local_to_self_delay = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *remote_to_self_delay = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *delayed_to_us_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *htlc_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *penalty_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *local_dust_limit_satoshi = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); /* Gives an easy way to tell if it's our unilateral close or theirs... */ fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, our_broadcast_txid); local_scriptpubkey_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case local_scriptpubkey *local_scriptpubkey = local_scriptpubkey_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, local_scriptpubkey_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *local_scriptpubkey, local_scriptpubkey_len); remote_scriptpubkey_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case remote_scriptpubkey *remote_scriptpubkey = remote_scriptpubkey_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, remote_scriptpubkey_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *remote_scriptpubkey, remote_scriptpubkey_len); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, ourwallet_pubkey); /* We need these two for commit number obscurer */ *opener = fromwire_side(&cursor, &plen); fromwire_basepoints(&cursor, &plen, local_basepoints); fromwire_basepoints(&cursor, &plen, remote_basepoints); *tx_parts = fromwire_tx_parts(ctx, &cursor, &plen); *locktime = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *tx_blockheight = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *reasonable_depth = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); num_htlc_sigs = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case htlc_signature *htlc_signature = num_htlc_sigs ? tal_arr(ctx, struct bitcoin_signature, num_htlc_sigs) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_htlc_sigs; i++) fromwire_bitcoin_signature(&cursor, &plen, *htlc_signature + i); *num_htlcs = fromwire_u64(&cursor, &plen); *min_possible_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *max_possible_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *possible_remote_per_commit_point = NULL; else { *possible_remote_per_commit_point = tal(ctx, struct pubkey); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, *possible_remote_per_commit_point); } fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, local_funding_pubkey); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, remote_funding_pubkey); *local_static_remotekey_start = fromwire_u64(&cursor, &plen); *remote_static_remotekey_start = fromwire_u64(&cursor, &plen); *option_anchor_outputs = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); *is_replay = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); /* We need this for BIP125 rule 4 */ *min_relay_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_HTLC */ /* This is all the HTLCs: one per message */ u8 *towire_onchaind_htlc(const tal_t *ctx, const struct htlc_stub *htlc, bool tell_if_missing, bool tell_immediately) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC); towire_htlc_stub(&p, htlc); /* If it's not in the commitment tx */ towire_bool(&p, tell_if_missing); towire_bool(&p, tell_immediately); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_htlc(const void *p, struct htlc_stub *htlc, bool *tell_if_missing, bool *tell_immediately) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC) return false; fromwire_htlc_stub(&cursor, &plen, htlc); /* If it's not in the commitment tx */ *tell_if_missing = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); *tell_immediately = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY */ /* This says we're ready; give us preimages. */ u8 *towire_onchaind_init_reply(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_init_reply(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_INIT_REPLY) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX */ /* onchaind->master: Send out a tx. */ /* If is_rbf is false then master should rebroadcast the tx. */ /* If is_rbf is true then onchaind is responsible for rebroadcasting */ /* it with a higher fee. */ u8 *towire_onchaind_broadcast_tx(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, enum wallet_tx_type type, bool is_rbf) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX); towire_bitcoin_tx(&p, tx); towire_wallet_tx_type(&p, type); towire_bool(&p, is_rbf); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_broadcast_tx(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct bitcoin_tx **tx, enum wallet_tx_type *type, bool *is_rbf) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_BROADCAST_TX) return false; *tx = fromwire_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &cursor, &plen); *type = fromwire_wallet_tx_type(&cursor, &plen); *is_rbf = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_SPENT */ /* master->onchaind: Notifier that an output has been spent by input_num of tx. */ u8 *towire_onchaind_spent(const tal_t *ctx, const struct tx_parts *tx, u32 input_num, u32 blockheight, bool is_replay) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_SPENT); towire_tx_parts(&p, tx); towire_u32(&p, input_num); towire_u32(&p, blockheight); towire_bool(&p, is_replay); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_spent(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct tx_parts **tx, u32 *input_num, u32 *blockheight, bool *is_replay) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_SPENT) return false; *tx = fromwire_tx_parts(ctx, &cursor, &plen); *input_num = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *blockheight = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *is_replay = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_DEPTH */ /* master->onchaind: We will receive more than one of these */ u8 *towire_onchaind_depth(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 depth, bool is_replay) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEPTH); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, txid); towire_u32(&p, depth); towire_bool(&p, is_replay); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_depth(const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 *depth, bool *is_replay) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEPTH) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, txid); *depth = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *is_replay = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX */ /* onchaind->master: We don't want to watch this tx */ u8 *towire_onchaind_unwatch_tx(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *txid) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, txid); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_unwatch_tx(const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *txid) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_UNWATCH_TX) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, txid); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE */ /* master->onchaind: We know HTLC preimage */ u8 *towire_onchaind_known_preimage(const tal_t *ctx, const struct preimage *preimage, bool is_replay) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE); towire_preimage(&p, preimage); towire_bool(&p, is_replay); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_known_preimage(const void *p, struct preimage *preimage, bool *is_replay) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_KNOWN_PREIMAGE) return false; fromwire_preimage(&cursor, &plen, preimage); *is_replay = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE */ /* onchaind->master: We discovered HTLC preimage */ u8 *towire_onchaind_extracted_preimage(const tal_t *ctx, const struct preimage *preimage) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE); towire_preimage(&p, preimage); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_extracted_preimage(const void *p, struct preimage *preimage) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_EXTRACTED_PREIMAGE) return false; fromwire_preimage(&cursor, &plen, preimage); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT */ /* onchaind->master: this HTLC was missing from commit tx. */ u8 *towire_onchaind_missing_htlc_output(const tal_t *ctx, const struct htlc_stub *htlc) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT); towire_htlc_stub(&p, htlc); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_missing_htlc_output(const void *p, struct htlc_stub *htlc) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_MISSING_HTLC_OUTPUT) return false; fromwire_htlc_stub(&cursor, &plen, htlc); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT */ /* onchaind->master: this HTLC has timed out (after reasonable_depth) */ u8 *towire_onchaind_htlc_timeout(const tal_t *ctx, const struct htlc_stub *htlc) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT); towire_htlc_stub(&p, htlc); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_htlc_timeout(const void *p, struct htlc_stub *htlc) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_HTLC_TIMEOUT) return false; fromwire_htlc_stub(&cursor, &plen, htlc); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED */ /* onchaind->master: this peer can be forgotten */ u8 *towire_onchaind_all_irrevocably_resolved(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_all_irrevocably_resolved(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_ALL_IRREVOCABLY_RESOLVED) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO */ /* onchaind->master: hey */ u8 *towire_onchaind_add_utxo(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *prev_out_tx, u32 prev_out_index, const struct pubkey *per_commit_point, struct amount_sat value, u32 blockheight, const u8 *scriptpubkey) { u16 len = tal_count(scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, prev_out_tx); towire_u32(&p, prev_out_index); if (!per_commit_point) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_pubkey(&p, per_commit_point); } towire_amount_sat(&p, value); towire_u32(&p, blockheight); towire_u16(&p, len); towire_u8_array(&p, scriptpubkey, len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_add_utxo(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *prev_out_tx, u32 *prev_out_index, struct pubkey **per_commit_point, struct amount_sat *value, u32 *blockheight, u8 **scriptpubkey) { u16 len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_ADD_UTXO) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, prev_out_tx); *prev_out_index = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *per_commit_point = NULL; else { *per_commit_point = tal(ctx, struct pubkey); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, *per_commit_point); } *value = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *blockheight = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case scriptpubkey *scriptpubkey = len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *scriptpubkey, len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK */ /* master -> onchaind: do you have a memleak? */ u8 *towire_onchaind_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_dev_memleak(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY */ u8 *towire_onchaind_dev_memleak_reply(const tal_t *ctx, bool leak) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY); towire_bool(&p, leak); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_dev_memleak_reply(const void *p, bool *leak) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY) return false; *leak = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT */ /* Tell the main daemon what we've been watching */ /* that we tracked automatically but only onchaind knows how to classify their */ /* transactions. */ u8 *towire_onchaind_annotate_txout(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 outnum, enum wallet_tx_type type) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, txid); towire_u32(&p, outnum); towire_wallet_tx_type(&p, type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_annotate_txout(const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 *outnum, enum wallet_tx_type *type) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXOUT) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, txid); *outnum = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *type = fromwire_wallet_tx_type(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN */ u8 *towire_onchaind_annotate_txin(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 innum, enum wallet_tx_type type) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, txid); towire_u32(&p, innum); towire_wallet_tx_type(&p, type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_annotate_txin(const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *txid, u32 *innum, enum wallet_tx_type *type) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_ANNOTATE_TXIN) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, txid); *innum = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *type = fromwire_wallet_tx_type(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT */ u8 *towire_onchaind_notify_coin_mvt(const tal_t *ctx, const struct chain_coin_mvt *mvt) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT); towire_chain_coin_mvt(&p, mvt); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_onchaind_notify_coin_mvt(const void *p, struct chain_coin_mvt *mvt) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_ONCHAIND_NOTIFY_COIN_MVT) return false; fromwire_chain_coin_mvt(&cursor, &plen, mvt); return cursor != NULL; } // SHA256STAMP:66e19538be7f5a9e9076bfe995a9bf0cbb5d303df8f6c383e427c11ef2e85e2e