{ "$schema": "../rpc-schema-draft.json", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "added": "v23.05", "rpc": "listclosedchannels", "title": "Get data on our closed historical channels", "description": [ "The **listclosedchannels** RPC command returns data on channels which are otherwise forgotten (more than 100 blocks after they're completely resolved onchain)." ], "request": { "required": [], "properties": { "id": { "type": "pubkey", "description": [ "If no *id* is supplied, then channel data on all historical channels are given. Supplying *id* will filter the results to only match channels to that peer. Note that prior to v23.05, old peers were forgotten." ] } } }, "response": { "required": [ "closedchannels" ], "properties": { "closedchannels": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "channel_id", "opener", "private", "total_msat", "total_local_commitments", "total_remote_commitments", "total_htlcs_sent", "funding_txid", "funding_outnum", "leased", "final_to_us_msat", "min_to_us_msat", "max_to_us_msat", "close_cause" ], "properties": { "peer_id": { "type": "pubkey", "description": [ "Peer public key (can be missing with pre-v23.05 closes!)." ] }, "channel_id": { "type": "hash", "description": [ "The full channel_id (funding txid Xored with output number)." ] }, "short_channel_id": { "type": "short_channel_id", "description": [ "The short_channel_id." ] }, "alias": { "type": "object", "required": [], "properties": { "local": { "type": "short_channel_id", "description": [ "An alias assigned by this node to this channel, used for outgoing payments." ] }, "remote": { "type": "short_channel_id", "description": [ "An alias assigned by the remote node to this channel, usable in routehints and invoices." ] } } }, "opener": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "local", "remote" ], "description": [ "Who initiated the channel." ] }, "closer": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "local", "remote" ], "description": [ "Who initiated the channel close (only present if closing)." ] }, "private": { "type": "boolean", "description": [ "If True, we will not announce this channel." ] }, "channel_type": { "type": "object", "description": [ "Channel_type as negotiated with peer." ], "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "bits", "names" ], "properties": { "bits": { "type": "array", "description": [ "Each bit set in this channel_type." ], "items": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "Bit number." ] } }, "names": { "type": "array", "description": [ "Feature name for each bit set in this channel_type. Note that *anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx* is a deprecated synonym for *anchors*." ], "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "static_remotekey/even", "anchor_outputs/even", "anchors/even", "anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx/even", "scid_alias/even", "zeroconf/even" ], "description": [ "Name of feature bit." ] } } } }, "total_local_commitments": { "type": "u64", "description": [ "Number of commitment transaction we made." ] }, "total_remote_commitments": { "type": "u64", "description": [ "Number of commitment transaction they made." ] }, "total_htlcs_sent": { "type": "u64", "description": [ "Number of HTLCs we ever sent." ] }, "funding_txid": { "type": "txid", "description": [ "ID of the funding transaction." ] }, "funding_outnum": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "The 0-based output number of the funding transaction which opens the channel." ] }, "leased": { "type": "boolean", "description": [ "Whether this channel was leased from `opener`." ] }, "funding_fee_paid_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "How much we paid to lease the channel (iff `leased` is true and `opener` is local)." ] }, "funding_fee_rcvd_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "How much they paid to lease the channel (iff `leased` is true and `opener` is remote)." ] }, "funding_pushed_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "How much `opener` pushed immediate (if non-zero)." ] }, "total_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "Total amount in the channel." ] }, "final_to_us_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "Our balance in final commitment transaction." ] }, "min_to_us_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "Least amount owed to us ever. If the peer were to successfully steal from us, this is the amount we would still retain." ] }, "max_to_us_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "Most amount owed to us ever. If we were to successfully steal from the peer, this is the amount we could potentially get." ] }, "last_commitment_txid": { "type": "hash", "description": [ "The final commitment tx's txid (or mutual close, if we accepted it). Not present for some very old, small channels pre-0.7.0." ] }, "last_commitment_fee_msat": { "type": "msat", "description": [ "The fee on `last_commitment_txid`." ] }, "close_cause": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "unknown", "local", "user", "remote", "protocol", "onchain" ], "description": [ "What caused the channel to close." ] }, "last_stable_connection": { "type": "u64", "added": "v24.02", "description": [ "Last time we reestablished the open channel and stayed connected for 1 minute." ] } } } } } }, "errors": [ "On error the returned object will contain `code` and `message` properties, with `code` being one of the following:", "", "- -32602: If the given parameters are wrong." ], "author": [ "Rusty Russell <>." ], "see_also": [ "lightning-listpeerchannels(7)" ], "resources": [ "Main web site: " ] }