#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* How long to wait after startup before starting the timer loop */ #define STARTUP_TIME 2 /* Check peers for lost ones every 5 minutes */ #define CHECK_PEER_INTERVAL 300 /* How often to check recovery storage */ #define CHECK_STORAGE_INTERVAL 300 /* Interval to check for former peers in the gossip. */ #define CHECK_GOSSIP_INTERVAL 300 static struct plugin *plugin; static struct gossmap *global_gossmap; static struct plugin_timer *lost_state_timer, *find_exes_timer, *peer_storage_timer; /* This tells if we are already in the process of recovery. */ static bool recovery, already_has_peers; static struct command_result *do_check_lost_peer (struct command *cmd, void *unused); static struct command_result *do_check_gossip (struct command *cmd, void *unused); static struct command_result *do_find_peer_storage (struct command *cmd, void *unused); static struct node_id local_id; /* List of most connected nodes on the network */ static const char *nodes_for_gossip[] = { "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f@", //ACINQ "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226@", //WalletOfSatoshi "0217890e3aad8d35bc054f43acc00084b25229ecff0ab68debd82883ad65ee8266@", //1ML.com node ALPHA "0242a4ae0c5bef18048fbecf995094b74bfb0f7391418d71ed394784373f41e4f3@", //CoinGate "0364913d18a19c671bb36dd04d6ad5be0fe8f2894314c36a9db3f03c2d414907e1@", //LQwD-Canada "02f1a8c87607f415c8f22c00593002775941dea48869ce23096af27b0cfdcc0b69@", //Kraken 🐙⚡ "037659a0ac8eb3b8d0a720114efc861d3a940382dcfa1403746b4f8f6b2e8810ba@" //nicehash-ln1 "024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605@", //BLUEIRON-v23.08.1 "034ea80f8b148c750463546bd999bf7321a0e6dfc60aaf84bd0400a2e8d376c0d5@", //LNBiG Hub-1 "026165850492521f4ac8abd9bd8088123446d126f648ca35e60f88177dc149ceb2@", //Boltz }; static struct command_result *connect_success(struct command *cmd, const char *method, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params, void *cb_arg UNUSED) { plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Connected sucessfully!"); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *connect_fail(struct command *cmd, const char *method, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params, void *cb_arg UNUSED) { plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Failed to connect!"); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *after_emergency_recover(struct command *cmd, const char *method, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params, void *cb_arg UNUSED) { /* TODO: CREATE GOSSMAP, connect to old peers and fetch peer storage */ plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "emergencyrecover called"); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *after_restorefrompeer(struct command *cmd, const char *method, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params, void *cb_arg UNUSED) { plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "restorefrompeer called"); peer_storage_timer = global_timer(plugin, time_from_sec(CHECK_STORAGE_INTERVAL), do_find_peer_storage, NULL); return timer_complete(cmd); } static struct command_result *find_peer_storage (struct command *cmd) { peer_storage_timer = NULL; struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd, "restorefrompeer", after_restorefrompeer, &forward_error, NULL); return send_outreq(req); } static struct command_result *do_find_peer_storage(struct command *cmd, void *unused) { return find_peer_storage(cmd); } static struct command_result *do_check_gossip(struct command *cmd, void *unused) { find_exes_timer = NULL; gossmap_refresh(global_gossmap, NULL); plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Finding our node in gossip"); struct gossmap_node *n = gossmap_find_node(global_gossmap, &local_id); if (n) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n->num_chans; i++) { int half; struct node_id peer_id; struct gossmap_chan *c = gossmap_nth_chan(global_gossmap, n, i, &half); struct gossmap_node *neighbour = gossmap_nth_node(global_gossmap, c, !half); gossmap_node_get_id(global_gossmap, neighbour, &peer_id); struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd, "connect", connect_success, connect_fail, NULL); json_add_node_id(req->js, "id", &peer_id); plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Connecting to: %s", fmt_node_id(tmpctx, &peer_id)); send_outreq(req); } peer_storage_timer = global_timer(plugin, time_from_sec(CHECK_STORAGE_INTERVAL), do_find_peer_storage, NULL); return timer_complete(cmd); } find_exes_timer = global_timer( plugin, time_from_sec(CHECK_PEER_INTERVAL), do_check_gossip, NULL); return timer_complete(cmd); } static void entering_recovery_mode(struct command *cmd) { if (!already_has_peers) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(nodes_for_gossip); i++) { struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd, "connect", connect_success, connect_fail, NULL); plugin_log (plugin, LOG_DBG, "Connecting to %s", nodes_for_gossip[i]); json_add_string(req->js, "id", nodes_for_gossip[i]); send_outreq(req); } } struct out_req *req_emer_recovery; /* Let's try to recover whatever we have in the emergencyrecover file. */ req_emer_recovery = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd, "emergencyrecover", after_emergency_recover, &forward_error, NULL); send_outreq(req_emer_recovery); find_exes_timer = global_timer( plugin, time_from_sec(CHECK_GOSSIP_INTERVAL), do_check_gossip, cmd); return; } static struct command_result *after_listpeerchannels(struct command *cmd, const char *method, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params, void *cb_arg UNUSED) { const jsmntok_t *iter, *lost_statetok; const jsmntok_t *channelstok = json_get_member(buf, params, "channels"); size_t i; bool lost_state; json_for_each_arr(i, iter, channelstok) { lost_statetok = json_get_member(buf, iter, "lost_state"); if (lost_statetok) { json_to_bool(buf, lost_statetok, &lost_state); if (lost_state) { plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Detected a channel with lost state, Entering Recovery mode!"); recovery = true; break; } } } if (recovery) { entering_recovery_mode(cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } lost_state_timer = global_timer(plugin, time_from_sec(CHECK_PEER_INTERVAL), do_check_lost_peer, NULL); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *check_lost_peer(struct command *cmd) { struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd, "listpeerchannels", after_listpeerchannels, &forward_error, NULL); return send_outreq(req); } static struct command_result *do_check_lost_peer(struct command *cmd, void *unused) { /* Set to NULL when already in progress. */ lost_state_timer = NULL; if (recovery) { return timer_complete(cmd); } return check_lost_peer(cmd); } static const char *init(struct command *init_cmd, const char *buf UNUSED, const jsmntok_t *config UNUSED) { plugin = init_cmd->plugin; plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Recover Plugin Initialised!"); recovery = false; lost_state_timer = global_timer(plugin, time_from_sec(STARTUP_TIME), do_check_lost_peer, NULL); u32 num_peers; size_t num_cupdates_rejected; /* Find number of peers */ rpc_scan(init_cmd, "getinfo", take(json_out_obj(NULL, NULL, NULL)), "{id:%,num_peers:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_node_id, &local_id), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &num_peers)); global_gossmap = notleak_with_children(gossmap_load(NULL, GOSSIP_STORE_FILENAME, &num_cupdates_rejected)); if (!global_gossmap) plugin_err(plugin, "Could not load gossmap %s: %s", GOSSIP_STORE_FILENAME, strerror(errno)); if (num_cupdates_rejected) plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "gossmap ignored %zu channel updates", num_cupdates_rejected); plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "Gossmap loaded!"); already_has_peers = num_peers > 1 ? 1: 0; return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); plugin_main(argv, init, NULL, PLUGIN_STATIC, true, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, /* Notification topics we publish */ NULL); }