{ "$schema": "../rpc-schema-draft.json", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "added": "v23.08", "rpc": "checkrune", "title": "Command to Validate Rune", "description": [ "The **checkrune** RPC command checks the validity/authorization rights of specified rune for the given nodeid, method, and params.", "", "If successful, the rune \"usage\" counter (used for ratelimiting) is incremented.", "", "See lightning-createrune(7) for the fields in the rune which are checked." ], "request": { "required": [ "rune" ], "properties": { "rune": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Rune to check for authorization." ] }, "nodeid": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Node id of requesting node *(required until v23.11)*." ] }, "method": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Method for which rune needs to be validated *(required until v23.11)*." ] }, "params": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "description": [ "Array of positional parameters." ] }, { "type": "object", "description": [ "Parameters for method." ] } ] } } }, "response": { "required": [ "valid" ], "properties": { "valid": { "type": "boolean", "description": [ "True if the rune is valid." ] } } }, "errors": [ "The following error codes may occur:", "", "- 1501 (RUNE_NOT_AUTHORIZED): rune is not for this node (or perhaps completely invalid)", "- 1502 (RUNE_NOT_PERMITTED): rune does not allow this usage (includes a detailed reason why)", "- 1503 (RUNE_BLACKLISTED): rune has been explicitly blacklisted." ], "author": [ "Shahana Farooqui <> is mainly responsible for consolidating logic from commando." ], "see_also": [ "lightning-createrune(7)", "lightning-blacklistrune(7)" ], "resources": [ "Main web site: " ], "examples": [ { "request": { "id": "example:checkrune#1", "method": "checkrune", "params": { "nodeid": "0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", "rune": "617Obfct0oRBj_uqGFQxDk3XZ1sDFiC2Q5ltm5z1i_k9NSZtZXRob2Q9aW52b2ljZSZwbmFtZWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uPUB0aXBqYXJcfGpiNTVAc2VuZHNhdHMubG9s", "method": "invoice", "params": { "amount_msat": "any", "label": "lbl", "description": [ "@tipjar|jb55@sendsats.lol." ] } } }, "response": { "valid": true } }, { "request": { "id": "example:checkrune#2", "method": "checkrune", "params": { "nodeid": "0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", "rune": "OSqc7ixY6F-gjcigBfxtzKUI54uzgFSA6YfBQoWGDV89MA==", "method": "listpeers", "params": {} } }, "response": { "valid": true } }, { "request": { "id": "example:checkrune#3", "method": "checkrune", "params": { "nodeid": "0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", "rune": "617Obfct0oRBj_uqGFQxDk3XZ1sDFiC2Q5ltm5z1i_k9NSZtZXRob2Q9aW52b2ljZSZwbmFtZWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uPUB0aXBqYXJcfGpiNTVAc2VuZHNhdHMubG9s", "method": "invoice", "params": { "amount_msat": "any", "label": "lbl", "description": "@tipjar|jb55@sendsats.lol" } } }, "response": { "valid": true } } ] }